MTL - Internet 2010-~ Go to Your Dream Valley - Confessions of an Entrepreneur

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Go to Your Dream Valley - Confessions of an Entrepreneur

Source: ComputerWorld

Author: Anonymous (AK)

Editor: Xu De

Editor's Note: The original text was contributed by AK (net name) and modified by the editor of this newspaper. Considering the interests involved, AK chose to publish anonymously.

I'm just an ordinary entrepreneur. In 2011, I set up an entrepreneurial team with several classmates. At that time, it was not easy to start a mobile application from scratch, and we also applied to enter the Dream Valley Incubation after learning about a series of supports from the Dream Valley ecosystem. "Dream Creation Project".

I thought this was the beginning of a dream, but I didn't expect it to be just a glimpse of social reality.

The Dream Valley Creation Project in 2011 is extremely attractive. The most important point is that the founder Lu Zhou has operated the total valuation of several companies in the Dream Valley ecosystem in just over a year. billions of dollars. It has to be said that this is the role of an "idol", and many people believe that they can do it, but it turns out that this is just an empty talk.

Of course, Chuangmeng’s other support policies are also very attractive, including: the bottom-level developers can get a certain amount of traffic loan credit line, which can be used as the initial start-up capital of the project; the middle-level developers can apply for various traffic support Plans, including trial recommendations to a series of free traffic locations; developers at the top can continue to submit financing needs to the Dream Fund.

It can be said that the Dream Creation Project almost covers the difficulties faced by most developers, which has also become the premise that Dream Valley Advertising can include a large number of developers in a short period of time.

Successful people always have their own reasons for success, I often think so. And when I look back on the entire entrepreneurial journey, I can always find the cruel side.

A flow loan is a financial loan product that developers still need to repay even after a failure. This is a gamble, the stakes are right in front of you, want to start a business and achieve life? Either have some start-up capital on hand, or use a loan provided by Dream Valley. I didn't fail at this stage, and it's just as difficult for me to appreciate the grief of a loser paying off a loan thereafter.

Traffic support is a well-organized support plan. In the same field, there are often hundreds of teams applying for the same traffic support. The whole plan is like a selection at various levels. Each team successfully walks out, which often means the disappointment of countless teams. Taking his own dream as an example, Lu Zhou attracted countless teams to explore, but after all, this method is a bit crueler to some people.

The last is the financing stage. The earlier the financing, the higher the proportion of investment in Dream Valley. Of course, most entrepreneurs can accept it, after all, there are corresponding risks on both sides.

Above, if you think I want to complain about the cruelty of the market, then you are probably wrong about what I mean. On the contrary, I approve of such cruelty. The entire Dream Valley ecology is a high-intensity colosseum, and only the strongest beast can take the final crown. If you can't even win in a supportive environment like Dream Valley, then in the cruel free market, it will only become food for others. It's good, I must admit. You're going to be a unicorn, and that's really the fastest way.

The fault lies in several problems in the actual operation process.


Undoubtedly, with the intensification of competition, a number of "booster" businesses have also emerged in the gray industry. Taking the in-app swiping volume exposed by the banana market in 2011 as an example, in this event, the banana market finally adjusted its download calculation mechanism and recommendation mechanism. More than 80% of app downloads have been directly cut by more than 50%.

This means that more than 80% of the entire app market is fake! The amount of brushes it buys is more than double the real traffic!

It is conceivable that if you are a developer in the Dream Valley ecosystem, at a certain stage of competition, if your competitors brush the volume, you will have to face a dilemma. In the end is it to spend money to buy volume and hope to win, or to honestly make products and hope that bananas will find problems?

No one is willing to throw the initiative into the hands of others, so in the entire market, brushing has become an unspoken rule. If you don’t brush the amount, maybe when it comes to a round of financing, investors will have to persuade you to brush the data to look better.

Is this reasonable? Not reasonable.

Also in the recent past, because WeChat Pay has completely opened up the payment channels in the Menggu system, some channels of Menggu advertising have also ushered in a period called the "Golden Age" by the participants of the Menggu ecosystem. Among them, the biggest impact is mobile games.

