MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 196 Steal the 'bug eggs'

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"There is light ahead!" Gu Liyan slowed down, and put Li Yinguang and Xiaoman down from under the armpits.

Li Yinguang walked forward, and said softly: "It should be the end, the corpse cave under the town of Mambach is ahead!"

When they came to the entrance of the tunnel, Xiaoman and Gu Liyan didn't look very good looking at the group of ghostly corpses in the dark. Even if they were prepared, they still felt uncomfortable with so many ghostly corpses.

"That is the sacrificial altar, where all the missing girls in the town were imprisoned." Li Yinguang raised his hand and pointed to the high altar in the middle of the corpse cave.

To get in, one had to go through the group of creepy corpses. The stench of corpses was hard to recall, but if he couldn't get in, Li Yinguang would never want to go in a second time.

"How did you do it last time?" Gu Liyan asked curiously.

Li Yinguang didn't understand, and asked subconsciously: "How did you do it?"

Gu Liyan glanced at him, and said calmly: "Go in and out of these weird corpses, and they haven't been torn apart."

"Secret method!"

Li Yinguang smiled mysteriously at her, how he did it can't be said, the 'mysterious gem' stitched in his heart is the biggest reliance, a secret that can't be revealed even if he is killed.

Gu Liyan: "..."

Since Li Yinguang didn't want to talk about it, she didn't force her to ask. She frowned and said, "What should we do now? Just watch from a distance here?"

"Wait for a while, let's see!"

Li Yinguang nodded, there was obviously a figure moving over the altar, it should be the Fourth Elder or his subordinates, hiding in the tunnel is better than hiding in the group of ghostly corpses, at least the taste is much better.


The shaking of the ground made Li Yinguang unable to stand still, he slipped under his feet, and fell directly into Gu Liyan's arms, his hand just pressed where it shouldn't be touched.

Gu Liyan's eyes were burning. If he could kill someone, Li Yinguang would have been in two.

"That's really not intentional!" Li Yinguang smiled awkwardly, just got up, but in the next second, he leaned over more heavily than the first time.

The ground under his feet, the stone walls of the tunnel, and the entire corpse cave were shaking and trembling.

"Earthquake? Or did the 'Underworld Dragon Worm King' get in?" Li Yinguang couldn't figure out why the ground was shaking all the time. How embarrassing it was for him. He didn't intend to take advantage of the beautiful mare. , But now, the yellow mud is spilled on the crotch, it's either **** or shit.

Gu Liyan kept a straight face, but instead of staring at Li Yinguang fiercely, he looked into the corpse cave.

Xiaoman muttered: "It's not the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld', but the 'Hell Nether Worm'."

Li Yinguang looked in the direction of the 'Corpse Cave'. Hell ghost insects have come out of the ground and are killing all directions in the cave. Hundreds of tentacles are facing hundreds of thousands of corpses. The Corpse Frog has no fear at all, and kills all directions. Every time it has a tentacles hundreds of meters long, it can wear a string of corpses on it. It flew out tens of meters away.

"Hell ghost insects" vs. "swarms of creepy corpses"?

Li Yinguang was stunned and asked: "Why did it come here? Could it be to avenge the last time it was hunted by the group of ghostly corpses?"

The last time it was the 'Hell Nether Worm' being chased by the group of ghostly corpses, but this time it took the initiative to break into the nest of the 'group of ghostly corpses' and was fighting.

"Is it possible that the 'Underworld Dragon Worm King' and this 'Hell Nether Worm' are in the same group?" Xiao Man blinked his eyes and said.

Are you in the same group as the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld' outside?

Li Yinguang stared: "You mean, the dragon worm king of the underworld knew that Lord Mambach was plotting against him, so he agreed on the surface, but secretly sent the 'hell ghost insect' to the corpse cave to **** the 'worm eggs'?"

Gu Liyan stared at the corpse cave and said: "There is another possibility, that is, the eggs of the 'Dragon Worm King of the Nether Realm' were born with this 'Ghost Worm from Hell'!"

