MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 142

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That night, Wang Juan felt that she had spoken a lot and heard a lot, and after living for more than 30 years, it was the first time in her life that someone asked her what she thought, rather than simply telling her what to do. This pressure from self-thinking was like a mountain, so she was almost out of breath, her mind was chaotic, and the originally clear world had a slight distortion.

But the kind of fear from the heart was slowly dissipating. The son was sitting so close to himself, holding her hand firmly, his voice was calm and gentle, not as slow as the world. The same thing can hold him back. After so many years, Wang Juan has always known that his son can make money and make a lot of money, but deep down in his heart, he still lingers when he was young, thin and small. Even if he lived in such a luxurious house, With millions of net worth, he is just a child who needs adult care.

However, today this idea has changed silently. Wang Juan suddenly found that her son has grown into a towering tree that can shield the couple from the wind and rain. He knows so much and is so smart that he and his husband may not be capable of him alone. This cognition, like a light in chaos, slowly brightened her mind. Pride, sadness, bitterness, and blankness ... Various emotions were intertwined in her heart. She was not ready yet, but her son did not know This place has undergone such a huge change, and they are also pulling them on a completely different path.

That night, the mother and the child kept talking for a long time, and really talked about their knees. It was not until Chen Jianhua was drunk that Wang Juan refocused on her husband. After finally moving the drunk husband like a dead pig to the bed, listening to his snoring sound, Wang Juan breathed a long sigh of relief. She still didn't get the answer she wanted, but quietly made a decision deep down. No matter how much these things make her headache, she must think hard. Even if she can't worry about her son, she can't drag his hind legs.

After a day of exhaustion, she fell into a dreamland with great ease.

The next day they slept a little more, and woke up with their eyes open for a while, and Wang Juan pushed her husband, "It's half past seven, are you still at work?"

"Wh ... what ..." Chen Jianhua gave a j □ j, and the smell of wine in his mouth rushed to his face.

Wang Juan rolled her eyes and got up from the bed. "Anyway, I won't go today, you take care of it yourself."

The drunkenness and nausea still reverberated after being drunk, but the word "go to work" still awakened Chen Jianhua. I went to drink with the factory directors yesterday. I don't know what brand of liquor, but compared to Wuliangye It's a lot worse. He's got a sore head now, but he still has to work ...

Struggling to get up from the bed, Chen Jianhua suddenly hesitated. "What did you just say? You're not going to work? What's the matter ..."

"It's not the director Song making trouble." The toilet is in the master bedroom suite. Wang Juan has turned on the faucet, washing her face and saying, "I'd rather let me go to the office as an accountant. Where would I do that and don't want to go?" "

"You ... you ..." Chen Jianhua simply didn't know how to say, "People promote you, why are you so ignorant ?!"

"I don't know what to do." Throwing a towel into the sink, Wang Juan's eyebrows were upright. "You know! I drank and drank in the middle of the night and spit up all over the house. After marrying you for 20 years, I didn't see you drunk It ’s been a deed! Master Xiao Song is here to help, what a shame! "

Chen Jianhua blushed and rubbed his hands a bit awkwardly. "Yesterday, our branch leader invited guests. I went to 7 or 8 people. I ... I can't push it ..."

"Huh." Wang Juan snorted coldly. "It won't be all leaders. Just a little soldier? Is there anyone else who wants to give you an official?"

Chen Jianhua's mouth was slightly open, and he didn't say a word, at this time his mind finally counted. Yeah, neither he nor his wife are in a branch factory. Why are both leaders pushing for promotion? There are no big names in his family, how could he suddenly become a citron ...

After all, they had been sleeping together for 20 years in the same bed. Wang Juan saw Chen Jianhua's confusion at a glance and sighed softly. She went to her husband and handed him a towel. "And our brother-in-law, Yesterday, I also heard the elder sister said that she has been reinstated, and the whole company has made a public announcement. Look at it, what a change. "

Chen Jianhua's eyes were straight, and he couldn't reach out to pick up the towel for a long time, and muttered in his mouth, "How could it be, the other two days were clear ..."

