MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1927 Meishan Seven Monsters (2 in 1)

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As soon as this remark was made, eleven of the thirteen people standing in the hall looked horrible, and could not help but take a breath.

It was so violent!

Wang Xiangzundan's eyes were more jealous.

Although the elixir is good, it is a deadly poison for them who are only the Star Warriors.

Serving is dead!

He paused, Hei San continued.

"The Lord of the Universe is different. After taking it, it can make the user take a stabile boost on the basis of the original, and only take it once in a lifetime!"

The more he talked about the back, the more trembling the voice of Hei San was, and his eyes were full of longing.

This Yuzun Dan, he really needs it!

Stepping on the Lord of the Universe for eight thousand years, and now a single elixir can let him break through, how can he be calm?


Not only him, but the eyes of the rest were staring at the jade box, one after another, even if they could not use it now, they would definitely use it in the future!

How tempting it is for the Lord of the universe to step up stiffly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Ning Tianlin nodded with satisfaction.

"I appreciate you."

Immediately, he flicked his fingers, and the indifferent movement was like giving an ordinary item.


The surging energy of the elixir floated towards Hei San.


is that true?

Hei San was unbelievable, took a deep breath, and was tightly pressed against his voice, afraid to fall.


It wasn't until Zun Yudan held it in his palm that he reacted, immediately, ecstatic.


Hei San fell to his knees as if worshiping the spirit in his heart.

He had been killing the indifference for a long time, and at the moment his dim eyes were filled with tears, this gift was too important to him!

"Black Third, thank you, Master!"

The voice trembled, showing piety and gratitude.


Ning Tianlin glanced and looked at everyone's expressions. Seeing that the purpose had been achieved, he turned around immediately.

"Is waiting for orders!"

After hearing this, the other 13 people were shocked and solemn.


"Tongtong!" ...

These ruthless black market vicious people are also one by one respectful, and quickly kneel down.

"At this moment, the Black Temple is formed, and Hei Sanli's first achievement is to be rewarded!"

I heard that these people are even more envious of Hei San, who can reward him, so they will certainly be able to do so in the future.

"There are rewards and punishments. There is only one penalty for Xuanhuang Gate, which is worse than life and death!"

There was no doubt that Ning Tianlin's voice was loud.

And the last four words are like death sentence, making them tremble with each other, not as good as death, even more terrible punishment than death!

The rewards and punishments are clear, everyone is right!

"The Black Temple is wholehearted and swears to follow the doorkeeper!"

Hei San shook his arm, and the 13 elders behind him roared in unison, the sound of which was soaring throughout the black market.

Looking at the main members kneeling in front of them, Ning Tianlin turned and asked.

"Black Thirds, are all arranged?"

Hearing this, Hei San quickly looked up and responded.

"Go home, everything is OK!"

"it is good!"

Ning Tianlin frowned.

"I am waiting today for souls!"

A simple sentence made everyone ecstatic.


Without waiting for their response, where Ning Tianlin's eyebrows passed, a golden light passed by, and the horrible adsorption force instantly captured everyone ... the same time.

The Cosmos School ranks the ninth Mo Yumen.

The afterglow of the setting sun will set off a **** red here.

The color of blood!

The huge gate was empty.

Even inside the Fangshi outside the Zongmen, every store has its doors locked, not even a ghost.

It's like a no-man's land!

In a desolate forest, a pile of weeds shook slightly.

A dirty head came out carefully and kept looking around, very alert.

"Uncle, it's okay, nobody's here!"

The man said something behind him.

Then, embarrassed figures emerged from under the weeds.

Although the clothes were broken, the black emblem printed on their chests was particularly dazzling. The huge black wings spread above them, shining sharply like a sword.

These people are the survivors of Cuttlefish Gate, Chen Hongxia, Cangming, Elders in the gate and others.

In addition, there is a child who is a genius boy in Mo Yumen. He has superb qualifications and amazing talents.

But at this moment, everyone was in poor condition, covered in mud and covered with wounds, blood dripping and terrifying.

