MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 20 Abandoned hospital (4)

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Where is this sound?

Hearing that someone was calling his name, Cheng Zhichu was shocked and looked around subconsciously, but only one darkness was seen.

This voice is fleeting, and Cheng Zhichu wants to listen carefully to the identification, but the surrounding silence has been restored, and it seems to be just his illusion.

It seems to be the same as the voice in memory... Is this auditory hallucination, or can it be heard only by him alone?

Cheng Zhichu's heart was hairy, and he carefully observed the expressions of other people. They did not reveal anything unusual. Obviously only he heard this voice.

In his "memory", this is not Dr. Luo's voice, but if it is not Dr. Luo, who is this person, he has no clue, is it that he can't think of it out of thin air? As far as his current state is concerned, it is not without such a possibility.

Cheng Zhichu thought a little, but gave up immediately. After all, it is his task to explore whether the sound is real. If he can guess it immediately, there is no need to set up this branch task.

He told the deceased that Luo was his own doctor, and also said that he heard a voice and told him to go, but he was not sure if the voice really existed.

"We haven't heard anything..."

Sisters said this, Ji Yunxiao also shook his head and shook his head. Da Gao used the suspicion of his eyes to measure Cheng Zhichu. Obviously, he thought that this was definitely Cheng Zhichu’s illness.

Bai Yi gave a slight indulgence and said: "Even if it really exists, it should only be heard by you. As mentioned in the background, you feel that you have been attracted to some kind of strong attraction before coming to the hospital. This voice is for you. Attractive?"

"Not at the moment." Cheng Zhichu recalled for a few seconds and shook his head to deny it.

"But it does not rule out this possibility." Bai Yi's eyes flashed a dark color, "This copy is aimed at you."

Cheng Zhichu mourned in his heart, which blamed the unfortunate ring. Although he did not wear it on his hand now, its side effects did not seem to disappear because he did not use it.

Thinking of this, he simply took the ring out and put it on. Since he couldn’t hide the side effects, he simply used it out, so when the ghosts were around, the ring could remind you a little...

When Cheng Zhichu put the blood-stained silver ring on the ring finger of his right hand, Bai Yi looked at the ring and stared at the ring for a moment, until Ji Yunxiao took out a bunch of keys before he removed his eyes from the ring. .

"This was found in the cabinet of the consultation desk."

Ji Yunxiao handed this bunch of keys out to everyone. There are a lot of keys on the huge key ring, almost all of them are rusty. Some keys have even been broken. Only one looks can be used. .

"We have seen it, the number 105 is engraved on the key, it should be the key to Room 105." Da Gao said.

Referring to the number 105, Cheng Zhichu’s mind immediately appeared in the corresponding position, and the body was slightly stiff. Room 105 is the room on the right side of the corridor. He is very familiar with this room, because this is the office where Dr. Luo sees the doctor.

This feeling of being closely related to himself made Cheng Zhichu's scalp numb, and he was very uncomfortable. He told the Bai Yi several people about the office. Bai Yi and others nodded and entered the corridor on the right side of the hall.

The light from the flashlight reflects the view of the corridor. This corridor is black and dark, and it is dark and dark in front of the unilluminable light source. The windows and doors on both sides are almost nailed to the wood and cannot be opened. The walls on both sides are wet, and the water drops on the sides. A lot of wall skins have been made.


A drop of water fell on the face of my sister Meng Ke. She reached out and wiped it down and looked up on the ceiling subconsciously. I don't understand why there is so much water here.

She illuminates with a flashlight and can only see the white water on the roof, which seems to have leaked from the upstairs.

It has been suspended for several years here, and hydropower has long been stopped. It will not be a leaking water pipe. Then, where did this water come from?

Meng Ke had some doubts and let go of her own hand. However, when the palm of her hand passed by her eyes, she actually saw a bright red color and a faint **** smell.

Her heart slammed, and then carefully looked into the palm of her hand. The trace of the suspected blood was gone, or the wet water stain that she had just wiped from her face seemed to be just her eyes. .

What the **** is this...

Meng Ke became more and more uneasy, licking his own palm and turning his head to seek comfort for his sister. However, when she looked at her sister Meng Xin, she was horrified to find that her sister’s face and body were all blood, a pair of white eyes. Staring at her straight, she smiled at her, and there was a lot of dense insects in her mouth.


The worm fell to the ground, curled up with a slender body, and entangled to form a huge sarcoma, which looked extremely disgusting.


Under the gaze of Meng Ke, the girl smiled and slowly extended her hand to her. The corners of her mouth grew bigger and bigger, the clothes and skin gradually melted like a candle, and more blood spewed out, revealing the internal organs and eyeballs. And the teeth fell to the ground.


Meng Ke shuddered and opened his mouth, and was terrified. It was difficult to accept that his sister became this appearance.

She stepped back step by step, but the girl continued to approach her. Every step of the way, the flesh of the body fell down like a mud, and the slender soft insect crawled between the holes made of rotten meat. Go and make a "beep" sound.

