MTL - I Reincarnated During the Apocalypse and Killed My Enemies-Chapter 90 All I know are the simplest killing techniques

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  The two elders and the younger brought Lao Jin back to the storage warehouse.

  Although it is badly broken, it can still provide shelter from the wind and rain, which is better than the open air.

   "Rest and maintain strength."

  Su Ling nodded, and sat down against the wall.

  Drinking only a little water for two days, I only felt that my physical strength was exhausted, and my whole body seemed to be falling apart.

  Sheng Hongye was slightly better than her, but he couldn't hide the tiredness in his eyes.

  He found some hay and made a simple bed, let Xiaoyue and Gu Kaixuan lie down, and sat next to Su Ling.

  The two children fell asleep quickly, and Lao Jin also got down on his stomach.

  Sheng Hongye glanced at the child, then turned to Su Ling.

   "How are you, can you hold on?"

  Su Ling turned his head and smiled slightly: "It's okay."

  At the same time, I feel very guilty.

  If Sheng Hongye hadn't held her back, the two of them wouldn't have been blown to Los Angeles. In the final analysis, Sheng Hongye was all her fault.

  Sheng Hongye seemed to see her thoughts. "Don't think about it, this kind of thing will happen sooner or later, maybe you are right, we should really go to Panlong Island to see."

  Hearing that Sheng Hongye took the initiative to talk about Panlong Island, Su Ling suddenly became interested.

   "You keep a secret about that place, so you must know it very well. What kind of place is it?"

  Sheng Hongye looked away and looked at the opposite wall.

   Said in a low voice: "That's right, I know it very well. I grew up on Panlong Island when I was young, and a place full of bones."

"Why do you say that?"

  Su Ling has always been curious about Sheng Hongye's life experience. She has long guessed that he is not an ordinary president who just works hard in the mall.

  Sheng Hongye laughed in a low voice and said, "I didn't expect you to be very curious. I thought you wouldn't pay attention to anything."

  Su Ling rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "I'm also human, and as a human being, I have curiosity."

  Sheng Hongye twitched the corner of his mouth again, and then continued: "It sounds like a **** story, and you can also listen to it as a story."

He sneered sarcastically, and said in a slow voice: "My mother is my father's successor. Strictly speaking, Gu Kaixuan is not my nephew. His mother and my elder brother were born to my father's ex-wife." Later, my mother entered the Sheng family. The elder sister was always kind to us, but my elder brother was always afraid that I would replace him, so he asked someone to kidnap me. When we arrive at Panlong Island, the only way to survive there is to keep killing, and all I know are the simplest killing techniques."

   "How about it, is this story bloody?"

  Sheng Hongye turned to Su Ling again, as if waiting for her comment.

  Su Ling was really surprised that this bizarre plot that happened in the novel would actually appear in real life, and that Gu Kaixuan was not Sheng Hongye's nephew.

   But judging from his dependence on his grandma, his mother must have a good relationship with Sheng Hongye's mother.

  Thinking of ten-year-old Sheng Hongye's constant fighting on Panlong Island, he couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you afraid?"

   "Of course I will be afraid. After all, a person has only one life, but if you don't kill people, this life will die faster."

  Recalling the scene of countless wild dogs howling and chasing after him, Sheng Hongye couldn't help but narrow his eyes, as if the howling sound was right next to his ears.

   "I didn't expect you to have such an experience. Then how did you come back?"

  Sheng Hongye said in a flat tone: "Panlong Island will leave five people every year. After ten years, these fifty people will start a fight called freedom. Only the five people who are alive can leave Panlong Island."

   "So, you're back with four others?"


  Sheng Hongye opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, when the watch on his hand suddenly made a beeping sound.

  Su Ling saw Sheng Hongye looked at a button, and then a series of codes appeared.

  Sheng Hongye took a look, his face was obviously a little ugly.

  Su Ling asked curiously: "Is your watch some kind of receiver? Why is there still a signal until now?"

  Sheng Hongye glanced at her and said: "You can also understand it this way, it can indeed receive some signals written in code."

   "Can you tell me what you said?"

   "A friend wants to come to me, but the transportation is broken, and there is no available transportation. It may take a long time to come to Huaxia."

  Su Ling let out a sigh, and didn't ask any more questions.

  She believed Sheng Hongye's story half to half. After all, there are all kinds of outrageous things in this world. However, if it is true as he said, there may be living people on Panlong Island, and they are quite terrifying.

   I really don’t know why that weird man said that Panlong Island is a must-go place. Could it be that he is also from Panlong Island?

   But it's not like, if he is, Sheng Hongye will definitely know him.

   While thinking about it, Sheng Hongye had already stood up.

  Su Ling thought decisively, raised his head and asked, "What are you going to do?"



  Su Ling was a little embarrassed, coughed dryly and said, "Go."

  Looking at the watch by the moonlight, it was already past ten o'clock in the middle of the night. It seems that the zombies should not come, so I can sleep well today.

   After yawning, Su Ling closed his eyes.

   She didn't dare to sleep until she heard Sheng Hongye's footsteps.

   In a daze, she seemed to hear Sheng Hongye whispering, saying that he also came out...

   Later, I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep in a daze.

  Open your eyes, the sky is already bright.

  Sheng Hongye was standing at the door, seeing Su Ling open his eyes, his brows slowly opened again.

"you're awake?"

  Su Ling supported the wall and stood up. After sitting all night, his legs were already numb.

  Two children are sitting on the withered grass and playing Rubik's Cube, looking very harmonious.

   "Well, what do we do next?"

  Sheng Hongye pondered for a while and said, "I'll go to the place Xiaoyue said, and you guys are waiting here."

  Su Ling really wanted to say that he would go with Sheng Hongye, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. First, it was not safe to leave the child here. In addition, if Sheng Hongye hadn't lied, he might not care about a dozen people.

   "Okay, then we will wait for you."

  Sheng Hongye nodded and left without looking back.

  Looking at her back, Su Ling couldn't help but come up with a weird idea.

  If Guan Yuxin knew about Sheng Hongye's life experience, I wonder if it would be included in the novel.

  When she thought of Guan Yuxin, she thought of Wang Pian and Luo Xiaobing again. She wondered what was going on with them and whether they still had food.

   While Su Ling was thinking wildly, Sheng Hongye had already found the authentic way Xiaoyue said.

  He kicked away the wooden board blocking the entrance of the tunnel, and walked inside without looking sideways...