MTL - Kunning-Chapter 153 titmouse behind

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On the long table carved with lacquer is a pen mountain made of Ru kiln white porcelain. A small tube of brush is lightly resting on the left side of the pen mountain. I haven't moved for a long time. The ink in the side inkstone has also dried up long ago.

The person from Ren's Saltworks who came to report the situation stood outside the curtain.

Jiang Xuening was sitting by the desk, her deep and quiet eyes, together with the gradually dimming sky outside the window, fell on the two thin sheets of letter paper in front of her, listening to the voice of the person outside, she was a little lost in thought.

"It was fine half a month ago, just waiting for the first batch of salt to come out, and even found a buyer. But I didn't expect that this kind of thing happened at the smoothest time, and the whole salt field was already on fire. Shu Zhong Most of the salt wells were originally fire wells, and the gas was used to burn the salt. This time, the flames in the salt wells were accidentally ignited, and the ground fire burned. Burn it all down...

"The head of the family knew that the matter was serious, so he sent someone to Beijing to communicate first.

"The letter was written by the head of the family himself. He specifically asked the younger one to tell the girl that Madam's fingers were slightly burned. Although it was not serious, she could not write the letter in person, so the head of the family wrote it for her. Please don't worry too much."

The handwriting on the letter paper, compared to the letters written by You Fangyin in the past, is indeed smooth and beautiful in the style of pavilions. One can tell at a glance that it was written by Ren Weizhi himself.

The letter roughly explained the current situation of the saltworks.

It's just that the extent of the fire in the saltworks and the losses suffered somewhat exceeded Jiang Xuening's expectations: in her last life, she heard that Zhuo Tongjing was first built, and it caught fire due to improper precautions, which ignited the flames and caused a ground fire. Since You Fangyin was married in this life, she didn't worry about Ren Weizhi and what happened to the salt field, and she also reminded You Fangyin to be more careful and take precautions. I thought that even if the fire could not be completely avoided, it should be able to prevent problems before they happen and minimize losses as much as possible. Unexpectedly, instead of avoiding it, it was even worse than the previous life!

Tang'er and Lian'er were waiting outside.

In the evening, the courtyard has afterglow and evening photos.

Jiang Xuening glanced out of the window, raised her hand to lightly press the center of her eyebrows, and only asked: "In the middle of Sichuan, the air is used to cook salt, and the prevention of ground fires has always been the top priority. It shouldn't be taken lightly. How did it catch fire, and how did it develop to this point?"

The person standing outside the curtain suddenly hesitated.

Jiang Xuening saw that things didn't seem that simple, so she asked, "Is it a man-made disaster?"

The man raised his head, and said with a bit of injustice and anger in his voice, "It's a man-made disaster! Miss Jiang Er is far away in the capital, and the Patriarch and Madam didn't want you to worry too much about the saltworks, so I specifically told you You don’t need to talk about the saltworks, they have their own solution. But I can’t swallow the small breath in my heart. You don’t know, the Qingyuan uncle’s mansion sent a man from the capital all the way to take care of his wife. But when it comes to the saltworks, it’s domineering.”

It turned out that more than half a month ago, an unexpected visitor came to Ren's Saltworks.

This person is holding the waist card of Qingyuan uncle's mansion, claiming to be the uncle who is worried about You Fangyin's marriage, so he came to see the situation. If there is any entertainment for the government, he can be sent there.

But that's just putting words on the line.

On the first day of this person's stay, he was served with good wine, good food and good room. Naturally, central Sichuan is not as prosperous as the capital, and the Ren's Salt Farm is in trouble, how can he be satisfied?

So within three days, he became furious at Convenience, and even pointed at You Fangyin's nose and scolded the bastard.

What kind of easy-going temper does You Fangyin have?

After marrying in Sichuan, her colleagues respected each other like a guest, raised their eyebrows; the money that should be given to the long-term worker was not a lot; no matter how high or low he was, he always treated everyone with a smile on his face and was gentle and gentle.

With such a good young mistress, who wouldn't praise her?

Up and down, everyone loves her.

The steward from the capital, relying on being from the family of the young lady's mother, relying on the fact that behind him is the Qingyuan uncle's mansion, a servant who is a servant wants to step on the master's head!

They beat and scolded the servants who served and the long-term workers of the saltworks frequently.

He also went in and out of the salt field from time to time, pointing fingers at things he didn't understand, even if others stopped to take a breather and drink, he would be scolded as lazy.

Within a few days, everyone in the saltworks hated this man beyond belief.

