MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 134

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Sakaski's fist was condensed with a near-substantial armed-color domineering, as if the momentum on his entire body was like a three-headed hellhound, he rushed towards Chenos.

It's just that the three-headed dog of **** was held down by a big hand before it had time to act.

I saw Chenos stretch out his palm and firmly grasp Sakaski's fist.

Sakaski suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Chenos in disbelief.

Chenos' palm was like an impregnable wall, no matter how hard Sakaski tried, he couldn't make an inch.

Sakaski couldn't help shouting, "How is this possible?"

Chenos rolled his eyes at Sakaski, "It's so rare and strange, what's impossible, I'm better than you, isn't it right to catch your fist!"

Chapter 266 is a man

Polsalino became anxious after seeing Sakaski being arrested.

Although he likes to fish very much, the current situation simply does not allow him to continue to fish, otherwise, Sakaski is likely to die here.

If the workaholic dies Sakaski, he won't have to do more work in the future...

Cough cough!

No, what are you thinking about at work at this time? The safety of your colleagues is more important.

Sakaski's life had to be saved.

Polsalino moved quickly, dodging towards Chenos.

"Light speed kick!"

He appeared behind Chenos and kicked Chenos in the head.

At this time, Chenos noticed Polusalino's actions through his arrogance, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. He grabbed Sakaski with both hands and threw it hard, using Sakaski as a shield and letting Sakaski fight against Right on Polsalino's feet.

Polsalino was startled and wanted to stop the attack, but his attack speed was too fast to stop before he kicked Sakaski.

Sakaski's back was immediately hit by Polusalino's kick, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

And with the strength of this foot, his body slammed into Chenos's direction.

Seeing this, Chenos immediately smashed his head towards Sakaski's head, making Sakaski dizzy.

Porusalino on the side saw that he not only failed to help Sakaski, but instead let Sakaski be caught by Chenos and attacked.

Polsalino did not dare to attack, but Chenos dared too much.

Now he is being reasonable, knowing that his fruit ability can suppress Sakaski, he boldly loosened one of his right hands, and only grabbed Sakaski with his left hand.

The freed right hand quickly waved his fist and blasted towards Sakaski.

"Shock Fist!"

Although Sakaski was hit hard by his teammates and was hammered by Chenos, after all, he had decades of combat experience. Facing the attack of Chenos, he immediately reacted, and quickly raised his arms to resist the attack. North's attack.

Even if he used his arm to defend in a hurry, Sakaski still instinctively mobilized his armament and domineering around his arm to strengthen the arm's defensive ability.

Chenos' fist slammed into Sakaski's arm with a punch, specifically targeting the armed-colored domineering shock fist, and immediately swept away Sakaski's armed-colored domineering, and the terrifying punch bombarded Sakaskie. on the arm.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and Sakaski's arm became somewhat unnaturally bent.

Sakaski's eyes widened, not because of the pain of the broken arm, but because the power of Chenos' punch was beyond his imagination.

Chenos' punch had already broken his arm, and if he could continue to swing the same powerful punch, he might die!

This time things finally went the way Sakaski had envisioned, but it wasn't what he wanted.

Because the idea just popped out of his mind, Chenos waved his fist again and smashed it towards him.

Just when Chenos’ fist was about to hit Sakaski’s head, Polusalino reappeared and kicked Chenos’s arm from below.

"Light speed kick!"

The speed really gave Polsalino's blow a powerful force, which directly kicked Chenos' arm upwards.

Polsalino was planning to take advantage of the opening of Chenos' empty door, kicking again and attacking Chenos.

But at this moment, Sakaski, who was caught by Chenos, had a crazy look in his eyes, and shouted at Polusalino: "Polusalino, hurry up, cut off my arm. !"

Sakaski knew that Chenos would not let go of his arm, even if Chenos was attacked by Sakaski, he would not let go of his arm.

