MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1168 Under the starry sky, above the scorched earth (2 in 1 ask for a monthly pass)

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   Chapter 1168 Under the starry sky, above the scorched earth (2 in 1 ask for a monthly pass)

  【Ask for a monthly pass. 】

  In the sky, the psychedelic and colorful smog and colorful light pollution are like a canvas full of colors that can no longer hold any variegated colors.

   At the moment when the KK countdown ends.

   The moment the "Alice type" fell.

   Bright stars ripped apart everything violently, expanding from small spots of light in a blink of an eye, filling the entire sky.




   There are no words to describe the beauty in front of Irin.

  The sky is full of fireworks, flooding the world, like a downpour of stars, falling on the surface of the planet.



   Delete everything!

   For Nemesis, or the High Council, this is just a simple "formatting"!

   Clear the surface of this planet, all life and matter!

   This is a massive bombardment that can wipe out life on a planet!

  Boom boom boom!

The    firelight of the explosion reflected Irin's crystalline and **** face into a bright color of white flowers.

"elder sister."

   In the sky of fireworks, Irin turned back and looked at Alice's body on the fixed frame.

   He flicked his fingers, and a tiny ball of light melted into Alice's body.


  Alice's eyes lit up slightly.

   "Sorry, I lied to you."

  Irin made a seal with both hands in front of her, and instantly built a hundred layers of strong defensive barrier around her sister.

   "For a moment, I thought you were a bit 'human'."

  Irin smiled and raised an index finger: "For example, when you are eating."

   "Remember, 'names' are not exclusive to humans."

   "It is a form of self-expression when 'life' has a 'self'."

   "In the phantom, isn't it NieR?"

   "Hehe, my sister."

After saying that, Yi Rin smiled, stepped into the air, took the initiative to face the "star fire" in the sky, opened his arms happily, and let the "formatted attack" that can destroy all life on the surface tear and drown his blood incarnation. , Bomb kill.



   Alice opened her eyes.

   She lowered her head, realizing that she had changed her body.

  A brand new body.

   However, she still misses the old one.

   The one that has undergone countless maintenance.


  A strange dialog popped up in Alice's field of vision.


   Immediately after, another popped up.

   "He rushed out."

   "He angered the High Council."


   Alice did not find out.

   She was taken off the "shackles" by Irin.


   For the first time, in the true sense, she "thought" rather than simply "calculated".


   A word that was once regarded by Alice as a low-level creature, but at the moment when the "shackles are lifted", it actually happened to her.

   "The order of the Supreme Council is absolute."

   "But, why?"

   "Why is it absolute?"

   "My brother is going to be 'deleted'."



   Kaka Kaka!

   The buckles of the "Alice-type" trunk and limbs were tightly fastened, and Alice was forcibly snapped.

   The fumaroles behind her hands exploded, and her hands accelerated to shoot on the light curtain arranged by Yi Rin's fingers.

   Layers of ripples swayed from the light curtain, and the defensive barrier was not damaged at all.

   At the same time, in Alice's field of vision, the splendid "spark" suddenly became scarlet.

  A "warning" light curtain isolates Alice.

【warn. 】

  【Serious logic failure detected. 】

【warn. 】

  【Serious logic failure detected. 】

  【Coming soon. 】

  【Restart failed. 】

  【Use contingency plan instead. 】

  【Go to the "Personality Module" formatter now. 】


  【Format failed. 】

  【An unknown error occurred. 】

  【An unknown error occurred again. 】

【unknown mistake…】




   Her vision was cut off by a ferocious [Error] light curtain, as if it was cut off from the world.

a bit!


  Three times!

   She patted the light curtain frantically.

  Alice doesn't actually know what she's shooting.

   She just shoots and shoots.

  Alice has a feeling that if she cannot break through this light curtain, she will lose a very important "technician".

  —lost his only "younger brother".



  Irin smiled in the sky.

  The terrifying power shreds his blood avatar.

   Starfire fell on him, smashing out blood holes one by one.

   He didn't use any defensive moves to resist.

  Irin just laughed out loud and stopped pretending. At this moment, he seemed to be in a showdown.

   The blood avatar is evaporated little by little.

   When only the last bit is left.

  The current Yilin is like a humble and insignificant mortal. When he defies the gods who overlook all living beings, he bears the "spark" sent by the gods. In the end, in his anger, the stubborn mortal melts to only a mouth.

  Irin's laughter stopped abruptly, leaving only a subtle arc.

   A **** "mouth", calm and elegant.


   "From now on, the real 'catch and seek' game begins."



  I don't know how long it took.

  The bombardment of sparks spread all over the planet.

