MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 369 changing market

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In the market, the most sensitive sense of smell is money and capital.

In the first two months of 2012, the growth of WeChat in China reached the highest point in history. In January and February, the number of new users per month was as high as 20 million!

This is either "Xiaowei News", the credit of the castrated version of the s40, or the new growth momentum brought by the subsidy for phone bills and the Spring Festival red envelope activity to Weixin.

Of course, nearly a thousand new mobile phone models that have never been seen before on the market may also be one of its growth drivers.

As early as the end of last year, Taiwanese MediaTek mtk released the Android smartphone platform, officially entering this market and providing cheap smartphone solutions for the majority of manufacturers.

Entering 2012, various well-known and unknown manufacturers have stepped into the mobile phone industry by taking advantage of the wind. MediaTek even took advantage of the spring breeze to release a new platform in February, and the single-core frequency has reached 1GHz. As a price butcher, MediaTek is serious in the end.

The mobile phone market has not stopped, but the market's attention to WeChat has become extremely hot. Because in addition to WeChat Huaxia, the development of WeChat overseas seems to be beyond everyone's expectations!

Since WeChat acquired whatsapp, it has accelerated the pace of growth with the help of Menggu Cloud. In just two months after the acquisition, the cumulative user growth has reached an astonishing 20 million! And the growth of WeChat itself has maintained a similar level with whatsapp.

The total of the two is added together, and the total is more than 150 million. More than the total number of users of WeChat Huaxia!

This unprecedented increase in users terrified everyone.

Only Huaxia, according to the current speed of WeChat, it will add 100 million users every half a year, and it will reach 300 million in 2013. In 2014, it will catch up with Koukou.

If you count overseas WeChat and whatsapp, this almost means that it will easily break one billion in the next two years.

In December last year, in order to acquire whatsapp, WeChat accepted a B+ round of financing from Sequoia in the middle. After the acquisition was completed, the overall valuation was still in the early 20s of US dollars.

And now it's not long after the Spring Festival, 5 billion, 8 billion, or even 10 billion! Such asking prices are already floating around in the market.

It is no matter how unprofitable it is now, no one will believe that any idiot can screw up a star product that has the potential to grow to a billion users.

Of course, there are constant rumors outside, but there is really no institution that has been negotiated above. As for the test, most agencies adopted a conservative and wait-and-see attitude after contacting them, waiting for others to step on the pit. After all, who knows whether WeChat will be able to maintain this crazy situation in the next few months. Even if it is affected by the Spring Festival activities, it is okay to decline a little, but it cannot be a landslide.

Therefore, it seems that there are many people shouting, but those who really want to talk about it are not one family. But they are all characters who are afraid of losing.

In this regard, Lu Zhou doesn't really care. Anyway, how does WeChat develop and how to develop internally, it may not need financing in the first half of the year, so it will be called casually from the outside.

In the middle, there are also some good people, playing with all kinds of truths about "chasing discord".

"Menggu Cloud 1.3 billion, WeChat 2.5 billion, Mengguang + Mengguang Ecology 800 million, the total is a big guy of 4.6 billion US dollars.

You may not believe it, but the total market value of Zhou's Daqihu is estimated to be a little lower than this number.

My God, this is one-tenth of the market value of my penguin empire. Why hasn't my father woke up and killed this surnamed Lu?

Daddy! It's already 2012, and I'm still using the koukou drainage from the previous two years. I beg you to wake up. I want to watch the ticket circle. It’s a **** use to receive news offline. I want to watch the official account, and hurry up to subsidize more writers. I want to go to the advertising system. I want fast payment, I want red envelopes, and money!

dad! Daqing is going to die! Why don't you come out to give out coins! "

This netizen's big truth is a little popular on the Internet.

Of course, as far as Penguin WeChat is concerned, the new trend in the past two months is not bad. Counting the accumulated base of 60 to 70 million, it will not be long before the total number of users of Penguin WeChat is about to break through the rhythm of 100 million.

It's just that the middle is good and bad, and the two families know themselves. Wechat has been driven all the way in terms of functions, and each version can basically only follow the same pattern, and can’t make too many new tricks. This WeChat situation is really dangerous. According to insiders, user activity speaks for itself.

Penguin Bib also has hundreds of millions of users, but Heart Wave Bib doesn't take it seriously at all. As for the user, it is the one who should use the heart wave or the heart wave. Hundreds of millions of users also shouted as a slogan. I'm afraid that this WeChat will be like a scarf when it is messed up, that's called danger.

When it comes to Dream Valley, by the end of February, a very important event happened in the first phase of the Guangnan Data Center, which had only been in operation for two months. At this time, it was already fully operational.

Among them, the biggest demand is WeChat, which directly occupies more than 50% of computing resources, although not all of this part is used. After all, there are many emergencies in this WeChat, with a high burst peak, and it is normal to receive some special care. The remaining 30% are all used by Wei Toutiao and Mengguang Ecology, while the remaining 20% ​​are computing resources open to the market.

Although the internal supply is to give some discounts and, Mengguyun's revenue still has a substantial increase due to the stimulation of Guangnan Phase I. Not surprisingly, Menggu Cloud's 12-year revenue was able to double directly on the basis of last year. And if overseas nodes can gradually get out of losses, this may be even more.

As for the northern Qingdao data center, Song Wenhui had already handled it as early as the Spring Festival. Right now, the land parcel process needs to take the final steps, and Song Wenhui needs to complete the financing of the Qingdao branch before returning to Guangnan.

In itself, Phaeton had rented a computer room in Qingdao a few years ago. After Phaeton was acquired, this computer room was merged into Menggu Cloud, and some computing resources had been provided to Menggu Ecology before. company within. It is much easier to integrate the original staff and then set up a branch company, which is much easier than pulling up a team of people from scratch, but even so, the Qingdao Center urgently needs to expand its recruitment and increase the number of high-level personnel.

The second phase of the Guangnan Center will be completed by the middle of this year, while the first and second phases of the Qingdao Center will not be completed until the beginning of 2013. After these two parts are over, Menggu Cloud is going to start the construction of super-large data centers.

This timetable is really tight.