Because as long as he grabs his arm, Chenos will have the opportunity to kill him, and Chenos will definitely not let go of the opportunity to destroy the strength of the navy.

Therefore, when he saw Porusalino kicked off Chenos' arm, he would have such words that looked a little crazy, but he was actually saving himself.

Polsalino looked at Sakaski in disbelief, and then nodded to Sakaski.

He also saw something wrong with Sakaski just now. Sakaski did not use the most powerful fruit ability to attack Chenos, but instead fought with Chenos. There must be a problem.

So his other kick adjusted downward and kicked towards Sakaski's arm.

This time, Polsalino rarely used the speed of light kick, but used Lan's feet, and cut it out of Sakaski's arm, cutting out a smooth wound, giving Sakaski a chance in the future. receive treatment.

If he can get back Sakaski's arm, he might be able to reconnect Sakaski's hand.

Chenos grabbed a section of Sakaski's arm and watched as Sakaski was scalding the wound with flames expressionlessly to stop the bleeding. Chenos also had to call Sakaski. Is a tough guy.

Just now, Sakaski dared to ask Polsalino to cut off his arm. This was something he had never thought of. After all, for a warrior, losing an arm would have too much impact.

Even if Sakaski is a fruit person, not a strong physique, but the broken arm will greatly affect Sakaski's strength.

"It's a man!"

As Chenos said, the high temperature absorbed from Sakaski's body came out of his hand, and directly burned Sakaski's arm into ashes.

Although he admired Sakaski's ruthlessness against himself, he would not miss the opportunity to weaken the enemy because of this.

Although he had a great chance to kill Sakaski this time, in order to prevent Sakaski from surviving by chance, he chose to destroy Sakaski's arm first.

In this way, even if Sakaski was lucky enough to survive, he would have no way to get his arm back.

Both of them looked at Chenos angrily, but they couldn't do anything about Chenos.

A large amount of magma emerged from Sakaski's body again, turning his slightly fractured right arm into a huge magma arm.

And Polsalino also stared at Chenos, intending to find the flaws in Chenos. Once Chenos revealed the flaws, he would attack Chenos as soon as possible.

At this moment, three auras that were no weaker than Sakaski and Polsalino appeared on the red soil continent, and they quickly approached the three of them.

Chenos turned his head and looked over there, frowning involuntarily.

It seems that today's wish to kill a general may not be fulfilled.

Sakaski saw that Chenos' attention was attracted by the powerhouses from the Red Continent, and immediately shouted: "Ming dog!"

Polsalino quickly made a big move against Chenos.

"Eight-foot Qionggouyu!!"

A scarlet, lava-covered hellhound quickly approached Chenos.

And the countless light bullets emitted by Qionggouyu Bachi arrived in front of Chenos at almost the same time as the Cerberus.

Facing the attack that had come before him, the corner of Chenos' mouth curled up.

"You are fooled!"

Chapter 267 The Sun Really Appeared

In fact, after the aura of three strong men appeared on the red soil continent, Chenos had a plan for the first time. He planned to sell a flaw to Sakaski and Polsalino to see if they would be right. He attacked.

After seeing the flaws he showed, the two couldn't wait to attack him.

And this is exactly what Chenos wanted.

Sakaski and Polsalino couldn't see the absorption ability released by Chenos. If they could see it, they would find that the absorption ability that was originally released to absorb energy in a large area, this time. Time has shrunk to Chenos' side, forming a circular shape.

This round shape looks like a shield, protecting Chenos.

"Awakening Defense Form · Shield Reverse!"

When Sakaski's ghost dog and Polsalino's Bachi Qionggou attacked Chenos' circular absorbing energy field, Chenos opened his palm and twisted, and the ghost dog was inside the circular absorbing energy field. After making a lap at extreme speed, he accelerated and turned back in the direction of Sakaski.

Sakaski did not expect that Chenos would actually be able to bounce back his attacking moves, and he only had time to turn his head to avoid the rebounding ghost dog.