As if, just escaped from the edge of life and death.

"Uncle Cangming, will those bad guys still catch up?"

A skinny little boy asked Cangming with horror.

Hearing this, Cangming couldn't help touching his head.

"Relax! We will take you to find senior Ning, he will protect you!"

Senior Ning is Ning Tianlin!

Hearing this name, all the children's eyes bloomed, and there was a lot of fanaticism and worship inside them.

"If Senior Ning were there, there would not be so many uncles and aunts dying in the hands of the bad guys to save us!"

The little boy's words made everyone's nose sharp.

The Zerg Powers Strike!

The headless Mo Yumen was almost wiped out by the army.

Only they, because of their relationship with Ning Tianlin, were swearing by the doormen to protect them.

The only purpose is to find Ning Tianlin's shelter!

The eyes of all the brothers and sisters who had died miserably to cover them all instantly became red.

"Go, let's go, find Senior Ning, he will avenge us!"

In the eyes of Chen Hongxia and Cangming, there was a strong hatred. They firmly believed that Ning Tianlin would help them revenge Mo Yumen!

There is no reason for it, because when they returned to the door to take refuge in the past, the head had told them something.

Poor strange, that is, the pattern on their family emblem, has a great relationship with the earth, and Ning Tianlin's mother star is the earth!

Mo Yumen is in trouble, and the earth's strong will definitely shoot!

At the moment, everyone wanted to leave for the black market.

But, just then, the danger is rising again.

"Well, a bunch of fish that missed the net, do you still want to escape?"

With a murmur of words falling.


Ghostly figures rushed out from behind the forest.

These people are more than 100 people.

The breath of each of them was very magnificent. Every step fell, and the ground trembled.

In particular, a worm, like a fierce wild wolf, had a bloodthirsty atmosphere that was trembling.

He is exactly the ancestor of the sleeper king, the cowardly and weird monster of the third stage of the universe master!

He had just been out of the customs for a long time, and when he heard that Sun Tzu ’s sleeper King had been killed, he became furious.

If you dare not find Ning Tianlin to find revenge, then let Mo Yumen breathe. His grandson's death must be buried.

Behind him, Qi Yan followed more than fifty Star Warriors, and then all the Star Warriors.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Chen Hongxia, Cangming and others were as pale as paper.

These lineups were not enough to deal with their Mo Yumen, but the head of the team hasn't returned for a long time, which gave the stunned old man a chance.

It's over!

They knew they were waiting for someone to die!

"Cangming, you should have died ... haha!"

The wretched old man laughed wildly, his face full of excitement and brutality.

He was not interested in how Cangming pretended to be dead and fooled others.

He only knew that this man had to die today, and his grandson, the dormant king, was revenge against Ning Tianlin in Cang Ping Xing Yu!

"Also, all of you defeated here are all here, just right, to give you a ride together!"

His words were extremely hot.

This sentence made Cangming and others more and more ugly.

And a little boy, summoned courage, yelled at the cowardly old monster.

"You bad guy, you ruined Mo Yumen. When senior Ning Tianlin comes, it will tear you to pieces!"

Ning Tianlin?

Hearing this name, there was a sigh of jealousy in the eyes of the sorrowful old weird, but it was just a flash, and suddenly it was surging hatred.

"That little bastard!"

The rustling of the steel teeth bitter, and the stunned old monster was boiling.

"My grandson, my tribe, was killed by this kid. Finally, one day, our Zerg tribe will kill him with thousands of swords and corpses!"

The killing intention in the dreary old weird words was intense to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his eyes and stared at Chen Hongxia and others.

"But before that, I will kill you ants!"

After that, the freak old monster waved his palm.

"Go up, cut off their heads and worship my grandson!"


With this sentence falling down, behind the wretched old monster, a hundred star-barren warriors moved in unison.


Every figure, like a tiger and a wolf, went crazy killing Chen Hongxia, Cangming and others.

Death, come!

"Really, is that all?"

There was a bitter smile on the faces of Chen Hongxia and others.