"Who gave birth to the two worms?" Li Yinguang asked curiously.

Gu Liyan withdrew her eyes and looked at him: "Does it matter who was born?"

Li Yinguang smiled dryly and touched his nose: "Aren't I just curious!"

Gu Liyan rolled his eyes at him, and said indifferently: "There is a high probability that it was born by the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld'. Judging by the size of this 'Hell Nether Worm', it is probably male!"

After a slight pause, he continued: "For so many years, I have never heard of the 'Underworld Dragon Worm King' laying eggs. It is a strange thing to lay eggs suddenly, but if it is born with this 'Hell Nether Worm', That's understandable."

Li Yinguang scratched his head, and asked somewhat puzzled, "Why is it understandable?"

"The 'Hell Nether Worm' is about the same size as the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld', and the next two are obscene things. Although the 'Hell Nether Worm' is not the king of insects, its strength is no less than that of the 'Dragon Worm King' Worm King, the combination of the two species can produce more powerful offspring, in order to pass on the genes of the strong and leave offspring, do you understand?" Gu Liyan said with a straight face.

Li Yinguang nodded: "I understand!"

With flickering eyes, he looked at the ghostly monsters in the area that were killing all directions in the corpse raising cave, and said strangely: "I was hunted down by this group of ghostly corpses last time, and this time they snatched the 'eggs' again. It's just old and new hatred, no wonder it's so fierce, it can break into the creepy corpse's lair without fear of life or death."

Gu Liyan frowned, and said in a low voice: "I have sensed a few dangerous auras, we can easily be spotted here."

Are there any masters coming?

But if you think about it, the **** ghost monsters are killing all directions in the corpse cave, and it is impossible for the masters in Mambach Town to not respond.

"Come on, come closer to me, don't stay so far away!"

While Li Yinguang was speaking, he pulled Gu Liyan and Xiaoman towards him, stopped her waist, and held her in his arms. He really didn't want to take advantage of her, because the smaller the area, the 'mysterious gem' stitched on his heart covered up what they were talking about. Less energy is required.


"Shh!" Li Yinguang put his finger up on his mouth: "A master is coming!"

Gu Liyan frowned, and looked into the corpse cave, only to see a strange man wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and two people wearing dark gold cloaks, fighting with the 'Hell Nether Worm'.

All three are masters, and with the addition of hundreds of thousands of corpses and hundreds of corpse frogs, the situation of the battle changed very quickly. The massacre situation turned into a big battle of half a catty.

"The two people wearing dark gold cloaks are most likely the third and fourth elders in the Presbyterian Church, and the strange thing wearing a coir raincoat and bamboo hat is the corpse keeper in the corpse cave." Li Yinguang put away the smile on his face. , Said sternly.

Unexpectedly, the third elder, the fourth elder, and the corpse keeper are so powerful that the three of them can trap the "hell ghost insect" in the middle. Nether monsters' don't even think about taking advantage.

"Fourth, if this goes on like this, there is no way to hold a sacrifice and wake up the corpse emperor!" The third elder smashed the tentacles that swept over, and with the mountain-opening giant axe, he yelled at the fourth elder who was tens of meters away.

It is estimated that it will not be able to do it in ten days and a half months without taking out the suppressed things to kill this 'Hell Nether Worm'.

"Send someone for backup!"

The fourth elder also knew the situation in front of him, so he shouted to the followers behind him.

This is under the town of Mambach, and there are four elders in the meeting hall above, and the lord of Mambach has not shown up. It is not difficult to keep this "hell ghost bug"!

The corpse keeper in coir raincoat and bamboo hat once fought against the "Hell Nether Worm" and reminded loudly: "Be careful, this "Hell Nether Worm" has evolved four wings and can fly."

The words made the third elder's face change drastically, and he retreated rapidly. Ordinary 'hell ghost insects' are difficult enough to deal with, but winged 'hell ghost insects'? Isn't this already at the level of the 'Bug King'!

