MTL - Kunning-Chapter 145 make trouble

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In the flower hall, Jiang Xuening was sitting on the left side, looking up at the person sitting on the right side of her, she couldn't help but wonder: she looks like a tall, thin and tall person, but why is the gall in her stomach so fat?

She thought that the other party would come to find her, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

It's only been two days.

Xiao Dingfei didn't bring the butler who was in the way in at all, took a sip of tea, squinted his eyes as if enjoying himself, and said with a smile: "Didn't the second girl say to cover me?"

Jiang Xuening sneered: "You remember clearly."

Holding the teacup in both hands, Xiao Dingfei sighed: "The second girl doesn't know that I have no relatives in Beijing, and I offended my cheap father this morning in the Golden Luan Hall."

Jiang Xuening is very face-saving: "Oh?"

So Xiao Dingfei recounted the situation of the court meeting in the morning, but he didn't show any remorse at all. Instead, he was dancing, and he was a little proud of his words, as if he wanted to do something great.

Jiang Xuening knew that this was a bad idea at all.

In the previous life, Xiao Dingfei was very close to herself. The reason is that she was in a hostile relationship with Xiao Shu and Xiao Shi at that time, and they were fighting fiercely. An enemy's enemy is a friend; The face is a womanizer, but she also likes to tease people, isn't the smell colliding with each other?

She also likes Xiao Dingfei.

There is no way, a good knife can often stab the Xiao family to jump their feet, but there is nothing they can do about her. Even Xiao Shu, who is so high above and does not change her face, is often so angry that she drinks medicine to reduce her fire.

As for this world...

Jiang Xuening looked at the attitude of the other party's eyes on her face when she said everything, and she believed that the point of "looking at the face" had not changed, but the other reason was probably because of her relationship with the Yongyi Houfu?

The residence of Yongyihou is Xiao Dingfei's family, and Yan Lin is his cousin.

Who in the capital doesn't know that she has a good relationship with Yan Lin?

Thinking of Yan Lin, Jiang Xuening's mood fell a bit. When she came back to her senses, she could only hear the person in front of her talking more and more exaggerated. Any emperor was almost grateful to him. Xiao Yuan was so angry that he stamped his feet and cried...

The cow is going to fly to the sky!

She suddenly felt a headache and had to interrupt in time: "My lord, I already know. So how do you want me to cover you?"

Xiao Dingfei was so excited that he wished that even that Xie would kneel down to him, and he felt a little unhappy when he was suddenly interrupted. But when he raised his eyes, he saw that the girl's lips were red and her teeth were white, she was as bright as the sun rising into the morning glow, and as bright as the green waves of a flower, her thin and smoky eyebrows were gently drawn into people's hearts, and she felt that she was connected to the tip of her heart. My son is numb, and my whole body is comfortable. Where do I remember any discomfort?

He approached her as if to please her: "It's nothing, I want to ask for advice."

Jiang Xuening raised her eyebrows: "Ask for advice?"

Xiao Dingfei snapped his fingers: "Look, I have a cheap father, a cheap sister, a cheap brother, and a cheap stepmother. Well, when someone like me comes back, they will definitely be unhappy and want to **** me. I heard that you were also a well-known devil king in the middle of the capital. When you came back, you made your family restless. I originally wanted to learn from you. But after thinking about it, the Xiao family is much better than the Jiang family, right? Tell me, I Do you want to be a coward for a while, save your life first, and step on the ground before dealing with them?"

Jiang Xuening: "..."

How did she become the "Devil King of Confusion"?

Xiao Dingfei blinked: "Why, what's wrong?"

Jiang Xuening smiled: "No, no. I was just thinking, if you want to be a coward, it's useless, right?"

Xiao Dingfei was puzzled: "Is there a speaker?"

Jiang Xuening put on the posture of someone who came here, and said slowly: "There is a lot of knowledge here. You know, people are always picking on soft persimmons. If you show weakness at the beginning, everyone thinks that you are easy to bully. You will not want to live in peace in the future. Who wants to step on you. Think about what kind of life you spent in Tianjiao in the past. Now that you have returned to the capital and returned to your own home, is it even more aggrieved than when you were in Tianjiao? ? Then what are you doing back here? Besides, you have offended them, so what's the use of shrinking back?"

Xiao Dingfei nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Looking at him like this, Jiang Xuening couldn't believe that he couldn't think of this level.