The entire mode of intermodal transportation is similar to the one introduced in the earliest banana market, and the division still uses the original sales division CPS, that is, how much the players consume in the game, the channel side and the game publisher make a division. Unlike Apple, Google Store and Steam, domestic Android channels mostly use 50-50. Why is it called the "Golden Age", because WeChat and Menggu Advertising have reached some channel cooperation agreements. If a game team in the Dream Valley ecosystem can win the "Colosseum", they will be greeted by hundreds of millions Massive WeChat users.

But is this the case?


When running water has become an important indicator of Dream Valley's investigation of a game, brushing running water has once again become an unspoken rule.

Originally, the game side and the channel side split 50% of the total. If a certain team made a ruthless attack and took back 50%, they would quietly find the studio and get a bunch of zombies to recharge for consumption? The channel side earns another 25%, and the game side returns another 25%.

The running water is brushed up, but Dream Valley may eventually account for nearly 90% of all the running water, and the game side can only get 10% in order to brush the running water.

Some people may want to say, why don't you try it? There is a lot of water running down this white brush, but what's the use?

The ending remains the same as the previous problem with bananas. Once the so-called "Golden Age" of Dream Valley has arrived, more than ten games with a turnover of over 100 million have been produced.

You said, Dream Valley saw their hard work, is the traffic for you or for them?

The more you swipe, the greater the proportion of Dream Valley, and it is happy to give you more traffic. As for if you don't brush, that's your business. Others have a lot of traffic, and Dream Valley is not for others. The end result is always the same.

Very good, Dream Valley redefines the channel division in this field again, ninety-one division! No semicolons.

By the way, there are other losses during the operation of the entire process. For example, the game team needs to advertise, and several major channels in China are placed here, Qiandu Ali Penguin Dream Valley, you are in the Dream Valley ecosystem, do you have to buy more things from the owner? Another example is that the in-game payment is WeChat payment. Every time you make a payment, WeChat will charge a handling fee. When the amount of swiping is large enough, the cost inside is unimaginable.

The whole Dream Valley is like a huge pool, no water leaks, and you think you have succeeded, but in fact, it is only the success that others gave you, and the one that should be "gourned" is indispensable.

In fact, it can only be a simple industry anecdote. After all, even if Menggu is "overlord", people have to live and people have to succeed. If we tell the truth, we can only honestly obey the other party's arrangements. .

However, this is not as stated above. Next, let's talk about Lu Zhou. Why would you say him? Because what I saw was really beyond my imagination.

In the memory of all of us, the appearance of Luzhou and Dream Valley is like a fashion passing by. People just collapsed, and Dream Valley stood up like this. "Post-80s", "self-made", "dreamers", "billionaires", these are all labels on Luzhou.

In the Dream Creation Incubation Program, a group of projects and teams are often stationed in the park within a certain period of time, and our "Dream Creation People" often refer to each other as "the same period" accordingly. Three months ago, the founders of the teams I was in had a simple dinner in private, and chatted about some anecdotes in the middle.

This is what a team that makes chess and card games said, the founder is Lao Chen, and he is a bit evil, and we at the same table said that we are also doing the Internet, and we also understand the "dirty" in chess and card games. He mentioned a situation that happened to their team last year. At that time, Lao Chen's team had already received a promise from the Dream Creation Project. The manager of the incubation base clearly told him that it would be given to Lao Chen next month. Several important channels for the team.

But when the time came, the manager told Lao Chen that things had changed temporarily, so Lao Chen's team couldn't get on, and he had to wait three months. It is said that youth is precious, especially the Internet industry is changing with each passing day. It is really uncomfortable for anyone to wait three months. During the process, Lao Chen also mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that the mobile game that was in the traffic position at that time was a mobile game published by Nanchao Games. The other party probably spent money, and Lao Chen had to accept his fate. But later, a "senior" who had left the incubation base mentioned to Lao Chen that Menggu Luzhou had something to do with Nanchao's Lin surname. This ending made Old Chen angry for three months.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart. This became an opportunity for me to get to know Lu Zhou, because Lin Nanchao, the general manager of Nanchao Games, whose father Lin Qinghe is the chairman of Zhengfang Electronics, a company listed on Zhennan GEM. With this relationship, Lu Zhou's family background can still be a whiteboard?

