MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1336 You horrible gangster

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There is no way in this world.

Next sentence,

The way comes out.

A minute ago, from the perspective of the commentary and the audience, both the audience and the audience commented that they would wait for MITH and Liu Zilang to finish the run.

It ’s definitely not possible without a car.

But at this time, when all three of MITH were killed and turned into three boxes and poured into poison.

Bai Shaobin just mentioned it, the commentary on both sides and the audience under the scene all reacted.

In addition to the equipment in the box, there are medical supplies.

Rongye glanced at the distance from Liu Zilang to the safe area, and tempted, "Do you mean ... throw a bullet and pick up all the medicines in the three boxes, and force the medicine into the circle?"

Hearing Rongye's words, Msjoy couldn't help scratching his head. "But in this case, is there enough time?"

As soon as Msjoy finished speaking, before waiting for Rongye to answer, Bai Shaobin shrugged. "Do you think that guy has other options?"

After a while, the three looked at each other, some speechless.

In the game, Liu Zilang was guessed by Bai Shaobin.

I saw that he quickly emptied the excess bullets in the bag, and there was a crazy rush on the three-person box, and soon he collected a lot of medical supplies.

What first aid kits, bandages, drinks and painkillers ... can't afford more.

Immediately after, Liu Zilang began to race against the poison circle, or race against time and death.

However, at this time, the shot on the big screen was not given to Liu Zilang, who was difficult to run poison, but to Satan who was one step ahead of him.

In the picture, Satan is full of energy, and with his two guns, Satan rushes all the way.

He stopped and hit a first aid kit, and the safety zone in front was close by.

But just as Satan was about to get into the circle, a sharp point at the edge of the safety zone in front of him suddenly heard a sudden gunshot.

Satan paused subconsciously and listened carefully, only to find that the sound of the gunfire was getting stronger.

It's a good opportunity to enter the circle!

If it is in normal time, Satan will surely cut out his gun to be alert when entering the lap.

But while fighting right now,

He didn't even cut the gun, but still accelerated behind him and rushed forward.

Host the commentator.

"SKT and OMG fought. OMG from the north should grab the spot later."

"Yes, although it is still the third penultimate lap at the moment, after all, it is already the finals. The wild points in this lap are still very worthy of betting."

"But OMG feels a bit inferior at the moment. When they rushed into the room, they were snatched by SKT's gold players and did not have the opportunity to go back to save people."

"Then what to say next, is OMG really going to be reckless?"

"I'm afraid so, look! The little lion has rushed up!"

With the exclamation on the commentary stage, the rapid and violent gunfire on the field came again!

At the window outside the house, when the little lion almost flashed up holding AK, and the muzzle flame flickered, he instantly dropped the other person.

"OMG- knocked down SKT-Phan with AKM headshot!"

Professional players have heads in their eyes.

This sentence is obviously very true here in this Asian free man like Little Lion.

"Pretty! The raid was so good!"

"Smile is about to thunder, SKT can't save it. In this wave of team battles, OMG should eat the other person's head."

"That's right, this wave of Lions is really critical. Now the situation should be OMG dominant."


A grenade poured into the window, and Phan, who was too late to escape, was blown off and hit the wall.

"OMG-Xiaorong eventually killed SKT-Phan with a grenade!"

Immediately afterwards, the children in the team suddenly backed away without a look.

"Oh! Xiao Hai should go back to save people."

"It seems that OMG is still seeking stability. After all, there are still eight teams on the field. The little lion and the smile throw a gun. Xiaohai goes back and pulls the team up with four people.

"That's right, and it's more secure for them to win SKT."

On the stage, Bai Shaobin and Rong Ye gave a slight nod. You and me at one glance, obviously, they are very much in favor of this choice of OMG.

However, the next second, Msjoy's face suddenly changed slightly!

"Wait! The one behind SlientBT is ..."

Before he finished speaking, Rong Ye exclaimed.

"It's Satan!"

Under the vision of the large-screen guide, I saw SlientBT kneeling behind a slope, carefully catching the vision of several people in the SKT area.

In this tense atmosphere, he didn't notice that a figure in the radiation grid behind him quietly touched his position.

Of course, what is even more deadly is that Xiao Hai who came here to help others did not notice this.

No way, Satan's pace and position are too hidden!

"Oops! Xiaohai and SlientBT are going to be stolen!"

Commenting on him, Bai Shaobin watched Xiao Hai squatting behind SlientBT without thinking, and couldn't help sighing.

In this case, being stolen by Satan's world-class election was almost equivalent to being sentenced to death, without any chance.


Without warning!

At the moment the gunfire sounded, the bullet whistled from the oblique rear!

Xiao Hai heard the sound of gunfire behind him. According to the distance of the gunfire, the first thought that came to his mind was "It's over."

However, the next second, he suddenly found that he had not been knocked down, or that he had not been knocked down immediately.

Not enough just when he thought he saw hope and turned his gun to fight back.

The bullet behind suddenly changed direction!

The next moment, in a groan of murmurs, Xiao Hai's blood erupted behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the top right of the screen was killed and swept out ~ ~ Using M16A4 finally killed OMG-SlientBT! "

"SKK-Satan knocked out OMG-xiaohai with M16A4!"

Seeing these two successive kills, the audience and the commentary on the stage could not help but take a breath!

It turned out that the wave of Satan actually grabbed the personal head first, and then knocked back Xiao Xiaohai with his backhand, fully explaining what is called the art high head dog ...

"Mistweed! What's the matter?" In the voice, the little lion in the room and SKT froze.

"I was just stolen by someone who came out of the poison. This guy is too overcast with Nima." Xiao Hai said with tears.

He just wanted to say that if it wasn't for a sneak attack, he would definitely kill this sneak attack dog.

After seeing the ID of the other person at the top right of the screen, he instantly swallowed the sentence back, his face looked like constipation.

Hemp eggs!

Since when did these stupid guys like sneak attacks on vulva?

Did it start with a certain animal?

On the commentary stage, Lord Rong couldn't help but said, "This is bad, Satan's sneak attack is too deadly! Now let's not say anything else, the little lion and smile left in the room are inferior."

"Yes, SKT should have noticed this from the killing prompt just now. I don't know what they will do next."

"Oh? Look! Player Jin jumped out of the window behind the second floor!"


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