Pushing the towel into her husband's hand, Wang Juan sat back on the bed, "I don't know, it's all thanks to our son ..."

Son ... Chen Jianhua bounced off the bed in a moment, "Doudou stuffed people with money ?! What does he want to do, bribe?"

Looking at her husband who was iron-blue for a moment, Wang Juan sighed softly, "Jianhua, you sit first ..."

"You can sit still ?!" It was even harder to hear Chen Jianhua's face when he heard his wife's indifferent tone. "Even if our family is rich, we can't be so messy! Isn't this for the rich ?! Homes are all decent workers, how can they walk such crooked doors ... "

"Chen Jianhua! You don't even think about it!" A rather unexpected roar made Chen Jianhua shudder, Wang Juan reached out and pulled her husband back to the mattress. "What good is it to plug our money for our promotion? Even if I am an accountant and you are a director, there are not more than one hundred and eighty yuan a year. Doudou sends more than that in a month!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianhua's heart burst into anger. Of course, he understands the purpose of bribery and bribery, but he has never heard of spending a lot of money to buy a loss. Compared to his son's family, it is really unnecessary to get this set in the factory now ...

"So, that's what's going on ..." The fire went on, and the rest became full of confusion. Chen Jianhua grasped the towel in his hand and was puzzled.

Wang Juan sighed again. "Doudou told me yesterday. It wasn't the moth that he caused these people to make trouble. It was someone else who hurriedly tried to seduce him before they could start with us."

This made Chen Jianhua's eyes widened incredulously, "Juanzi are you crazy? Our son is not just a trader, how can we let the factory leader stop him? The factory's annual sales are hundreds of millions. He How much money do you have? "

"I'm not sure about this ~ this, but I've thought about it. Let's go to my brother-in-law today to ask me! Didn't he follow Doudou to toast that day? Brother-in-law always understands things better than us!"

Because of empathy, Wang Juan really understands her husband's current mentality. She wants to convince him that the brother-in-law is definitely more effective than the rest of the family, and may even be more effective than the son himself. Why doesn't she want to hear what her brother-in-law thinks?

"But what should the unit do ..." After hearing his wife's suggestion, Chen Jianhua was not indifferent, but frowned again at the thought of his work. "You can't always ask for leave. The director of the factory yesterday also paid them ..."

"Okay, Jianhua, don't you not know what kind of virtue the factory leaders are, all of them are unprofitable and early. If it really sounds like what our son said, we must hold it first, we can't drag his hind legs. ... "

Ah ... Chen Jianhua opened his mouth. He never thought about it in this direction. When he was drank by the leaders yesterday, he praised him back and forth. What is solid, hard-working, resentful, and skillful, even the leader is in place. He ran out and flattered him as a small monitor. Who didn't want to be appreciated by the leader? But today, when I heard my wife's words, my heart seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water. This sudden compliment, wouldn't I really be pregnant?

Sitting on the bed, his look changed for a long time, Chen Jianhua finally sighed, "Let's ask for leave, let's go to my brother-in-law and ask for it ..."

I didn't know his parents' intentions. Chen Yuanming got up early this day. He left the house at 6 o'clock and drove to the provincial capital by car. In the past two days, a deputy general manager of the investment group was attending a meeting in the province. I heard that Yuan Yang had the intention to approach the investment group. He immediately made an appointment. The two talked on the phone several times and finally arranged to meet at the headquarters of the provincial investment group .

Now that the highways in the city and the provincial capital have just been completed, Xiao Song has always been fast and stable by car. It took only two and a half hours to reach his destination. The investment group building was also magnificent in the 1990s. The small high-rise is even more towering. Chen Yuanming did not delay downstairs. He took the elevator directly to the general manager's office under the guidance of the special assistant. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the friendly smile of Mr. Ma.

