MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 354 352. Inside the castle

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   Chapter 354 352. Inside the castle

  Hogwarts Castle, one hour before the curfew time, and at this time the castle's large and small towers were crowded with students.

   Those who can occupy the highest and best positions are naturally pure-blooded students, and mixed-race students are also very conscious, and have not competed with those noble figures.

   But no matter where they are, they can see that the originally scattered fire dragons in the Forbidden Forest are gathering together at this moment!

  Yes, those crazy dragons seemed to be connected by someone to the traction rope, dragging them to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, which made the students in the castle scream.

   "I dare say it must be caused by that terrorist named Jon Green!"

  Grandio, a sixth-grade student at the Mixed-Blood College, spoke vividly, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

"I heard from the professors that he is full of evil, with a rotten orange face like a goblin, and a bad idea that will harm the magic world can come up in his heart just by blinking his eyelids. He must be in the Forbidden Forest. What did the fire dragons do, like throw slugs on their heads, or steal their most valuable nerves with weird black magic or something. Now he's in big trouble, and the dragons are after him, etc. We can get the news after a game is over, Mr. Principal said to us happily, 'The last hope of the wanted criminals is dead, their ambition to re-pollute this castle has been completely shattered, children, we will exempt this one Term assignments to celebrate! 'Oh my gosh, this is amazing!"

  He seemed to have imagined a bright future, and the mixed-race students around him also showed smiles on their faces, as if they had heard something that couldn't be more interesting.

"The Dark Lord Dumbledore is even worse. He made a bet with Mr. Principal. Once Jon Green dies, they have no hope of winning at all. What is the name of that contestant in Durmstrang? Come on? Diane Rozier? Rozier, um, maybe she will be capable, but she is definitely not as good as Lestrange and Malfoy. The victory must belong to us. In the end, France will also It will be ours, and those Wupingxian people will turn into rats in the trench and get out of our territory!"

   There was a burst of laughter among the mixed-race students. Most of them were immersed in Grandio's future, which can be said to be a fantasy or is close at hand, and some even reminded them with a sneer.

   "Don't forget what Mr. Principal said. Mudbloods are not human beings at all. It is said that the so-called Wuping Line is a collection of mudbloods."

   Cedric watched blankly as the students around him were expressing unabashed discrimination and humiliation against Dumbledore, Jon and everyone they represented.

  When the laughter sounded, he didn't laugh along with it. Only by living in this school could he feel the horror brought about by the twisted education.

  He can be sure that most of the classmates around him are kind. They are loyal to their friends, respectful to their teachers, and friendly to their relatives. They are no different from all children who have received the education of truth, goodness and beauty.

   But they are also used to seeing themselves as a member of the current Hogwarts castle, and regard that great gentleman as the spiritual leader in their hearts.

The school's long-term division of the gap and level between mixed blood and pure blood has made them now understand the difference between superiority and inferiority. They believe that as long as the blood is pure, wizards must be excellent, and the so-called mudbloods are not even human. Not really.

  Because they didn't even have much contact with those oppressed students, all the impressions in their minds came from the distorted cognition taught in Cedric's eyes, which was enough to be called a horrifying Muggle studies class.

  This is scary.

  Even if the reality is exposed in front of their eyes and all the lies of pure blood are exposed, they will find various reasons and excuses to justify the rules and systems they have recognized.

  Many mixed-race students have heard and seen what Jon said last year.

Sometimes language can touch people's hearts, but in more cases, no matter how straightforward the words are, they are so pale and weak. Their only desire is power, breaking down the principles they believe in solidly, turning correct principles into habits, and allowing an equal environment to reshape behaviors, only then can it be possible to truly reverse people's values.

And Cedric, he never really believed in the truth taught in this castle, his family education has told him what is right and what is wrong, just to live in this wrong society, His father violated his own ideas and continued to serve more "higher" purebloods in the Ministry of Magic, and Cedric himself could only live in this castle blankly and alone.

Jon's words never changed Cedric's point of view. He never thought that the education in Hogwarts Castle was right from the beginning to the end. It just tore off his timidity and let him know that perhaps Many people also know the real right and wrong from the beginning, but in a little obedience, they are subtly changed.

  Cedric couldn't accept that change, so he had all kinds of contacts with the centaur after Jon rescued the **** students from the castle.

  He knows that there are very few things he can do, and he is far from able to change the overall situation much, but people can't just stop doing things because of their insignificance, and wait to be rescued by more capable people, right?

  Life may need the help of others to be saved, but the inner salvation can only rely on oneself.

  Cedric didn't intend to reprimand the malicious speculation and ridicule of his classmates around him. He knew very well that it was useless, and at the same time, it would put himself in a dangerous situation.

   But sometimes if he didn't say anything, no one would bother him anymore.

   "Why are you pulling your face! Digory, do you disagree with Grandio's words?"

  The person who asked such a sharp question was a girl with freckles on her face and a bitter expression on her face.

  She glared at Cedric fiercely, wishing to find out his shortcomings every moment.

   Logically speaking, Cedric, who is a good guy no matter where he is, shouldn't be at odds with anyone, but this girl is an exception.

Because just last semester, she expressed her admiration and love to Cedric in private and was rejected. Even if she and Cedric didn't mention it to anyone, it still made the girl hate her former crush. object.

Hearing her words, everyone on the tower looked at Cedric. Everyone could see that what the girl said was true. In such a happy atmosphere, only Cedric had no gregarious joy on his face. .

  Cedric looked at the girl, his face as gentle as ever.

