MTL - Inside and Outside World-Chapter 22 : primary life

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In Yan Luo's consciousness, a delayed reminder suddenly came:

"Di...Level 1 Horror Survival World: The world collapses in the theme of zombies, the reward for breaking the world: 1 dream gene point (biochemical)."

"Breaking the singularity of the world, Tang Tianjie, the boss of Hakoniwa, is dead."

"This reward is transferred to the personnel of the remaining team. It is judged that the chaotic pollution of Hakoba boss has produced a twisted evil: biochemical aggregates brain/eyes/claws/teeth. The highest contribution to defeat is: Yan Luo, and the reward is issued: 1 dream Gene point (biochemical

Obviously, this 1 dream gene point (biochemical) originally belonged to the lucky Tang Tianjie who broke through the boundaries of human beings, and now it is rewarded to himself.

Yan Luo didn't check, but looked at the person who climbed out of the coffin.

"Your coffin still has the ability to resurrect the dead?" Chu Qingfeng turned around and asked.

Seeing the psychologist looking at him in shock, Xu Han was completely confused: "How can such a thing happen!"

"Then... it should be the talent of fate."

Chu Qingfeng secretly pondered in his heart, is this talent a resurrection after death or something else? In addition, the talent shown by others, Yan Luo transformed into a nightmare, Li Changxin is obviously a weak woman, but she can kill the fantasy projection of a biochemical weird and eye-catching girl...

It seems that many people's destiny talents are very powerful...

"I'm not a scammer."

Wang Dongwei, who crawled out of the coffin, was pale.

He didn't explain his ability, but smiled at Zhu Xiaoyong, Yeli, Li Changxin and others.

Yan Luo felt that this man seemed to be a little older than before, with a strand of white hair around his ear.


Everyone's phones vibrated at the same time.

Yan Luo picked it up and saw on the screen, the world modulation program automatically opened, a module was unlocked, "inner world node activated", and there was a line of prompts: "You will be forcibly recruited in a week and enter a specific inner world. During this period of time, you have 2 times to freely enter the level 1 world, the authority to focus on the fire node."

Yan Luo got permission twice.

The others, Chu Qingfeng, Xiaoniaoyou Yeli, Zhu Xiaoyong, Wang Dongwei, and Xu Han, were all once, and they killed Sangyan Li Changxin twice.

It is estimated that this is related to the performance in the forced world.

"Let me tell you."

Psychologist Chu Qingfeng said: "Everyone, this mission has gone through a lot... In the novice world, I encountered some small garden bosses, twisted evil things and chaotic pollution. I think everyone is exhausted both mentally and physically."

"Everyone gets bioenergy and gene points for clearing the level. I suggest that everyone go back and have a good rest. After you are full of energy, you can choose to add points. What genes you get are closely related to your development direction."

"As for the energy of the body, what to buy in the dream space should be carefully checked and considered after rest. We are newcomers, if we go wrong at the beginning, the price will be very high!"

"Relying on the dream space as a transfer station, it only needs 10 points of bioenergy at a time. We are the same group of newcomers, and we have experienced life and death together. It is considered destined. Let us leave our contact information first, and we will meet in the dream space after a good rest. .”

No one objected to Chu Qingfeng's words and suggestions. The novice task is a disgusting zombie world, even the guide is dead, and the group is almost wiped out... Everyone, what they want most is to sleep.

They each left their phone numbers, and Yan Luo didn't go to explore the commercial area of ​​Dream Space. Instead, he paid 10 points of bioenergy and teleported back home according to the coordinates.

Take a shower and sleep.

This sleep was so dark that it took a full 13 hours before I woke up from the bed.

After eating 5 barrels of instant noodles, he was full, and Yan Luo began to take stock.

6010 bioenergy, 5 gene points, 1 dream gene point.

Bioenergy is mainly used for healing injuries, teleportation, and trading in the commercial area of ​​the dream space... There are many places where it needs to be used. To put it simply, it is similar to the currency of the real world-as for gene points, they belong to enhancement points.

Every world modulator has a skill bar and a gene bar.

Up to eight genes can be clicked.

Gene category, including fighting system, perception domain, psionic side, and occultism.

The most important gene for a rookie is the fighting style.

Because this includes: primary strength, primary agility, and primary physique, which belong to at least one of which any world modulator must choose. The unlocked gene also determines the initial development and upgrade route.

