MTL - Kunning-Chapter 49 the culprit

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Looking for Yan Lin?

An accident is imminent in Hou Yongyi's mansion, and he has already heard the news from Zhou Yinzhi, so it's too late to make preparations in secret, and he still doesn't know where it is, not to mention whether it is suitable for him to enter the palace now, it will take some time for him to come, God knows Did Shen Jie have already entered the palace to save Zheng Bao?

Then what's the matter with her?

But at the moment she has no status, she has never even met the queen, and she doesn't know many people in the palace now, and she can't even use more roundabout methods if she doesn't talk about saving people.

Standing behind the crowd, Jiang Xuening felt dizzy.

The people who stopped in front were also a little timid.

The little maid leading the way obviously didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

The road in front of me is the shortest way to the Compassion Palace.

Those of them who have served in the palace for a long time have seen this kind of situation where maids and eunuchs are punished. They usually walk past without looking, but with this large group of companions, everyone looks a little scared.

Still Xiao Shu frowned, and didn't want to get any bad luck when she just entered the palace, she just said to the maid: "Everyone has just entered the palace, so I don't dare to watch this kind of scene, let's go another way."

Only then did the palace maid breathe a sigh of relief: "Miss Xiao is right."

She stepped back, waved her hand, and led the way to the palace in another direction for everyone: "Please follow me and go this way."

Jiang Xuening had no expression on her face, but she was a little anxious in her heart, but she couldn't think of a way for a while. Therefore, although he felt that the opportunity would never come again, he had to follow in the footsteps of others and leave from another palace road.

When turning, she looked back.

Zheng Bao was still kneeling in front of the Kunning Palace, his back was straight, he didn't bend his body like the eunuchs who were used to bowing their heads in the palace, but his drooping delicate eyebrows and eyes were somewhat resolute, clearly Hearing someone coming, he didn't stop the movement of his hands for a moment, still gritted his teeth, and slapped himself in the face with slaps.

Because of the long detour on the way, everyone arrived at the gate of the Palace of Compassion and Ning later than originally thought. A senior nun at the gate of the palace was waiting outside. Seeing them, she asked, "Why are you here at this time?" Arriving? Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, has arrived first, and she is talking with the empress dowager inside."

The little maid trembled in fright.

Jiang Xuening's heart suddenly moved.

Xiao Shu took a look at the little palace maid, and said, "It's a detour when I pass Kunning Palace, so I'm late, so don't blame Madam Xu."

Mother Xu didn't blame the little maid.

If you do things in the palace, you can guess something by listening halfway. There must be a reason for the detour, and it was Xiao Shu who spoke. Of course, she would not ask any more questions. There was even a smile on her originally serious face. Come on, and said: "So that's the case, then please invite all the companions to come in. The eldest lady is also, but she hasn't been in the palace for a while, and the empress dowager heard that you were selected as a companion, and she talked about it several times."

After all, she was the nanny who was serving by the old witch's side. Maybe she grew up watching Xiao Shu, so she was naturally familiar with her and had a kind attitude.

Jiang Xuening sneered when she saw it.

Although she came here, Kexin actually still misses Zheng Bao, only thinking that the opportunity is in front of her, but she might miss it because she was going to greet the old witch, and she simply gave this aunt and nephew the account of new and old grudges. The two made a note.

Although the Compassionate Ning Palace was the dormitory of the empress dowagers of all dynasties, it has never been too extravagant, but it has changed when it comes to the empress dowager of this dynasty. Many good tributes from Fanbang and various prefectures were sent to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, saying that Shen Lang was filial, and all of them were given to Empress Dowager Xiao to enjoy.

So today's Compassionate Ning Palace looks very gorgeous.

Following Nanny Xu into the palace gate, Jiang Xuening saw the water lilies and koi carp raised in the carved vats, went up the steps, entered the main hall, carved beams and bricks up and down, left and right full of gold and jade, even the floor coverings were paid tribute from the Persian kingdom on the sea Come on a good blanket.

After returning to the palace, Shen Zhiyi changed into a light pink palace attire, and now she came to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and was snuggling up beside Empress Dowager Xiao to talk with her: "You didn't see, Mr. Xie is amazing..."

Empress Zheng sat beside her with some embarrassment.

Madam Xu stepped forward: "Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager, someone is here."

Shen Zhiyi, who was beaming with joy just now, stopped talking immediately and turned her head to look.

Headed by Xiao Shu, including Jiang Xuening, the eight companions who were selected into the palace did not dare to raise their heads to take a look easily after entering the palace. Ladies and gentlemen pay homage to the empress dowager, empress empress."

