MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 131 Level 4 crystal, here comes the contribution points

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  Chapter 131 Level 4 crystal, here comes the contribution points

   I didn't expect it to be a resource to strengthen extraordinary talents.

  Looking at the remaining two blue 'pearls', Jianjiayan Beast swallowed another one without thinking about it.

  Same as before, the blue energy exploded at the moment of entering the abdomen, and the power of the hot energy that melted into the whole body skyrocketed, but this time the effect was much weaker.

  The temperature of the fiery energy flowing between the flesh and blood rose from three hundred to four hundred degrees Celsius.

  But even so, the high temperature emitted by the Sword Armored Flame Beast became even hotter, and the red flames leaped between the scales of its body, making it appear majestic and ferocious.

  Like a giant flame beast.

  These flames are not ordinary plasma fires. The fuel is the extraordinary energy contained in the sword armor beast, which belongs to energy flames.

   Therefore, it will not burn even in seawater, and the blazing high temperature emitted will make the surrounding seawater continuously boil and tumbling, cooking some microorganisms.

   It’s just that the flame giant appeared in the depths of the sea, isn’t it a bit strange...?

   Just when Jianjiayan Beast felt that something was wrong with his painting style, his throat suddenly felt a little itchy, and he couldn't help coughing...cough, cough, roar!

  Coughing and growling, suddenly a burst of flame burst out from the mouth of Jianjiayan Beast. The scorching high temperature made the sea water boil, and it went meter before it went out.

  I can breathe fire! The sword armor flame beast suddenly became excited.

  Although the power of flame breath is very low now, it can still be considered as a natural talent. After the fourth evolution, the power of flame talent may also skyrocket.

   At that time, absorb and integrate a natural ability, and its combat power with dual natural talents will be even more terrifying.


  At this time, a narwhal call came from outside the cave.

   Ho Ho! Don't rush bro, half of the good things will be left for you. The Sword Armor Flame Beast turned its head and roared twice, then looked at the remaining blue 'pearl'.

   Well, half, yes.

  At this time, the high temperature of the Sword Armor Flame Beast subsided, and then stretched out its right claw to gently hold the remaining blue pearl, turned around and swam out with a huge figure.

  When Jianjiayan Beast came to the entrance of the cave, he saw the unicorn killer whale swimming anxiously outside, looking impatient.

  After seeing the Sword Armor Flame Beast, the unicorn killer whale's eyes lit up, and it moved over excitedly.

   Chirp! Where's the good stuff, bro?

   Ho Ho! Here, this is the thing, there are two in it, I ate one and left one for you.

  Because it was afraid that it would not understand the meaning, the mental fluctuations of the Sword Armor Flame Beast were distributed in segments, and when it roared, it spread its right paw to reveal the blue pearl.

  At the same time, in order to let it understand the meaning of the number, the left paw also raised **** to make a V.

   Chirp! 'Brother' is enough.

  The narwhal opened its mouth happily, swallowed the blue pearl with a slight inhalation, and did not intend to give it a child this time.


  An astonishing burst of blood energy from the unicorn killer whale shook the bottom of the sea. Black and white lights flickered on its body surface, exuding an extremely heavy aura.

  Peak of level six, approaching level seven?

  Seeing the unicorn killer whales that are getting bigger and bigger, even slightly growing in size to approach 30 meters, Jianjiayan Beast thought deeply.

   Ignoring the unicorn killer whale, Jianjiayan Beast looked at the corpses of the two giant pythons.

   These two double-headed sea pythons are very powerful with their natural abilities. Under the influence of the dull halo, mutant creatures of the same level can hardly escape their attacks.

  Once bitten by them, injecting the poison that dissolves even living things into the body will almost only result in death.

  Unfortunately, today they encountered a unicorn killer whale with rough skin and thick flesh, and it has a strong body, no fear of venom, and a talent for instant burst speed.

  In fact, with the combat power of the Sword Armor Flame Beast, if you seize the opportunity, you can kill them in seconds, but you don't know what their abilities are at the beginning, so you should be vigilant.

  According to Jianjia Yan Beast's estimate, the 19-meter one is probably at the peak of level four, and the 27-meter one should be at the beginning of level six.

  Compared to other mutated creatures, pythons of the same level are much longer.

  Thinking of this, the Sword Armor Flame Beast suddenly moved and swam towards the corpse of the fourth-level giant python.

  Because of the deterrent breath of the narwhal and the highly poisonous corrosion in front, there is not even a small aquatic creature in this sea area at this time.


  The sharp claws cut through the scales and flesh of the giant python, and then a crystal-clear life crystal appeared a little below its head.

  Level 4 Life Crystal. The Sword Armor Flame Beast carefully picked it up with its fingertips, and then put it into the python skin hanging around its neck...

   Well, when the innate ability was improved, the third-level python skin bag hanging around its neck couldn't bear it, and it was burned and deformed.

  Tearing off the deformed snakeskin bag, the Sword Armor Flame Beast swam up to the corpse of the sixth-level giant python, cut the scales with its sharp claws, and flexibly peeled off a large piece of python skin.

