MTL - Korean Entertainment Kpopstar-v2 Chapter 699 Love in the whole city (middle)

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The reporter from D agency opened his mind and said out of a whim, ‘the three of them are in love! ' Yes, after the idea came out, Junsu's news from ancient times to the present was all connected. In the past, the news was like a hand bead. What was missing was this line. Now the 'line' has been found. The connection of this 'line' has made all the news clear.

However, if this 'line' is judged by common sense, it is a bit unsustainable. So the reporter became very entangled and distressed. In this way, he sat in the office for a whole night, until the sky outside gradually turned white, he still did not find the key 'point' to convince himself and the public . At this time, he intends to write the news to death and write some content that Junxiu cannot refute, so he must find a reasonable reason that can withstand scrutiny and refutation! !

Now he just found the 'line', although that line connects all the news perfectly. But this "line" is not very strong. He can come up with countless reasons to refute it. How can he use news to persuade others? And you must know that Junsu, Taeyeon, and Yui Aragaki got together for dinner at the same time last night. The 'three in love' wouldn't be the big wife and the little wife, right? This is not the Korean era.

You must know that in this day and age, although some rich bosses have small ones outside, it is absolutely impossible for "big and small" to appear on the same occasion at the same time, which is even more unreasonable. And in the evening, the reporter in front of Junxiu's house also sent back a message. Last night, all of them lived in Junxiu's house, including Shungui and Pani.

This made the reporter even more confused. If it was the Joseon era, the big and the small lived together as a family, which was a normal phenomenon. In today's society, the 'big' can never agree to the 'small' to stay in the home, absolutely!

So even though the reporters connected the news, they felt that the 'love of three people' was a bit unreasonable. Who is big and who is small? Or is it the same size? If they were the same size, what method did Junsu use to persuade them? The reporter was confused.. He just raised his head and fell asleep in his chair. He didn't know how long he slept, and the staff who went to work came one after another..

A fellow at the same time saw the reporter sleeping with his head up, and he kindly patted him on the shoulder to wake him up, lest he lose his head like this.

At the same time, he patted his shoulder and woke up the reporter: "You have been in the office yesterday? How do you use it? The problem of Yui Aragaki will be figured out sooner or later. My personal opinion: Yui Aragaki's arrival may be possible. It's Junsu's request. He deliberately asked Yui Aragaki to come over to distract everyone's attention. And his real girlfriend is most likely Taeyeon or Yoona!"

After being woken up, the reporter pinched his neck and said in confusion, "It can't be Yoona, and it is impossible for Yoona and Junsu to be lovers from all aspects. The video of Junsu being filmed at the airport yesterday is not possible. I have also analyzed it, what he said is true, he and Yoona are not in a relationship. What I don’t understand now is why Junsu can make both of them follow him.”

At the same time, the reporter thought he was talking nonsense when he fell asleep: "What are you talking about, why are the two of them following him with all their hearts?"

"Last night I thought of a possibility that Junsu's lovers are not one, but two! Yui Aragaki and Taeyeon are both his lovers. Only in this way can all the love reports about the three of them be linked together!"

The reporter at the same time immediately retorted after hearing this: "Huh? How is this possible? Isn't Junxiu self-destructing his future by doing such a thing? Besides, do you think Yui Aragaki and Taeyeon are willing? It's not bad, do you need to feel sorry for yourself?"

"Yeah, I just can't think of what kind of magic Junxiu has that can make both of them fall in love with him? Did he tell Taeyeon, I'm marrying you? Then after he went to Japan, he said to Aragaki Yui, we Marrying? This...what are you doing??"

Just when this reporter said, I will marry you, and let's get married. When this seemed very absurd, the same period standing next to him suddenly thought of something. He quickly leaned down and started searching on his computer. He typed in 'Junxiu, nationality. ’

Suddenly, a piece of news from 2004 appeared on the computer. It was a piece of news that had been hidden for ten years. What was recorded on the computer file was the old newspaper. At that time, the headline in the entertainment section of the newspaper was a photo of Junxiu holding a mask~~

And the news clearly reads, 'JS Junsu can only wear a mask on stage due to his nationality, and now he can finally take off his because he will have dual nationality in the future! ! ’

When the reporter saw this news, his brows gathered together and he kept flipping through the news recorded at that time: "Junxiu is actually a dual national? He has another nationality... I X, he is hiding another One nationality is Iraq?"

"Yeah, when he first came to South Korea, it was because of his Iraqi nationality that he never had the chance to make his debut. In the end, it was Lee Sooman who came up with a bad idea to let him go on the stage wearing a mask. These news have been in the dust for a long time, if it wasn't for you Speaking of it suddenly today, I forgot about it. Uh, by the way, you were running sports in 2004, right?"

Yes, before this reporter debuted on the sports news side, because in the 2002 World Cup, there was a shortage of manpower, so he was admitted to the sports department. Therefore, he is not so familiar with the previous news in the entertainment industry. He came to the most powerful 'D club' of the paparazzi later, and then started to run entertainment!

After TVXQ's debut, it became popular, because in Zhonghe Yunho's appearance attracted many high school students, but at that time Junxiu was still wearing a mask. Only TVXQ's official website has Junxiu's photos, and the company also explained that the reason why Junxiu can't show up on stage is: nationality.

Later, with the non-classical love novel "Da Jang Geum", the adaptation of the TV series burned the whole of Asia, and Junsu also had dual nationality.

It's also because Junxiu's musical achievements are so dazzling after he has dual citizenship that all the media have begun to report: He is the pride of Korea!

Naturally, his 'Iraqi' nationality, which he had never used, was sealed. Later, everyone naturally thought he was from South Korea, but in fact...