MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 47 New task

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Later, after doing another mission, Wang Chong was a bit embarrassed because he dared to fight and dared to rush, and was recruited by Lingzhu.

Xiao Lingling, because the sensing ability is still useful, followed the Lingzhu Gang.

I also happened to encounter Lingzhu's help to expand and recruit new people, otherwise the two of them might not be able to enter.

"The two masters who led the team just now are the performers of our Lingzhu Gang. They have three levels of strength. In our Lingzhu Gang, there are specialized executives who take everyone to complete the task. They can get some more easily. Less dangerous tasks.

外面 Outside the task wall are all left by the main gang leaders, so joining the gang is the greatest guarantee of security. "

Xiao Lingling's concise explanation.

"It's also good to introduce you into the gang without telling you, and I don't want to hide from you. Everyone, friends, will always meet each other in the future." Xiao Lingling said frankly, "But if you promise to introduce me Join me, and I remember your goodness here ... in the future ... in the future, I will have a chance to report. "

At the end, she said, her voice was a little soft and ambiguous, her head was reddish, and she seemed very shy.

"She must not know Brother Lin's record yet, hehe." Dongyue stared coldly.

The three of them had now reached the stone monument in the middle of the town. Xiao Lingling's hands swayed from time to time, touching Lin Xin's hands.

He seduced him with seemingly seductiveness.

Although it is good to join. However, Lin Xin is considering a small group of four with Kong Yuhui. It seems that Kong Yuhui and Cheng Ruofei are both in an unusual position. Maybe they can consult their opinions before making a plan.

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll talk about it after I return from the mission this time." He replied casually.

When Xiao Lingling heard it, she was slightly disappointed, but even if she could not help the other party, seeing Lin ’s new progress so fast, she was promoted to the second floor in only half a year. Not bad.

I glanced at the stele, and there was lecture time for Brother Chuan.

Forget the time, you must go out as soon as possible, you can only go back to the lecture next time.

I was a little regretful. Since entering Xinzong's gate, Lin Xin has never visited Brother Chuan's lecture hall once.

The task he received was not a single person, but a team structure. The meeting place was here. After Lin Xin stepped on it, he and Xiao Lingling left.

"For joining the gang, let's put it aside for the time being. I have to go back and prepare for the mission. If you have something, you can come to room 103 to find me." He dropped a word and left with Dongyue alone.

Xiao Lingling and him are just shallow friendship after all.

"One hundred and three?" Xiao Lingling suddenly took a moment, and one second-level promotion was able to reach the rank of about one hundred?

怀疑 She wondered if she heard it wrong, but when she saw Lin Xin and Dongyue had turned and left, she wanted to catch up and ask carefully, but she felt hesitant when she thought of the other person's unusually cold attitude.

"If what he said is true, it would be more promising to follow this guy than in Lingzhu ..." She murmured as she looked at Lin Xin's back.

She looked down at her dress, and she didn't believe in her appearance, and there were still men who couldn't catch it.

Isn't she trying to keep herself for the first time just to find the best potential stock investment?

After a week ...

The gloomy sky is filled with dark clouds, and a thin blue arc flashes from time to time in the clouds.

The thick clouds are like huge black cotton batts, which are pressed over the whole earth, depressing and dull.

The ground beneath the cloud of clouds was like a huge yellow cloth, and some scattered loess was scattered on it.

The loess is a small pile of yellow and black rocks, one in the east and the other in the west. There is only a crooked loess road in the center.

At this time when the rainstorm was approaching, three horses were trotting along the road.

Two white horses and one black horse look like three dots in the middle of the hill. Two white and one black are extremely eye-catching.

There were two men and one woman on horsebacks, each dressed up in strong clothes, covered with dust cloth cloaks.

The short-haired man riding a white horse was smiling and changed his face to talk to the beautiful woman around him, but the woman ignored it, and said it from time to time.

The man and the woman both ride white horses and walk in front.

The dark horse on the back was a young man in his twenties or so, with a frosty eyebrow, with four odd long objects on his back. It was Lin Xin who came out of Zongmen for a few days.

Xin Lin rides on the horseback. Although she has a saddle, she still feels her buttocks hurt, and the muscles on both inner thighs are hot.

I looked up at the two in front, and looked up at the sky again.

"Sister Shu, brother Yu Chang, the weather is not good, we better find a place to shelter from the rain as soon as possible."

"I remember there were a few tea shops in front of me. Brother Lin, don't worry. I'm familiar with this road, I've been back and forth many times." The man with the short hair, who was close to Shimei, turned back and smiled. Will get lost. "

"Brother Yu, your home is in Peacock City, presumably we should have some confidence in our mission, right?" That sister Shu asked at will.

