MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 68 Channel situation (defection)

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"Hurst! I need an explanation for the pea thing."

Li Guanfu asked after calling DCM Lin Xinhe.

Lin Xinhe said, "Guan Fu. You know me and I understand the middle ground, so I won't say any more. The banana market of Dream Valley Technology is very noisy in the morning. If you ask me to give you the answer immediately, I will also There is no answer."

After Li Guanfu listened to Lin Xinhe's answer, he secretly thought that the A round of this pea might be half cold.

But Peadou was the first investment since the establishment of the creative workshop. The gun didn't sound, and the fund investors would inevitably doubt Li Guanfu's ability, so he didn't want to give up, or wanted to fight again.

"The entire agreement was drafted last week, and you have also carefully examined Peas. It's hard for me to explain."

Li Guanfu's words meant that Lin Xinhe was not kind to change his mind temporarily.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Xinhe couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that Li Guanfu was still too "young".

He, Lin Xin, and the predecessor "" who first founded Xinlang. After Xinlang was established, he served as the chief operating officer for a long time. During this period of time, the most famous of Xinlang was the "Xinlang model" which was listed overseas. ”, he himself has been actively involved in the business operation of the middle.

Later, he joined DCM and invested in Internet companies such as Dangdang, VanceInfo, Tuniu and 58 in just a few years. It can be said that Li Guanfu's understanding of capital is far from that.

Peas is an important project for Li Guanfu, but for Lin Xin and himself, it is nothing.

"As a manager, you are qualified. But as an investor, these words are too tender." Lin Xinhe thought to himself.

He then opened his mouth and said to Li Guanfu, "Guanfu. You have to explain it, and I will also explain it. This matter is difficult for everyone. I have already seen the products of Menggu. If there is a difference, it is that the advertising of Menggu and the banana market have been A linkage has been formed, and initial profits can be achieved.

I believe you have seen this too. At the very least, let Wang Jun follow up quickly, and we'll talk about it later. This is good for everyone. "

Li Guanfu listened to Lin Xinhe's reply, and felt a little resentful, "Okay. I will let my subordinates continue to follow up."

What Li Guanfu didn't know was that Lin Xinhe had already asked his subordinates to quickly confirm the actual situation of Menggu after learning the news of Menggu early in the morning.

After the news was confirmed, Lin Xinhe had contacted Lu Zhou early to discuss.

Although the results were not ideal, Lu Zhou directly rejected Lin Xinhe's financing proposal. But there is no doubt that the balance in Lin Xin and himself has already been tilted, and this conversation is only to maintain the surface relationship with Li Guanfu.


It's until Friday, April 23rd.

Lu Zhou could only sigh with emotion, "When you stay with a lunatic, you will become a lunatic yourself."

Luzhou's original intention is that Menggu cloud computing will be SaaS first, and then PaaS, because from the perspective of product transition, this can reduce the difficulty of team development.

After all, Menggu Cloud Computing has already negotiated with Wen Xuwei before and still recruits interns, so it is more suitable for team development from easy to difficult.

And he didn't know that since Wen Xuwei got Lu Zhou's documents on Monday, his whole person fell into a state of madness.

"Perfect! Beyond! A product across the ages!"

"Every day when I close my eyes and think about the product not being made, the fat all over my body hurts! They're screaming, they're burning!"

"So let's stay up late and work, and you are welcome in Guangnan at three in the morning."

"Go out to eat a fart, order takeaway so delicious and save time..."

So, Lu Zhou and the two spent five full days at Wen Xuwei's house without ever going out.

"It doesn't count if you go out and throw a takeaway box." Lu Zhou complained in his heart.

"I said Lao Wen, the beta version is almost done, this really has to finish writing what's in the document, can't I stay in your nest for a year?"

Wen Xuwei scratched his head, "Wait a minute, I'll fix this bug again."

"Okay. I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go out to eat."

Wen Xuwei shook his hand, "Where to go, I've finished absorbing the documentation, and the rest of the development is none of your business."

Lu Zhou laughed for a while, "Pu ** is ruthless. Don't you recognize it after you use it?"

Wen Xuwei took out the slippers from the soles of his feet and threw them in the direction of Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou dodged, shook his head, and then made a phone call, "Hey, Northeast side dishes? Send a braised pork head with rice to 902, Building 2, Dacheng Xiaozhu."

"Okay, I'm leaving. Call back." Lu Zhou threw the slippers back to Wen Xuwei, and then left Wen Xuwei's house.

Walking out of the community, Lu Zhou took a breath of fresh air.

Returning to the real world, Lu Zhou mainly had to go to Dream Valley to take a look, and then prepare to meet the seniors introduced by Dean Zhang Wenxing tomorrow.

Then he rode his bicycle to the Minnong Hall of Yat Sen University.

When he entered the Minnong Hall, he noticed that the students around him were looking at him a little differently.

Lu Zhou glanced in front of him, turned around and glanced behind him, sniffed himself again, and confirmed that he was okay.

He doesn't understand this. No matter how you look at him, it's the same as looking at protected animals.

And some little fans behind Lu Zhou were discussing in a low voice, "It's him! It's the senior in Menggu."

"He's quite handsome. It's a pity that he has a girlfriend."

"I just don't know if they are still recruiting people. It seems that interns are paid very well. UU Reading"

Naturally, Lu Zhou couldn't hear their whispers, so he could only eat food while watching.

After sitting down, Lu Zhou took out his mobile phone to browse the latest information.

"Yoah. UC and Penguin are actually choking. There's nothing to watch. Sooner or later, we will have to reconcile."

"Well... how come there is still news about Dream Valley? "Dream Valley Rising Star Rejects Thirteen Venture Capitalists"? "Pride or Low-key? Dream Valley Founder Refuses Interviews with Multiple Media"? This kind of **** news It can also be on the stage. Tech channels are like lace these days.”

As Lu Zhou shook his head, he thought that he would reject each of them.

"Is it Senior Lu?" a boy asked, standing beside Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou looked up and didn't know each other. "Hello, I am."

"Hello, senior. My name is Li He, and I'm the third year of the College of Letters. Does Menggu still recruit people?"

Lu Zhou was stunned, he seemed to have found the answer to being watched.

"There will be a demand for recruiting personnel recently. You can write down this email address and send a resume." Lu Zhou said, calling up Meng Xiaoqin's contact information from the address book.

He then asked, "I'm curious, have you seen me before?"

Li He took the contact information and was extremely happy, "No."

"Then how did you know me?"

"Oh, that's what the senior said. Isn't the company of the senior on Monday in the news? Later, I don't know which classmate it is. I found your graduation photo and sent it to the school forum. Anyone who has read the post knows what you look like. Senior. Want to see the post? I'll open it for you."

"Is there such an operation? Don't read the post. Thank you."

Lu Zhou did not expect that a wave of "Wang Bang" made him a celebrity of Yixian.