MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 61 Results

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Gao Linxin stood still. My heart was getting more and more angry.

女人 This woman wanted to kill him again and again, if it wasn't because she had a gas-refining background behind her, and she didn't know how much she had, he could just kill her!

"Shu Luo Yi!" His tone was cold, with a hint of killing. Now that the other party has done this, don't blame him for being cruel.

"Yu Chang goes to take down the human face!" Shu Luoyi ignored him.

Yu Chang glanced at Lin Xin a little bit embarrassed.

"Come on!" Shu Leng glared at him.

Yu Yuchang hesitated, with a bitter face, walked to Mu Zizi, reached out and grabbed the five human faces on his chest.

Fu Lin's new hands hold the sword tighter ...

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, his ears moved slightly, and he suddenly looked at the half-lying wooden mule.


Tochigi Ayako woke up suddenly, and slammed Yu Chang with one palm, but she bounced away by force.

This guy is not dead yet!

Qi Shuluo clothing sword air rune turned sharply at the wooden mule and was about to fire. But suddenly the whole person was surrounded by a cloud of dark fog that didn't know where to fly, and lost his direction for a while.

"Want to run!" Although Lin Xin wanted to kill Shu Luoyi, the most important thing now is to get human face fruit.

When mentioning his Fu Jian, the inner gas burst under his feet, he would rush out.


Suddenly, a white sword light shot from a distance on the right.

Sword light and fast, thin as silkworm wings, like a smooth white streamer. The body of the mule who was fleeing was passed through the chest in one fell swoop.

The blood flew from the chest of Muyazi. His entire body was carried by white light and flew to the right.

At the same time, a clear voice sounded far away.

"Hahahaha, Brother Lin, Sister Shu, and Zhao have come one step behind. The thief's body contains evil spirits and must be purified as soon as possible. The three brothers and sisters were so seriously injured that it seems that they can only be escorted back to Zongmen . "

"Zhao Hongtian ?!" Lin Xin was startled, did not expect that after Zhao Hongtian met with them in the clothing store, he did not return to the ancestral gate, but he hid at this time to grab the treasure!

Suddenly he thought of it again, and suddenly turned to look at Muyazi.

"No! It's metal !!!"

The scene where Mu Yizi absorbed metal to recover his body injury just now is still playing in his eyes. If the white light used by Zhao Hongtian is still metal ...

At this time, he looked intently, Mu Zhizi was severely pierced by Bai Guang's chest and fell to the ground, but the white light on his chest also showed his figure, which was a white metal sword. With a wooden mule, he fell fiercely on the ground near Zhao Hongtian.

"Quickly pull the sword!" Yu Chang also covered her chest and got up and shouted.

"Quickly pull it out!" Shu Luoyi, who was out of the black mist, saw this scene with a flushed expression.

洪 Zhao Hongtian smiled, and swept from the right side, seeing the three people looking impatient, he didn't care, thinking that it was because the three people were so anxious that he snatched the results.

"Three brothers and sisters, brothers take a step first."

He reached out to hold the hilt.

Huh! !!

A skinny black hand was suddenly imprinted on his lower abdomen.


Zhao Hongtian screamed, obviously the power of this palm is huge.

"Hahaha!" Mu Yizi burst into a laugh, his body suddenly absorbed all of the white light sword, and from the point of weakness, became abnormally plump.

He looked at the three with a resentful glance, turned around and ran, and his feet were like raw wind.

Zhe Lin's new eyes flickered and he chased after him.

Wu Shuluo also followed closely, and his eyes from time to time looked killing. Yu Chang was only able to follow behind, and he made a surprise attack with a single palm. At this time, most of the internal qi was used to resist internal injury toxins.

After a few people chased after them, the pine forests on both sides continued to pass at high speed, and the ground gradually changed from a **** to a flat surface. White stones of various sizes became denser.

洪 Zhao Hongtian was hit with a single palm, and he could not keep up with him, and was quickly thrown away.

Only three people chased after each other, but they didn't lose it at one and a half.

Tochigi Ayako turned back and forth from time to time, and the speed gradually slowed down from the beginning.

树林 The woods around me don't know when, it has gradually become a little eerie.

"Xueshan Ying!" Mu Aozi couldn't escape, and her face showed the appearance of a broken boat, and she turned and punched Shuluyi behind her.

His fists fainted from the cold white frost.

"Look for death! The three of us here can completely consume you in turns! Obediently handing over the human face fruit can also give you a good deal!" Shu Luoyi sneered sharply.

"Three people?" Unexpectedly, Mu Xunzi's complexion turned abruptly, and he turned into some inscrutable look. "Really naive little girl ...... hmm ..."

He attacked for a while, and his speed was undiminished, and each punch brought out a lot of light white cold air.

For a time, Shuluo Yi could only parry and block, and was defeated.

She also felt something wrong at this time, and looked back.

"Yu Chang! Come help me !!" She screamed.

"Lin Xin, if you dare not help, my father will never let you go back !!!"

What chilled her was that Lin Xin looked coldly, standing still and watching her quietly, as if looking at a fool.

Suddenly, Yu Chang, this follower who has been loyal to her classmates, is also staring with a trace of longing and burning desire in her eyes, staring at her with red eyes, and her eyes are constantly turning around the raised parts of her body.

