MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 282

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The beautiful and warm June, after the love of a grand forest concert, was finally officially away from people.

The "Thunder and Applause Night" has won praises from fans and the media. Even some small newspapers and magazines that always like to provoke a rare and endless praise of this performance with the words of beauty, can’t wait to praise it. go with.

And among the fans, there are many people who really like this concert. This is the first public ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Many classical fans have some worries at the beginning. After all, they have just joined the orchestra for a month and will lead Bai’s such a grand performance. No problem will arise.

But to their surprise, don't say anything about estrangement and bluntness. This young and outstanding violin chief has completely integrated his piano sound into the music of Bai's love!

Even in the magnificent orchestra ensemble, he completely showed the style of a chief, so that all the audience can understand the music style hidden under the music, which gradually changed and broke.

Julie personally went to the Waldney Forest Theater to listen to this forest concert, while Professor Akade, Master Lance and others watched such a wonderful concert through live TV.

In the face of such a perfect concert, even the always-chosen Professor Akade snorted softly and said: "The level of Xiaoqi has improved, and the guy of Auston... ... sloppy. The strength of Bai Ai is good, and it is very good with Xiao Qi's style. After getting along for a long time, I think they will become more and more familiar and perform better and better."

Even world-class music masters have given such a high rating, and Cecilia is even more excited to know what to say.

Upon returning to the Geneva Conservatory of Music, Cecilia described the forest concert of the previous night under the supervision of the students. Her language is not vivid enough, and it is not vivid, but when the students of these "Seven Seven Clubs" heard the phrase "Mr. Bertlem and Xiaoqi two people have been watching each other for more than ten seconds. "They cheered excitedly and excitedly."

Then, finally someone realized: "...and so, Sethi! You just said that you got the baton of Mr. Bertram?!!!!"

Sethi suddenly got alert: "No... no! That's what you got wrong, I didn't get Mr. Bertram's baton!" As she said, the short-haired girl was round and round. Eyes, hugged his backpack.

The colleagues of the "Seven Seven Clubs" had a fascinating smile, and then smirked and surrounded Sethi, letting the latter helplessly took out the silvery white slender baton and worshipped the inside members of the club. Only then returned to the hands of Sethi.

This was just the beginning. The next day, when Sethi had just opened the dormitory door, he saw that the entire piano department students were surrounded by the door of her dormitory. They looked like green eyes with green eyes and looked forward to staring at her excitedly.

Cecilia: "..."

What did she do in the first place to grab the baton of Mr. Bertram!


Time flies quickly, and in August, when the hot fire is roasting, Berlin is like an oasis surrounded by forests, and the air is flowing with a hot atmosphere. The water flow rate of the River Spree has also slowed down a lot, as if it was baked by the hot temperature, it can no longer flow.

It’s been more than a month since the grand and magnificent forest concert, and I’ve been in Bai’s love for more than two months. During this time, he and the members get along more and more harmoniously, and gradually become more familiar with some of the staff of Pak Oi.

In the last life, I remembered the names of all members and staff of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and even gave a blessing and a small gift to their family's birthday. In this life, he naturally remembers everyone in the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

Now, in his gentle heart, he has joined the members and staff of the beloved.

Unlike a man's cold noodles, no matter who is a person who needs something to help, he will not help you. Sometimes you don't even need to open your mouth. After the rehearsal, you can walk to the musician who needs help and ask the other person if there is any confusion.

Kdori is a very good and very close chief, but he does not have such a good ear and sound. He is also very happy to help the members of the orchestra and help them answer questions, but in the rehearsal, some small details are not noticed by Kedori, but at this time, you can be keenly aware.

After the forest concert, Kedori, who was far away from London, called the phone and congratulated them on their success. The gentle, gentle gentle violinist sent his blessings with sincerity and wished the future of Pok Oi better and better.

In this regard, he also asked Kedori very much about Mr. Elder's business. When he knew that the latter had not awake but his body recovered well, he gave up a little. Also, I am planning to go to London to see Kedori.

This plan was delayed for a month.

