MTL - I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before-Chapter 82 One person and two horns

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"Why do you do this to my brother?" Behind the closed door, Ningning stared angrily at Pei Xuan.

"You can drive him away." Pei Xuandao, "No matter what method you use."

Ning Ning froze a bit.

Pei Xuan shook the red wine in his hand, and in front of the papaya, he poured wine to Ning Ning. As soon as the papaya was gone, he drank it himself, and he no longer respected it, and immediately surpassed Ning Ning.

"Now tell you the role you want to play." Pei Xuandao, "You have to play a rich lady."

"How old?" Ningning said coldly.

Pei Xuan glanced at her: "You are so big now."

"What does it do at home?" Ning Ning asked again. "Is it the only daughter? If not, how many brothers and sisters in the family? Are you unloved in it? What do you like to do? What kind of people do you ..."

She asked a lot in a single breath, and finally exhaled, feeling embarrassed after being emotional: "I can figure out what kind of person she is before I can play her well."

I figure out who you want to know what you are planning.

"You don't ask, I will tell you, too." Pei Xuan put the wine glass on her hand and stood up to her, "Come with me."

Ning Ning hesitated and followed him.

Two people went up to the attic.

A maid was guarded at the entrance of the attic. When she saw Pei Xuan coming, she took out the key and opened the door behind her.

God is mysterious. What's in it?

The door opened and there was a girl inside.

With their backs facing the crowd, sitting on a rocking chair by the window, the sun came in through the window, and a straight beam of light shone from her to the door.

Ning Ning followed behind Pei Xuan and walked slowly to the girl.

The girl's face was slowly revealed in front of her.

Ning Ning felt his heart beating wildly.

"What you want to play is her." Pei Xuan reached out and touched the hair of the girl in the rocking chair. She had a face exactly like Ning Ning, and even her body was exactly the same, almost like a person carved in the same mold.

"... Who is she?" Ningning asked hard.

"An illegitimate daughter of a big boss." Pei Xuan replied, "I found her and sent her to her biological father. They all like each other. The big boss has already arranged it and will officially recognize her two months later ... … Unfortunately, something happened midway through and she became a vegetable. "

"... So you want me to impersonate her?" Ning Ning slowly looked up at him, "But I'm not her, I will be dismantled."

"No. I will train you." Pei Xuan said decisively, and then the words turned sharply, and she smiled at her unwillingly. "Moreover, you already know this, you think you can still learn from it Exit here? "

When Ning Ning heard a word, a tight bundle of entangled body with venomous snakes sprang up, holding her in place.

"Right." Pei Xuan said, "From now on, I will call you by another name. You will respond to me immediately after you hear, you know? Lian Lian."

Lianlian ...

Ning Ning looked down again at the **** the rocking chair.

The gap between the sixteen and thirty-six is ​​too big, so Ning Ning didn't recognize her at first, now look carefully ... Isn't she even Lian Lian? Isn't she the woman who was called the Witch in the future because she was confused with too many men?

"No." Ning Ning asked intently. "In the future, will she be Lian Lian or me?"

Half an hour later, in the living room.

"Miss Lianlian ..."

"Who told you to speak?"

The papaya was stuck in place, while Ning Ning sat on the sofa and looked at him coldly.

No matter who is Lian Lian, he should not be here. Pei Xuan said that she could let him go by whatever means, but what could she do? It's useless to directly reveal her sister's identity. This guy never listens to her, does she want her to run away the boy who gave her hand cream? She could only force him away with words.

After all, language is sometimes more lethal than a sword.

"I'll let you speak, can you speak, understand?" Ning Ning leaned on the sofa, her right hand in black lace gloves supporting her head.

Papaya nodded gently.

"Yes." Ning Ning said slowly. "Now sing a song for me."

Papaya hesitated before he began to sing. The boy with a voice-changer had a rough voice. As soon as he sang two words, he was interrupted by Ningning's laughter.

"Hahaha, what do you sing?" Ning Ning leaned back and taunted him without hesitation. "The voice is like a duck ..."

As she said this, her own heart trembled suddenly, and she remembered the opening song of the movie.

"My angel spoke to me today and said I was fat like a watermelon."

"My angel smiled at me and laughed at me singing like a duck."

"To make her laugh, I quack, quack, quack ..."

The papaya in front of her eyes bowed her head and her hands were tight. Ning Ning could even see his shoulders trembling slightly. She didn't know if she had just stabbed him, or whether the face under the mask was angry or sad.

She saw him slowly raising his head and making a ridiculous three sounds: "Quack, quack, quack."

Ning Ning didn't want to laugh, but he had to pretend to look like a belly and laughed. She suddenly felt that she was a good actor, and when she could cry in her heart, she was laughing.