But isn't it just pretending to be with people?

She smiled and said, "Mr. Dingfei is in this world, what aspirations do you have?"

Xiao Dingfei blurted out without thinking: "Eat the best, drink the hottest, sleep the most beautiful, live a happy life, no one wants me to go back to live a hard life!"


The answer is exactly the same as the previous life.

Jiang Xuening was relieved, and with a very kind smile, said: "Then do you know who hindered you from living a good life?"

Xiao Dingfei thought to himself, "Who the **** could it be except that idiot named Xie?" But think about it again, he wouldn't be where he is today without Xie Wei.

It's just that you can't say this to Jiang Xuening.

He listened attentively: "Who is it?"

Jiang Xuening fooled him: "It's Mrs. Xiao."

Xiao Dingfei became serious: "How do you say it?"

Jiang Xuening was persuasive and persuasive: "Do you know the Yongyihou's Mansion?"

Xiao Dingfei said: "I know, my family has collapsed."

Yes, it's all down.

Jiang Xuening slightly rolled her eyes, remembering that on the day of Yan Lin's birthday, the Xiao siblings both appeared at the banquet, what they said and did, and even Xiao Yuan's arrogance afterwards.

There was a little more coldness between his eyebrows.

It's just that she didn't reveal it, and she smiled again in the blink of an eye, and continued: "I feel pity for the prince. I left the capital for twenty years, but was occupied by people. Xiao Ye, who was born as a descendant, regarded himself as the prince , the position has not yet come down, and they are domineering in Beijing. The two siblings are very arrogant, occupying your name, your position, spending your money, enjoying your happiness! This tone I can't bear it even thinking about it. If the Hou Mansion is still there, Mrs. Yan will stand behind you and support you if she didn't die because of depression. Where would it be for the Duke of the State to reprimand you in the Golden Palace? If it hadn't been for Yan If Madam marries him, I'm afraid he won't be able to get the position of Duke of this country. A bunch of villains who will repay kindness and revenge! My son, you are a dignified man, shouldn't you be weak in front of such a bunch of beasts?"

Xiao Dingfei was thoughtful: "It shouldn't be."

Jiang Xuening stared at him, knowing that this is a bad guy, I'm afraid I didn't make a good idea when I came to find myself today, but I don't mind taking advantage of each other, so I said slowly: "You are new to the capital, if you don't know what to do , how about I teach you?"

Xiao Dingfei finally smiled brightly: "Second Miss is really kind to me."

For a long time, this is what he wanted!

He didn't dare to make trouble by himself, God knows that that Xie would have to use his own knife? But if he "learned" tricks from Jiang Xuening, the Xie wouldn't be able to blame him, right? What's more, he followed Jiang Xuening's words and thought about it. Although Xie had never told him what to do when he came to the Xiao family, but if he really became a coward, Xie would not say anything, but he would be sneering in his heart.

Immediately, Jiang Xuening raised her voice and told the guards outside to get away, and after they left, she called Xiao Dingfei to come over and chattered for half an hour.

Xiao Dingfei nodded frequently.

When he finally said goodbye, he looked at Jiang Xuening and the bodhisattvas in the temple with a smile on his face. He cupped his hands and said, "The emperor has rewarded me with many things. I'm afraid I should give them away. I'll ask someone to carry them here someday to honor the second girl."

Looking at him, Jiang Xuening also felt in a good mood, said some polite words, and watched him go out of the hall.

The carriage of the Duke's Mansion has been waiting outside for an unknown amount of time.

The butler and the coachman's faces were ashen, they shivered in the cold night with their necks shrunk. Seeing Xiao Dingfei coming out of Jiang's mansion briskly, they almost gritted their steel teeth with hatred!

Xiao Dingfei can ignore it.

After taking his farewell from Jiang Xuening, he acted as arrogantly as if he had won a gold medal for avoiding death, with his nostrils up in the sky, without looking at anyone, he jumped into the carriage and said, "What the **** are you doing in a daze? Young master, go back to the house and have a look."

The housekeeper almost fainted.

But after all, he got some qualifications and status in a place like the Duke's Mansion, so he could bear it, and thought that someone like Xiao Dingfei would definitely not be a great weapon, and he would tell his wife when he went back. reward.

So he kept the fire under control all the way, just waiting to go back to the mansion to watch the father-in-law and his wife deal with this madman.

