MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 265 Approaching Science【07】

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Yuan Jia didn't expect that Father Han would suddenly think about marriage urging. He hurriedly drank the soup in one breath, then put down the bowl and stood up and said, "I'm done eating, I'll go back to my room and deal with the work emails."

Then he slipped away, leaving Han Zhen alone to be urged to marry by his father.

Han Zhen is 27 years old this year, and he has begun to enter the stage of an older man who is urged to marry. Although he has a brother in his thirties who needs to be urged to marry, Father Han is now gone in front of Yuan Jia. With the majesty of being a father, I didn't dare to push too hard, so I could only stare at Han Zhen and push for marriage.

In terms of urging marriage, Mother Han took the same position as Father Han, and Han Zhen was very sad.

Yuan Jia, who hid in the room to escape the marriage urging, turned on the computer and processed the emails in his work mailbox.

These emails come almost every day, from all over the world, so Yuanjia is really, really busy, busy saving the world.

At eight o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on his door: "Brother, can I come in?"

Yuan Jia crossed off an email and exited the mailbox: "Come in."

Han Zhen pushed open the door and walked in, looked at him with sad eyes, and said faintly, "Brother, you are really disloyal, you actually left me alone to accept my parents' urging to marry."

Yuan Jia was not embarrassed at all, and said with a smile: "I was just busy with work, so I left temporarily, and I didn't leave you on purpose."

Han Zhen didn't believe his nonsense.

Han Zhen hesitated for a moment and asked, "Brother, you work in the state department, so do you know that there are really ghosts in this world?"

Yuan Jia asked in surprise: "What? Who did you hear that there are ghosts in the world? They all said that feudal superstitions can't be believed casually. If you don't have ghosts in your heart, there are naturally no ghosts in the world."

In fact, as long as the living people are convinced that there are no ghosts in their hearts, even if they encounter ghosts, unless they encounter that kind of particularly powerful ghosts, ghosts cannot hurt people who have no fear in their hearts.

And in the early days of the supernatural recovery, the awesome Specter hasn't been born yet.

This is why Yuanjia vigorously promotes science, eliminates superstition, and insists that there are no ghosts in the world even to his subordinates and relatives.

Hearing Yuan Jia's denial, Han Zhen probably felt ashamed that he thought there were ghosts in the world, so he scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, "I just met a fortune-telling liar a few days ago, she took some Strange things are used to exorcise ghosts. It seems to have caught a dark shadow. It's so scary. I thought it was really a ghost. I said that there is no way to catch a ghost with a mineral water bottle. It doesn't look like it at all. It's the celestial master who catches ghosts."

Yuan Jia first thought that Han Zhen had encountered that kind of charlatan and liar. There were many such liars before the revival of the supernatural. After the revival of the supernatural, the country carried out a severe crackdown, but the liar was not clean. As a result, when he heard the last sentence, his heart became solemn. Someone broke the rules and revealed the truth of ghosts to outsiders?

The mineral water bottle is Yuanjia's use of mineral water bottles to seal ghosts several times. Many times, many people are used to him sealing ghosts with mineral water bottles. Later, when he consecrated the props, the props for attacking ghosts were electric batons, the props for catching ghosts were handcuffs, and the props for sealing ghosts were mineral water bottles...

With a complete set of equipment, anyone can easily hang and beat the kid.

Since the female liar Han Zhen met used a mineral water bottle to seal ghosts, it meant that she was not a liar, but someone in the system, otherwise she would not be able to get the props that he consecrated.

The state has long stipulated that no one may exterminate ghosts in front of ordinary people in private, let alone exterminate ghosts in the name of exterminating ghosts, or expose the truth of ghosts in front of ordinary people, and increase ordinary people's fear of ghosts.

This ghost-killing woman is obviously an open-minded woman who arrests little ghosts in the name of ghost-killing, which is a serious violation of the rules.

Yuan Jia said to Han Zhen, "Tell me the details. Now the country is cracking down on this kind of deception. If this person is really deceiving, she will definitely be arrested."

Han Zhen naturally didn't hide it, he told all about his encounter with the female liar.

The haunted family was a friend of a friend of his, who was the owner of the gallery. At that time, he was taken by that friend to visit him just to talk about the consignment of his paintings in the gallery.

As a result, I happened to meet a young woman who claimed to be a celestial master who came to the house to remove ghosts from the gallery owner's house. After a fierce operation, she finally caught a dark shadow and put it in a mineral water bottle. The shadow will still move. , shocked the gallery owner's family, Han Zhen and his friends for a while.

It was precisely because of this bizarre experience that day that Han Zhen saw with his own eyes that a female Celestial Master caught a ghost, that he believed in the existence of ghosts in his heart.

It's just that he still trusts his brother more than that strange female Celestial Master.

