MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1103 Distortion correction balance.

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   Chapter 1103 Distortion Correction Balance.

   (The gentleman in white is floating, the last chapter has 3862 words, put on a mask of pain... Please support the genuine reading of "Starting Reading", I can't stand it anymore... Thank you [kowtow].)


  Irin finished reading the document.

   At this point, he finally knew his origin.

   He is the "10", the tenth "mistake" born in the cycle of countless artifacts and the real world.

   The first nine are "Little One" to "Little Nine".

   There were nine of him in front.

   But the first nine "mistakes" all ended in failure.

   Yi Rin silently closed the folder, he looked at Xiao Xi who was sleeping soundly on the sheet with a large font, and gently covered her with the blanket.

   "Rest in peace, my goddess."

   "Bah, I haven't backtracked yet."

   As if she heard Irin's rebellious words, the goddess curled up in the quilt muttered and complained like a dream.

  Irin rubbed Xiaoxi's hair.

  I don't know when it started, but he gradually liked killing the goddess.

  Not everyone has this opportunity.

   This is a goddess.

   A mere god.

   "Now, it's time to deal with subsequent troubles."

  Irin sighed and left.

   At the moment when "Irin" and "Ling Yiyi" were born, the real world was distorted again.


   is burying her head in the lab Molly, banging on the computer.

   She is drafting a job posting.

   "Let's discuss it with him."

   Molly was hesitating about what conditions would be more appropriate, this kind of thing is indeed beyond Molly's area of ​​expertise. She picked up the mobile phone on the desktop, flashed the screen, and prepared to enter a string of numbers skillfully. But at this moment, Molly was shocked and the phone fell to the ground.

   Her whole face was full of ignorance and doubt.

   "Who was I just... looking for?"


   is wrong.

   Grandpa didn't understand this.

   Who am I looking for?

   froze at the table for a long time, a long time, a long time. Molly scrambled under the table, looking for the phone that had fallen under the table. With a simple action, she picked it up several times before finally picking it up.

"woo woo woo woo…"

   The screen of the phone is broken.

   Really can't stand falling.

   "Why are you broken!"

   Molly stared blankly at the phone screen that was smashed into glass. She was dumbfounded for a few minutes, and suddenly hugged her legs and cried.

   The collapse of the minor was in an instant, and the reason was unclear.

   "Who dares to bully my good granddaughter!"

  Mo Rendi smashed the glass with one punch, and fell from the sky, he heard the sound.

   But when Mo Rendi descended here like a divine soldier, the scene made him a little dumbfounded. According to his experience, assuming that the thief who bullied his good granddaughter hadn't had time to escape, then according to the crime scene, it should be ... the mobile phone bullied his granddaughter.

   "What's the matter, Mengmeng, who bullied you?"

  Mo Rendi scratched his head and squatted in front of Molly.

   Molly threw herself into Mo Rendi's arms.

   "Grandpa... woo woo... I don't know why, it's weird... I seem to have forgotten something, it's uncomfortable. Also, the phone, the screen is broken. Woo woo... Strange, it's obviously worthless."


at the same time.

  Irin seems to be standing in the center of the world, feeling the changes in the world after being distorted.

"My sense of existence... is being taken away by 'Irin'. No, it should be at the same time as the 'distortion' is happening, the navigator is quickly making a certain degree of 'correction' to the real world line, avoiding the rules inside the ship, falling into In the most basic logical error."



   strikes a delicate balance.

"It's like the reason that Milian cannot show her true face in front of me. The core logic rules cannot be broken. Otherwise, the real time will fall into complete chaos. The core rules in the ship are the foundation of a ship's operation. Above all else, even an administrator cannot tamper with it, otherwise it will cause the collapse of the timeline."

   "According to the principle of the uniqueness of real individuals, at the same point in time, there cannot be two identical 'Is' with the same core data."

   "This is what Xiaoxi said, the only way."

"While 'Irin' existed, my sense of existence was taken away by 'Irin', and now I am neither Irin, but Irin, and I can only survive here as an 'administrator'. "

It is not a matter of a day or two for Yi Rin to be an administrator. After the birth of "Yi Rin", the "distortion" and "modification" of the rules on the ship coexisted. Two completely different trends have stabilized the world in a strange balance. in status.

   All memories of "GM" will be diluted, and all those who have been associated with "GM" but will have an intersection with "Irin" in the future will have their memories corrected to a certain extent. Of course, the impact of this revision is not all negative. The current Irin, no, should be said to be an "administrator", and will become a real "ghost", hiding in the cracks of history.


   "If I guessed correctly, Molly should have forgotten about me."

In the real world, Yi Rin had contact with Molly in advance, but this "contact", after the birth of "Yi Rin", would be subject to some degree of correction. Molly's memory was wiped.

