MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 39 : Father of tongue war history

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"Herodotus, it's Herodotus!"

Some Athenians showed proud smiles on their faces, and some Gentiles were also talking privately about this old man who had entered his twilight years.

In Athens, which respects culture, the most respected people are not those councilors and elders—because every adult male Athenian citizen has the opportunity to be one. Nor are they consuls. Most of the current Athenians are not interested in power.

The most respected are undoubtedly scholars.

Herodotus, who wrote the book "History", has a high status in the whole of Athens.

In fact, these people did not know what Herodotus represented in later generations.

Yan Luo looked at the old man in a Greek white robe in front of him with a blank face. Herodotus' eyes revealed a kind of gentleness that sees through everything, is full of wisdom, and has gone through vicissitudes. His mind showed that Wang Dongwei introduced yesterday. The intelligence of the Greek sages of this age.

Herodotus: Writer, historian, founder of Western literature, outstanding representative of humanism.

If these titles are nothing, then, there is another title that has been passed down to modern times since ancient Rome:

"Father of History"

"Son, can you understand the language I speak?" Herodotus asked - when he was compiling the "History", he traveled many places and understood that there must be a prerequisite for conversations and debates with anyone, that is, language connected.

"Of course, old sir, you can speak freely."

It was Yan Luo who spoke, and Wang Dongwei and Zhu Xiaoyong standing behind them, kept calm and did not tremble, so they put in the most courage and effort, and could not speak at all on this occasion.


Hearing Yan Luo's ancient Greek, Herodotus' eyes lit up slightly, and he smiled: "From your tone and words, I can feel that you should be very proficient in our language. In my opinion, The reason why you can learn a foreign language is that the first psychological drive is to be interested and yearn for it.”

"So, my child, let me ask you, do you learn Greek because you admire the civilization of Greece and the culture of Athens?"

"Boom!" The people around immediately let out a burst of knowing laughter. This question is too ambitious.

Some Athenian citizens showed arrogance on their faces, and many Gentiles also straightened their spines. Although they were not Athenians, most of them were Greeks.

Smiles appeared on the faces of the consuls, senators, and congressmen.

Wang Dongwei was a little impatient.

"Damn... As expected of the ancient Greeks who were good at debating, they dug a hole as soon as they opened their mouths."

He looked at Yan Luo worriedly, although in the past 2 days, he had explained some knowledge about the relevant era, but in such an occasion, he had no idea what Yan Luo could do. Once he fell into the pit, he said that he was here on behalf of the Chinese envoys, but he admired the Greek civilization, and his status was immediately lowered.

"of course not."

Yan Luo will wear a mask of "joy, anger, sorrow and joy", which is set to "joy" that increases intelligence by 10%, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "We, the envoys of China, came to Athens to tell you the purpose. ?It is to spread civilization and culture, and change ignorance and barbarism."

The smile froze on Herodotus' face.

The smiles of Pericles and the elders also came to an abrupt end.

You feel strong emotions:

Anger +1, anger +1, anger +1...

The anger of the surrounding Greeks was like a tide, overwhelming them.

Herodotus said: "Leaving aside your words, is it arrogance, or is it deliberately trying to anger a great country...I heard that you call us Greeks barbarians?"

"Yes." Yan Luo nodded.

You feel strong emotions:

Anger +1, anger +1, anger +1...

Yan Luo's Wuxin puppet can only absorb nearby emotions, even so, the accumulation of emotions in this destiny talent is also rapidly rising.

"Look at this hall of the gods, look at these costumed people, don't you think we, Greece, and Athens are an uncivilized and ignorant world, and we are a group of stupid barbarians?" Herodotus looked a little stern. , "If you say yes, I will think that you are deliberately insulting a great country under the watchful eyes of the gods! We will be kind to diplomatic envoys, but it does not mean that we will be generous to a group of people who come with bad intentions and slander our country. Civilization, even the Persians dare not do that!"

"Say, are you wrong!"

Some soldiers clenched their stabbing spears tightly, and an Athenian also glared at them. Herodotus was actually taking advantage of the situation and using "power" to oppress the three of Yan Luo.

On Zhu Xiaoyong's forehead, drops of sweat flowed down, almost soaking the inner garment of the collared robe. He couldn't help regretting why he came to such a world of sports competitions. Come here, it's ancient Greece, and you want to participate In the Olympics, TM has to debate with people first, or the ancients of TM... It's so TM intoxicating.