Speaking of this, the person who came to report the situation from the middle of Sichuan, the hatred in his voice reached the extreme: "That day, an old long-term worker in the saltworks was evacuating his breath to cook salt, and he accidentally blocked his way, and he didn't drink alcohol. Hearing the explanation from others, he insisted on grabbing the old long worker and wanted to beat him. The others saw that he was not happy, so they came up to try to persuade him to fight. Unexpectedly, he had a worse fit, so he picked up the bamboo pole next to him and beat others together. Once the beating went wrong, The bamboo tube that bleeds the air is broken. Zhuo Tongjing is made of bamboo, and with the smoldering gas from the ground, it will burn when it touches the fire. Many brothers were injured trying to save others. This old **** was scared when he had an accident Hide out, and step on others as backs!"

The Qingyuan uncle's mansion actually sent people to Shuzhong?

Jiang Xuening was really taken aback and frowned.

As soon as he thought about it, he figured out the reason in a moment, and his face gradually sank.

In the beginning, You Fangyin married and went to Shuzhong, but the uncle's house didn't care about it.

But as the price of the silver shares of Ren's Salt Works rose, You Yue held a lot of silver shares in her hands, and the inside of the Bo manor was even a hollowed-out shabby household, so naturally everyone would be interested in the salt works. Sending people there in the name of taking care of You Fangyin, but actually monitoring, meddling, and encroaching on them, the intention is probably not small.

It's just that if you go there with such bad intentions, you can't do anything good.

The fire in the saltworks was also expected.

Even if there is no accident this time, it may not be spared in the future!

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants.

Looking at You Yue's shocked face in front of the palace gate today, as if the sky is falling, probably she would never have imagined that this encounter was her own cocoon, right?

Jiang Xuening's dislike for this family was even deeper.

She tapped lightly on the table and asked, "How about the others?"

The man said: "Back to the second girl Jiang, because the salt field is open and quick to see the opportunity, no one lost their lives. It's just that some long-term workers cook salt for a lifetime, and they don't want to see those snowflake salts destroyed in the fire. They desperately want to save them." Some were injured, some were injured, but none of them were serious. Doctors should be invited to treat them right now, and the young mistress even used her own money to get medicine. Except for the disappearance of the salt field, everything is fine. "

Jiang Xuening nodded: "That's good."

Before You Fangyin "married" Ren Weizhi and went to Sichuan, she had already explained how to deal with accidents, and both You Fangyin and Ren Weizhi would adopt them.

The next thing is very simple for her.

Jiang Xuening raised her eyes to look outside the curtain, and said, "Master Ren sent you just in time, I'm short of someone here to handle business."

The news of the accident at the Ren's Saltworks was like a fire that burned through the wrapped paper in the blink of an eye.

Shuxiang Inn almost exploded.

The number of customers in the store has not decreased but increased, and everyone wants to know how the Ren's Salt Farm will end up with such a large stall before.

In Uncle Qingyuan's mansion, You Yue was so anxious that blisters formed on her lips, she looked out the door from time to time.

Sitting behind the desk in the study, Uncle Qingyuan was furious when he saw her like this. A few days ago, he was kind to You Yue, but now his face changed, and his voice was sharp and severe: "Morning I said that none of these businessmen are reliable, but you have to show your ability and spend money to buy silver stocks of Laoshizi! This is good, the salt field is burned! How much money you have is gone! Taking advantage of the news just now Come out, the price of the silver stocks has not fallen too much, sell them all quickly! How much can the original silver be recovered!"

You Yue was already angry, but when she heard this, her face was distorted a bit.

It was rare for her not to follow her past dignity.

When he turned back to look at his father, he sneered fiercely: "Father really can't stand up when he talks now! Didn't you just ask me how much I rose a few days ago? Now that something happened, it seems that I once Like a prophet, come and scold me!"

Uncle Qingyuan is a wimp, but he has always been the most arrogant in his own family, how can he hear such sharp irony from her?

A fire also sprang from the heart.

He wanted to teach this rebellious girl a lesson, pointing at her nose and yelling: "It's reversed! The mansion is supporting you! What do you say about your private house and your own money? That's not what the mansion gave your?!"

Mrs. Uncle didn't know anything about business, she only knew that if something happened to the saltworks, the price of the silver stock would definitely fall, and the business in her daughter's hand would be a loss. Although she was also worried, You Yue was her own daughter after all.

Seeing that Uncle Qingyuan was about to start a fuss, she raised her sleeves, wiped her tears and stepped forward to hold him back, crying.

While crying, he said: "Uncle, Yue'er is going to choose the princess, she can't be beaten! After all, she is your own daughter. Hasn't the price of silver stocks dropped to the bottom yet? Just sell the silver stocks."