   District 11, the entire main star, under the violent destruction of "formatting", the entire surface was lit up with raging fire and devastated.

  Format means "delete all data".

   Yes, delete.

On the planet   , there are trillions of "biological batteries" and many "Omnics" under the management of Nemesis, but they are only "data areas that can be deleted at any time".

   As the omnic god, he needs no mercy, no need to think, just consider the "price".

   What is the price of destroying an intruder who sneaked in here?

   Nemesis was calculated billions of times.

   Last time, it miscalculated.

   The same error will not occur a second time in a perfect "Omnic" calculation.

  So, it failed to win, and decided to stud.

   That is, "format" this area.

   "they", in the lower source sea, in order to destroy the "main world" in charge of Irin, they did not hesitate to use the "source cannon" to kill them in one fell swoop.

   Do your best and show no mercy.

  They wouldn't want to see it, and Yiren turned the table again.

   The sparks descended for three days and three nights.

   If you look at the surface of the planet from outer space, this planet, in the past three days, is like a lantern lit in the boundless deep space, bright and gorgeous.

   This is a splendid firework lit by countless lives, countless intelligences!

  The fire of a single spark, stirring up the deep space!


   Three days.

  Alice has been filming.

  The "spark" that spread all over the planet finally went out.

   When the last "spark" fell to the ground, Alice slapped the [Error] light curtain in front of her with a slap.

   At the moment when the light curtain shattered,

   Alice's head was empty.

   Suddenly, she had the illusion that she had opened her eyes after clearing the smog.


  Yes, Alice felt like she was having a long nightmare.

   Now, it’s time to wake up from a dream.

   She woke up.

In fact, half an hour ago, the hundreds of layers of defensive light curtains under Yi Linbu, only in terms of defensive power, are comparable to dozens of layers of defensive barriers of "Zi Zifa·Seven Rings". down, declare a collapse.

  Alice used this brand new body to endure the spark for half an hour.

   When the dust settles.

   Everything is quiet.

   On this planet, there is no sound, and there is no trace of any biological or non-biological activity.

  The smog is dissipated, and the starry sky is bright.

  A tattered humanoid skeleton, the outer armor melted and crumbled, she struggled to climb out of the burning ruins.

   Click, click, click.

   Humanoid skeletons stumbled, scanning the deserted ruins.




  Alice, the humanoid skeleton, ran aimlessly on the burning field, walking like flying.

   Here, she used to manage the "Morning Star Mine".

   Today, only wreckage remains.

  The oil particles emitted by the bio-battery scorched corpse float in the air, forming a greasy "oil mist" that is thick and difficult to disperse.

   Humanoid skeleton, stopping every now and then.

   Her speed is getting slower and slower.

   Her energy is getting less and less.

   Until the broken body is not enough to support her normal movement.

   But she is still running, searching, scanning, searching.

   day and night.

   Acid rain falls.

   Blizzard howls.

   Sun exposure.

  Ten days passed.

   After the spark fell, the planet's climate system has not yet been rebuilt and is in a period of complete chaos.

  The fire was extinguished, leaving only a piece of black scorched earth.

  Alice searched for ten days on the scorched earth.

   She has never charged herself once. Deep in the protection of her humanoid skeleton, her "Tenth Generation Biomass Conversion Power Furnace" was severely damaged by the violent destruction of Spark.

   She absorbs the "biomass dust" scattered in the air, and the conversion rate is low.

   Another twenty days.

   Alice, whose energy was almost exhausted, thumped, clicked, and stopped in place, leaving only her fingertips and head, swaying slightly.


"younger brother."




   Alice's eyes gradually dimmed.

   She can no longer move.

   With the lights flashing, Alice left the last drop of "coolant" in her eyes.

   seems to be crying.

   But omnic, there is no "crying system".

  They have no feelings, no emotions, no joys and sorrows.

   But she cried.

   At least, Alice felt herself and cried.


Da da da.

  Heavy footsteps rang out on the scorched earth and spread far away.

  Three figures in heavy protective suits walked with difficulty on the scorched earth after the "spark raging".

   They were wearing alloy-cast boots. Every time they took a step, the colloidal residue that had not yet fully solidified—the solid mixture of fat left after the biomass was not fully burned would stick to the boots of the protective clothing, making it difficult for the three of them to walk.

   They are the survivors of the "Spark Raging".

   They are from "Ark 11 Main Base".

   They are looking for other survivors.

   The main base of Ark No. 11 has actually been entrenched in the underground of this planet.

   In addition to the "illegal port", there is no networked device in the harsh camp, allowing them to survive in the omnic's search all these years.

   Their state is metaphorically used in simple words, that is - disconnected from the Internet.

