MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 33 :greedy

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Kirta camp, here is a camp on the outskirts of Athens. Slaves are working in the open fields. Several soldiers who act as overseers are patrolling back and forth with their toes. If you are lazy, you will hit me mercilessly.

Squadron leader Alix was playing with a gold coin in his hand. It was a Dalic gold coin, and there was a man with a curly beard on it: Darius.

Since the defeat of the mighty Persia, Dalic gold coins and Sigros silver coins minted by this country can occasionally be seen in the trade of major Greek city-states. The one in Alicus’s hand was donated by a Persian businessman. of.

It's a pity that this is only a temporary place built to monitor slaves, not a real checkpoint, and there is no way to collect taxes from those merchants.

Alex couldn't help but miss the days when he was a mercenary in his 20s and fought in Cyprus Island, refreshing fruit wine, whole wheat bread, palm dates, and wonderful women, robbing and fighting as he pleased. Killing, those days are gone forever.

In his 40s, he was too old to be a fighter.

"Captain Alex!"

A short-haired man with a stabbing gun came running. This was a soldier from the Kirta camp who served as a camp post.

"Little Davos, why are you so flustered?"

"Someone, someone is coming!"

Little Davos, who still had a little childishness on his face, said in a panic: "I saw three people coming towards the camp. Those three people are very strange!"


"Yes, yes!" Knowing Captain Alex's brutal character, the child under the age of 16 was in awe, and he stammered, "Among the three, there is a fat man who almost meets me. As fat as the fattest Persian merchant ever! Definitely not Persian in appearance, nor like Byzantines, Thracians, Asia Minor...anywhere I know of."

"And, their clothes are very...very..."

Little Davers rolled his eyes, trying to find words to describe in his mind, but he found that he really couldn't tell what the other person was wearing or what he was wearing.

"Captain, you should go and see for yourself."

After thinking for a while, Alex put on a set of leather armor with iron plates, which was a spoil he had seized from the Macedonians. He was also equipped with gauntlets to protect his arms, gauntlets to protect his calves, and picked up a Greek war blade and tied it around his waist.

This is actually a kind of iron sword, similar to a curved sword, with a length of about 65 cm and a slight curvature.

"Okoro, Asistes, Gaideus, come with me!"

The squadron leader called out the most elite soldiers under his command. They have been baptized by war, and each of them has more or less scars on their bodies. However, the three of them are not officers, and they are not equipped with iron swords. guns, and each carried a round shield.

After leaving the camp and standing at the gate of this small town, Alex understood what little Davers meant by "strange".

He had never seen such an appearance even when he was a mercenary when he was young, and he had been to many city-states, but the squadron leader focused more on the clothes of the three of them.

Yan Luo is simple black jeans, black and white striped shirt.

Wang Dongwei wears blue trousers and a brown-red leather jacket with a brand of metal strips on it as decoration.

Zhu Xiaoyong is dressed in a standard fat house: all in yellow.

This is completely beyond Alex's imagination! The most common clothes in Greece, one is the Cretan style: the male wears a pleated short jacket on the upper body, bare chested, and a wrapping pleated skirt on the lower body, wrapped with a belt in the middle, which is called Gitong; In the Athenian style, a whole piece of rectangular cloth is folded in half, wraps around the body, and is fixed with pins and belts, called Himashen.

The clothes of the three were completely different from those he had seen before, and the material was definitely not linen or wool.

"What leather armor is that?"

The modern cheap leather jacket gave these four Greek soldiers a strong shock.

After defeating the powerful Persian Empire in the Hippo-Persian War, Greece reached its peak of prosperity, especially the city-state of Athens—as the most democratic and powerful city in Greece, a trade center, they have seen many people, but not like this.

"The dyeing of the cloth, and the gorgeous leather armor..."

Alex began to ponder in his heart, if he took off the bright yellow clothes on that fat man and made a Ximashen... No, I don't feel enough, so I can only make Jitong. And that orange-red leather armor was dedicated to the big shots of the Senate, so his identity wouldn't just be a squadron leader, would he?

He made a gesture to the three soldiers behind him, and the three of them immediately understood, and looked at each other with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Alex greeted these strange people.