After the forest concert, Bai Ai will prepare to record an album, as well as a detailed itinerary for the second half of the show and a plan for next year's performance. There will also be a lot of interviews and small performances, which will make you very busy.

By the time of the first half of August, even if the hot sun burned the European continent, he was determined to leave for London and see Kedori, which he had not seen for a long time.

However, he just just said his plan, and he indulged for a moment, then looked up at him and said: "Kidori likes to eat the Black Forest cake in a dessert shop on the street under the Bodhi tree. Tomorrow we will first Go buy a bit and then fly to London to see him."

Did not think much, I nodded and agreed.

By the middle of noon the next day, when he was taken away by a man and left the air-conditioned Bai Ai Building, and came to the hot and hot summer of Bodhi Tree Street, he had already regretted his intestines.

Probably because the weather is too hot, today, the people who come and go under the Bodhi tree are so sparsely populated that only dozens of people are walking here and taking pictures. There is no wind in the air, and even the lush street trees on both sides of the road are silently silent, and the leaves are not swaying.

There is nothing under the sun and the direct sunlight of the Bodhi tree, as if it is to melt in the sun, the asphalt on the ground has signs of melting, not to mention it.

Today, the handsome and handsome young man wears only a thin white shirt and a baseball cap on his head, but the sweat runs down his well-faced face and keeps flowing down.

I have been blaming for a long time along the way. I knew that they had come to buy a cake early in the morning. At that time, the weather was not so hot. It used to be as sweaty as it is now, and the face was hot.

"But that shop can only come out of the Black Forest cake at noon." After a pause, Yan Jun's eyebrows helplessly picked up, and he whispered comfortably: "When I waited in the store, I was outside." Waiting for you, you go in and blow a air conditioner, okay?"

I don’t know how long it will take to buy a cake, and a man who automatically wants to squat for a while under the sun, first felt a bit strange, and finally hesitated for a long while, he still said distressedly: "You don't stand outside It’s too hot, you just go in with me.”

Even though the weather has already heated up like this, when he took the hand of the cockroach, he did not open it. Both of them have sticky sweats in their palms, but the two are so attracted, sometimes they feel that the heat will dissipate as much as they are diluted by the silent warmth and love of the other party.

Although I was very happy that my young people were so distressed, when they actually arrived at the old handmade dessert shop, they still stood outside the door and did not want to go in.

In a strange look, he said: "You go in, it should come out soon, I am waiting a little here."

Wen Yan said, but he said with distress: "You still come in, how hot it is outside, you didn't see the fountain on the other side not open? It must be because the temperature is too high, avoiding the evaporation of water too fast, there is no opened."

Junmei’s deep face could not help but reveal a faint smile. He pushed the door of the dessert shop directly and pushed his young man into it. He said, “Then I went to the fountain in the other side and asked, what happened? Anything, come back soon, and when you come out, you will see me."

After waiting for the reaction, I turned and left. Although he felt a little weird, he didn't think much. He quickly entered the store and planned to buy the cake quickly, so that he could end this hot journey early.

However, when he asked the store to ask for a cake, he was told that he still had to wait another ten minutes for the black forest in the first box to be baked, so he had to wait for a while in the store.

In the ten minutes, from time to time through the window, I plan to see where the cockroach is. But the greenery in front of the store was really good, so that he could only see the corner of the fountain, but could not see the scenery of any other place under the bodhi tree.

When I finally got the small and exquisite gift bag, I couldn’t wait to go out and find a man who didn’t know where to go.

However, this time, he had just opened the store door and did not take a step further. He heard the elegant gentleman-like shopkeeper behind him suddenly shouting at him, then slowly walked over to him and gave him a gentleman. Li, this said: "Mr. Dear, you seem to have forgotten one thing."

The name was accurately called by the other party, and he was surprised to see him: "You are this...?"

"You forgot - it."

The voice just fell, and I followed the direction of the gentleman’s shopkeeper’s finger. I saw the center of the fountain that had just dried up, and suddenly sputtered a clear spring water, and then, the next second!