Wang Dongwei felt a little aggrieved, he couldn't answer this question—if Yan Luo's answer was correct, then Athens might take advantage of the opportunity to go crazy. If the answer is wrong, the momentum of one's side will decline. This time, if you can't overwhelm Athens, don't think about participating in the Olympics.

The sages of Athens, this is just the first person...

But to be honest, he is the "father of history" at first, and he is too powerful.

"I don't know... what will Yan Luo say?"

When he was anxious, Yan Luo said, "Yes, I was wrong to call you barbarians."


Wang Dongwei was immediately disappointed, but he also understood that Yan Luo had no choice. His original expectations were too high... He thought a little discouraged: "If Mencius, Han Feizi, Zhuangzi and other Chinese scholars...even Gongsun Long, Su Qin, and Zhang Yi were would never be like this."

Hearing Yan Luo's answer "I was wrong", the surrounding Athens people smiled again.

"Hahaha." Some people were laughing.

Pericles nodded secretly, and it was right to ask Herodotus to interrogate directly. Now, as a consul, he has not yet represented Athens and Greece, and formally talked with the envoy, dispelling the opponent's arrogance and even forcing He personally admitted his mistake.

You feel strong emotions:

Proud +1, proud +1, proud +1...

Inside the Wuxin puppet, the emotional value is still rising, and the Athenians are talking and laughing, but Yan Luo’s face is expressionless. He took a deep breath and said in a loud voice in Chinese:

"We have a classic in China: "Book of Rites · Kingship", which says: Rongyi, the people of the five directions, all have sex, and they cannot be changed. The east is called 'Yi', and there are tattoos, and there are people who don't eat fire. The south says "Man" is carved with cross-toed fingers, and some people don't eat fire. In the west, it is called "Rong", and some people don't eat grains. They are called "Di" in the north, and they live in caves with clothes and feathers, and some people don't eat grains."

The sonorous and powerful Chinese silenced everyone's voices. Some Greeks looked at each other in blank dismay. What language did they speak? What's the meaning?

Then, Yan Luo translated this section of content in ancient Greek—the module loaded by the program was perfect. He completely translated the words of this "Book of Rites" into ancient Greek and spread it loudly throughout the Athens Guard. city.

Those who don't eat fire are satirizing the barbarians who drink blood as if they were barbarians; those who don't eat grains satirize Di Rong who doesn't eat grains, only nomadic and plundering, and has a savage personality.

"Greece is in the west of China. To be precise, you should be Rong people, not barbarians." Yan Luo said.

From barbarians to Rong people, the essential meaning has not changed, they are all the same barbaric and uncivilized. Yan Luo translated it perfectly, and everyone understood the meaning of these words. Some Greeks even slanted their noses and mouths in anger, which is too insulting.


Herodotus showed a little anger on his face. Although he was the father of history, as a human being, as a historian who was extremely proud of the Athenian civilization, he could not tolerate such a statement.

"We Athenians, driving slaves to work hard in the fields, we eat bread, drink wine, eat cooked meat and vegetables, you call the Jun people, not we should be Persians!" Don't want to argue about this issue, Herodotus De put down the "History" under his arm and held it in his hand.

"Do you know what this is?"

"This is my book: History."

"We use words to record what happened in history, spread books and knowledge, bring civilization to people, and pass on the truth to future generations. Whether it is "Iliad", "Odyssey", or my "History", it is all Greek. Which country is qualified to spread civilization to Greece!"

"Well said!" Many Athenians and Gentiles shouted in response.

Herodotus stared at Yan Luo proudly.

The Iliad, the Odyssey, the combined name is "Homer's Epic"-he juxtaposed himself with the blind poet Homer.

Yan Luo said lightly: "The classics you are proud of, those papyrus bearing letters, aren't they the civilization that Egypt spread to you? If there is no papyrus, you have to record your writing on wooden blocks and clay tablets. It's a masterpiece."

Herodotus was speechless for a moment. In the early days, Greece used clay tablets as writing materials.

As for parchment technology - it hasn't been invented yet.