After the acceleration of the circular absorption energy field, the speed of the ghost dog became extremely fast, and it came to Sakaski in an instant.

Although Sakaski tilted his head and tried to avoid it, he was still brushed by the back of the ghost dog's cheek.

The terrifying power of the ghost dog also knocked off half of Sakaski's left chin at once.

A small piece of the tongue and the other half of the teeth were exposed, and the whole face looked terrifying.

And Polsalino's eight-foot Qionggou jade was controlled by Chenos' other hand. After turning a half circle in the circular energy absorption field, he shot at the few people rushing up to the red earth continent.

In the face of the sudden attack, the few people who flew up from the Red Earth Continent did not expect it at all, and they hurriedly defended or avoided them, so that they could not get close to the three of them.

Porusalino's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "This... how is this possible, Sakaski, Sakaski, are you alright?"

Sakaski opened his mouth to say something, but after being knocked off half of his face, he was extremely uncomfortable.

But even so, he still struggled to open his mouth and shouted at Polsalino: "Be careful!!"

At this time, Chenos had already flown to a very high altitude, and the two guns in his hands were combined.

However, this time Chenos did not aim at Sakaski or Polusalino, but aimed his muzzle at the Holy Land Mariejoa on the Red Earth Continent.


Countless energies on Chenos gathered towards the muzzle of his hands, causing a dazzling light to shine on the muzzle.

When the light reached its peak, Chenos pulled the trigger and launched towards the Holy Land Mary Joa.

A small spot of light slowly fell towards the red soil continent.

After launching the sunset, Chenos turned his head towards Sakaski and said, "Let's go, before you leave, please enjoy the beautiful sunset!

As for you, red dog, next time I'll take your dog's life! "

After Chenos finished speaking, he didn't worry about Sakaski attacking him at all, he exposed his back directly in front of them, and flew in the direction of the Liberty.

Polsalino was about to pursue Chenos, but was stopped by Sakaski on the side.

It was difficult for him to speak at this time, and he pointed directly at the light spot that was still slowly descending to Polusalino.

"Deliberately... flaws, pay attention to... light..."

Although Polusalino couldn't hear Sakaski's words clearly, he immediately understood what Sakaski wanted to convey.

Sakaski wanted to tell him that this was a deliberate flaw by Chenos, and that the attack from Chenos was definitely not that simple. It was necessary to stop the light spot and not let that strange light move towards the red earth continent. drop down.

He nodded to Sakaski, "I understand, you go back to the ship to seek medical treatment first, and I will stop that blip!"

After saying that, Polsalino flashed towards the spot of light.

The three people who flew up from the Red Earth Continent glanced at the back of Chenos, then looked at the light spot that was slowly falling towards the Red Earth Continent, and then flew towards the light spot without hesitation.

They are all strong guardians of the Tianlong people. It is not their duty to hunt down Chenos, not to mention that they have also seen the tragic situation of Sakaski, they do not want to take such a risk.

Sakaski looked at the slowly descending light spot from a distance, and could not help frowning.

At this point of light, he didn't feel any danger.

This also made him wonder if this was the trick Chenos used to escape their siege.

Although he thought so, he didn't feel any danger on this spot of light, but he still chose to stay far away from that spot of light.

At this moment, a strong man who flew up from the red earth continent tilted his head and looked at the light spot with some doubts.

His thinking is the same as Polusalino's.

He thought it was just a trick Chenos used to escape.

It's just that he was not as cautious as Polsalino, but chose to attack the light spot directly.

He was tens of meters away from the spot of light, and he was a foot in the face of that spot of light.

The power of this strong man's feet is very huge, and an air slash with a size of nearly 100 meters appeared in the air, slashing towards the light spot.

Everyone's attention was focused on the spot of light, and when the Lan's foot cut to the spot of light, everyone watched with bated breath.

The air slash with a size of hundreds of meters successfully cut through the light spot, and continued to fly in the direction behind the light spot until it disappeared.