"No, don't come over!"

Meng Ke screamed, and at this time she seemed to be blinded by the mind. She couldn’t think about why other people were not here. She didn’t even think of taking out the weapons. Only the fear was full, and the pupils in the diminishing pupils reflected the girls. Festering face.

She didn't pay attention to the ground, and the back of the foot suddenly stepped on something, standing unsteadily, and fell to the ground all at once, because the body was shaking violently, afraid of getting out of the body, she could not stand up again.


The flesh and blood of the girl's body almost disappeared, revealing the black hole's eyelids, the mandible squeaking, only the white bone arm with the bugs hanging over her, and suddenly caught her shoulder, the phalanx poked into the meat. in.

"Ah, ah, go away, go away -!"

Meng Ke was so frightened that he shook his head and shook his head, screaming in horror, until her shoulders were suddenly shaken, her cheeks touched the warm skin, and her sister’s worried shouts continued to pass into her ears. The horror opened his eyes and saw the younger face of his sister.

"Sister, what the **** are you doing, don't scare me!"

My sister Meng Xin shook her sister's shoulder and saw that she had lost her soul since she was just now. Her heart was anxious, and it was only after she saw her sister's eyes recovered the focal length, which was slightly relieved.


Meng Ke stunned, like suddenly coming back to God, began to touch his sister's face and body: "Heart, heart? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, something is you, my sister." The girl took her sister's hand. "What happened to you? How do I call you, you don't listen, you have been backing up, as if you saw something terrible."

"I... I just saw you become a monster, there are others... Xiao Xiao, they are gone..."

With the power of the girl, Meng Ke stood up and swayed, pale and dizzy.

"It seems that you have an illusion." Da Gao said, "Have you ever done anything?"

"No... just dripping water on my face, I wiped it off." Meng Kejun said.

"Water? Where is the water?"

"It's from the ceiling -"

Meng Ke looked up and saw the words abruptly stopped, and his face was white.

I saw that the ceiling was clean and the walls were smooth and covered with dust, without any signs of being soaked in water.


Feeling that she was shaking, Meng Xin took her wrist and her eyes were full of worry.

Cheng Zhichu saw this in his eyes, and his hair was a little hairy, but his ring did not have fever. The distance between Mengke’s sister and him was no more than five meters, indicating that there were no ghosts around, but why Mengke saw it. So terrible illusion?

Bai Yi looked at them, did not say a word, as if a bystander, hidden in the eyebrows is full of indifference and cold.

"Your feet..."

Ji Yunxiao showed a worried expression, his eyes fell on Meng Ke's feet, pointing to remind him: "There is something there."


Meng Ke was shocked and quickly moved to the side and found that there was a shadow in the place where she stood. It was just that this thing stumbled on her.

She and her sister took a closer look and found that it was a dirty doll doll, which was full of furry hair. It was about the size of two palms. The face was facing the ground and one arm was broken, revealing the cotton wool inside.

Meng Xin took a look at the skills of the clue flashing tips. This little bear has no flash and is not a clue.

This little bear appeared in the hallway in a lonely way, and it seemed very awkward, and maybe it was related to Meng Ke’s illusion.

Meng Xin did not hesitate to take out his gun and fired two shots directly at the bear. Her gun was loaded with silencer, so the sound was very small.

The bear that was hit was bounced on the ground because of the power of the bullet, and it became more and more broken, but there was no other movement. It seemed to be an ordinary teddy bear.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved. The two sisters returned to the crowd and successfully came to the door of 105. No one saw the illusion again.

Illuminated by a flashlight, the 105-room door was once nailed by a wooden board, but I don’t know when it was taken apart. The tattered wooden boards were thrown in the hallway, and the 105-room door was locked tightly. of.

Ji Yunxiao, holding the key, wanted to open the door, but was stopped by the high, and he opened the door for him.

“咔嗒”, the key is inserted into the keyhole and a slight noise is heard.

Raise the alert, slowly press the handle, push the door slowly, and focus on the open gap.

Cheng Zhichu, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but feel a little nervous, waiting for the breath, but at this moment, his ear rang an automatic reminder that the system was extremely cold, and his face was white.

[The behavior is out of control. 】

"Know the beginning?"

Bai Yi noticed that he seemed to have something wrong. His eyes fell on him. After seeing his gaze, he grabbed his wrist and asked: "You are out of control?"

Upon hearing his inquiry, Ji Yunxiao and the two sisters subconsciously smashed the past and saw Bai Yi holding Cheng Zhichu’s wrist, but the next moment, he was back by Cheng Zhichu, he also raised his toes and raised himself. The head, put the cheeks in front of Bai Yi.


Under the gaze of Bai Yilue's surprise, Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and raised his other hand to caress the face of Bai Yijunmei, and printed his lips on his lips.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 20



(I completely forget what I have to write)

... very soft. 2k novel reading network