After listening to his description, Yuan Jia's face became cold, and he affirmed: "That person must be a liar, this method is just a trick, tell me the address of the gallery owner's house, and we must catch such a liar. Arrest to prevent more people from being deceived."

Han Zhen told Yuan Jia the name, phone number and address of the gallery owner.

Yuan Jia picked up his mobile phone and called the deputy minister. Seeing that he was talking on the phone, Han Zhen quietly got up and left his room.

After the call was connected, Yuan Jia told the deputy minister of the matter, and said sternly: "It must be thoroughly investigated to the end. Who dares to violate the principled regulations? It must be severely punished!"

He worked hard to think of the script so that the real ghost would cooperate with him to play a fake ghost, and the performance was broadcast live to the public, just to prevent people from knowing the existence of ghosts and prevent the recovery of the supernatural. As a result, someone was holding him back?

He absolutely cannot tolerate it!

The special affairs department can mobilize the power of many departments. Yuan Jia ordered it, the special affairs department moved, and quickly found the woman who violated the regulations.

The deputy minister reported to him by telephone: "This person is named Tang Yi, the granddaughter of Master Tang. She is very talented in metaphysics and has been cultivated by Master Tang as a successor. Master Tang is worried that Tang Yi will encounter ghosts, so he will A consecrated item was given to her to protect her body, but I didn't expect Tang Yi to go out and catch ghosts in violation of the rules..."

Yuan Jia knew who the Deputy Minister said about Master Tang, the one with the most ability and status among the masters of metaphysics.

But for him, no matter what Master Tang is not Master Tang, everything is useless. This Tang Yi dares to drag him down, and he must be punished how he should be punished.

Yuan Jia didn't want to open the door, so the special affairs department went directly to the Tang family to arrest Tang Yi and bring him to justice. No matter what Master Tang did, he didn't even want to let Yuan Jia go.

"Minister Han, my granddaughter is just young and ignorant. I also asked Minister Han to forgive me and give him a lighter punishment."

Yuan Jia sneered: "Do you know the terrible consequences of letting the living know the existence of ghosts and ghosts? At that time, the whole world will be rampant with ghosts, and the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts will not be a legend, but a daily life! Can she take this responsibility? Our special affairs department worked hard to catch ghosts to prevent the public from knowing the existence of ghosts and ghosts, and she brought us down behind the scenes?"

He didn't believe at all that Master Tang said that Tang Yi didn't know this rule. I was afraid that she knew it but didn't take it to heart, and she was a young man who couldn't control her desire to show off in front of others.

It is not impossible to help people catch ghosts in private, after all, it is to save people, and it should be, but it must not be done in the name of catching ghosts. This is the iron law!

Tang Yi went to catch the ghosts in front of the gallery owner's family, as well as Han Zhen and his friends, and made them believe in her identity as a ghost-catcher. Thinking about the social circle of these people, they still don't know. How many people have begun to believe that there are ghosts in the world.

Trust is hard to build, but too easy to destroy.

Yuan Jia hung up the call from Master Tang, and turned to the deputy minister's phone: "Pass it on, the props that I consecrate in the future are forbidden to be provided to those masters of metaphysics!"

The deputy minister heard the anger in his voice and quickly agreed: "Yes, Minister."

The deputy minister guessed that Yuan Jia suddenly gave such an order, thinking that it was Master Tang who asked him to intercede and angered him.

Knowing that Yuan Jia was in a bad mood, the deputy minister did not dare to delay at all, and hurriedly conveyed the order and implemented it immediately.

This time, the metaphysics circle has exploded.

Tang Yi's mistake, why should all of them be implicated? These masters of metaphysics did not dare to complain about Yuan Jia, they could only complain about the Tang family.

Even if the Tang family is a first-class family in the metaphysics circle, it is not a single-handedly covering the sky, nor is it without opponents. This involves the interests of all people, and will naturally cause public anger.

The Tang family's life suddenly became difficult.

Before the example of Tang Yi, many people saw Yuan Jia's determination to block the news of ghosts and ghosts. No one dared to offend him. He was very determined to not mention ghosts in any occasion. Eliminate superstition and firmly believe in science.

After Tang Yi was arrested, she was taken by several police officers to the gallery owner's house for a refund, claiming that Tang Yi was a liar who pretended to be a ghost.

The gallery owner's family, who originally believed in Tang Yi, were stunned when they saw Tang Yi who was handcuffed and couldn't believe it.

Tang Yi lowered her head and said unwillingly, "Yes, in fact, there are no ghosts in the world. I just used magic to deceive you."

She felt extremely humiliated, she was clearly not a liar, but she had to admit that she was a liar in front of the gallery owner's family.

The family had treated her with respect and faith before, but after she admitted that she was a liar, it immediately turned into anger and disgust.

"I didn't expect you to be a liar. Damn, I was actually deceived by your magic!"