"Can you talk about the environment around Peacock City, and what do you need to pay attention to?"

The two chatted in a hurry in front of them again.

Zhe Lin reminded the sentence, since Yu Chang said nothing, presumably it is about to reach the tea shop, you can avoid the rain a little.

One of them is Yu Chang and the other is Shu Luoyi. They are the teammates for this task.

Zhe Linxin took out the task scroll again, unfolded the skin and looked at it.

‘Yu Peicheng West Street met a disciple named Duan Qi and took her back to Zongmen. ’

Below is a color portrait of Duan Qi, lifelike, and the color is almost comparable to the photos of Lin Xin's previous life. It is an ordinary woman about 30 years old. There is nothing outstanding about her appearance and body, except that there is a very obvious mole on her forehead, which is full of nails and is extremely eye-catching.

I closed the scroll, Lin Xin stopped talking and continued to follow.

The two men continued to chat, and the voice occasionally reached him.

Howling wind is getting stronger and stronger ...... whimper is like something is calling in the ear.

The sky was gradually darkening, and a small double-wood house gradually appeared on the yellow road in front of it. The house was dark inside, and the window opening was not light at all.

外 Outside the house, there is a spacious tea shop, and the dark inside can't see anything. Only the oil lanterns on the pillars were blown and shaken, with tea characters clearly written on them.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, with a few raindrops from time to time.

The three men patted the horse's ass, and quickly dismounted to go to the tea shop.

"It looks like it's getting late, and the old tea heads here are closed." Yu Chang took the horse into the shop, groped to remove the horse rope, and tied it to a very thick post on the shop's stable.

The three horses were quickly pulled into a special stable on the right side of the shop, and the ropes were tied together on several horse posts.

Xin Lin took off the skin on the horse's buttocks and looked to the small, dark double-storey building to the right. There was nothing moving in it. A window on the second floor creaked with the wind and no one came to close it.

"It's weird. I passed someone here last year." Yu Chang sat down on the bench in the tea shop, reached out and touched the table in front, all gray.

"Dirty and dead." Shu Luoyi, who had just sat down, quickly got up again, causing Yu Chang to apologize quickly, saying that he had taken the wrong way, and quickly turned out his towel to clean her stool.

Zhe Linxin patted the ash on the stool and sat down against the double-storey building.

He touched the contents of the skin, he gently took out a grudge, and pinched it in his hand.

Since he was scared by the grieving spirit last time, he was alert whenever and wherever he encountered such a gloomy environment.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and some of the raindrops had hit the stools inside the shop. Fortunately, the three of them chose the inner side of the shop next to the two-storey small building, so they were not hit by the raindrops.

"Since there is no one here, why don't we go in and take a look at it and stay in the house for one night?" Yu Chang suggested.

"That's why I blame you. If you didn't lead the way, we should stay at the previous inn now!" Shu Luoyi was dissatisfied.

"Yes, yes ... blame me." Yu Chang reluctantly apologized, "when you reach Peacock City, my brother must give you a good compensation."

When the two of them talked, Lin Xin noticed that the three of them were sitting in a strange position.

They were sitting in the same shop as the only table in the whole shop that would not be wet by the wind and rain ~ ~ However, this table was just facing a broken wooden window on the first floor of the double-storey building .

The wooden window was ragged, and almost a wooden frame was left. From the outside, you can see the dark inside.

"Brother Lin? Brother Lin?"

Su Linxin suddenly returned to God and saw that Yu Chang and Shu Luoyi were looking at themselves.

"What's wrong?" He was slightly surprised.

"I don't know if you brought flint with you?" Yu Chang repeated.

"I'm sorry, a little bit lost." Lin Xin smiled apologetically, went to the skin, and looked down to find the flint pouch inside.

There were dark clouds, the moonlight was covered by the clouds, and the light was extremely dark. Lin Xin also had to bow his head to look closer.

Suddenly there seemed to be some blood loss in front of him, and he began to gradually develop flowers, as if he had stood up for a long time, his eyes became tingly, and all white spots could not see.

I rubbed my eyes hard, and soon my eyes were fine again. Continue to find Flint.

I don't know why, he suddenly felt a little quiet beside him.

Xu looked up, but saw that Yu Chang and Shu Luoyi were staring at him staring at him without blinking.

"Brother Yu?" Lin Xin frowned, feeling a little hairy.

Yu Chang still looked the same, his expression was frozen, but he stared at him with staring eyes. As if not heard.


Suddenly a flash of electricity flashed, Lin Xin picked up the grudge. But I found out that I do n’t know when it was half burned, and the rest is still burning at high speed ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, hottest serial works are all in ~ www.novelbuddy .com ~ mobile users, please read.

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