"It's awful." She wiped the tears from her eyes and ordered the papaya. "You won't be allowed to speak in the future. Pei Xuan is right, you still have no mouth."

She saw Papaya's hands clenched for a moment, then slowly released.

Even through the mask, Ning Ning can feel that he seems really sad ...

Ning Ning was sad and depressed, thinking, "Why do you call me an angel like me?"

Obviously they all have the same face. Why is the treatment so bad when I change my clothes?

"Sister, isn't it OK?"

At night, in the rented room, the door of the room was snapped open, papaya looked tired and angry, walked in all the way, and then lay down on the ground in a figure-eight shape.

"Alright." Ning Ning, who had come home a long time ago, was busy in the kitchen. He looked back at him in a hurry and shouted, "The ground is cold, you have to sleep in bed."

Papaya: "I'm all manly."

"Go to wash after sweating," Ningning said.

"Turn your head," said Papaya.

As soon as Ning Ning turned her head, a smelly dress was thrown into her arms, and the shirtless papaya lay down again: "Wash clothes first and then wash me."

Ningning: "..."

Can she slaughter this little sister who is a servant?

In the end, she washed her clothes and saw that the papaya was really unwilling. She twisted the towel over and helped him wipe his face and body.

When rubbing her chest, the papaya with her eyes closed suddenly grabbed her hand and opened her eyes: "Sister, are you tired?"

Ningning: "What?"

"What the mother told you to do, just do it now. Now that the mother is not there, what do you want me to do?" Papaya turned to look at her. "You are not our servant, why never say no?"

Ningning: "..."

Because her people make it impossible for her to say no.

One person and two horns.

In the morning, she and Pei Xuanxu and Wei snake played a flawed hostess in front of him, full of upstart temperament, beautiful but vicious. In the evening, she was with papaya and played an older sister who obeyed him in front of him. Most of the time she followed him, but she was beautiful but weak.

Maybe she is still fantasizing. After meeting Lian Lian, she imagined that she would wake up one day, put an end to this mess, and let everything return to what she wrote in her memoirs.

"Isn't someone good at obeying you?" So she smiled at him, "OK, let go."

He looked up at her smile. After a long time, he let go of his hand, and let her continue to work hard to wipe him with a towel.

The next morning, Papaya went out early and did not choose to take a car. Instead, he ran all the way in the morning. In this way, such persevering exercise reduced the amount of meat on his body and cleared his mind. It took him five minutes less than usual to get to the work place-Pei Xuan's house.

Pei Xuan's family not only provided clothing, but also provided rain. He flushed himself quickly, and then put on the servant suit on the chair. The clothes were put on. When the button on the sleeve was fastened in front of the mirror, the door behind him opened. Pei Xuan walked in.

"You performed well yesterday." The man with gold-rimmed glasses appeared in the mirror in front of him, smiling, and said, "It's much better than your sister. If the sexes of the two of you are reversed, you can save. It's a lot of things off me. "

Papaya turned quickly: "Boss."

"Just call me Brother Pei." Pei Xuan waved his hand without care. "Sit. By the way, does your sister scold you like this?"

Papaya was silent for a moment: "No."

"I thought she was like this." Pei Xuan shook her head. "I asked her to come here to act as a foolish lady, but foolish is not hot, she played too much."

"She usually doesn't like this ..." Papaya muffled.

"What does she usually look like?" Pei Xuan looked at him curiously, hoping to get more information about Ning Ning from him. This kind of information from relatives around him is very important, so that he can know Ning Ning's weakness, and then Make plans based on her weaknesses.

"Very gentle and shy. Everything follows my meaning and never says no to me ..." Papaya lowered her head and looked at the mouthless mask in her hand, "so what she said to me now ... 80% is the truth. "

"Oh?" Pei Xuan raised an eyebrow and looked at him with interest.

"She thought that I didn't know her identity, so she said these words to me. Do you think it's an exaggeration?" Papaya smiled, and rubbed her thumb with a mask. "It's so good, why is it like this mask?" Same thing, say nothing. "

"Do you think she hates you?" Pei Xuan asked suddenly.

Papaya looked at him in surprise.

"... I don't know." It was a long time before he sighed and put the mask on his face.

He also has a contract with Pei Xuan.

That contract is relative to Ningning.

Ning Ning plays the hostess, he plays the male servant.

According to Pei Xuan's request, he pretended not to know Ning Ning's true identity, and obeyed her, served her, and made her happy like a real servant.

Isn't this what Ning Ning usually did to him?

"... She scolds me if she wants to scold me, and hits me if she wants to hit me, anyway, I made her become what she is now." Papaya wearing a mouthless mask said, "She wants to be a sister, I am Her brother, she wants to be a mistress. I am her servant.