MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 31 eye contact and ideation

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After leaving the cemetery, Lu Zhou hired a taxi, and the two hurried to the bus terminal after having a meal.

When I came to the waiting hall, I happened to meet Sun Qiaoqi again.

"Hey! Hello, senior! Tsk tsk tsk, I said before that the two of you are okay."

He looked at Ye Qingchen, "Uh. This is your major classmate Sun Qiaoqi, you have an impression."


Lu Zhou then asked, "Auntie is back to school, what time is the bus?"

And Sun Qiaoqi also woke up and said while trotting, "It's the ticket check, see you later, bye."

The two of them looked at Lu Zhou and felt amused.

"She told me before that the freshman had contact with you, do you have any impression?"


"It's alright, keep in touch more. If you really can't get along, forget it. Usually you are alone at school, right?"

"Okay. Usually myself."

"I've been at Bamboo Garden 305 a lot recently. I'll go there to find me at dinner later, and have a meal together."

Ye Qingchen listened and wanted to refuse, but looking at Lu Zhou's eyes, he finally nodded.

When the car arrived at the station, the two got into the car, but Lu Zhou fell asleep, his face unconsciously leaning on Ye Qingchen's shoulder.

Seeing that the saliva was about to drip onto his clothes, Ye Qingchen didn't dislike it either.

Last night, sleeping in the same bed as Lu Yong was also Lu Zhou's first experience in life, but what he didn't expect was his father's thunderous snoring, and on the way to the cemetery in the morning, Lu Zhou's spirit was really strong. not too good.

In the confusion, he heard someone call him, "Senior, wake up, it's time to stop."


He smiled awkwardly and woke up, "Okay."

He pulled Ye Qingchen, walked through the crowd, and got on the subway in Guangnan.

In the car, he occasionally said a few boring gossip, while looking down at Ye Qingchen, seeing her shyly avoiding her eyes, and then casually looking around.

When encountering a crowded site, Lu Zhou pulled her to his side and protected her in his arms.

Ye Qingchen, as always, didn't talk much, but his blushing face took a lot more time during this trip, and even with Lu Zhou, his old face felt hot from time to time.

In the carriage, the boy is tall and handsome, while the girl is shy and out of the world, attracting the attention of others from time to time, some nearby can hear the boy's talk and only feel the boredom of the topic, but the two are immersed in each other's ambiguous atmosphere. , passers-by can only sigh, "Young, it's so good."

In the end, after a long subway twists and turns, the two arrived at the old building in the university town.

Lu Zhou hehe asked, "Is there anything to eat at home? Or are you having dinner outside?"

Ye Qingchen thought for a while, "I have eggs, can I make fried rice with eggs?"


When I came to Ye Qingchen's house again, it was the same as last time, but the paintings on the easel had obviously changed. He sat down in the dining room, looked at Ye Qingchen who was busy in the kitchen, and smiled foolishly.

After getting in touch these days, Lu Zhou also found that she was just a little indifferent rather than completely indifferent to the things around her. She didn't speak much, but she just didn't know how to express herself or was afraid of saying the wrong thing. He slowly figured out how to get along with her. If she doesn't say it, she will talk to herself. If she talks too much, she can pick up a sentence or two. If she doesn't understand each other, she will look at her eyes and make eye contact.

Every time Lu Zhou looked at her clear eyes, he would think, "Oh, that's the case." He couldn't say whether what he could comprehend was right or wrong, but at least the atmosphere between the two was always Okay, so can't go wrong.

In the kitchen, Ye Qingchen also noticed Lu Zhou's eyes, and thought with a smile, "You look so stupid."

"Well, her eyes mean shy."


In the small eye contact, the two ate the egg fried rice, and Lu Zhou lay down on the sofa after finishing his work, sighing, "Comfortable. Give me a quilt, I'll lie down here for the night."

But Ye Qingchen took Lu Zhou's hand boldly after hearing this, causing Lu Zhou to think she was going to do something.

Unexpectedly, she pulled Lu Zhou but pushed Lu Zhou out of the door after opening the door.

Lu Zhou stood outside the door with a confused look on his face. He knocked on the door and shouted, "Little Ye, I'm just talking nonsense."

Ye Qingchen in the house leaned back against the door with a blushing face.

"Just don't mind. I'm going downstairs. Rest early."

After a while, Ye Qingchen opened the door, leaned out to take a look, and Lu Zhou had already returned to his house downstairs.


When Lu Zhou arrived at the house, the vacation was about to end, so he had to turn on the computer to make arrangements for the next work.

"There's not much time left for Dream Valley."

For Luzhou, now Dream Valley has Dream Valley advertising and is developing the banana market.

Menggu advertising has the ability to self-hematopoietic, and the banana market can promote the business expansion of Menggu advertising, but both can only be a link in the middle, in the final analysis, there is still a lack of a real ecological core.

"Is the front just prestige?" He thought for a while and asked himself inwardly.

Before the release of the rice m1 mobile phone, Rebs in his previous life once said harshly on the scarf: "[Let's talk about penguins] Penguins have achieved a generation of hegemony, and Ma Huateng has become the overlord of this era. But As powerful as the Roman Empire and as powerful as the Qin Dynasty, there will be a day of decline. This is the law of nature. The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach. This is the driving force for the progress of human society. The key point is why and why penguins will When will it decline, it is worth all of us to ponder! This is our opportunity to start a business.”

A few months later, Rebs made a generation of rice mobile phones, and he released a similar application-Michao before Penguin Prestige.

The result is, of course, a total failure.

For Penguin, with the release of Penguin Prestige, it only needs two moves to defeat most opponents, one-click import of Penguin friends and Penguin offline news, the huge user base can overwhelm most competitors.

As early as the past three months, a historic milestone was born in the development history of Penguin - the number of simultaneous online users reached 100 million, not the total number of users, but only the number of simultaneous online users.

It is conceivable that with the help of Penguin, Weixin can obtain a large user base in a short period of time, which is a natural advantage of Penguins with strong social genes.

Even if Qiandu Ali is such a giant, if it wants to make a prestige product like this in 2010, it will inevitably break its arm in the future and the Penguin battle, not to mention the current poor road boat.

Choosing the frontal penguin, Luzhou has the advantage of rebirth. He is familiar with the development process of the entire prestige, the small function iterations in each product process, and the real logic behind it, which can help him reduce the trial and error time and directly choose the most correct method. to achieve.

But after combing through the conditions required to become a prestige, he found that he only had a disadvantage, and his face could not help but twitch, "Hell mode? This is an almost impossible task."