Duke Dingguo's mansion is a wealthy family in Beijing, the mansion occupies half of the street, and the two stone lions outside the vermilion gate with door nails look very mighty.

At this moment, the door of the mansion is wide open, but the carriage is going to the side door.

Xiao Dingfei saw it as soon as he got out of the car, raised his eyebrows, and ignored the steward's guidance, and walked towards the gate.

The housekeeper was startled, and stopped in front of Xiao Dingfei: "My lord, this gate is not for you."

Xiao Dingfei is not a good-tempered master.

He is a savage, and with a sneer, he kicked this eccentric old thing with one kick: "Mother, you! Your young master, I am the son of the emperor himself twenty years ago. With a cry, I will chop off your head and take you to the palace! Let's see who will give you justice!"

The housekeeper picked him up all the way back, although he felt that he didn't like to talk to people, but he didn't feel that he was so arrogant. How could he expect that he would change his face as soon as he got out of the car and kick him directly?

As soon as the knee hurt, the person was kicked and rolled out.

Like a gourd, the dust on the ground covered his body, and his head hit the steps in front of the main entrance, causing him to scream in pain.

However, Xiao Dingfei didn't even look at it. There are many more miserable and cruel things in the Tianjiao. This is not even a fart. Stepped up the steps.

The guards guarding the gate have been stunned for a long time, who dares to stop him?

Just buried his head and watched him walk in.

At this moment, the **** who delivered the reward from the palace had just left, the Xiao family and others were all in the hall, and the food on the table was almost cold.

Xiao Yuan's face was extremely ugly.

Xiao Ye broke a leg in Tongzhou, and now he is sitting beside him with the injury.

The Duke's wife, Mrs. Lu, is a few years younger than Xiao Yuan, and now she still looks charming and well maintained, but the eyebrows that are gathered are inevitably a bit gloomy.

Xiao Shu also left the palace on purpose today.

When she heard the news of Xiao Dingfei's return to Beijing, the queen mother had already passed out, and the doctor said that she was too emotional. The Compassion Ning Palace said to the outside world that the Empress Dowager fainted from joy when she saw Xiao's flesh and blood come back.

But Xiao Shu knew that this was not the case at all.

For the entire Xiao family, and even for the royal family, the four words "Ding Fei Shizi" are like a curse. When cast down, it can arouse the deepest fear in people's hearts, making people startled and angry. Afraid.

Ever since Xiao Dingfei kicked the butler and walked in through the gate, someone ran in front to pass the pass.

Xiao Yuan sneered when he heard it.

He was determined to give this unfilial son a blow so that he could be punished, so he deliberately put on airs, saw people coming in from a distance, sat in his seat without moving, and said: "I still know how to come back!"

Xiao Dingfei walked all the way from the gate to this place, only to feel that the Xiao family's mansion is really too big, the rockery pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, it can be called magnificent, too extravagant!

Thinking that this will be my own in the future, I am really happy.

Therefore, when he stepped into the door, he also had a sincere smile on his face: "Oh, are you waiting for this son? It would be great if you were sensible. This son is also thinking about just coming back, and I want to give you an immediate Let’s set up the rules, right now I’m saving my son from looking for you one by one.”

What? !

Xiao Yuan's eyes almost popped out, he was caught off guard and didn't even think of what to say.

Xiao Ye can be said to be the person with the most unjust tone in his heart.

In the past, who in the capital would not respect him as the future son of Ding Guogong? His father and mother also kept telling him that after he was crowned, he could justifiably ask the Holy Majesty for him to be crowned the son of the world.

But Cheng Yaojin came out halfway!

Now he actually told him that his elder brother, who had saved the emperor and was made the son of the former emperor, was not dead!

When he saw Xiao Dingfei, his eyes were almost red, and he scolded: "You are the only one who dares to set the rules? Father is still there! Don't you salute to father first?"

Only then did Xiao Dingfei notice that there was someone beside him.

He turned his head involuntarily, looked left and right.

He didn't feel much about the other party's reprimand. After all, being a beggar was beaten and scolded when he was a child, and he was not a character who would be irritated by just a few words.

Just take a look, I think this little boy looks too bad. Although the eyes and eyebrows are good-looking, they look mean and vicious when put together, with a petty air. Even though he never wanted to admit that his surname was Xie, he was tall and handsome, but when he looked at Xiao Ye, he really couldn't match Xie Wei.

Xiao Dingfei couldn't help but shook his head, sighed, and said, "Come here."