"Chen Dong, I didn't expect you to return home recently. I blame my brother for having been too busy for a meeting these two days. Or maybe I have to visit him ..."

"Director Ma is very polite." Chen Yuanming held Mr. Ma's hand and laughed. "I often hear your deeds with Director Sun. It is really an honor to see me today."

"Haha ~ what other directors are called, are people in the company, so don't go outside."

The investment group is also a serious state-owned holding company. Every helm is a person who can be ranked in the CPPCC. Even the general manager Ma has the title of a cadre at the prefectural level and can sit on an equal footing with the ordinary mayor. In front of Chen Yuanming, he was not interested in putting the officials in charge. Sitting on the sofa with a smile, Mr. Ma did not first mention Yuan Yang ’s moves in the city, but instead led his words to metal futures. Gong, let our investment groups lose their color. Just when the futures fell, aluminum prices plummeted and the mines in Australia suffered a lot. "

This is the aluminum ore that the investment group invested in Australia in the 1980s. Earlier, it had made a fortune by relying on the appreciation of aluminum prices. By the time this year's prices have fallen, it will naturally suffer losses.

Chen Yuanming smiled. "Listen to the meaning of President Ma, the group wants to make a higher price on aluminum?"

Mr. Ma Meifeng slightly raised his head. "Like mines like us, just waiting for the price of materials to rise. Why, my brother heard what's going on?"

"I can't talk about the wind, just speculate." Chen Yuanming lifted his tea cup and gave a sip. "It's estimated that it's still a period of contraction of aluminum prices in the past few years. We still have to watch the rise and fall curve of the copper market, let me say this It ’s better to build up some strength and wait until the plunge arrives to start a new mine. "

"It's the same operation as copper mine?" Mr. Ma frowned slightly. "Mexico and Peru are talking very hot recently. It shouldn't be a problem to buy shares. It depends on what price you buy. Brother Chen, do you think? What? When is the low? "

"It won't be more than this time next year." Chen Yuanming replied firmly. "The international situation is too complicated. It may not be copper for a while and a half, but it won't be long. Sheep pens are for sheep shearing. Not stupid. "

"Well, it's a headache. Only those of us who run international trade know the complexity. How can we make money at home?"

In the face of President Ma's intentional feelings, Chen Yuanming smiled. "After all, domestic money is small money. Even if you set up a factory in China, you have to look at the international market. Investment groups in this regard are also considered. The mainstay is here. No, I did n’t know until I got home that the mining machinery factories in the city have been acquired by you. Have n’t you taken less money in exporting for the past two years? ”

"Ha ha, make Brother Chen laugh. It ’s true that some factories and mines ca n’t be saved. Since the country has given indicators, of course, we still choose to save it smoothly. We still have more things for our own use, and then sell them to the third world. Feiyan ca n’t compare. ”Mr. Ma laughed, crying with other bosses that it is difficult to do foreign business, but talking to a veteran of foreign money like Chen Yuanming laughed. I do n’t know how this person ’s brains and guts grow up. He dared to go abroad to venture abroad at a young age and earn huge wealth. Not to mention how coveted the senior executives of the investment group are, unfortunately, it fell into the hands of Guoxing ... ...

In fact, as a hunter who goes abroad to win gold, Guoxing's movement has always been the focus of the investment group. What the overly young Chen Dong represents in Guoxing is not a secret to the senior level of the investment group. Therefore, when Chen Yuanming started home construction, a lot of attention was paid to him. This time, the province set up a card for Yuanyang, but it may not have the meaning of some behind the scenes, but it is not long to want to hold Yuanyang in policy. After all, the capital and strength are there, nothing more than to see if it can be harvested from Yuanyang. How much good it is.

Who wants Chen Yuanming to find an investment group directly? This is somewhat surprising. Although neither Yuanyang, Feiyan, or Guoxing look a little unsatisfactory in front of investment groups, they can gather huge wealth in such a short period of time and have a layer of network of relationships. People who are too far away. Therefore, the news came from the top, and we took it seriously. If cooperation is possible, don't be polite, even if it is a good destiny.