   Chirp! On the side, the unicorn killer whale that had already been promoted came over, curiously looking at the busy sword armor flame beast, not understanding what it was doing.

   Ho Ho! do not bother me. The Sword Armor Flame Beast waved its claws, signaling it to get out of the way.

   Soon a simple six-level pure snakeskin bag was made, and the fourth-level crystal was put in, and then the tendons of the two-headed python were pulled out as a rope.

   Chirp! I want one too. Looking at the bag of life crystals around Jianjiayan Beast's neck, the unicorn killer whale's eyes lit up.

  It found (robbed) good things before, and when it wanted to bring them back to the mother whale, it could only hold them in its mouth, but many good things melted in the mouth.

   If you have this thing, wouldn't it be much more convenient.

   Ho Ho! It's useless, your neck is too thick and it will fall off when you hang it. The Sword Armor Flame Beast refused.

  It is not interested in wasting time to get another snakeskin bag, and even if it is made, it is useless. The body shape of the mutant killer whale is a smooth oval shape, and there is no place to hang it.

   Besides, does it have claws?

  The next step is the ownership of the corpse of the deep-sea giant python. After the analysis of Jianjiayan Beast's contribution to this cooperation, it obtained the corpse of the sixth-level giant python.

  After consuming it happily, the Jianjiayan beast grew by more than ten centimeters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its evolution value was +30.

   Chirp! Brother, go back. When the Jianjiayan Beast ate up the sea python, the unicorn killer whale that had already swallowed another sea python called out.

Roar! Wait.

   While roaring, the Sword Armor Flame Beast came to the top of the cave, stood on both legs, raised its claws high, and the muscles of its whole body swelled instantly and gathered infinite strength.

  Boom! Under the terrifying blow of the Sword Armor Flame Beast, which exploded with a hundred times its power, the cave collapsed including half of the mountain wall, the ground shook, and billowing mud and sand filled the air.

  After destroying the cave with one blow, the Sword Armor Flame Beast swam out of the muddy water, roaring in a low voice.

   Ho Ho! Remember this place, when there are good things in the future, we will come and get them.

   Suddenly the narwhal's eyes lit up.

   Chirp! Still brothers are smart.

Roar! That is.

   With a low growl, the two ends came to rob, eat up and destroy the cave, and the mutant monsters swam and disappeared under the dark deep sea.

  No accident happened on the way back. Two hours later, the Sword Armor Flame Beast returned to its familiar sea area.

  Four killer whales were hunting there, and their prey target was a group of mutated sharks. The huge female killer whales rampaged and scattered the fish.

  The three young killer whales hunted together and killed a common mutant shark with a length of 8 meters and 9 meters, which seemed very skillful.

   Chirp! Brother, do you want to eat together? Upon seeing this, the narwhal issued an invitation.

   Ho Ho! Forget it, I'm not interested in these low-level mutant beasts, eat them yourself, and call me next time you find something good.

  As the size became larger, the Jianjiayan beast found that preying on ordinary first-level and second-level mutant beasts could only maintain its daily consumption.

  After those foods are eaten, most of the energy is converted into physical exercise consumption, and the remaining nutrients can be used as nutrients for body growth.

  In this case, the evolution value cannot be accumulated at all.

  If you want to grow, you must hunt high-level mutant creatures that are similar to your own level. The flesh and blood of those mutant beasts contain more and richer life energy.

  Afternoon, on the 33rd floor of Building C of the school.

  Chen Chu, who was quietly browsing through the mutated beast encyclopedia, had a heavy breath flashing over him. Driven by the growth of the sword armor flame beast, his four attributes +3.

  Suddenly, his mobile phone on the table lighted up slightly, and someone @ him.

  Three nine groups.

  Xia Youhui: "Haha... Ah Chu, we have reached the periphery of the Alien Beast Battlefield, look."

   As Xia Youhui said, he sent more than a dozen pictures.

  In the picture, Xia Youhui and Liu Fengbaimu are standing on the edge of the cliff, the earth breaks behind them, and the drop reaches thousands of meters.

  Under the cliff below, the boundless forest spreads to the sky, and towering peaks rise from the ground, surrounded by clouds and mist on the mountainside.

  That vast appearance is as if it is not in this world at all.

  In the distance, some huge birds can be faintly seen shuttled among the clouds, and there are buildings built by humans on the ground below, many of which are strangely shaped and full of sci-fi style.

  Just looking at the photos, Chen Chu felt a sense of wildness coming towards him, and was inexplicably shocked.

  Xia Youhui hehe said: "Ah Chu, what's the matter, is there a feeling of being shocked?"

   "I heard that it is not only very big, but also contains countless resources and mutant beasts, and most of the second and third graders in our school live in it."

  Lin Xuefeng said calmly: "It's a pity that you didn't come together, Chen Chu. Under such a pressured environment, with your talent, as long as you adapt to it, your progress will be faster."