It was too late, a dark red tentacle swept towards the third elder, hit the third elder who wanted to retreat, and flew a hundred meters away, crashing into the stone wall.


The third elder came out with a disheveled face, coughing up blood from his mouth, obviously injured.

"Sooner or later, the old man will be cheated to death by you!" He muttered.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't get rid of it, we're all doomed. Hurry up and help!" The Fourth Elder not far away yelled gloomily.

Li Yinguang and others who were hiding in the tunnel couldn't help clicking their tongues while watching the faint light from the torches in the corpse cave.

[To tell the truth, I have been using the source-changing app recently to read and update books, to switch between sources, and to read aloud with many voices, both Android and Apple. 】

The 'Hell Nether Strange Insect' flew into the mid-air of the corpse cave, with hundreds of tentacles like a **** of war, fighting with the third elder, fourth elder, and corpse raiser, with undiminished prestige.

He can still free up his hands to kill the creepy corpses, corpse frog beasts below, Li Yinguang, Gu Liyan, and Xiaoman were stunned and exclaimed that they were enjoying themselves.

"Do you think this 'hell ghost worm' will be broken in the corpse cave today?" Li Yinguang hugged Gu Liyan and poked his head into the corpse cave. Xiaoman, the attention of the three of them was on the battlefield outside.

Gu Liyan shook her head: "It's hard to say, if Lord Mambach comes down to help, it's really possible."

"Won't the 'Hell Nether Worm' summon the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld' to fight?" Li Yinguang thought for a while and asked.

Gu Liyan nodded: "It's also possible!"

Who can dominate the battle situation, at least for now, is still unknown.

"The Hell Nether Worm and the Underworld Dragon Worm King both came down, and they couldn't move their hands. The corpse cave is so big. It's not easy for a 'Hell Nether Worm' to fully move around!" Xiaoman said. It is reminded that neither the 'Hell Nether Worm' nor the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld' will have a strong advantage in fighting in a narrow space.

There seemed to be a train coming here in the tunnel, accompanied by creaking and low roaring sounds.

Li Yinguang's complexion changed, and when he looked back, UU Reading not far away, countless pairs of scarlet dots were running towards them, and they were about to reach them.

"It's the 'Gold Devouring Rats'!"

Gu Liyan's complexion also changed drastically, one side was a group of ghostly corpses, the other side was a group of gold-eating rats, isn't this killing people, there is nowhere to hide!

Li Yinguang patted her buttocks heavily: "What a fool, follow me!"

After finishing speaking, he took Gu Liyan with one hand and Xiaoman with the other, and burrowed into the group of ghostly corpses in the corpse cave. Inside the group of ghostly corpses, there was a 'mysterious gem' sewn on his heart to protect him, so he would not be attacked.

Both Gu Liyan and Xiaoman's expressions were not very good. The strange corpse, the gold-eating rat, and the 'regional ghost insect' not far away, as well as the masters fighting the regional ghost insect, made them feel a little bit Panic, if this is discovered, where will they stand?

Standing in the crowd of ghostly corpses, Li Yinguang looked towards the central altar of the corpse cave instead. What would happen if he snatched away the eggs of the 'Dragon Worm of the Underworld'?

From Li Yinguang's point of view, I don't want the Fourth Elder and his group to wake up some corpse emperor!


Li Yinguang gritted his teeth, took Gu Liyan's hand, hugged Xiaoman, and walked towards the central altar of the corpse cave. At this time, everyone's attention was on the 'hell ghost monster', and almost no one would pay attention to the raising corpse. The center of the corpse cave.

When he came to the bottom of the altar, Li Yinguang raised his hand and pointed to it: "Can you kill the guards above without making a sound?"

Gu Liyan, the boss with beautiful eyes, asked in a low voice, "You, what are you going to do?"

Li Yinguang grinned at her and blinked his eyes: "I'll see if there is a chance to steal the 'worm egg' away!"

"You don't want to die?" Gu Liyan couldn't help exclaiming.

Li Yinguang smiled shyly and said: "Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, we are all here, what are we afraid of!"