Everyone's etiquette was strictly taught by Su Shangyi, and they didn't dare to be sloppy when they met the two most important women in the harem for the first time, so they could hardly find any mistakes.

Generally speaking, after saluting, you will be called to stand up.

Unexpectedly, the smiling voice from above ignored the others at all, but directly said to Xiao Shu below: "Shu'er is here, hurry up and let my aunt have a look."

Everyone was startled.

Xiao Shu sighed inwardly, but she couldn't say anything, she got up and put on a smile, calling out: "Aunt."

She stepped forward.

Empress Dowager Xiao is forty-five or six years old this year. She has two sons and one daughter for the former emperor. The eldest son is the current emperor Shen Lang, the second son is the current Linzi King Shen Jie, and the youngest daughter is the eldest princess Shen Zhiyi of Leyang.

Women who live well in the palace are well maintained.

So she doesn't look very old. Although there are fine lines around her eyes, she also has the charm of an experienced woman. When the corner of her mouth is smiling, she seems to be able to see her youthful appearance. She only held Xiao Shu's hand and said: " Little heartless, I didn't know that I came to see my aunt when I entered the palace last time."

Xiao Shu said: "The last time I entered the palace was to select a companion for Zhiyi. If I came to visit my aunt at that time, I'm afraid I would be criticized and said that Ah Shu was able to stay in the palace because of her aunt. It doesn't matter if Ah Shu is slandered by others. It is Ah Shu's fault that others feel that my aunt is being selfish. Now that she has stayed in the palace to study with her, it will be convenient to visit her in the future, and she will make amends."

Empress Dowager Xiao asked her to sit beside her, looked her over carefully, and became more and more satisfied, and said: "I told your father that I wanted to keep you in the palace for a long time, but he insisted that this is not a rule. , so much trouble that Zhiyi doesn't even have a playmate of the same age, and she still has to find a companion outside the palace to read in, troublesome! After all this trouble, don't you still live in the palace? And that Yang Zhizhai lives, I didn't feel sorry for the comfort of the Compassionate Palace, it's really..."

The rest of the companions who were still kneeling in the hall lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads after hearing this.

Jiang Xuening knew the old hag very well, so she didn't know that she was saying that their companions didn't need to come in except Xiao Shu, and there was no way to compare with Xiao Shu?

It's just that she's not a queen now, and she can't beat her.

The aunt and nephew talked about their daily routines as if no one was there.

Shen Zhiyi looked at her mother, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Xuening, who was still kneeling below. She wanted to speak, but she knew her mother's temper well, and knew that she wanted to give these companions a warning, yes It's not good to speak.

Kneeling upright takes a lot of energy.

Jiang Xuening only maintained that position for a while, then felt her knee hurt, and scolded the old witch a thousand times in her heart.

Fortunately, Empress Zheng is kind-hearted. Seeing that the girls below were not very old, and her figure began to shake unsteadily, she hesitated for a while, then smiled, and pretended to be casual and said: "Miss Xiao is here, I finally saw my mother. I'm happier. But you are happy talking, these little girls are still kneeling below, and they are about to collapse."

Empress Dowager Xiao who was talking to Xiao Shu stopped.

Under her brows and eyes was a bit of the majesty of being in charge of the harem for many years. Hearing this, she glanced down, and her gaze fell back on Empress Zheng, and said with a half-smile: "You will be a good person."

Empress Zheng's complexion suddenly changed, and she got up to apologize.

Empress Dowager Xiao waved her hand at her, smiled, and said down: "The empress is the most kind hearted, she can't see anyone suffering, she has already spoken, and you are still kneeling, it seems that you are not kind. Get up."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

Everyone was a little startled when they heard this meaning, and after trembling and thanking the gift, they got up again and stood dignifiedly below.

Jiang Xuening took the opportunity to glance at Queen Zheng.

This is also a poor man.

After marrying Shen Lang, she hadn't been a queen for two years, not to mention that when she was a queen, she was suppressed by Queen Mother Xiao, and she didn't have the slightest dignity. After Shen Lang's death, Shen Jie succeeded to the throne. Empress Zheng, the wife of the emperor, was named the Supreme Empress and moved to Changning Palace. She had no children and no daughters, and lived alone.

Seeing Jiang Xuening standing up, Shen Zhiyi was a little relieved, and pouted coquettishly: "Mother, you are always so intimidating, they all want to play and study with me when they turn around, and none of them are courageous, you scare them out When I get sick, who will play with me?"