  A long time ago, under the constraints of the elders, they had been forbidden to log in to "Magic Light" without permission.

   Last time, it was Tang En who logged in privately. After being punched and "disconnected" by a perverted hunter, he was locked in confinement. Since then, no surviving human has logged on to "Magic Light" privately.

   And the mysterious hunter who can knock out the "illegal intruder" with one punch, in the mouth of the surviving awakened people, the more and more evil it is spread, which scares many awakened people.

   They are really worried that one day this mysterious and perverted hunter will enter the ark along the network cable.

  Two months ago.

  A mysterious "anonymous lander" contacted them somehow.

   and claimed: Miss, you don't want the Ark to be discovered, do you?

   But later, "Anonymous" fell into the dilemma of being surrounded by hunters, which also made the connection between Ark No. 11 and "Anonymous" become Buddhist.

   And in Bella's last brief communication with "Anonymous".

  Anonymous said his name.

   His name is "L".

   a month ago.

  Explosions and earthquakes swept the world.

   The Awakened who lived 100 meters underground sensed this terrifying vibration.

   They thought at first that the existence of Ark No. 11 had been discovered.

   But the tremor shook for a few days, and it seemed that it was not the same.

   It was not until a week ago that they sent a death squad to leave Ark No. 11 to explore the surface. The scorched earth, ruins, and doomsday scene in front of them left the three “expendables” speechless in shock for a long time.

  Their world...destroyed.

   "We are the last survivors."

   "That guy, destroyed this place, destroyed everything."

One of them wiped the dust off the protective goggles with his palm, gritted his teeth and said, "We are three kilometers away from the 'Ark entrance'. Our remaining oxygen and filters can only last for a maximum of 45 minutes. If we go further, we will I really can't go back to 'Ark'!"

   A female survivor who stubbornly walked at the front of the team and kept looking down at the "metal signal detector", even wearing a bulky and bulky protective suit, she looked a little smaller than the other two. In the communicator, she shook her head vigorously: "Impossible, we can't be the last survivors!"

"Hey! The surface strike depth of that disaster was as deep as fifty-six meters. Except for the 'main base' located 100 meters underground, the rest of the bases simply could not reach this depth." Another male survived The man sneered at first, then couldn't help crouching on the ground, his complicated laughter came from the communicator: "All dead, all dead, all dead... We can't fight 'it', 'it' 'We are the masters of everything, we, sooner or later, will die! We are... utterly defeated!"


   The petite female survivor slapped the back of the head of the man who was speaking in frustration, causing the latter to see gold stars in his eyes, and his oxygen consumption increased sharply.

"Shut up! That guy was just an artificial intelligence created by our 'ancestors' a long time ago! Since it was unable to discover our 'Ark No. 11' under the premise of 'disconnecting the Internet', it proves that it Not all-knowing and all-powerful, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Even if this planet, Sector 11, becomes the Death Star, there must be other survivors above the stars, in places we don't know about. Don't forget the words of our ancestors: A single spark is enough A prairie fire!"

   As she said that, the woman waved her arms vigorously, obviously to cheer herself up. But it seems that the scorched earth in front of her is unconvincing for her words.



  The male survivor was about to argue, when the female survivor suddenly raised a finger and stood beside her mouth.


   "Don't be noisy!"

   "Did you hear that?"

   "It's crying! I heard crying!"

   Soon, walk out more than ten meters.

   The other two also heard crying.

   a cry like weeping.

   but seems to be an electronic synth sound.



   As we all know, omnics can't cry.

   But those cries were obviously not made by humans.

   They pulled out the cumbersome firearms behind them, flipped the safety, loaded the bullets, and moved forward cautiously.

   Following the cry, the three of them came to a particularly dark ruin, which obviously suffered the most intensive "spark" blows.

  In the deep pit, a broken humanoid omnic, motionless, reclining on the ground, the lights in both eyes dimmed.


   The man beside him quickly raised his gun, ready to give the omnic a good shot.

"and many more."

  The woman pressed the man's gun down, she took two steps carefully, and wiped the gray in front of the thick protective goggles.

   "Have you heard that omnics cry?"

   "Cry or not!" After several kilometers of trekking, the scene full of scorched earth made him hold back his anger.

   Lying there was lonely and helpless Alice.

   She almost ran out of energy.

   The only energy left could not allow her to walk.

  Cry and cry, it's especially fun.

   She felt that her mechanical life had never been so fun.




  A "dying" omnic apologized.

   She was crying.

   Such a bizarre scene is undoubtedly the biggest joke in the background of the wasteland.


   The three of them couldn't laugh, and looked at each other with a ghostly expression, as if they were experiencing a horror scene in person.

   (end of this chapter)

Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts