MTL - Immortality: My Spell Upgrades Infinitely-Chapter 48 The general of the Di tribe, the dead wood sloughs

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After eating a full meal of grilled fish, Tu Shan regained his vitality.

Holding the Mingshui Jue in his hand, Lu Chen flipped through it quickly. Unfortunately, there was only half of it after all, and it couldn't be included in the light curtain. If so, he could only try to interpret it bit by bit.


In fact, there is another way.

Meng Yao owns the underworld weapon [Red Happiness Money], which has two abilities, one is "blessing" and the other is "prayer", which can automatically protect the Lord.

Praying, but need to take the initiative to display.

It's a pity that Yaoyao is too young.

I haven't figured out how to perform it yet. Lu Chen guesses that this "Prayer" is probably similar to making a wish. If it can be performed, maybe Yaoyao can complete half of the "Ming Shui Jue".

Putting the book away, Lu Chen raised his head and asked:

"Tu Shan, how far is it from Dayan Mountain?"


"Call the Lord!"

"Guan... Guanzhu, it's almost... almost here."

Tu Shan hugged the Spanish mackerel's bone and licked it over and over until there was not a trace of fish left. He was so silly, and the expression on his face made one's scalp tingle.

He went to Dayan Mountain for spiritual sand, but he got a fortune by accident on the way.

Although there are no details.

According to his estimation, the quantity should be above 800 grains.

If so.

There is no shortage of spiritual sand for the time being, but since this place is not far from Dayan Mountain, it would be inappropriate to turn back now.

He lifted his foot and jumped onto Tu Shan's wrist.

Tu Shan raised his arm subconsciously, and Lu Chen borrowed a little strength to roll somersault and land on the opponent's shoulder.


With a light step, Lu Chen ordered:

"Let's go, keep going!"


Tu Shan threw away the fish bones, hurriedly got up, and strode westward.

After running for fifty miles, a low mountain was finally in sight. Tu Shan was out of breath, and while running, he said:

"Master...master, front...the front is."

"Call the Lord!"

"Watch... watch the Lord."

In a blink of an eye, Tu Shan ran to the foot of the mountain and stopped. Lu Chen looked up at the mountain, and saw that the short mountain was more than a hundred meters high, and the mountain was lush and green, but the top of the mountain was barren.

Quite weird.

And in a dangerous place halfway up the mountain, there is a huge camp, with a flag and flag swaying in the wind, and there are three words in the letter:

Yanshan Pirates!

Lu Chen withdrew his gaze and ordered:

"Remember, if someone goes down the mountain later, come and kill one by one."

"No... dare not."

Tu Shan, who was five meters tall, shrank his neck and shook his head desperately.

Lu Chen's expression was serious, and he said coldly:

"Then don't eat anymore, it's a waste anyway."

"No... no."


Tu Shan hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, paused to speak, gritted his teeth:


"not bad!"

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, squeezed the formula in his hand, stepped on the sword and flew towards the camp in the mountain.

On this day, Lu Chen entered Dayan Mountain by himself, broke through the camp with his own strength, and wiped out more than 300 robbers. Since then, Yanshan Bandits have been completely eliminated!



The mahogany sword returned to the orifice, and Lu Chen looked around, only to see blood flowing and corpses everywhere.


Just as he was about to call Tu Shan up the mountain, the whole mountain trembled violently suddenly. Lu Chen staggered with a horrified expression. At the foot of the mountain, Tu Shan squatted down in horror, holding his head and shouting:

"Grandpa Mountain God is showing off his power~"

"Grandpa Mountain God is showing off his power~"






The roar spread throughout the entire mountain, echoing over and over again.

"Brother, I'm so scared~"

"Hey, it's okay, my brother is here."


Reassuring Meng Yao, Lu Chen followed the voice and walked towards the top of the mountain, step by step, stepping up to the top of the mountain, and saw a skeleton struggling on the bare top of the mountain.

its body.

It is tied with five chains as thick as forearms.

The limbs and the head were locked separately. As the skeleton struggled, dense golden runes appeared on the black chains. With the struggle, the entire mountain trembled again and again.

So scary.


On Dayan Mountain, there was a monster of unknown realm imprisoned.


Lu Chen's scalp was numb, and he was about to turn around and go down the mountain.

I saw a stone tablet standing not far away, engraved with a series of handwriting on the stone tablet, with iron and silver hooks:

"In the spring of Dimang's eighty-fourth year, the northern Di clan invaded the territory of Dahao in three ways. The wind and rain were turbulent, and the bones were piled up. On the day of the autumn festival, the Dahao Golden Crow Angel descended. He cut off Tai Cang with one sword, and the wolf general Alu Hengbo with one sword. Here, the biography of the Shenbei, digging out the bones!"

Eighty-four years of Emperor Mang!

Golden Crow Angel!

General Lang Di!

Ah Lu Hengbo!

