MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 787 Please enter the urn, the home of the feudal king

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  Chapter 787 Please enter the urn, the home of the feudal king

At night, Qin Muye and 'Gong Kang' sneaked into Yiwang's mansion very smoothly. Because of Qin Muye's money making ability, the two of them were not arranged in any difficult place, but helped in the back kitchen, but It is said to be helping, but in fact it is just fishing.

  Qin Muye paid money, unlike those who came to work to get money, the stewards who arranged him to come in were honest, they just let them pretend.

   When the time is up, just let the two of them bring up a plate of cold dishes. As long as they don’t make mistakes, they can basically see each other.

   This is considered very good, and all requirements have been met.

On the other hand, 'Gong Kang' was a little depressed. In his eyes, the Yiwang Mansion was heavily guarded, and ordinary people could not enter. As a result, he saw that Qin Muye gave a certain steward a small bag of money. It was gone, and the two of them came in easily.

   Fortunately, this is a good thing for him, not a bad thing.

  ‘It’s still a bit strange, why is it so peaceful without such an introduction like me, shouldn’t the whole city be searched and arrested? '

   Now that the entire Yiwang Mansion is calm, 'Gong Kang' expressed doubts. Shouldn't you be in a hurry if you lose someone?

   Now he is in a dark state under the lights, so he is not worried about being discovered.

   "When do you think this banquet will start?"'Gong Kang' probed intentionally or unintentionally, and he had already given up his thoughts of killing Qin Muye.

  In his eyes, there is no future trouble now, because everyone else has lurked back to Yiwang Mansion, and as long as the blood sacrifice is activated, the other party will not be able to escape, so why bother.

Looking at the other party is also a rare talent. If he is still the grandson of King Yi, he will not hesitate to recruit the other party. Although he is just an ordinary person and not a master of spirits, this network of contacts is enough for him to pay attention to. up.

"Just now I asked the steward, soon, it should be a while, don't worry, we are here to gain experience, it must be our turn to go up, then don't make mistakes." Qin Muye said to 'Gong Kang' He didn't take his temptation to heart, the other party obviously planned to use this time to do something.

   Otherwise, how could he not know? This was his own home, and even part of the blood sacrifice ceremony came from him.

  Even if they don’t know, the time for banquets and receptions held by Prince Yi’s mansion over the years is also fixed. Outsiders may not know it. How could he, the grandson of Prince Yi, not know.

   "Oh, there's still some time, then I'll go shopping." 'Gong Kang' This is considered to have given Qin Muye a reason to leave, otherwise, he would be suspected if he left for no reason.

  Qin Muye was shocked, this kid thought he was the grandson of King Yi, and went out for a stroll?

   "I don't mind if you're courting death, but don't take me with you, you can also come up with the idea of ​​strolling around in Prince Yi's Mansion?" Qin Muye complained.

   At this time, 'Gong Kang' also realized that it was different from the past, and he really couldn't wander around in Prince Yi's Mansion anymore.

   There is really nothing to do in the back kitchen, but if you really want to wander around in other places, there is a high probability that the guards will take it down immediately. The steward of the back kitchen can collect money, but other guards may not.

  So if you really want to go out, the possibility of being exposed is very high.

   This made him look a little ugly, so his original exploration plans and so on would be affected.

"Why, you still don't give up? Let me tell you, there is a fairyland imperial master in Yiwang's mansion, who can crush us to death." Qin Muye's words are like inserting "Gong Kang" It's as uncomfortable in my lung tube.

   "I see, I'm just thinking about it." After restraining his emotions, 'Gong Kang' also said calmly.

   Now it is involuntary, and it is no longer the time to act recklessly before, so he has to bear it, and wait until the blood sacrifice ceremony begins before doing anything.

  He felt that his grandfather Yiwang should have found a substitute, such as his father who only knew how to eat, drink and play, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be in no hurry.

   As for saying that he was exposed? That would be even more impossible. If he had been exposed, he would have been arrested long ago. How could he still be chatting with Qin Muye here.