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what this person meant.

Xiao Shu looked at this man's demeanor, and for some reason, remembered Jiang Xuening's confident, arrogant and defiant posture when she blatantly framed You Yue in the palace, and frowned subtly.

Seeing that he couldn't come, Xiao Dingfei thought that this kid wasn't easy to deceive, so he walked over and stepped on the jade plate full of delicacies in front of him very naturally, and picked up a dish with his left hand. He took a bite of the chicken leg and said with a smile, "Why are you so nervous?"

Xiao Ye was sitting, but he stepped on his desk.

This is like an insult!

When I arrived at Xiao Ye since I was a child, where did I get such a birdy attitude? I sneered and wanted to humiliate him when I opened my mouth: "It really is an inferior person's posture that I learned in the den of snakes and thieves—"

But he hadn't even finished speaking!

There was only a crisp sound of "pop" in the bright hall!

Xiao Dingfei raised his right hand and slapped him mercilessly, so hard that his head was turned away, and he almost staggered and fell to the ground next to him!


"what you do?!"

Two panicked shouts sounded almost at the same time, it was Xiao Yuan and Lu Shi who never expected him to attack Xiao Ye suddenly, finally they couldn't sit still, stood up suddenly, and glared at him!

Xiao Shu was not much better either.

Has she ever seen such a fool?

That slap was so cruel that half of Xiao Ye's face was swollen up, it was shocking to watch!

Her eyelids jumped up, and she said coldly: "Brother Dingfei just came home, so he can't tolerate brothers and sisters like this. If it spreads out, he might ruin his virtue?"

Xiao Yuan walked towards Xiao Dingfei with a sullen face.

Xiao Dingfei glanced at him, and looked back to see Xiao Ye, who had been slapped by him just now, finally sat up straight again, opened his mouth as if about to say something to him, let out a low laugh from his throat, and slapped him again with his backhand past!

Xiao Yuan and others in the hall couldn't believe what they saw.

The servants serving outside the hall were all even more frightened!

Xiao Dingfei picked up Xiao Ye who was about to pass out and collapsed, and turned his head to Xiao Yuan with a half-smile and said, "I advise you to calm down, you must know that I am an important person brought back by Master Xie on this trip. You're still counting on me to give you news. If you dare to do something to me, I'll turn you two 'stupids' into 'students'!"

Xiao Yuan only felt a burst of qi and blood in his head. He was old, how had he ever been so strongly stimulated?

Raising his hand to cover his chest, his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't stand still.

His body shook for a while, and he almost fell to the ground.

Lu Shi was frightened and terrified, she burst into tears, rushed up to support Xiao Yuan, and cried, "Master, what's wrong with you, Master!"

Xiao Yuan managed to catch his breath, and said tremblingly, "You, what do you want to do!"

Xiao Dingfei just felt that this family was used to living a peaceful life, and this little tossing was too much to bear. It was too f*cking disappointing, so he shook his head and sighed, and said coldly: "I don't want to do anything. It's just that, you **** are having a better time, old man It's not going to be a good day."

It's really not that I want to fight against you.

He thought to himself, your good days will come to an end today, if you don't kill your father, it won't be easy to do business!

Xiao Shu is a rare smart person, she has imagined Xiao Dingfei's situation after returning to the Xiao family countless times in her mind, but none of them can match the scene in front of her.

Anyone who does not play cards according to common sense finds it difficult to meet.

It's just that she was quite calm, she quietly clenched her fingers, forced herself not to get angry, put on a smile and said: "My lord respects my elder brother, the position of the son is always the elder brother's, and the Japanese government is also the elder brother's. We are the same family, and we are all prosperous." If everything is damaged, there is really no need for elder brother to be so afraid of me and younger brother..."

"You stinky **** dare to call 'brother' again, and I will keep you from dying without knowing how to die." Xiao Dingfei felt all kinds of hypocrisy after hearing the word "brother". Good-looking face, but from the strands of hair to the corners of the clothes, there is no place that is not revealing annoying fakes. Just looking at it makes me feel unappetizing, so I couldn't help muttering softly, "Damn it looks like this. Please take off your clothes." Lao Tzu goes to Lao Tzu and neither does Lao Tzu."

Although it was a muttering, the voice was not small.

Xiao Shu reads poetry and etiquette, but she has never heard such foul language before, her complexion changed drastically in an instant!