MTL - Korean Entertainment Kpopstar-v2 Chapter 639 "HT III" (4)

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Junsu simply made an 'explanation' in order to let the audience in front of the TV know what happened to AOA or EXID who came with him today, these girl groups who have never heard of their names. At the same time, Junsu also wants to tell the girls in front of the TV who want to come to JS Entertainment as trainees. It is not that the company does not take care of new girl groups, but that 'JS Entertainment' itself has too many girl groups, and girl groups have more songs. The demand is large, and it is natural to feel that it cannot be taken care of.

Of course, the main reason is that in the past, the company did not train its own songwriters, so few high-quality songs would flow into JS Entertainment. Now that the company has begun to cultivate its own songwriters, and the performance of the company's girl group is getting better and better, the slightly more well-known freelance writers in the market are willing to put their songs into JS Entertainment.

Well-known songwriters are rarely willing to submit songs to newcomers, because once the newcomers can't get up, for them, the songs they give out won't earn much royalties. For example, the copyright income obtained by the same song for Girls' Generation is definitely different. Songwriters rely on copyright to survive. Of course, they are willing to vote for the song to big companies.

In the past, when the performance of the company's girl groups hadn't risen yet, it was indeed difficult for the company to invite songs. Nowadays, there are more and more well-known girl group trademarks in the company, which also attracts freelance writers who are willing to put their songs into JS entertainment.

Liu Zaishi took a look at the script and laughed: "AOA, Cao E. You went to the exam 15 times and all the trainees were brushed off, so you switched to JS Entertainment?"

Cao E smiled and nodded: "Well, it was almost a legend in the idol world. Because there is .S and BOA there, it is very attractive to girls who want to be trainees. That Every time there are thousands of people trying to open recruitment, only a dozen or so are selected. The competitiveness of the trainees is very high. After I was brushed many times, JS Entertainment also announced the public recruitment after its establishment. , so I chose to go to JS Entertainment."

Junsu added with a smile: "When Minhyuk and I established JS Entertainment, our company was just starting. We started recruiting trainees on a large scale. At that time, there were many children from JYP, DSP, who entered our company. The company has absorbed more trainees, and our company has become the most abundant place in Korea for female trainees. Later, many new companies were established, and our company wanted to recruit people. UIE was also transferred out at that time. of."

Park Mingxiu smiled and said, "So Junxiu, have you regretted letting UIE go out? Now UIE is a big hit!"

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "Why do you regret it? At first, UIE and the others had a hard time recruiting trainees in the market. Later, in order to transfer trainees to our company, they agreed to us good terms!"

Park Mingxiu immediately asked, "What conditions?"

Junsu responded, "Business secrets!" And Park Mishan, who was sitting next to him, smiled and continued Junsu's words: "This has been broadcasted by entertainment news. UIE and the others now have nearly 40% of the shares in JS Entertainment. Isn't it, Junsu?"

Junxiu nodded and said, "Han Chengzhu used to be the agent of BOA. He set up a company after he came out. At that time, he didn't have much money in the loan. He had no money and could not find anyone. He was pulling investment all day long. , and finally found us JS Entertainment, we agreed to invest, and also agreed to second the trainee resources to go there, so there is no regret."

Liu Zaishi said with a smile: "It is understood that when you JS Entertainment, you not only cultivated artists yourself, but also invested in many small brokerage companies. For example, the company 'FNC', which has become very powerful now?"

Junxiu smiled and said: "This may be the benefit of being a rich man. I had some savings in my hand, and I was making money as an artist myself. The thing I know best is the entertainment industry, so I started with money at that time. Keep investing in small brokerage firms. So far, the results of these investments are pretty good.”

Liu Zaishi smiled and said, "Speaking of JS Entertainment's investment route, everyone knows that JS Entertainment is also investing in movies, right? The tens of millions of box office movie "The Gift of Room Seven" is a very successful investment of JS Entertainment! Junsuxi, have you invested any more recently?"

"Yes, there are two more films, which should be released next year. I heard from the company representative that our company is also considering making a TV series recently."

Park Myung-soo said enviously: "Now 'JS Entertainment' is getting bigger and bigger, and it has also set up a variety show company. Now most of the hosts on TV are yours, right?"

"Brother Mingxiu, do you want to come too? That company's treatment is good."

"Okay, okay, you guys are going to sign up for the show and you're talking. I saw that it was written on Cao E's experience that she was a sales champion when she was not a trainee before?"

Yoo Jae Suk deserves to be the MC who takes care of the artist the most. He doesn't leave the main time to Jun Soo, he arranges all the interview time reasonably. Everyone on Yoo Jae Suk's show will be taken care of by him, so every time the entertainers face the news after the event they thank Yoo Jae Suk.

This is the biggest difference between Liu Zaishi and Jiang Hudong. Jiang Hudong focuses more on himself and spreads his laughter. And Liu Zaishi is in charge of the overall situation, he will take care of every guest present, so Liu Zaishi is deeply loved by the The interview returned to Cao E again, and Cao E said with a smile: " Yes, I used to work and continue to try the assessment of the brokerage company after I brushed it down many times, and then I started to do sales."

Park Mingxiu immediately asked his favorite topic: "Since you are a sales champion, how much is your monthly salary?"

"Well, it's almost five million."

"Wow~~" The comedians sitting across from Junxiu and the others all exclaimed, because comedians earn hundreds of thousands in the first month, while Cao E's monthly salary in sales is equivalent to three ordinary people. employee salaries.

Junsu smiled and said, "What's so surprising, our EXID's Solji debuted a long time ago, and then the group disappeared due to poor results, so she came to our company to become the lead singer mentor. It's just now Join our girl group and be the captain."

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