"Strange strangers, where are you from?"

Yan Luo, Wang Dongwei, and Zhu Xiaoyong stopped in front of the town gate.

"We come from the East."

Zhu Xiaoyong is a fat man who is not good at socializing. Yan Luo often has a cold attitude. The one who comes out to deal with it is Wang Dongwei. This "loser" actually knows a lot. Along the way, he taught the other two people some common sense of BC and Greek society. .

Around Wang Dongwei's waist hung the Eight-Faced Han Sword.

Alix's gaze shifted from the orange "leather armor" to the weapon, because the Eight-faced Han sword is placed in a wooden sheath, and the material of the weapon cannot be seen, but the scabbard is engraved with panchi patterns and gluttonous patterns. The sword buckle and gorgeous decoration made the squadron leader stationed on the outskirts of Athens feel hot.

"Isn't the East Persia?"

"No, we're from Persia further east."

With the ancient Greek module loaded by the world modulation program, Wang Dongwei communicated with the other party proficiently in Greek.

Yan Luo was looking at the four soldiers. He introduced himself as Alix, a man who was about 1.78 meters tall. On the road, Wang Dongwei said that ancient people were short because of nutrition and fatigue. From 580 BC to 250 BC, the average male was 1.66 meters tall and weighed 62 kilograms.

However, the developed slavery in Greece, relying on slave labor, coupled with prosperous trade, is enough to support the development of some prosperous city-state "citizens". Some soldiers are still relatively tall. This 1.78-meter-old man in his 40s weighs at least More than 75 kg, with strong muscles.

The other three soldiers were all over 1.7 meters tall.

"May I have a look at your weapon?"

Alex suddenly made a request that made Wang Dongwei embarrassed.

In such a strange world, the most trustworthy thing, apart from his companions, is his own weapon. The Greek actually asked to see the weapon... When he was hesitating, Yan Luo said in Chinese: "It's okay, show him, and see what he wants to do."

"Also, Zhu Xiaoyong, Wang Dongwei, you two, be careful."

Hearing Yan Luo's words, Wang Dongwei gritted his teeth and pulled out the Eight-faced Han Sword from his waist.


There was a toothache-like inhalation sound.

You feel strong emotions:

Shocked +2, Shocked +1, Shocked +1, Shocked +1

Four people provided a total of 5 shock points.

The hilt is wrapped with black thread, and the sword body is ground on all sides, flowing with a touch of water-like cold light, and there are strips of meandering and radiating patterns on it, which are textures formed by using ancient high-temperature methods. The patterned steel made is similar to this Compared with the sword, the Greek war blade in Alex's hand is simply a black iron bar!

And Alix's iron sword with handle and sword is 65 cm long. This eight-faced Han sword has a total length of 108 cm and a sword body of 77 cm!

In ancient BC, iron smelting technology was backward, and it was difficult to forge long cold weapons in that era, just like the weapon used by King Qin Yingzheng at the time: the windlass sword, about four feet long, was so long that it was hung on the waist. It can't even be pulled out, just to show the strength of the country.

The blade is 77 centimeters long, much longer than a complete Greek war blade. It is cold white, with fascinating patterns—even those Persian scimitars inlaid with gems and gold only rely on wealth to attract attention, unlike This sword is simple, but full of artistic and shocking sense.

"Even Xerxes I, once known as the king of gods and king of kings, didn't have such a treasure..."

Leather armor, sword!

Alex can almost see his bright future, as long as he dedicates these two treasures to Pericles Consul... At this time, he noticed that there was a delicate gemstone headdress on Yan Luo's hair—emotions, anger, sorrow, joy The texture of the mask, is a crystal gem.

From the palms of these "foreigners", it can be seen that they are not soldiers.

Without any calluses!

He turned his head to look at the three soldiers, and the three clenched their stabbing guns knowingly.

There is a greedy light in everyone's eyes.

You feel strong emotions:

Greed +2

Greed +2

Greed +2

Greed +2

Yan Luo's hands were placed on the hilt of the Yuanyang Saber at his waist, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a nice arc.

On the mask, the original "expressionless" has become "joy". In this state, the agility is increased by 10%.