MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 196

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Without saying hello, the two ran out of Silicon Valley and drove to San Francisco. Today is Saturday. The traffic on the highway is like a tide. It takes half an hour for traffic jams alone, making Xiao Junyi, who has never seen such a battle, startled. Due to the lack of a driver this time, the task of driving naturally fell on Xiao Sanshao's head. Under the guidance of the less reliable tour guide Chen Yuanming, they spent some energy to drive into the city. It was only after arriving in San Francisco that Chen Yuanming's ability to recognize was even less brilliant.

"Your boy, have you been in San Francisco for so long and you don't even know the way?"

With fashionable sunglasses, Xiao Junyi looked at the signpost and hit the steering wheel, laughing at someone who was still checking the map.

"I haven't been here." Chen Yuanming looked at the map and glanced at the street sign again, reaching out and pointing to the left. "Turn left two streets."

"Where is this going? Chinatown, the Golden Gate Bridge or the Civic Center ..."

"Twin Peaks, Market Street."

"I don't seem to have heard of it." Xiao Junyi raised his eyebrows. Although he had never been abroad, he did his homework anyway. The two landmarks that Chen Yuanming said didn't seem to be famous. Is this ready to play tricks?

A little smile appeared on his lips, and Chen Yuanming took off Xiao Junyi's sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. "Look at it and know ..."

Moving along the street, after a while, Xiao Junyi saw the famous hall. The closer to the market street, the more residential buildings and shops hung colorful flags. There were pink pennants, and they were as gorgeous as a rainbow. The horizontal banners, ribbons and flowers are intertwined, weaving, and the whole street has a kind of atmosphere on the eve of Carnival, ready to move and get ready.

Whistling softly, Xiao Junyi smiled and turned his head, "What festivals are there?"

"It's not a celebration, it's a parade." Chen Yuanming looked back and looked at the lovers around him. "This is an annual **** pride parade."

"What ..." Hearing this name, Xiao Junyi stepped on the brake subconsciously, and Land Rover squeaked in the middle of the road. In the Chinese concept, 'parade' is not such a honor, let alone sensational prefixes such as homosexuality and pride.

"Scared?" Chen Yuanming staggered her eyes. Not far from him, the two girls were walking side by side on the sidewalk, they were so tightly held as if they were trying to rub their lovers into their bodies. "Gaygood, homosexuality is not a disease, not a disorder, but a gift from heaven. I should be proud of it ... when I first heard it, I was scared."

Behind him, a sharp horn sounded, and Xiao Junyi's body shook slightly. "You never mentioned this to me before ..."

"I never thought you would come to the United States at this time."

Chen Yuanming's voice is not loud, but it contains something so complicated that it is indescribable. Xiao Junyi only felt that his heart was twisted. This person obviously looks forward to seeing this celebration one day, but in Silicon Valley for several years , But he has never set foot on this street, until today he came here with himself ...

Stretching his arms, Xiao Junyi caught the lover on the co-pilot and put a deep kiss on his lips.

"You should mention this to me, you know I won't refuse ..."

"Yes, I know that."

Chen Yuanming kissed back.

The annoyed horn sound suddenly stopped behind him. When the two parted their lips, whistle and applause came. Shocked by the noise, Xiao Junyi suddenly started the car and flashed to the side of the road. A Ford drove past them. The middle-aged woman in the driver's seat extended her thumb at them, and a big, friendly smile flashed on her lips. .

At this moment, Chen Yuanming only felt that the blood in his body was surging fast. In his last life, he knew about the **** parade, and even saw related photos on the Internet, but he never even thought about it, and wanted to stand here in person and show the true self to the world.

However, when receiving a call from Xiao Junyi that day, he suddenly had an impulse. The time was too coincident, just like the gift given by heaven. In a foreign country, at such a parade, we are gathering with our lovers in a bright light, without fear of any ridicule and strange eyes ... The desire simply burns his heart and makes him sleepless.

But today, at this moment, he finds that all ideas are so overshadowed by reality. Without even having the patience to book a hotel, Xiao Junyi parked the car at the side of the road at random and stretched out his hand to him. Chen Yuanming steadily grabbed the palm of the bone, with his fingers interlocked.