After talking, he turned his head to persuade You Yue: "Don't make any trouble at this juncture. If people in the capital see the joke, where will I put the face of my uncle's house? Since you like His Royal Highness Linzi, then It's not good to let him know. Daughter, take a step back and let it go. It's still profitable to sell it at this time. "

Where is You Yue willing to listen?

She simply felt that her parents were so stupid: "Sell to make money? At this time, the news has already spread. Do you think those in the capital are good people? Who would buy this kind of money that is destined to not be able to get back when something happened to the saltworks?" Silver stocks? If you’re willing to sell, I’m afraid no one will buy them! In this case, why not take a gamble? An accident happened in the salt field, isn’t Ren and the little **** still dead? If you have some money, you may not be able to make a comeback!”

She stared intently, even revealing a bit of frightening hostility.

Everyone was stunned.

After Mrs. Uncle was stunned for a moment, she cried even more heartbroken. Uncle was burned out of his mind by the anger. He picked up the cane not far from the side and rushed towards You Yue, cursing: "Ni Nu, Rebellious girl!"

Seeing Uncle Qingyuan's seizures to such a ferocious level, You Yue felt a little scared in her heart.

It's just that she was unwilling to accept the failure of what she did anyway. She let out a breath in her throat, raised her head, straightened her back, and said resolutely: "The profit is mine, and the loss is also mine." , what has it to do with you? I will naturally sell it when it is time to sell it!"

She flicked her sleeves and walked out of the house.

Not long after, she heard the sound of broken bottles and cans in the study behind, but she didn't stop, but walked directly back to her room. It wasn't until she entered and closed the door that there was no one else around, that she trembled unceasingly, and the blood on her face also disappeared, revealing a pale paleness.

"How could it be, how could it be..."

You Yue covered her face, and gradually slid down, finally showing a bit of panic behind the crowd.

The days that followed were painful and tormenting.

Obviously, there are not many days until Linzi Wang chooses a concubine, but she does not think about eating and drinking, and tosses and turns because of the silver shares of Ren's Saltworks. Originally, the face that had been so hard to raise in the past few days was visibly haggard to the naked eye, and a layer of black and blue had accumulated under the eye circles, which could not be concealed even with the best powder. The whole person even became a little distracted, and would stand up at any movement, asking if there was news from the saltworks.

But the news from the Shuxiang Inn has not changed.

That is, the fire in the saltworks was serious, and it was almost completely burned, but Ren Weizhi and You Fangyin were fine, and they will start rebuilding the saltworks.

How convincing is such news alone?

There are so many people doing business in the world, and those who fall down and cannot get up are everywhere.

Most people are not optimistic about it.

On the day when the news of the fire in the saltworks came out, some people hurriedly wanted to sell the silver stocks they had bought. However, the news spread too widely, everyone knew that something had happened, and few were willing to spend money to take over the situation as a loss.

Therefore, although silver stocks were listed, no one was willing to buy them.

The price is going down day by day.

At first it was 1600 Wen, then 1500 Wen, 1400 Wen.

On the fourth day, it even plummeted by five hundred coins!

Because on this day, the boss of Youhuangguan Lu, who holds the most silver shares in the capital, did not bear the excitement of the accident in the salt field. Stop loss for yourself.

When the news reached Jiang Xuening, she was sitting in front of the chessboard making notes, and the black and white two sons had already laid out half of the chessboard, but she raised her head with a strange gaze when she heard the news.

It took a long time to laugh.

There was a hint of cunning in the dark eyes, she tapped her chin lightly with the chess piece and said: "Back then, I took advantage of the fire to buy my stocks at a low price, how calm was I as a profiteer! It's..."

Standing outside was the person who reported the news from the saltworks some time ago, named Liu Yang, who had been staying in the capital for several days, but he couldn't see through the thoughts of the second girl Jiang.

He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you want to take this opportunity to buy?"

Jiang Xuening put the chess piece back on the chessboard, raised her eyebrows to look at him, and said, "Why are you panicking? It's still a high price of 900 Wen, and it won't be too late to wait for it to fall for another two days."

not to mention…

She looked at the chessboard and thought: This is the first time I encountered such a situation, and even Lu Xian couldn't stand still, why is it that stupid people like You Yue don't move at all and don't panic at all?

Still a desperate gambler?

Recently, Xiao Dingfei's money is like running water.

Seeing that the critical moment is approaching.

Jiang Xuening calculated the situation of the Qingyuan uncle's mansion, and suddenly had a plan, and said to Liu Yang outside: "The people in the Qingyuan uncle's mansion haven't seen you, have they?"