MTL - I’m Driving An RV In the Doomsday-Chapter 18 the eve of the great change

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The three did not stay at the gas station for a long time, because the sky was overcast and it seemed that it was going to rain heavily, so they drove the RV back to the community.

Fu Siwen and Yan Cijing looked a little excited, pestering themselves to say their abilities. If you make one lie, you will need countless lies to make up in the future.

Le Buqun can only explain that he has the ability to modify the RV, which is a bit far-fetched, but it's not bad.

They went back to their rooms and digested today's content. The same is true for Le Buqun. Hearing Sun Zhixin's words, he felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Just a pistol is enough to penetrate the fragile chest, even if he can play knives and has strong force, his physical body has not yet been able to compete with modern weapons.

Le Buqun took out the only remaining crystal core, and with a thought, it turned into nothingness, and there was another circle of numbers on the control panel. I opened the mall and scanned it carefully. In addition to the hemostatic bandages and antiviral vaccines I bought last time, there are some good things.

For example, this gene transformation solution, after injection, will obtain a specific function of a biological. For example, dogs have a keen sense of smell, but the side effect is that they may show the appearance of this creature.

Le Buqun think about being a normal person is good, this is suitable for those scientific experiment madmen who don't care about their identity, and are willing to practice on themselves. The more genes that are fused, the stronger the power, but it will also become a monster that is uglier than a zombie.

There are also a variety of biopharmaceuticals, which are versatile and have auxiliary effects. For example, Xing Mian herbal medicine can cure insomnia, just take a small sip, and it will wrap your pillow into a dream. The enhanced version of the energy agent quickly restores body functions, allowing you to fight zombies for another 300 rounds.

However, Le Buqun took a fancy to one of them, the mental power recovery agent, which can replenish the lost mental power.


Le Buqun didn't realize that he had mental power, or just had a prototype of mental power, and he didn't know how to use it.

A small bottle of the lowest-level psychoactive potion costs 100 death points, which is just enough to use up your net worth. Sometimes Le Buqun wondered if the mall was also monitoring him. Shaking his head, very unhappy.

In addition to the mental recovery agent, there are also growth agents, debilitating agents, in short, a lot of strange, it seems that I don't need it now.

That can only strengthen the body.

The strengthening liquid can no longer meet my needs, so I turn my attention to the marrow-washing medicine, which has strong medicinal properties and has the effect of washing the essence and cutting the marrow.

It is very expensive and you can only buy a small part, so start with the right hand holding the knife.

The medicine is not taken as imagined, but applied externally. The tiny milliliters of the medicine is mixed into the water, and the hot steam is stirred instantly.

Le Buqun slowly put his right hand in, as if stretching into hot water, fortunately, the strengthened skin becomes hot, and the water of more than 80 degrees can be tolerated of.

It felt like a dead pig shedding its skin, hot and itchy, gradually spreading from the skin surface to the flesh to the bone marrow. Le Buqun squatted in front of the water basin, watching his right hand immersed in a piece of pure medicinal liquid, slowly becoming cloudy...

When all the medicinal power was absorbed, Le Buqun took out his right hand. The original calluses in the palms of the hands have faded, and they have become white, tender and smooth again. The knuckles are clear and full of strength.

Drinking blood again with a stroke, leaving only a light white mark on the skin, did not cut the skin.

Le Buqun evoked a chuckle, very satisfied with this marrow washing. Of course, this is not complete. After the real marrow washing, it is invulnerable.

In the room on the other floor, Yan Cijing didn't fall asleep either, but she was a little sleepy about today's events.

"It turns out that she has awakened her powers long ago, no wonder she is so bold and fearless!"

At this moment, Yan Cijing's delicate body is sinking deep into the big white bed, and a pair of slender and straight jade legs are intertwined, making people imagine. After taking off her beauty makeup, her delicate face has also changed from being cold and charming in the daytime to being plain and elegant, with a feeling of weakness and pitifulness.

Holding a sleeping pillow in her arms, a loose shawl with a refreshing scent of shower gel, and her long and narrow phoenix eyes glittering with words.

"Looks like I really need her!"

Whispering softly, like speaking and like whispering.

The world outside the house has long been invisible to the shadow of the moon and stars, and was covered by a curtain, which was even more suffocating than the previous blood rain.

Because it was night, no one knew what it was. It was hazy, making people unable to see the reality of the world.

It's just that in hidden corners of the world, some detectors are still running, capturing the existence of mysterious factors in the atmosphere.

In the huge underground laboratory, the sophisticated mechanical computer is still running, and a group of people in white coats and military uniforms are watching the huge electronic display in front of them.

"Report, sir, we have detected that the mysterious mist in the air has approached the expected concentration. Within a few hours, the recovery of spiritual energy will come to the earth again, which belongs to the end of the ten thousand years of human evolution. The barriers will be broken in the coming tomorrow!"

