MTL - Is the End Really Coming?-Chapter 48 "Future" information

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Zhou Qi did not reply.

Putting the phone on mute, he turned his attention to the document he just opened on the computer.

After pondering for a while, his fingers quickly tapped.

Clap clap clap!

The text appears in the blank document:

【June 1st】:

14:06, **** city, **** autonomous prefecture...

... Zhou Qi glanced at the time, it was already 13:42 in the afternoon.

After a pause, he deleted the line he just typed, thought about it, and typed "15:12" first.


[The **** viaduct in **** district collapsed in **** city, **** autonomous prefecture in the northeast]


15:25, [Explosion occurred at **** steel and ironmaking plant in **** county, **** county, **** autonomous prefecture, South China]

15:27, [Gas explosion in **** city, **** street, **** autonomous prefecture in northeast China]




23:51 [The 5.1-magnitude earthquake in **** Autonomous Prefecture...]


After recording all the accident information in his mind today, Zhou Qi stopped.

Looking at the time,


He made a note at the end of the document: [Because of the urgency of time, we will provide information on some natural events of the day first, and artificial accidents will come later. 】

So far,

Zhou Qi was about to save the document.

But looking at the last line of words, he paused,

A remark was added: [Moreover, the information of foreign events will not be recorded for the time being, except for catastrophic disasters, or those that have a greater impact on the country. 】


Just finished writing this,

Zhou Qi didn't even pause at all, he just saved it with the shortcut key.

Then send the document to Feixun's friend - "Police of the Public Security Bureau of the West District of Zhonghai City, Li Nan"


Sent successfully.


After sending it, Zhou Qi immediately created a new document to continue recording.


It is the information of man-made accidents and disasters.

Well, like the one I just sent to Li Nan, most of them are natural disasters and accidents.

Naturally, there are some earthquakes, rain and snow, volcanic eruptions, etc., man-made accidents, such as collapse of a certain place, explosion of a certain place and so on.

This is not much, and the further back in time, the longer the interval of information that can be recorded, and the probability of occurrence is not completely certain.

Because many things grow over time, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is a natural disaster or a disaster brought about by the doomsday regional rules.

Even if Zhou Qi can reincarnate countless times, he still lacks scientific and reasonable detection methods in that environment.

And man-made is different.

At the end of the day, human nature is, in a sense, an eternal thing.

Therefore, the probability of "determined occurrence" of man-made accidents is much greater than those of natural events.

Some are not even affected by the end,

In other words, no matter what time and environment, what should happen is what will happen.

Of course, except for temporary intentions, there are more of those that have been planned for a long time and those that occur continuously.

Among them, there are small and broken events, and there are also great events.

Zhou Qi first heard it, saw it, and then went to verify it again and again.

Well, he has heard the experiences of many, many people.

To sum up,

Some things happen almost every time,

Some people, the ending is the same almost every time,

In some places, sin has been going on for a long time, and even if the end comes, it will not stop...

Even, sometimes, even if no one speaks, the corpse will tell Zhou Qi a lot of things...

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Zhou Qi's fingers were flying.

Time points and shocking events were expressed indifferently by his expression in the most concise and clear words.

turned into cold words,

and the countdown to life.

Wait until Zhou Qi has recorded the information about these two events in the recent week or so, and it has been almost an hour.

He sent the document to Li Nan again. Before that, Li Nan replied "received" and several messages expressing shock.

Then he put down the phone,

took a sip of water,

Start recording the third type of information.

...This category is the most important to him right now.


bad guy.

I just said that in the end, the environment will change, the rules will change, but human nature will not.

And because Zhou Qi reincarnated enough times, he remembered the characters and characteristics of most people.

Among them, only a few have the uncertainty like the psychiatrist Yu Bing, and for the others, Zhou Qi can be almost 100% sure what kind of people they are.

And what he wants to record,

Those who have distorted human nature, evil characters, and conflicts of interest with him now or in the future, who are likely to threaten him...

He intends to put these people on the "death list" and deal with them one by one in various ways...

... Another half an hour passed.

Zhou Qi stopped tapping his somewhat numb fingers.

He first saved the document, and then manipulated two small documents.

They were sent to Liu Xusheng and Su Zhiyun respectively through more traditional emails.

Inside, there are a few incidents and information about some people that have a beneficial impact on them and Zhou Qi himself.

Not much, not even anything particularly important.

Because they are still in the run-in period of trust, they always have to try it out first.

...A few minutes later, when both of them indicated that they had received the information and started to implement the plan as planned, Zhou Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The preparation plan for a better life is finally on track.

Now, as long as these things that should be dealt with are dealt with, you can do whatever you want...

Thinking like this,

Zhou Qi turned off the computer.

Looking at the mobile phone on the side, it seemed that a lot of news came, but this time he ignored it for now.

but get up,

Standing in the middle of the bedroom and stretching.

The joints crackled loudly,

Sour and soothing.

But it also made him realize that he had to find a way to improve his physical qualities, otherwise his sense of security would be too low.

stood for a while,

Zhou Qi walked to the window and began to enjoy the scenery outside with great interest.

"Huh? By the way..."

After a few seconds, he suddenly paused and muttered:

"It seems that all the bad things are recorded so far, and the 'good things' are not recorded... No, those things can't be put on hold, and we have to find a way to deal with them."

The outside world is still scorching hot, and the students coming downstairs.

And Zhou Qi calculated again in his heart.

...the world is too big,

Everything is there.

He has experienced so many doomsdays, and he always encounters some special circumstances.

For example, accidentally strayed into a location where a large number of "babies" were hidden.

For example, accidentally bumped into someone's real tomb.

Another example, accidentally fell into a mine that could not be mined...

There are many such things.

And compared to the previous ones, these are like real "chips"...

However, it should be impossible to deal with it in the near future.

Zhou Qi's eyes refocused on the bedroom window.

Conceived in mind.

Then, after dealing with these matters, just as his sister's college entrance examination is over, he can go with his family.

When it's traveling, exploring, and digging up treasures like when I was a child...

Suddenly came the sound of footsteps and conversations, interrupting Zhou Qi's thoughts.

The sound is getting closer,

Soon he came to the door of the bedroom.

Zhou Qi turned around,


She happened to meet the opened bedroom door.

A handsome boy with glasses walked in from the door,

The moment the two sides looked at each other, the boy was stunned.

Then, a handsome boy came in after him.

After seeing Zhou Qi, he was stunned for a while, but then his eyes lit up:

"Ouch! Chess piece, you came back alive?"

listen to this,

The last one, a short inch boy also squeezed in,

Looking at Zhou Qi with fresh eyes,

He walked quickly to his bed and threw the book away, then in front of Zhou Qi, he looked at it, and said:

"Tsk, you're awesome, Zhou Qi! This time you're too awesome! You kid, you can't tell..."

At this time,

The handsome boy with glasses and the handsome boy also put down their things and walked up.

The handsome boy smiled and said: "Zhou Qi, you don't know, you made such a fuss, and even made us famous. During the class, everyone around us asked us, what's the matter with you...

Oh, even on the road, the number of people who come to check our contact information has increased a lot..."

"Bah, you just want to show off how many people are looking for you to add WeChat!" The short-headed boy immediately rolled his eyes, "How can passers-by know that you are Zhou Qi's roommate."

Several people laughed,

Zhou Qi also laughed along with him.

at this time,

The handsome boy who hadn't spoken much suddenly said thoughtfully, "Zhou Qi, why do you feel that you are different?"