MTL - Korean Entertainment Kpopstar-v2 Chapter 632 Comprehensive Assessment (Part 1)

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Taeyeon said a joke casually, and Junsu really listened to it. Because he really thinks this 'joke' is a good suggestion, whether it's AOA who has just taken over now, or EXID who stays in the dormitory every day doing nothing, these are the 'tasks' that Junxiu needs to complete this year. They have both debuted for two years, and the two years of polishing are enough.

You must know that the contract of idols is only seven years after the revision of the "TVXQ Incident", and the company has spent two years to polish their spirits, and the remaining time to create benefits for the company is only five years. . In five years, their contracts will expire, so the next time must not be wasted any more, and he also needs to take them to make money together.

If they can't make their name in the music industry after entering 'JS Entertainment', then it is not these idols who are not well known after their debut, but the company's reputation and money. Don't think that cultivating a combination of idols is a simple matter. Cultivating idols is not about pulling one from the other, and then putting them together. To cultivate a group of five idols, if their average practice time is three years, the minimum cost of the company is one billion won!

Because a group of five idols needs more than ten trainees to screen. It means that the company will be responsible for the cost of training courses and their food and accommodation for more than ten people within three years, which is not a small sum in three years! In fact, food and lodging are relatively cheap, mainly because the cost of training courses is very expensive. This means that the company is responsible for enrolling children in learning classes, how much does each person pay for a class, and the learning content covers singing, dancing, musical instruments, languages, and even the company has to provide some 'image' if necessary. Retrofit fee'.

Junsu has already started arranging things for AOA, so it would be good to take them to participate in "3" this time. Now that I have agreed to appear in the show, the show team will definitely agree to the '1+1' model. An unknown 'newcomer' program group like them only needs to pay for the carriage and horses, and there is no need to pay for the performance.


In this way, another three days passed. During these three days, AOA came to the practice room very early every day to practice, and practiced until late at night every day before returning to the dormitory to rest.

For three days, in just three days, each of them was nervous. These days, they hardly gave themselves much time to rest. Each of them felt as if they were returning to the eve of their debut. No, they should be more nervous than when they debuted, because today is the time for Junxiu to give them an assessment. All those years of hard work were in vain.

Today was the most important day for them. Before Junsu came to the practice room, each of their T-shirts were soaking wet. This time, they all practiced hard.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, the sun outside was scorching the earth like fire, and each of them was anxiously waiting for Junxiu's assessment. But Junxiu didn't show up at this time, which made them feel more and more nervous.

After several hours of practice this morning, they finally sat down to rest and wait for the assessment. They sat on the floor again this time, but this time they sat on the floor with confidence and rest. I don't know who said nervously: "When is Senior Junxiu coming? We have been waiting all morning."

Jimin responded, "Who knows? He can come over whenever he wants. It's him who examines us, not us! I really hope we don't have anyone today..."

After working together for so many years, they don't want anyone to be terminated. But the thing of 'strength' requires a certain amount of talent and accumulation over time.

Just when each of them rested with nervousness, the door of the practice room was pushed open, and as the door opened, all their eyes were focused on the door. Every inch the door opened, they felt nervous.

After the door was pushed open, Min Hyuk, the company's representative, came in first, followed by Jun Soo and the director of artist management. The appearance of the three made everyone's heart tighten. Jimin took the team and bowed to the three of them in greeting: "Representative, Senior Junxiu, Director, how are you."

Junxiu stood in the middle with an expressionless face, looked at them and said coldly, "Last time I came in, I saw you all lying on the floor, and I came in today. However, today and last time are different. The same, because I see the traces of your hard work, I am very pleased. So...after today's assessment of you, those with the best grades among you can follow me to participate in "3" hosted by Senior Liu Zaishi! "

The longevity program hosted by Liu Zaishi is a very good opportunity for them. Because the show has a fixed audience rating, and also participates with Junxiu, this can not only promote the group, but also promote himself well. This is the best opportunity for them who are still 'newcomers'! !

When they heard that they could participate in the show with Junxiu, an exclamation suddenly appeared in their team: "Dafa~~!!"

This cheering with amazement made Junxiu laugh uncontrollably: "Dafa~? It seems to be quite big. However, it depends on who of you can seize the opportunity of this big hair. The comprehensive test, singing, dancing, performing arts, and talk show (talking), will be selected by the three of us to be the first. We will give you ten minutes of After ten minutes, we will officially start the test. "

After Junxiu finished speaking, he went out to smoke with Minhyuk, and the rest of them started to get nervous again, because this time the assessment was changed from the singing and dancing they prepared at the beginning to a comprehensive test.

As idols, of course they know that in today's market, 'talking' and 'being funny' are also skills that idols must be equipped with, because now the market is multi-residential development. If you can be funny and talk, you can get more opportunities to enter the market. program, which can increase personal exposure.

Just like Paula in SISTAR today, because of the many opportunities to appear in variety shows, her personal popularity is higher than that of other members. On the other hand, Zhaoyou from the same team is almost like a transparent person in the whole team, and has no sense of existence, and there are not many personal fans who like her in the market. This also caused the team's income to be much higher than Zhaoyou's.

In fact, the income distribution is negotiated by themselves. The debut money company will ask them if they are distributed equally, or are they divided?

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