A gray-haired old professor excitedly pointed at the meter of the fast-breaking watch, and smiled excitedly with wrinkles.

"Yeah! We've waited so long for this day!"

The head of state looked sighed, and the tense heartstrings can be temporarily relaxed.

"As soon as tomorrow arrives, the army will be mobilized immediately, and the survivor base plan will be launched immediately. Communicate with the whole country, and let the living people go to the nine bases as soon as possible. The human beings who have survived now have adapted to the cruelty of the apocalypse. They Qualified to participate in the reconstruction of civilization and participate in the grand banquet!"

"We are not the only ones who know this, other countries are also working hard. This time it is a race against all things, and human beings must not lose! Special times, special actions!"

And other countries are doing the same, just to meet the opportunity and drive the lead.

Never give up, just natural selection, survival of the fittest. In the first six days of the apocalypse, there were zombies, animals and plants were catching up, humans passively endured powerless resistance, and the total population of the earth dropped sharply by one-third!

Now that everyone is almost on the same starting line, let's see who can dominate the new era. The gears of history are turning quietly, and the mysterious fate line will be intertwined in the not-distant future...

At this moment, some people are waiting, some people are suffering, and some people are ignorant.

The rich aura finally reached the critical point, and the mutant beasts and zombies hidden in the dark night seemed a little restless. Every city or the vast expanse of land is shrouded in a strange magnetic field, and it is quietly scattered into thousands of homes.

In a house with an open window, the mist got into the outside, and was inhaled by the sleeping person, no one knew what would change. Repeated episodes roam the globe.

Everyone breathes these unknown evolutionary auras at the same time, some evolution or mutation starts again, it is an unsettled night.

Le Buqun sat alone in front of the balcony, with a bottle of unnamed wine placed on the small table, just thought it was expensive. There is no moonlight or starlight, and even shadows are extravagant.

The keen self has already noticed the unusual outside world, and the system in his mind also speaks out in a timely manner.

Le Buqun leaned back on the rocking chair, half-closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear it.

The system didn't care, and then it chatted.

[In special times, there will always be some very talented lucky people, and their growth rate is astounding and amazing. However, he will also accept a mission that cannot be refused. 】

"Then I'll be the lucky one?"

Le Buqun suddenly opened his sleepy eyes, looking at the pitch-black night sky, as if trying to penetrate the deep darkness.

【Of course! But you are different from others. With my unique conditions, no one on earth is as lucky as you! 】

I also learned to use idioms, but the system appears more humane after binding.

"I have to thank you! Without you, maybe I would have become a zombie on the first day!"

The light in Le Buqun's eyes is as hidden and dim as the night sky in the sky, not as aggressive and suspicious as before.

【Are you drunk? It's so easy to talk all of a sudden! 】

The system dare not open its eyes to believe that the nervous host will be so calm, and speak to itself in a true tone, without any yin and yang strangeness.

"It's okay, it's just a manifestation of staged depression and depression. It may be that the stress response is too much, and it will be fine tomorrow."

Joyful and tired, she closed her eyes and did not want to speak.

The system yawned anthropomorphically, very boring. But how could I get bored, and I didn't feel tired after countless tasks.

It must be the host's conspiracy, using its strange and unpredictable mental power to infect, no, it pollutes itself.

I don’t know since when, the system has also become chatty, or as early as the moment it falls on Le Buqun, it is firmly embedded in an awkward soul, wanting to dig It must come out with meat on the belt, unforgettable and heart-wrenching pain.

【Host, don’t you want to know what tomorrow will look like? Maybe some people will fly over the eaves, some people will be powerful, and some people will even make fire out of thin air! 】

The system relentlessly told Le Buqun about what was about to happen, it was so wise, and everything was under control.

"Free delivery for no money~"

[It's not worth much, it's just broadcast in advance. 】

"So everyone will awaken their abilities. Either way, I'm not an alternative."

Le Buqun's brows loosen, it's true that the world has made a lie to itself.

[Not all, the mysterious aura has already descended on the earth long before the end of the day. And the first batch of zombies is the product of evolutionary failure. The human body is suddenly endowed with power beyond the gene chain, and it will inevitably devour itself and become a bloodthirsty, violent, mindless monster. 】

This kind of force is integrated into the gene chain, thereby breaking its own genetic restrictions and rearranging the gene sequence. In a sense, the living human beings are no longer the original human beings. 】

[The success rate will be higher, but it will not prevent some unlucky ones from failing. 】

Le Buqun discovered the loophole mentioned by the system, that is, when the mysterious aura came for the first time, did anyone successfully escape the failed mutation, and thus successfully evolved at one time!

Le Buqun somehow remembered the man named Bai Yu.

However, all this has nothing to do with me, it is not my turn to speak, and I will live tomorrow. After all, sitting outside and absorbing so many mysterious auras, if you are unlucky, the story will end.

Hahaha~ I feel inexplicably better again!

The author has this to say:

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Golden Retriever;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!