   It's just that Qin Muye scoffed at the idea of ​​'Gong Kang', and hasn't given up his fantasy at this time?

  From the very beginning, he was not able to escape from King Yi's control. The reason why he was not arrested was nothing more than to avoid the extremes. It was as if he was under house arrest and he was able to escape from the heavy surveillance.

  Qin Muye didn't think about pointing out this point, anyway, he wasn't the one who was unlucky, and this guy wanted to kill him before that, so he didn't have such a good heart to express it just like that.

   It's right that he didn't do anything, it was because he felt that Qin Muye could take advantage of him, not because of his conscience. If it was because of his conscience, Qin Muye might not necessarily cheat him.

   "Don't think about this kind of thing, you are really good at courting death." Qin Muye said.

   "." Qin Muye's complaint made 'Gong Kang' a little speechless, and felt that this person really couldn't speak, but because he was in a bad situation, he didn't show it.

   Time passed by, and soon the back kitchen became more and more busy.

   "The cold dishes are ready, you two hurry over here." The kitchen steward called out to Qin Muye and 'Gong Kang'.

A gleam of coldness flashed across 'Gong Kang''s eyes, and he scolded a dog slave in his heart. He didn't know this back kitchen steward. If you want to say that there are quite a few stewards in the back kitchen, the Yiwang's family has a big business. There are nearly a thousand people, not to mention the number of servants and the like is even greater.

  On weekdays, he is in contact with big managers, which is equivalent to managing various affairs, big and small, and he has a lot of power in his hands.

   And the entire Yiwang Mansion occupies a larger area, and he has never even been to some places, such as the kitchen, he has never been there once, and he just needs to order directly.

   "Here we come, hurry up, what are you doing in a daze." Qin Muye tugged on the sleeve of 'Gong Kang', which brought 'Gong Kang' back to his senses.

Soon, they were each assigned a dish, cold dishes alone, there were 300 servants who sent them over, and it is estimated that they would not be able to deliver them all in one trip, at least four trips, which is equivalent to starting with 1,200 tables. The actual number should still be a little more, because some servants have to bring two cold dishes.

  Of course, Qin Muye and his wife only went there once, because after all, they paid money to gain knowledge, not real servants.

   To make money, you have to master the scale well.

  The two of them followed the team and walked in. There were a large number of spirit masters sitting here, most of them were spirit refiners, and a small number of spirit masters brought their own spirit beasts, which looked like a zoo.

  'Gong Kang' endured the discomfort and put down the cold dishes, and followed the big team back. When he was halfway there, he just dodged and left the team without anyone noticing.

Now that his goal has been achieved, it is naturally impossible to follow this group of servants back to the back kitchen, because if they really go back, then they will be arranged to leave Prince Yi's mansion. This is definitely not something he can accept, so there is a possibility of leaving A good opportunity, naturally we must seize the opportunity.

  Qin Muye also noticed that after 'Gong Kang' had left, he naturally left the team quietly.

"Tsk, this kid is really willing to fight. If you follow him now, you should be able to gain something." Qin Muye followed behind 'Gong Kang' slowly, and the other party seemed to want to go to the core area of ​​the blood sacrifice. .

When the banquet was in progress, the entire blood sacrifice had already started, but it was not obvious because it had just started. It would take at least several hours to achieve the blood color from the main body. Such a big battle, Don't brew it for a while, or else it will come all at once, and King Yi won't be able to withstand the shock.

   What's more, they are all called sacrifices. How can they be completed in one go, at least they must have a complete process.

  As for the preparations for Prince Yi’s Mansion today, it’s natural to set up a stage or something.

  Following 'Gong Kang', turn left and right, and walked for nearly half an hour before arriving at the destination.

   "To be honest, this 'Gong Kang' was really stunned by anger, otherwise how could he not realize that there is not even a guard along the way."

   "Also, I have to say that this Yiwang Mansion is a circle bigger than Lu Wang Mansion, so I can only say that I can really play"

  After comparing the two palaces, Qin Muye felt that this King Yi would not only pretend to be crazy, but also be good at making money.

  (end of this chapter)