   "You can't expect everyone to have a unified mind, right? I just think that using the enemy's fantasy as a pastime and relaxation, no matter it is a kind of belittlement to anyone."

  Although his words made the surrounding students feel uncomfortable, he couldn't find anything wrong with them, because he didn't say that it was wrong to belittle Jon, he just felt that their way of relaxing was very low-level.

  However, the girl still said sullenly.

   "I think you actually have sympathy for these mudbloods, right? Don't pretend, Diggory, I saw you once secretly delivering bread to those mudbloods who cleaned the bathroom!"

"But they rejected your kindness, right! They all know that with their own lowliness, they don't deserve to eat this kind of thing at all! And you, a full-fledged citizen of the British wizarding world! A student of Hogwarts Mixed-Blood College! You are still right They have sympathy, do you have connections with those wanted criminals!"

   A hat was put on Cedric's head in this way, although after he had met Jon, the hat was not wrongly put on.

  But the conclusion without any reasonable evidence is actually a kind of labeling.

  Maybe she didn't know what she was doing, and the words she said now were just out of instinctive hatred, but her behavior was to want Cedric to die!

  The scene fell silent for an instant, all the students looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Cedric.

If it was just an unwarranted accusation against Cedric at the beginning, and someone who just stood up and said a few words on the scene could change the matter, then no one would dare to speak anymore. Cedric must explain this to himself, otherwise Surely someone will report this to the professor.

  They surrounded Cedric, surrounded him in the middle of the crowd, like an outlier.

  Cedric's face was calm. He looked at his classmates, who were divided by blood and classified into the same class as him.

  They were all waiting for him to explain, but for some reason, Cedric suddenly didn't want to talk now.

  He looked at the bright starry sky, the world at night is beautiful and full of mystery, but under this imaginative canvas, a huge shadow did not know when to cover half of the sky.

  Astronomical Tower, the place where the current principal of the castle was crowned king in the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

  As the tallest tower in the entire Hogwarts castle, it is naturally full of professors in the castle.

   Except for Snape who went to the outer platform of the Forbidden Forest for Voldemort, Barty Jr., the Carlo brothers and sisters, Greengrass, and even some professors from the Pure Blood College were here.

  There was a lot of movement in the Forbidden Forest, and the cloud made of dragon breath that appeared in the sky at first was also very dazzling. Not only the students in the whole school were alarmed, but the professors were no exception.

   "If you are surrounded by ten fire dragons, how long can you last?"

  The night wind blew the light yellow hair on Little Barty's forehead. He looked at the group of dragons who had obviously gathered together and were chasing something, and asked Amycus Carlo beside him in a casual voice.

   Amycus looked at the distant sky and narrowed his eyes.

"If I can use apparition, I can try to pull them one by one to solve them. Although dragons are powerful, they have no racial concept. They have always been alone, and they don't know how to cooperate. They divide and solve It's not hard to get up."

   When he said this, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "However, Hogwarts, including the Forbidden Forest, cannot use apparation. Being surrounded by so many fire dragons is a dead end."

  His sister, Alecto, who was fat and ugly like a pig, also showed a cruel and rampant smile on her face.

"Who came up with this method for the master! It's really great, but I don't know if that little mudblood can leave some eye-catching corpses, and I want to show such a unique case to the students in class! "

  Greengrass frowned, and she glanced at Alecto, as if she was dissatisfied with her innate cruelty and vulgarity, without any pure-blooded family cultivation.

   Little Barty didn't answer Alecto's question. He just put his hands on the edge of the tower, looked at the place surrounded by fire dragons, and showed a casual smile on his face.

   If there is anyone in this world who has absolute loyalty to Voldemort, then Barty Jr. dares to be the first, and Bella is probably the second.

He and Snape did not get along, not only because Snape was a half-blood but had a higher status than most pure-bloods, but also because he always felt that Snape was loyal to his master Not pure.

That's right, Barty Jr. never denied Snape's talent. He just thought that this man was an unstable time bomb, useful but also dangerous, so he always tried his best to dissuade his master from letting Snape do things. But he must not be given absolute power.

   Little Barty didn't know if his master had listened to his suggestion, but he knew very well that the focus of their entire organization should not be on the inside.

  Because his master hadn't paid attention to him before, Dumbledore and his group, who were hanging like a boiled old man, are now showing signs of gaining momentum.

   Among them, the one who had the greatest influence on Voldemort himself was a student who had just entered the fourth grade.

  This is very abnormal and disturbing, at least it disturbs Barty Jr., a group of loyal servants who are really creating the British magical government for Voldemort.

  Of course they firmly believe that their master is great and invincible, but there will always be some ants who want to tear off a piece of flesh from the giant, and because of their smallness, they often succeed easily.

  But when the giant really started to pay attention to this ant, then he would no longer be a problem.

  Little Barty narrowed his eyes, and the golden-red flames that lit up from time to time under the starry sky were nothing more than a wonderful picture in his eyes.

  Look, this overwhelmed ant is about to die, and he didn't even meet his master's highest expectations for him at the beginning.

  When the wizard who killed his father and mother was thinking like this, his brows suddenly frowned.

  The scenery that was so beautiful in his eyes suddenly became bigger and bigger, gradually occupying all of his pupils!

Talking about early in the morning, I was thinking and writing until seven o’clock before I knew it, and I couldn’t sleep anyway, so I’ll write the night’s work again. I’ll post this paragraph in the morning if I can finish it, and I’ll wake up at night if I can’t finish it. continue writing


  (end of this chapter)