With the above instructions, Mr. Ma will not be a wicked person, but now just explores Chen Yuanming's attitude. With just a few opening words, we can see that Chen Dongxie's good intentions. If he is true, the investment group may also have to consider the work arrangements for the coming year.

Facing Mr. Ma's compliment, Chen Yuanming only smiled slightly. "But my brother came this time because of the mining machinery factory. I came back this time to prepare for the mine. Naturally, large equipment is also indispensable. Sophisticated equipment, but the daily use is still big, so I thought, can you come to an agreement with your group? "

"Oh?" President Ma refreshed. "Which agreement is there. Equipment purchase? Product maintenance?"

"None." Chen Yuanming smiled. "If possible, I hope that the cooperation at the industrial level is complementary."

Mr. Ma said this is a bit scratchy. Whether it is an investment group or Yuanyang Fund, in fact, the roots are financial. The industrial level is only a means for their investment to maintain value. At the same time, the investment group also serves the national macro economy. Just like investing in a mining machinery factory, it is really the task given above. Not only can these large factories and mines in the country not fall, they must also be saved as much as possible to give them a new life.

However, after all, investment groups are not real industrial entities. All they need is to connect their subordinate enterprises into a line, or to invest in and acquire those industries that are obviously profitable. They are not firefighters. In contrast, Yuanyang's investment in molybdenum ore makes people a little confused. Now the price of molybdenum is still the price of cabbage. Even if the country recently has the idea of ​​attaching importance to the rare earth industry, molybdenum ore is not yet in the protection scope, it is just an additive for the steelmaking industry.

In the eyes of many people, such a booming investment in molybdenum ore is just a measure that suits local conditions and slightly returns to the investment of a social nature, not that there is really a lot of visible profits in it. But today I came to the door specially, and I also put forward the eight classics, this nature is different ...

Seeing Mr. Ma's expression, Chen Yuanming smiled slightly. "Rare metals have a reason to call them rare. Now Japan can be regarded as the largest acquirer of molybdenum ore, and the annual import volume accounts for 40% of China's exports. Above, the use of molybdenum in the United States has also increased year-on-year in the past two years. What has caused the sharp increase in molybdenum consumption in Japan and the United States? It will not always be used in the alloy industry. The relationship between Yuanyang and the Tiger Fund was not bad in the past two years. At that time, they had already started to invest in the metal palladium industry, and this year saw a price increase trend. What about the price change of molybdenum? I don't think it will be too far away. "

"But," the words turned, and Chen Yuanming's tone became more serious. "After all, mining is the lowest-end raw material industry. Even if it can make money, it is not a long-term solution. If possible, I still hope to be involved in the deep processing field. Digest these minerals. At present the city is not without such ancillary industries, but unfortunately all of them are large state-owned enterprises. Even if Yuanyang has the money, I am afraid it will be difficult to take them for their own use ... "

At this time, Mr. Ma has heard some famous halls and groaned. "You mean, you want to borrow the name of our investment group?"

Chen Yuanming laughed. "Just like the mining machinery factory you acquired, just reducing staff and increasing efficiency and changing the corporate system can give it a new vitality. I think it's not bad for many other companies. If you can buy some large factories and mines in advance, , And set up a molybdenum ore R & D and processing production line in it, I believe it will become a good move in the future. Now that various ministries and commissions are redrawing the border of the territory, does your group have no idea of ​​enclosing in advance?

If the front is still general, then the last sentence really poke the general manager's weakness. Taking a deep look at Chen Yuanming, he leaned on the sofa. "So, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: I have n’t been able to open the website in the afternoon, and it took a lot of effort to finally come up with orz.

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1.Start → Control Panel → Network Connection

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3. Double-click "i protocol (tcp / ip)".

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It is said that this day seems to have a cold, a terrible headache, and a sore throat and speechless. Yesterday, I took a hot bath and slept again early, finally getting better and offering it thickly and long.