There is too much information, Lu Chen doesn't even know how many years have passed since the eighty-fourth year of Dimang, he only knows that it is now the fifth year of Dikang, and it is said that the little emperor has just turned eight years old.

too pale.

Dayan Mountain.

Lianshan's name has been changed, and it has been too long since I think about it.

"General Lang Di...A Lu Hengbo!"

Lu Chen murmured eight words, thinking of the previous scene where Taoist Wu transformed into a black wolf. Could it be that the method came from the skeleton in front of him.

That being the case.

Could he also benefit from the skeleton?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen stepped on his sword and flew towards the camp. Soon after, he returned with the bodies of two robbers, stretched out his hand, and threw one of them over.




The skeleton pounced on it in an instant, devoured the whole corpse in a blink of an eye, chewed and swallowed even the bones, and ate the whole corpse. There was a layer of light red blood mist on the skeleton.

It sits cross-legged.

The blood mist swam back and forth on the bones, and at the same time murmured and muttered:


The voice was high-spirited and frustrating, but it was not the words of the Dahao Dynasty.

Lu Chen listened carefully, went back and forth several times, and fed ten corpses. The light curtain in front of his eyes trembled slightly, and a change occurred.

【Name】: Lu Chen

[Cultivation base]: five levels of Qi training

[Cultivation method]: The real picture of the wolf howling the moon has not been started (upgrade conditions can be expanded!)



[Requirements for the upgrade of the real map of the wolf howling the moon]:

【1】: Soul Beast Efforts (Unachieved!)

【2】: Ten grains of spiritual sand (completed!)


"Totem technique?"

Lu Chen was thoughtful, but he had no intention of cultivating. Firstly, spirit beasts were hard to come by, and secondly, he had dabbled in Qi training and body training, so there was no shortcoming, so there was no need to practice.

It can be kept.

When the skills are advanced, directly integrate into them.



Lu Chen gritted his teeth, and continued to carry the corpses from the camp, throwing them over one by one. Every time the dead bones ate a corpse, he would sit cross-legged and read aloud.

Fifty more corpses were thrown away.

The whole withered bones had been covered in thick blood mist, forming a blood cocoon, but Lu Chen didn't get any more gains.

"time to go."

Lu Chen sighed, turned around and walked down the mountain. The gurgling sounds on the mountain seemed to be no longer attractive to him, and he was too worried.

If you keep feeding it, there is no guarantee that there will be no trouble.

Be cautious!

Back at the foot of the mountain, Lu Chen brought Tu Shan into the camp. The two of them rummaged for a while, and with Meng Yao's help, they opened a secret room, which yielded a small gain.

A small bag of spiritual sand.

A book of origami.

A staff weapon.

Lu Chen jumped onto Tu Shan's shoulder, and Tu Shan strode out of the camp with thick smoke billowing behind him.



Everything was burnt clean with a single fire.


"Bang bang bang~"

Tu Shan strode wildly towards the way he came. Lu Chen looked at the light curtain in front of him and murmured:

"It can be upgraded again."

After speaking, reach out and tap:


[Conditions for upgrading the transport technique]:

【1】: Three days of practice (achieved!)

【2】: Three dead souls (completed!)

【3】: Thirty grains of spiritual sand (completed!)


【Name】: Lu Chen

[Cultivation base]: five levels of Qi training

[Spell]: Getting Started with Carrying Technique (upgradeable!) +



Spiritual sand consumption The authentic-level entry-level transportation technique has been successfully upgraded to [Proficient], and the transportation distance has doubled to ten meters. The power is already impressive.


The sun rises and the moon sets, the grass grows and the warblers fly!

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Three days later, the blood cocoon on the top of Dayan Mountain finally broke open, and a figure crawled out of it, with a small body, hands and feet like lotus root, but with a big head like an adult.

He has a rough face, with an ugly pigtail behind his head.

He uses both hands and feet.

Little by little, he climbed to the edge of the top of the mountain, facing the mountain wind, stood up tremblingly, with his small hands behind his back, overlooking the mighty mountains and rivers, and said leisurely:

"The root is as fragrant as the lotus flower, and I have been injured by actual investigations in my life~"

"Today I finally cut the dead wood, and since then my heart and soul have returned to my hometown~"

"I, Alu Hengbo, after more than three hundred years of suffering, I finally realized the [Deadwood Sloughing Method], hahaha, wait, wait, Dahao is in turmoil, my big tamarin will invade the south, suffering, suffering , go through the heart and bones, I, Alu Hengbo, will definitely be a hundred times, no, ten thousand times, no, one hundred thousand times... hey hey hey~"

The voice did not fall.

A big hand stretched out, grabbed the pig's tail behind his head, and lifted it up.

"Alu Hengbo??"

Lu Chen patted off the dirt on his body, cursed and said, "You bastard, in order to wait for you to come out, I didn't eat or drink for three days and three nights..."