MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1119 Yan Emperor Sword

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Chapter 1119 Yan Emperor Sword

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The purple robe waved, and this woman descended from the sky. Her whole body was wrapped in a mop, her face was covered with a mask, and a pair of amethyst eyes were swept away. "I've seen 'King'-"

This woman wearing a mask and a purple robe is just violet. w novel chapters updated fastest

Ziluo has a very high status in the "Amethyst clan" and was named the king. She has a special army that can raise her own. Among the "Amethyst clan", she can raise more than a thousand gold, and only Ziluo Have such a big hand.

Because the "Amethyst Family" emphasizes equality for all, even on the bright side, even the Violet can only raise troops like the six kings, and no other Amethyst family can be a good subordinate.

Moreover, the "Amethyst Family" is strictly forbidden to fight each other, and its order is very strict. Every "Amethyst Family" will be recorded as soon as it is first, and it will be strictly managed throughout its life. Which "Amethyst Family" kills another "Amethyst Family" privately will be subject to extremely severe sanctions, no matter how high they are, they will not be punished. w "Fiction" Fiction Chapter Updates Fastest

And if you want to give birth to offspring, you also need to apply in advance and get approval. The two "Amethysts" combine. After the males give birth to offspring, more than 90% will fall, and the offspring born in this way will be It is called the "innate race" of the Amethyst family. In addition, the blood is most pure. In addition, there are other acquired families. For example, one of the parents is the "Amethyst" and the other is another higher race. The "Aurora Amethyst" with imperfect bloodlines is naturally far less talented than this innate "Amethyst". Generally, it is naturally born to reach maturity and may not reach the "Amethyst Zeroth Order" state, but they It finally contains the "Amethyst Bloodlines", which is far stronger than the bloodlines of the cults like those in the "Second and the Second Realm". These descendants with Amethyst bloodlines in their bodies, if they work hard, through cultivation, There is a great chance to become a true "Amethyst".

In this world, there are not many people who have the purest and purest "Amethyst" bloodline. The total population of the "Amethyst" may not reach 10%, of which more than 90% The Amethyst tribe, in fact, contains the blood of other higher races, and is not a pure "Amethyst tribe." For example, the young man and woman killed and the middle-aged man named Shali are all like this. " Amethyst family. "

And Zi Luo and her forthcoming children are the "Amethyst Family" with the purest pedigree, and they will be born into the upper class aristocrats of the "Amethyst Family". The future potential is unlimited.

"This time you need to work hard for everyone." Zi Luo's voice was very low, slowly said: "Just received the news, this rare species that escaped the farm is hiding in this‘ '. ”

"It is our pleasure to serve the King Zilu." Nearly thirty "Amethyst clan" smashed their hands in unison. Among these "Amethyst clan" came, the weakest of them had no less than "Amethyst one" Order ".

"For those who can find this rare species for the first time, I will take out ten 'Zi Yan' as a reward, and if he can capture him, I will give him a 'Yan Emperor Sword'."

The words of Zi Luo refreshed the spirits of these dozens of Amethysts, looked at each other, and then all showed a look of excitement and enthusiasm.

Ten "Purple Flames" are already invaluable. As for the "Yan Emperor Sword", the legend is that the legendary "Amethyst Yan Emperor" left over from the "Amethyst Family". As long as the "Yan Emperor Sword" is waved, even purple gold metal can Easily cut, the general "amethyst" strong, can not resist at all.

This is a treasure that cannot be bought with money.

Zi Luo is willing to take out the "Yan Emperor Sword" as a reward, which shows her level of determination to find Su Yu.

Zi Luo looked at the enthusiasm and excitement on the faces of the people in front of her, nodded slightly, and then the nearly thirty "Amethyst Clan", each one in a group, on the assignment of Zi Luo, everyone took Dozens of six kings of gold began to enter the "Creation Mountain", and drew a carpet-like cable to deepen the "Creation Mountain".

Each "Amethyst Family" can communicate with each other. As long as one person finds Su Yu, Zi Luo can immediately arrive and take Su Yu back to her child.

Of course, if her child is still alive.

The crisis is quietly approaching Su Yu hiding in the depths of the "Creation Mountain".

At this moment, Su Yu didn't know anything about this. He took a long time to finally consume the "amethyst nucleus" of the young man who belongs to the unknown "Amethyst Family" and devoured the " The Amethyst family ’s blood power is refined, and then with the power of the huge will, it is transformed into its own power, so that there are nearly ten sapphire scales on its left arm, which are transformed into purple because of this amethyst nuclear power. Crystal-colored dragon scales.

Purple, a mysterious and noble color, this piece of dragon scales, like amethyst, does not look as beautiful as it really is. Su Yu opened her eyes and let out a breath, as this one merged "Amethyst Nucleus", most of his injuries were better.

It seems that the blood power of the "Amethyst" can still offset the power of the "Spell", which speeds up the recovery of his injuries.

After absorbing a "amethyst nucleus", Su Yu took out the second amethyst nucleus belonging to that young woman.

This amethyst nucleus is about the same size as the one he just absorbed. Su Yu used a huge will to wrap it up, and erased the consciousness and soul belonging to the young woman ~ ~ Then crushed and began to merge together. The purple juice was flowing, making a slight "wow" sound. Su Yu's left hand became a fist, and the sapphire scales flowed by the purple energy, giving out a slight tremor.

When Su Yu swallowed this second amethyst nucleus into his own energy, the amethyst on his left arm has extended from the left palm to reach the arm curve, which is a foretaste of his power and has a large The increase in intensity, and the injuries he had originally suffered, finally healed.

Just as he took out the amethyst nucleus belonging to the middle-aged man and wanted to continue to devour, suddenly, his brows frowned slightly, and a warning sign was raised in his heart.

This belongs to the middle-aged man's amethyst nucleus, which is much larger than that of the young man and woman. Su Yu just took it out, grabbed it in the palm of his hand, and stretched out his left palm.

With a bang, he felt a severe pain in the palm of his hand, and a violent shot came from afar. Su Yu, because she was just sitting still, reacted at this moment, blocking it with the left palm that had become amethyst dragon claws.

Su Yu bowed her head, the palm of her left hand was emitting blue smoke, and the amethyst dragon's claws showed a slight burnt black color, but she blocked the purple light.