Some people even get all three events!

Because these three items are so important, they are closely related to the strength of the physical body. Of course, a person can only activate eight genes, and this will occupy three items. Even in the end, they can be upgraded to ultimate strength, ultimate agility, and ultimate physique. Potentials in other areas will also be affected.

Fighting, Perception, Psionics, and Mystery!

Hundreds of regular genes!

Some genes only need 1 point to activate, such as primary power, while some genes, such as one of the most basic energies of the psionic system: primary magic power, require 5 points to activate this option!

To open, you need points, to upgrade, you need more points!

Yan Luo's first novice mission got 5 gene points, and there is also a majority of the world's modulators. I dare not even think about it, only 1 dream gene point that exists in the discussion! If known by others, only one thought:

envy, jealousy, hate.

Yan Luo's dream gene point belongs to "biochemical".

The genes that were originally hidden and cannot be unlocked by ordinary gene points are revealed, of course they are only biochemical system genes. For example, the "infrared vision" in the perception domain is biochemical ability. Without dream gene points (biochemical), you cannot see this.

Of course, he would not use the extremely precious dream gene points that were produced only in one of the worlds to unlock infrared vision.

Fighting Department: primary life.

The so-called fighting system does not correspond to fighting in a narrow sense, but includes all aspects of the physical body and some items related to combat, such as "blocking" and "armor-breaking", and even basic swordsmanship and basic marksmanship, all belong to this category .

Biochemistry, no matter virus or other, the ultimate goal is to create a perfect living body! Primary life, upgraded to the final is the perfect life!

Unlocking this, Yan Luo's bloodline will not change, he is still a human being, but his genes will initially transform in the direction of a perfect life, even if it is only a primary life, it also means an overall improvement in strength, agility, and physique.

In other words, clicking on "Elementary Life" is equivalent to simultaneously clicking on elementary strength, elementary agility, and elementary physique, and it only occupies one gene column!

Strength, sensitivity, and body are all enhanced, and the first step towards a perfect life body is taken!

Even if there are many genes in the hidden biochemical system, Yan Luo did not hesitate to point the dream gene on the primary life.

An indescribable feeling surged from his heart, all the bones in his body were "creaking", "creaking" and making crackling sounds. This was a genetic shock, and there would be a certain time for genetic modification. Yan Luo simply took off his clothes and soaked In the bathtub.

Yan Luo, who was soaked in the water, breathed slowly, the color of the water gradually darkened, and even started to become turbid. After more than 10 minutes, a faint blood color appeared in the water.

When the gene is shaken, the necrotic and replaced cells of the physical body are excreted from the body.

The essence of the primary life gene is to transform into a perfect life. The human body usually accumulates waste, toxic substances, and necrotic cells of gene shock... With the discharge of Yan Luo, I feel like I have Got a new body.

Powerful and powerful!

It took several hours before the genetic transformation was completely completed. Yan Luo jumped out of the water. He looked down at his body. His skin showed an ivory color. His body was well-proportioned, his legs were slender, and his muscles were full of strength. , without feeling overly robust.

He looked in the mirror again. Under the black bangs was a fair and delicate face. Under the genetic shock just now, the face—the part of the skin that is most likely to accumulate toxic substances, seemed to be thoroughly cleaned from the inside to the outside. Under the reflection of the light , shimmering with a soft luster.

Yan Luo bent his right arm, his streamlined muscles bulged and tensed. He made a few jabs and swings, and the air was blown into a strong wind.

"very good!"

Yan Luo is very satisfied with the results of the genetic modification. Now every muscle fiber in his body is full of strength and vitality! Physical fitness has at least doubled, or even more than before! Even those national-level gymnasts and Wuying-level martial arts athletes are not necessarily stronger than this body in terms of strength, flexibility, and endurance.

The current genes are only elementary life!

After unlocking with dream gene points, you only need ordinary gene points to upgrade. With 10 gene points, you can upgrade from primary life to intermediate life.

He also has 5 common gene points.

As a rookie, not converting wealth into combat power as soon as possible is the most stupid choice, and Yan Luo is going to use it. But you must think carefully about what to unlock - there are too many types of conventional genes, and there are many options to choose from, each of which will have a major impact on the future path.

Combat, Perception, Psionic, Mystery!