The surrounding Athenians began to whisper again, whispering to each other. Just now, they clearly had the upper hand, but now, Herodotus, and even... the momentum of Greece, has been suppressed by the opponent. Consul Pericles frowned slightly and looked at the battlefield between Yan Luo and Herodotus...the battlefield of the debate.

After thinking about it, Herodotus changed the subject again.

"When I was young, I went all the way north to the northern shore of the Black Sea, to the south, to the southernmost tip of Egypt, to the east, to the lower reaches of the Euphrates River, and to the west, to Sicily... My footsteps spread all over Greece, and After passing through Byzantium and Carthage...everywhere I go, I go to historical sites and places of interest to pay homage to, inspect the geographical environment, understand the customs, and also like to listen to local people and tell various legends and historical stories... If there is a knowledgeable person in this world I am undoubtedly one of them."

"But why, I've never heard of the name Huaxia? Since it is a civilized and prosperous country, why hasn't there been any news about it? Is this country real or fabricated? How can you prove it?"

To Herodotus' questioning, Yan Luo remained expressionless: "That's because you know too little. There is a fable in China: Sitting in a well and watching the sky, a frog sits in the well and thinks he has seen the whole sky, but he doesn't know it. There is a vast world out there.”

Ancient Greece liked to use fables to convince others. The fable Yan Luo told made many scholars think about it.

"I am the majestic China, the vastness of the Xia, the beauty of the clothes is called Hua, and the great etiquette is called Xia! Even if you have never heard of Herodotus, does Huaxia not exist in this world? Even if If you don't believe there is, doesn't Huaxia exist in this world?"

"Sit in a well and look at the sky, without knowing it, boasting proudly, without shame."

Under Yan Luo's rhetorical question, Herodotus' face turned red with embarrassment.

"I..." He was about to speak up, but Yan Luo didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and said in a loud voice: "I also know what is written in your history—just the first paragraph, King Kan said Les doted on his wife and suggested that the guard Jujis go to peek at her naked body."

"When the guard was peeking at the naked body, the concubine found out. The concubine thought she had suffered a great humiliation, so she ambushed a group of soldiers, and then summoned Juges to tell him that he must either die himself or kill Candaules. So the guard Juges , killed Candaules, and got the beautiful concubine and the kingdom."

Yan Luo sneered—of course, this smile was made on purpose: "This is the history you, a learned man from Greece, wrote? I only see vulgarity and viciousness. Husbands betrayed their wives, guards betrayed their masters, and wives betrayed their husbands." , a servant who kills the king and gains everything—this is your history, the point you want to spread?"

He stepped forward step by step, while Herodotus retreated step by step.

"What did you bring to other people? What did you leave to future generations? Books, in our Chinese language, are things of enlightenment, which are passed on to nurture future generations... The history you write, not the destruction of war, will make future generations People should take it as a warning not to write about the hard work of ordinary people so that future generations will remember and admire it.”

"What are you writing about? Peeping, betrayal and lord killing!"

Yan Luo's resonant voice seemed to be a giant hammer hitting the heart of the father of history.

"Let me tell you, what are the values ​​that should really be expressed in the book!"

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness!"

Following Yan Luo's words, Herodotus' face changed from red to pale, and he couldn't help but sat down on the ground.

Throughout the square of the Parthenon, thousands of Greeks, from consuls to citizens, from Gentiles to slaves, fell silent.

"That's beautiful!" Wang Dongwei was filled with excitement.

Unexpectedly, facing the father of history, Yan Luo defeated him so sharply!

Zhu Xiaoyong was flustered and terrified at first, but seeing the shocked and unbelievable expressions of these Greek people, and Herodotus who was sitting on the ground in a daze, his mood became much lighter, and even the expression of the whole person was different. I froze.

"Who has anything to say?" Yan Luo looked around with indifference.


An old man who was older than Herodotus, with wrinkled and trembling forehead, stood up. He was leaning on an ash branch, and he seemed to be unable to stand steadily.

"And I!"

It was another old man, with a body wrapped in Ximashen's robe, emaciated and crooked, with a flush of anger remaining on his face.

"I am Sophocles!"

"I am Euripides!"

Wang Dongwei couldn't help but gasped...

These are two names that are not inferior to the "Father of History" Herodotus. Among the three major tragic writers of ancient Greece, the "Father of Tragedy" Aeschylus is dead, and these two should be This is the most powerful dramatist in the West in this era.