Walking on the street hand in hand, the same black t-shirt, the same tight-fitting denim, at a glance, I know that they are in love. However, the couple's shirt did not cause any doubt, but because of the rare oriental face and hot body, it attracted a lot of interesting eyes.

As if stimulated by the crisis consciousness, Xiao Junyi circled Chen Yuanming's waist and arms tightly, grabbing his ears and biting his ears intimately, "Well, I'm a little sorry, at least I shouldn't let you wear Go out like this ... "

Chen Yuanming sneered and squeezed the hips in his palms, "It's not me who can't lift the pants."

Saturday is just the eve of the parade, but a large number of merchants have begun to warm up the festival. Just like any hot-headed tourist, the two spent a frantic and aimless day on the streets of San Francisco, unknowingly adding a lot of things, their stomachs were stuffed with quirky snacks, a lot of light alcohol and too much Frequent kisses make the lips bright red. It was not until the beginning of the Huadeng Festival that the carnival eve officially kicked off.

The entire Castro district is brightly lit, the audio is moved to the street, men, women and girls dance to the rhythm of music, beer leans in the crowd, and there are volunteers holding boxes and various signs.

On the vocal streets, there was no one beside them with enthusiasm, but no one was surprised or interrupted, just like a pair of ordinary lovers annihilated in this joyful ocean. After the kiss, Chen Yuanming took a small box from Xiao Junyi and raised his lips.

"Do you want to use this today?"

"Huh?" Asked for a moment, Xiao Junyi also looked away, only then did he realize that the beautifully packed small boxes were not candy, but a box marked with different flavors of insurance | insurance | sets .

I never expected that the donation would be this thing. Xiao Junyi's face turned red, and he looked up to Chen Yuanming's eyes. However, in these black eyes, he didn't find any teasing. There was only serious enthusiasm and longing. They have been together for so long, and they haven't actually reached the last step. Whether they use their hands or their mouths, they can get enough joy, and **** between men is not the only way.

However, to say that you don't want to try another method is also totally offensive. When the love is strong, why don't you want to completely occupy the lovers underneath, but they don't seem to have reached that point, and there is a layer of nothing in the emotional communication.

Until today.

Shaking his heart, Xiao Junyi bent his eyes. Pulling the locket from Chen Yuanming's hand, he printed a kiss on it.

"Of course, if you want ..."

The same enthusiasm raged in my heart, and I no longer enjoyed this carnival night. The two held hands and ran wild on the street. The hotel they booked was outside a street, and it only took them ten minutes to run downstairs. In the surprised look of the doorman, the two rushed through the luxurious gate, and even the elevator could not wait, and ran straight up the stairs. Floor. The strenuous exercise caused them to breathe disorderly, and sticky sweat beads condensed on the palms, but the two hands were so tightly grasped that they did not want to separate for a moment.

The door of the room was closed behind her, her lips and her body were stuck together, and the tight clothes made her swollen and painful, and the pain seemed to have turned into the most realistic touch, making them bleed. Heartbeat thundered.

The palms tucked in the tight jeans waist, in exchange for a low, dull hum. There were no lights in the room, only the moonlight and starlight reflected in the opened curtains. The two stumbled through the living room and fell on a soft mattress. On the Twin Peaks in the distance, a huge pink inverted pennant is slowly spreading out, and the cheering sound can penetrate more than ten meters of the floor.

However, neither of them noticed this, and only the figures of each other remained in the hot eyes.

(This chapter is actually endless, but let ’s talk about it later xd)

The author has something to say: Several confectionery shops have been ransacked, sweet 咩 = w =

But do n’t think about it, wait until the article code is finished, and then fill it up one by one.

As for attacking, um, this article attack each other xd

(English: defensemarriageact, abbreviated as doma) Signed in September 1996 and was found unconstitutional in 2013.

Gay Pride: Part of the **** rights movement on the last Sunday of June each year. It has three main purposes: people should be proud of themselves, the diversity of sexual orientation is a great gift, and sexual orientation cannot be changed arbitrarily. Pride parades celebrating **** pride are available all over the world. Gay pride symbols include the rainbow flag as well as pink triangles and black triangles (formerly used in Nazi concentration camps).

Licking, feed your friends, thank you all> 3 <

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Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher

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