Lin Qinghe's resume is relatively easy to find. When I noticed that it was still developing in Binhai City in the 1980s and 1990s, I already felt that I was in the right direction. By looking up some historical materials, an unfinished building called Haizhou Building, which is still located in Binnan South today, caught my attention. I then found out through some public industrial and commercial information that the operating body of the building was established in the 1980s. Lu Zhou's father, Lu Yong, was the company's legal person and general manager. Other publicly available minority shareholders include Lin Qinghe, Chen and.

In the 1980s, there were hundreds of millions of construction projects. Lu Zhou, you told me that you are self-made and full of so-called dreams?

Later, through some personal relationships, I asked some local friends in Binhai about the actual situation. The ending was a bit surprising. At that time, Binhai was in a real estate bubble, and the Haizhou Building was finally taken over by Binhai State-owned Enterprise and Binhai Construction Corporation after various operations. Makes it a good first-hand golden cicada to escape!

We see a second shareholder. Chen He turned out to be the second general manager of Binhai Construction Corporation, and even the father of Lu Zhou's wife Ye Qingchen! He committed suicide in 2010 because of Binhai Construction's corporate debt problem. These debts were not properly dealt with in the following two years, and were finally resolved after Lu Zhou's wife, Ye Qingchen, inherited Chen He's relevant equity and creditor's rights. Relevant information will be publicized accordingly in the trial process of the local court in Binhai. In 2012, Ye Qingchen transferred part of the property acquired by inheritance. The process was open and transparent. The transfer parties were Zhengfang Electronics and Jianan Construction, and the transfer amount was as high as 70 million yuan.

Zhengfang Electronics has already mentioned the company of Lin Qinghe, and Jian'an Construction, its legal person Ye Jianguo is quite famous in Binhai. First of all, Ye Jianguo and Ye Qingchen are related by blood, they are Ye Qingchen's cousin. There is only one biggest reason for its fame in Binhai, which is black.

Ye Jianguo's lineage originated from the social organization, Shuifang, which existed before the return of the Xiangjiang River on the other side. In the 1980s, Ye Jianguo established a branch of the society in and also opened many underground casinos. Many of his deeds are nothing new in Binhai, but in today's legal society, it is really appalling.

Ye opened a casino and Lin made loans. You said, is the Lu family's money clean?

Nanchao Games has only been established for two years since its establishment in 2011. This company is also considered a unique player in mobile chess and card games. But everyone who makes games jokes about it. Nanchao is just the most daring and wild. No one dares to take it or touch it. He has done it all over and over again.

And looking at Luzhou Dream Valley's release of this type of game, I can't help but have an idea: it's really a good son to inherit his father's business! What happened to Laozi back then? Today, my son and daughter are also family members, making black money together!

Go to your dream, go to your dream valley. Even if you are the second generation, it's still dark inside. I don't play anymore.


Wang Weiwei Morning Post, a big talk in science and technology: Last Monday, the "Second-Generation Dream Valley Incident" aroused heated discussions in Bib, and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange also rejected Menggu Advertising's IPO application on Wednesday.

This morning, Dream Valley issued a statement that the explanatory materials on the illegal business have been resubmitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

At the same time, Menggu also stated that the article "Go to your Dream Valley" is a fictitious and untrue article. Due to the great damage to Menggu's reputation and goodwill, Menggu will initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper and the marketing agency, claiming 100 million yuan. .


rm network scarf: On March 6, 2013, Lu Yong (Menggu Luzhou's father) reported several crimes committed by Lim Qinghe of Zhengfang Electronics and Ye Jianguo of Jian'an Construction. Confess to cover up crimes, accept bribes, embezzle state assets and other criminal acts.

He also stated that since the Haizhou incident, he had no direct interests with Lin and Ye, and his son Luzhou had no interest in any of the parties involved.