The disaster of Mo Yumen is approaching, and the head is missing.

Before he died, he couldn't tell Ning Tianlin, who was far away from the black market, to take revenge for their Mo Yumen!

They are not afraid of death, but they are not reconciled!


At the moment, everyone looks at each other, one by one, determined to die, and now they want to desperately with the Zerg people!

Even if it is a war death, it will also pick up a layer of Zerg clan. The people in their Moyumen can't catch it, let alone a deadlock!


However, at this moment, the metamorphosis protruded.

"You are so weird, it really is you!"

A roaring sound suddenly sounded like a thunderous explosion!

"Oh!" ...

Immediately after, the surrounding space was torn wildly, and powerful figures like dragons appeared.


In the blink of an eye, these few people who did not know where they came from were standing in front of Chen Hongxia and others!

They were rushing quickly in the starry sky, and suddenly frowned. Here, they must come, even if they change their schedule, they must come!

There is no reason for it, because there is a tyrannical atmosphere here, it is too familiar to them, and familiarity makes them instantly kill!

When the enemies of that year appeared, how could they not have the enemy?

For another reason, just when they were about to tear up the space, they even heard Ning Tianlin's name from the mouth of that little baby!

Ning Tianlin, the key person who decides to pay for the earth, a great benefactor who has the grace to rebuild them!

Enemy! Benefactor's friend! They have no reason not to appear rashly!




They took a step forward, and at that step, even the earth trembled, as if stepping on the hearts of everyone, making people's involuntary heartbeat speed up!

Everyone at Mo Yumen was surprised and happy!

Although they do not know who is coming, from the perspective of the killing sent from the other side, they must be at odds with this Zerg!

The enemy's enemy is a friend, and their Moyumen may have a life!

The sky has eyes, and Mo Yumen should not go away!

"Meishan Seven Monsters!"

Seeing those five people, the sleepy and weird shocked, the dim pupil suddenly tightened, and his face was incredible.


How could this be true?

He once thought he was dazzled, but the breath of the five people told him clearly that this was not a dazzle, but a fact!

"Seven weirds, five weirds are here!"

Wei You's weird face is very ugly. These five people are not only as simple as he recognizes, they are "old acquaintances".

Meishan Qiguai is not only the strong one of the ancient earth, but also the **** follower of the ancient one.

Every one of them is fierce, his ability to change is unpredictable, and each person has unique skills.

In the realm of star warrior warriors, under the joint force, he could even resist the bombardment of the Lord of the universe, and still not fall into the wind.

In addition, there is a peerless practice method. When it is powerful, it can be the master of the universe!

Weird, horrible!

"Green-eyed white snake, Chang Hao!"

"Red-eyed boar, Zhu Zizhen!"

"White-eyed buffalo, Jin Dasheng!"

"Yellow-eyed yellow dog, dog-gift!"

| "Black-eyed goat, Yang Xian!"

The faint old weird guts giggled and looked horribly from the five of them.

"Isn't this fool of fools long ago dead billions of years ago?"

Suddenly weird, suspicious.

He couldn't believe that the seven monsters that had to die that year still had five monsters alive, so the remaining two monsters?


Let's not think too much about it. The wretched old-fashioned arrogance spread out instantly and shrouded in the hundreds of stars around it.



"That's good!"

The sorrowful old man breathed a sigh of relief, and the alertness on his face was also slightly relieved.

If the seven strange monsters of Meishan appeared together, he would not dare to fight hard, and could only escape!

Especially the head of the seven monsters, if Yuan Hong, a white ape, was present, he would have no chance of winning, even if there were fifty star-warrior warriors behind him to help fight!

Now, there are only five people, he is not afraid, he is confident, not only can fight, but also has confidence to destroy each other!

"I really didn't expect that the ancient earth was destroyed. It is really a surprise to my husband that you are still alive!"

Keep an eye on the five monsters of Meishan, and the eyes of the old and weird monsters are scarlet in an instant.

Chopping the grass does not eradicate the roots, but the end result is endless!

It can be said that their "death" was caused by his own hands!