  Chen Chu was a little speechless: " come out and say these things, do you want me to envy you?"

   "Hey, how is it possible, we just want to share the new environment with you." After speaking, Xia Youhui also sent a lewd expression.

  Chen Chu shook his head: "Don't be careless, opportunities and dangers coexist at any time, otherwise there wouldn't be so many senior students quitting every year."

   "And I will come here a month later than you at most, are you sure that the combat power will surpass me by then?"

  ... Chen Chu's words made Xiao Qun quiet.

  In the late stage of the third stage, they can still chase after them, but in the middle stage of the third stage, they can cross a large realm and kill the enemy's combat power...

  Lin Xue sent a 'waving' emoji: "It's over, we can't talk about this topic anymore."

  Xia Youhui: "Ah Chu, the inside is separated from the outside world, and the information is interrupted. I won't talk today. I will give you information when I have time to come out of the entrance."

  Chen Chu smiled and put down the phone.


  January 22nd, the fifth day.

   "Just a few days after the new year, why did the school organize activities again?"

  At the gate of the courtyard, Zhang Xiaolan was a little worried.

   "Mom, it's okay."

  Chen Chu smiled slightly: "This time it's just a small task for a week or two. We students are mainly assisting the local armed forces to clean up those ordinary mutant beasts."

   "And for me now, there is no danger at all for ordinary mutant beasts with one knife."

   "When the time comes, the mutant beasts killed will be counted as my income. A level-one ordinary mutant beast can be sold for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, a second-level mutant beast can be sold for more than a hundred thousand, and a level-3 one will not be mentioned."

   "Making money is making money, but you still have to be careful." Because of the experience of more than 300,000 yuan last time, Zhang Xiaolan also knows that those mutant creatures are very valuable.

"Ok, I know."

   "Brother, my mutant meat." Chen Hu who was beside him blinked.

  Chen Chu smiled: "Don't worry, I won't forget."

   "Okay, Mom, Xiaohu, I'm leaving first."

  While most people were still enjoying the Chinese New Year festival, many Wugao trainees wearing similar training clothes and carrying heavy weapons came to the express station.

  Looking at the large weapons that were two to three meters long and many of them weighed more than a hundred kilograms, the ordinary people around were suddenly commotioned, and their eyes were surprised.

  The students didn't pay attention to these gazes, but they were all a little excited, proudly showing the thick and long weapons behind them.

  After all, they were all restricted by various school regulations before. They are obviously very powerful after practicing real martial arts, but they have to behave like ordinary people in normal times.

  The feeling of having power but not being able to show it, and having to suppress it all the time is actually very uncomfortable.

   And among those students waiting in line excitedly, there were Chen Chu and Luo Fei.

  However, Chen Chu not only carried the saber on his back, but also carried a suitcase with a battle armor in his hand. The once broken battle armor had already been repaired.

   It's just that after the enchantment is gone, the repaired armor is only a little harder than ordinary armor, but the defense is still very strong under the full coverage of the true power of the dragon elephant.

  Beside Chen Chu, Luo Fei was also carrying a two-meter-long box today, which contained a disassembled sniper rifle, and at the same time, there were two large suitcases beside her.

  One of them is equipped with armor, and the other is ammunition.

   These things are not available to ordinary practitioners, and they are not on the school exchange form. They require special permissions, and only she can carry them in large and small boxes.

  At this moment, Chen Chu turned his head and said in a low voice, "Are you sure you want two points?"

  Luo Fei nodded slightly: "Yes, otherwise I would take advantage of you too much."

  The two people in front agreed to form a team for this cleaning task, but when it came to the distribution of contribution points, Luo Fei had a different opinion. She felt that the five to five points was a bit of an advantage to Chen Chu.

  Although with her attack power, as long as she finds an opportunity, she can kill level 4 mutant beasts, and level 3 mutant beasts can even be shot one by one, but the problem is that this task is not just about killing.

  According to official requirements, after killing the mutant beasts in this cleaning task, the students need to bring the corpses back.

  In this way, it would be good for those students who ran for more than ten or even tens of kilometers into the mountain to complete one task a day, after all, mutant beasts are huge in size.

   Especially those third-level mutant beasts, most of them weigh a few tons.

  In this case, only a guy like Chen Chu with terrifying basic strength can carry a mutant beast that weighs several tons and run like flying, completing tasks several times a day.

  So Luo Fei proposed that she get one-third of the team, and Chen Chu took two-thirds of the proposal, and whoever contributed more would get more.

   "The train has arrived at the station. Passengers, please bring your belongings and get on the train in an orderly manner."

   "Special broadcast, Wugao students who take this train, please pay attention to the weapons you carry on your body, and don't affect public facilities and others."

   "Let's go."

  Chen Chu's eyes showed anticipation, and he followed the crowd into the carriage.

  With his strength, he might be able to collect 300 contribution points in three days.

   Today is still two chapters with 8,000 words, take a break, and tomorrow there will be more than 10,000 words in three chapters.



  (end of this chapter)