"Hurry up, Muzi." Lin Xin urged. "Late is changed, and nights have long dreams."

"Isn't it good to promise early? Look, how harmonious this situation is now." Mu Yizi smiled strangely.

Zhe Lin's new look did not move.

In fact, just now when he was confronted, he received a voice from Mu Zhizi. Apparently, the inside bar between him and Shu Luo Yi was seen by the other side. Mu Zhizi made a single pair at the cost of a human face. In the situation of Shan Shuluo, Lin Xin will not intervene. As a special physique, the sound of the mules is not yet known by people like Shuluo Yi, who has a low status.

"Lin Xin! How dare you !!!" Seeing this scene, Shu Luoyi didn't know that she was in a good position. The sword Qi Fu in his hand immediately picked up and was about to excite.

But the well-prepared wooden rafters had no green jade fixation and would not be locked in at all.

"What am I afraid to do?" Lin Xin sneered, "Stupid woman, really think I dare not touch you?"


Suddenly he bowed his head suddenly, his hair was cold, and a sword gas swept across his left ear, almost cutting his head in half.

Fortunately, he has always been alert to Shu Luoyi's counterattack before he died, otherwise he would really overturn the boat.

Although he had speculated that he might do it himself, he was still scared with cold sweat in the face of the sword amulet.

I looked at Mu Bangzi again. This guy obviously intends to consume sword Qifu by water-milling, and slowly kills Shu Luoyi. He is not in a hurry.

"Don't do it, let's die together !!!"

Zhe Linxin's eyes glowed fiercely, and the bright Fu Jian in his hand lit up with white light, and numerous white lines appeared on the sword.

Boom! !! !!

The white oval-like oval explosion drowned the entire pine forest, illuminating all the dark corners and revealing them.

The white light explosion directly covered the unprepared wooden mules and Shuluoyi.

Zhe Linxin turned his head away and closed his eyes with lightning. He took off the last rune sword behind him, injected the internal force to activate, and smashed into the field where the white light had not dissipated again.

Boom! !!

A huge explosion sounded again.

The large tracts of trees around the pine forest were broken and planted, and the full range of more than 20 meters was completely shrouded in flames and residual white light.

After spending a few seconds, Lin Xin turned around and looked at the situation on the court.

He dropped the sword box and pulled out the ordinary long sword, and he carefully walked towards a large black pit in the middle of the field.

The Tochigi mule had been blown apart, leaving only a lone head rolling on the edge of the pit, blackened, eyes blinking barely, and it was not dead. Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Xin to smash two runes at once. He just made a small pit for Lin Xin, but did not expect to cause such a big rebound.

"Rao ... Rao Ming ..." He moved his lips and made an extremely weak voice.

"You count me, I might as well wait for the opportunity for you two to face each other alone." Lin Xin sneered, "I only have the last two runes, can it be better to solve the two together?"

Tochigi Ayako opened her eyes and wanted to say something.


新 His head was cracked by Lin Xin's kick. It wasn't the brain but the slime like black oil.

After solving his head, Lin Xin hurriedly went to inspect the trunk of the mule. The human face was fine, all five were still there, and the trunk in the middle of the fruit was protected. A small cloth bag was also intact. Lossless.

Gao Linxin quickly took out the small cloth bag, unzipped his eyes, and put it into his chest.

Finally pry out some of the blackened human face fruit with the sword tip one by one, and then tear off the sleeves and wrap them.

After I finished processing the wooden mule, he saw the Shuluoyi on the side.

This guy really has treasures to protect himself, even in such a powerful explosion, he can still be unscathed, but his clothes are damaged, and he is lying in a coma in a coma. A green stream of liquid in front of him is quickly dissipating. It was just exhausted in the explosion.

I looked at the green light, Lin Xin was a little dreadful.

"Yu Chang."

He turned back and waved at Yu Chang.

This guy looks normal ~ ~ In fact, he was already poisoned by the hand of Mu Zhizi just now.

Xu actually didn't wait for him to say hello, at this time Yu Chang had his eyes flooded and drooling towards Shu Luoyi.

He is obviously the deepest depressive desire activated by the toxin of Mu Zhizi, at this time in his eyes, it is estimated that there is nothing other than Shu Luo Yi.

"Luo Yi ... Hey ... Hey ..." Yu Chang walked over with a smirk. Thrown at Shuluo Yi without any obstruction.

"It seems to be fine."


The jacket of Shu Shuyi was torn directly by Yu Chang and thrown aside. Things including the skin were spilled everywhere.

Zhe Linxin hurriedly picked up the skin bag and picked up her clothes at the same time. She searched inside and found only a small jade ring pendant. Checked it again in the broken silver and jade money on the ground, but still found nothing.

"Where is the sword charm?" He looked again at Shuluo Yi, with a glance, hurried over, and took out the snow white rune paper from his clenched hands.

The power of this rune note is extremely horrible, it can be described as indestructible, but you need to lock the target yourself and release it. If you do not encounter a metal mule, you can replace it with any other opponent of the same level. Underneath, with this sword air amulet, you can kill with one hit.

I took this sword charm, Lin Xin looked at it carefully.

This is one of the things he values ​​most.

I checked it again, and after confirming that he was right, he put everything into his skin bag and threw away the skin bag of Shu Luoyi.

Yu Chang has been completely and comatose Shuluyi ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users Please read it.