   July 8, 2118.


  Irin received a call from Mo Rendi.

  Mo Rendi rarely uses his cell phone. Once he does, it means something bad is going on.

   "Brother, come here quickly! There's something wrong with this old man!"

  Irin smiled and arrived at Mo's house.

  Mo Rendi was waiting in the courtyard for a long time.

When Yi Rin stepped out of the aperture and appeared in the yard, Mo Rendi rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked aggrieved: "This old man is really dizzy, and when you look at your face, my brother, it's all muddy." Hearing this, Yi Rin sat down. Across from Mo Rendi: "Do you still remember me?"

   When Mo Rendi heard this, the movement of rubbing his eyes suddenly stopped. He figured out that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Brother, is there something wrong?"

   "It's out, it's quite big." Yi Rin smiled and nodded: "Do you remember what I told you before that I came from the 'future'?"

   "Remember." Mo Rendi nodded: "But..."

Mo Rendi hesitated, but Yi Rin took the initiative to pick up what Mo Rendi didn't say: "However, while you were helping me look up those three names last time, you also used the face recognition database to investigate, this world, In any corner, there is no 'I'."

   "Hey...hey...hey... as expected of you, brother, you have actually discovered it." Mo Rendi smiled shyly, showing an expression of "as expected of you". But this is actually what Yi Rin really wanted to say. As expected of your old Mo, he can even fight against the balance of "distortion and correction" in the world. As expected, Xiaoxi has designated the only "male" in countless artefacts. The protagonist" of the old man.

  When Molly was crying, Mo Rendi also sensed something was wrong. It's not that Molly is really sad about "losing something", Mo Rendi can understand that feeling. When the world was distorted and corrected at the same time, Mo Rendi clearly felt that a piece of his memory had been erased. He could barely recall a person like "Brother G", but many of his memories became blurred, and he couldn't even remember him. I remember Irin's appearance and voice.

   However, Mo Rendi never relied on superficial features such as appearance and voice to recognize people. What he remembered was "taste" - the taste of the strong.

   After a moment of contemplation, Mo Rendi hammered his head, shook it vigorously, and became more awake. He opened his mouth and asked, "Started?"

  Irin shook his head calmly: "Don't worry."

"Oh." Mo Rendi's clenched fists loosened. Even though he is now aging, he still has the ambition to travel thousands of miles a day. This sudden appearance made his blood boil and wasted in vain. a lot of expressions.

   told Mo Rendi to continue to wait quietly, what to do, and Yi Rin left Mo's house. Not long after, a small plane made of paper flew over and flew slowly. Yi Rin's eyes narrowed, and he reached out to the paper plane from a distance, and took the small plane down.

The    contained encrypted messages between magicians. After Yi Rin quickly read the secret message in the paper plane, his fingers burned out and he smiled slightly.

  Although he doesn't trust the old vampire "Merlin", Irin believes that this is part of "history". From the moment "Irin" was born, everything will follow the trajectory of "history" until that day.


at the same time.

   Around the Tower of War, the blood-colored fog formed a forbidden area that was difficult for humans to step on—the "Red Mist Area".

The blood-colored mist, once inhaled by humans, will produce all kinds of weird hallucinations, and it seems to contain stimulants. Once humans stay in the "red mist area" for a long time, their eyes will be red, and they will have a strong desire to attack, like crazy. Attack people around you.

   even bites.

  Million was staying alone under the Tower of War, bathed in the "red mist", as if she had returned to her own home.

   "Ah... so hungry."

   Just when she moved her nose from time to time and her brain was thinking about cooking, she would suddenly be carrying the hot, fragrant and glowing food and appeared in front of her, Milian suddenly pulled out the "black sword".

   In the blood-red mist, a smiling white-haired man walked out slowly. I saw that he was wearing a spotless white magician's robe, inlaid with delicate lace, and under the man's robe, there was a dark close-fitting lining. The man was walking on a pair of thick round-toed boots. Milian frowned, although in her opinion the power of the white-haired man could not pose a threat to her, but he gave the impression that he was like the wind blowing from the grassland, blowing and killing Milian. Intention to dilute.

"Hello, I'm Merlin. The 'Great Sage' from the Wandering Sea." The white-haired man saluted Milian from a distance, and while showing his identity, he smiled and raised the big bag in his right hand: "Cough Cough, are you the legendary Miriam Arturia X? You came to deliver meals at the request of a certain guy, and there was a special 'cured ham' inside."

   As he spoke, his smile was a little more helpless, and his left hand pointed hard at his left eye.

  Million then noticed that the man who claimed to be Merlin had black bruises on his left eye socket and blood oozing from the bruises, as if he had just been beaten by a brutal gangster not long ago.

   (end of this chapter)