Empress Dowager Xiao was helpless: "I forgot to tell them to get up for a while, how could it be scary?"

Shen Zhiyi snorted softly: "Don't I know the queen mother?"

Empress Dowager Xiao laughed, as if she suddenly remembered something, cast her eyes down again, and said, "I remember Su Shangyi said that there is a new companion who is very fond of you, is it Jiang Xuening? Stand up and let me know." Aijia has a look."

When Jiang Xuening heard the first half of the sentence, her heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, her name was really called later on. Although ten thousand people didn't want to be exposed in front of the old witch, she still had to stand up, with a docile appearance, and saluted again: "My daughter Jiang Xuening, I have met the Queen Mother."

Empress Dowager Xiao looked at her.

Just looking at it, she frowned and said, "Yanye is too much, too frivolous, not dignified enough."


There is only one thought in Jiang Xuening's mind right now: Xie Wei hasten to rebel, chop up this old hag and throw it to the dogs!

Bengong was born so good-looking.

Is it okay to eat your rice?

I just thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it.

Life matters.

She also knows Empress Dowager Xiao's temperament, and she must not argue with her, otherwise she will have good fruit in the future, so she endured the anger for a while, lowered her eyebrows and said: "My daughter's fate was doomed when she was young, so my parents sent my minister to you." The daughter was sent to a farm to be raised in poverty, and she was brought back to the capital four years ago. She was so shallow, ignorant of etiquette, and frivolous in her manners. Seeing the empress dowager today, I was terrified and at a loss. I will strictly restrain myself in the future. Her Royal Highness will accompany you in reading, and you will not dare to slack off in the slightest."

Empress Dowager Xiao was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her to say these words, she was a little surprised: "You look frivolous, but you speak very calmly."

Just looking at such a gorgeous appearance, I always feel uncomfortable.

She waved her hand casually, and said jokingly: "Forget it, stand back. I heard that you are still the person in the heart of the little prince in Yongyi Hou's mansion. The young and old in that family will not like the Ai family. You have to talk about it."

The Yan family of Yongyi Hou's Mansion and the Xiao family of Dingguo Duke's Mansion were married more than 20 years ago, but now they seem to have no contact with each other, and even have some mutual hatred.

Everyone has heard the rumors, but they don't know the reason.

But I didn't expect to hear it clearly from Empress Dowager Xiao today, and I was a little shocked for a while.

Jiang Xuening was in the vortex, but she smelled something ominous.

First, Xiao Shu talked about Yan Lin giving her Qin in public, and now Empress Dowager Xiao jokingly talked about the relationship between Xiao Shi and Yan Shi, as if she no longer paid attention to the Yongyihou Mansion.

She stepped back silently and stood still.

At this time, there was a rumor from the palace outside, saying that Eunuch Liu from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had come.

Empress Dowager Xiao called someone to come in as soon as she raised her hand, and asked, "What's the matter?"

That Eunuch Liu was born with a fat head and big ears, and he looked very flattering and flattering. When he came in to salute, his waist almost bent to the ground, he only held the brocade box in his hand above his head, and said in a thin voice: "The Empress Dowager said to break it. I got the jade Ruyi, the Holy Majesty heard today, doesn’t he miss you? I specially ordered my slave to find the jade Ruyi that Qinghai paid tribute to last year and send it to you.”

Yu Ruyi, a tribute from Qinghai?


Jiang Xuening's eyelids suddenly twitched, and she cried out in her heart: This happened to her? !

"The emperor is still so filial, I'll take a look at the things you present."

Empress Dowager Xiao's brows and eyes stretched a little, and she only raised her hand forward.

Eunuch Liu immediately bowed forward, and Baba delivered Yu Ruyi to Empress Dowager Xiao.

Jade Ruyi is made of red jade, the whole body is red, but Ruyi's head is white, which happens to be carved into an auspicious cloud pattern, which can be regarded as unique, rare and precious.

Empress Dowager Xiao liked it very much when she got it in her hand.

It's just that she just said "Yes", when she turned the jade ruyi handle over to look at it, her expression suddenly froze. Get livid!

Because there are two lines of seal characters engraved on the back——

Three hundred righteous children, why did they die tragically?

Emperor Yong has no virtue, dare to call himself the Son of Heaven!


Empress Dowager Xiao was furious.

Others didn't know what happened, she had already smashed the jade ruyi and smashed it to pieces!

The shattered ruby ​​landed at Jiang Xuening's feet, she didn't dare to move, her scalp was numb—

That's the thing.

It opened the culprit of the disaster of the Yongyi Hou Mansion...