MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 35 : Diplomatic gift

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Previously, greed and shock were absorbed from the four of them.

Yan Luo killed Alex and three soldiers, and before the four died, he received a wave of shock and fear. Now, entering the small town, seeing his soldiers and slaves fleeing in all directions in the Kirta camp, the emotions he exudes are also panic and fear—

Shocked, scared.

Walking around the town, the emotions accumulated by the Wuxin puppet are close to full value.

Greed: 20

Shocked: 19

Scared: 53

Yan Luo made a setting at this time, the shock absorbed is limited to 20, and the fear is limited to 60.

Fear, this emotion is actually fear. At the beginning, two parts of nausea, two parts of madness, and six parts of fear were fused to form Persona Nightmare. Now, two parts of greed, two parts of shock, and six parts of fear can be fused together. What can be produced?

While Yan Luo was thinking, Wang Dongwei also collected some information from the slaves.

"It turned out to be the era of Pericles as the consul."

Neither Zhu Xiaoyong nor Yan Luo knew this name.

"There's good news and there's bad news."

After the rendezvous, Wang Dongwei explained: "The good news is that we don't have to face the 300 strong men in Sparta, because the Hippo-Persian war is over. It's so dangerous that we almost ran into Leonidas... The bad news is that at present, Ancient Greece was at the height and prosperity of slavery, the period of greatest confidence and pride in its citizens."

"It is almost impossible for us to participate in the Olympic Games through some means."

Zhu Xiaoyong interjected at this moment: "I have a bold idea..."

He raised his hand and made a "cutting" gesture with force: "Why don't we occupy this place, develop internal affairs, build water conservancy, reclaim farmland, recruit soldiers at the same time, search and appoint generals, and then use this small town as a base to lay down the land and conquer the land?" Other cities, and finally unify the whole of Greece?"

"You Three Kingdoms, you have played too much."

Wang Dongwei said angrily, ignored him, and continued to explain: "I know the approximate year when Pericles was in power, but I can't tell which year it is now. There is no AD calendar and **** was not born yet, but it is probably More than 400 BC, that is to say, we came 2,500 years ago."

"Now China should be in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period."

Yan Luo, Zhu Xiaoyong, and Wang Dongwei, the three of them were silent for a while, and they entered the world of sports competition, and they could go to 2500 years ago. Using Zhu Xiaoyong's current psychological description, that is-I am also drunk.

At this time, Wang Dongwei's face suddenly showed a look of determination.

"Nowadays, the only way to survive is to die!"


"Yan Luo, no matter how strong you are, you can't fight against a country. Our main task is to participate in the Olympics. This is the most important competition for the Greeks, surpassing everything else! It's useless to play tricks under the eyes of everyone. We are not satisfied with participating The second condition is that you can't pretend to be a Westerner."

Wang Dongwei clenched his fists and said: "Right now, Socrates may be in the Acropolis! Plato, Herodotus, Democritus, Hippocrates...the ancient Greek sages gathered together! And the Eastern Sakyamuni Nirvana , Confucius has passed away, and Lao Tzu went west to Hangu Pass, no one knows where he ended up! We, the disciples of the sages of the East, foreign envoys, came to Greece to kick the, come to kick the country!"

"As for the envoys, they are envoys who came all the way from the east. As a country, at least they have to show some face. They won't be like that squadron leader who turned his back on me for grabbing my Eight-Faced Han Sword."

"However, even if foreign envoys want to participate in the Olympics, they will not be allowed. My idea is to completely subdue these arrogant Greeks culturally, let them speak up to get back the venue, and invite us to participate in the Olympics."

"Now Greece, especially Athens, considers itself the most civilized country and center in the world, let them know that in the far east, there is a country that is more civilized and greater!"

Yan Luo saw that the man's eyes seemed to be burning with flames. If he hadn't set the type of emotion to absorb, he might be able to absorb some strong emotions.

"Wait, Shakyamuni wasn't from ancient China, right?"

Zhu Xiaoyong asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but Buddhism can't survive in India and can only rely on China. In ancient times, Buddhism can be said to have influenced each dynasty and incorporated a lot of Chinese local culture. There is nothing wrong with seeing it as our ancient civilization."

"Anyway, this time, the possibility of successfully participating in the Olympic Games is very small. Just fight hard, encircle Wei and save Zhao... There is no way to fail. I can't think of any possibility to participate in the Olympics except Tang Zhengzheng. And Tang Zhengzheng cannot avoid the Citizens' Assembly in Athens …I’m not a wise man, but I know one thing. To make people think highly of it, we must first be strong enough! As an envoy from a powerful eastern country, we are also envoys to challenge Greece, so it’s possible for these people to take the initiative to invite them to participate.”

"The premise is that we completely defeat and subdue each other culturally!"

"From now on, Yan Luo, Zhu Xiaoyong, you must remember that what we represent is no longer just ourselves, but China! What we are facing is the birthplace of Western civilization: Greece."

Wang Dongwei's expression became solemn.

"We, in front of the Greeks, want to represent the sages of the East... Tonight, you two, don't sleep, I will spread to you some knowledge, thoughts... and philosophy and debates from various schools of thought... Next, facing the Greeks, Words are better than hands."

"By the way, what is your occupation in the real world?" Zhu Xiaoyong couldn't help asking, "Ordinary people don't know so much, do they?"

Wang Dongwei was silent for a while, then sighed: "Barely considered a cultural person, I know a lot about miscellaneous things, and I have read some Eastern and Western historical classics, but what's the use of those? Nothing can be achieved... nothing Use it as a scholar."

As if he didn't want to talk about it, he changed the subject and said, "Those Greek soldiers just wanted to **** my leather jacket, the Han sword."

"Eight-faced Han sword, and Yan Luo's mandarin duck sword, Zhu Xiaoyong's ghost head sword, of course we can't give them to others when we buy them with the energy of our body. When we enter the inner world, except for a set of clothes and other things that represent the world, we bring Not going in, UU Reading But I kept an eye out."

"It's more than March in the real world, and the weather has been warm recently. Yan Luo and Zhu Xiaoyong are both wearing cooler clothes. I specially wore a leather jacket just in case. It may be a little defensive. In addition, I also wore a leather jacket. A pair of warm fleece pants.”

Wang Dongwei took off his leather jacket, which contained a button-down shirt, and his trousers, which contained a pair of blue long johns.

"Let's take this... well, it's called leather armor, and long johns as our presents to the elders of Athens, and then we propose that our Eastern envoys need to meet the Greek sages for a while! As for the coolness of the name of the clothes , it looks precious, what should I call it..."

That night, Yan Luo, Zhu Xiaoyong, and Wang Dongwei stayed in the Kirta camp. The next morning, the soldier Daves took the gift of the "Oriental Envoy", a leather jacket and long johns, to the Acropolis.

At noon, the Consul of Pericles, who was discussing with the Senate and the elders, received an important report.

Three envoys from the eastern country are at the Kirta camp, and these three envoys also sent diplomatic gifts:

Orange leather jacket.

Azure long johns.

Reminiscent of the current era in China, Wang Dongwei gave these two clothes two names that the Greeks did not understand:

spring and autumn leather armor;

Long johns of the Warring States Period.

A Persian female slave and a black slave walked in holding trays made of gold and silver respectively. On the tray are leather jackets and long johns. All the elders gathered in the past. When they saw these two clothes, the orange red like honey, and the blue like the sky, such bright colors, all the elders showed surprise on their faces.

Even the consul of Pericles couldn't help but be moved by it.