MTL - I Reincarnated During the Apocalypse and Killed My Enemies-Chapter 84 Guardian Big Golden Retriever

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   "Don't open it."

  Su Ling hurriedly stopped it, but it was already too late.

  Sheng Hongye was so fast that he rushed out.

   Suddenly there was a muffled bang bang bang outside the door, which made people's scalp tingle.

  Su Ling couldn't help thinking of the day she moved to the basement, and heard this noise, could it be Sheng Hongye?

   While thinking about it, I heard Sheng Hongye shout: "Su Ling, come out quickly."

  Su Ling hurried to the door, and immediately saw the zombies lying on the ground.

  The last one was also smashed to the ground by Sheng Hongye, and the place where he punched was the back of the neck.

   It is indeed him!

  Su Ling looked at Sheng Hongye again, and there was something inexplicably more in his eyes.

  Sheng Hongye had already held Su Ling's hand. "Get out of here first."

  Su Ling almost fell down after taking a few steps.

   It's not that she is delicate and weak, it's that her legs are wrapped in a piece of cloth, and she can't move her feet at all.

"Wait a moment."

  Su Ling bent down and pulled out a big slit with all his strength.

   Seeing this woman so neat and tidy, Sheng Hongye's eyes grew a little more appreciative.

   Encountered a few more zombies along the way, all of which were dealt with by Sheng Hongye.

  Seeing the zombies springing up from the ground like bamboo shoots, Su Ling frowned again.

  Why didn’t I encounter zombies yesterday? Are the activities of zombies also regular?

  At this moment, an extremely ear-piercing howl was suddenly heard.

   The zombies paused for a moment, all looking in one direction.

  Recalling the several corpse waves at the base, Sheng Hongye's face suddenly changed.

   "Not good, there may be a leading zombie calling for companions, we must first find a bunker, and I will carry you behind my back."

  Sheng Hongye didn't give Su Ling a chance to refute at all, he grabbed her arm and carried her on his back.

  There was only a thin cloth on his body, which made Su Ling very embarrassed.

  But this is not the time to be hypocritical. The night Sheng Hongye was drugged, she also participated in stopping the tide of corpses. Knowing about the zombie leader, if a large number of corpses were really summoned, Sheng Hongye would not be able to stop it by herself.

  At this moment, she tried her best to ignore the physical sensations, and her eyes began to search for a cover to hide in.

  Sheng Hongye also ran all the way to the north. Unexplored places always have infinite possibilities.

  Among the vast ruins, Su Ling suddenly saw a building that was a lot taller.

   Immediately shouted: "Sheng Hongye, there."

  Following the direction of Su Ling's finger, Sheng Hongye also saw the building, and immediately ran over there.

  The object is getting closer and closer, and it can already be seen that it is a small damaged second floor.

  The damaged part of the brick body flashed a strange light in the sun.

   "It's a steel plate."

  Sheng Hongye's voice was a little joyful.

   "This should also be a storage warehouse."

   Before the two of them got close, they heard a dog barking.

  A huge golden hair crawled at the door, baring its sharp teeth, and roaring at the two of them.

   Seeing that the big golden retriever was so fierce, Su Ling immediately deduced.

   "There may be someone inside."

  Sheng Hongye nodded, then raised the corners of his mouth at the big golden retriever.

  The voice said unnaturally: "We are not malicious, don't bite."

  Su Ling was surprised.

  I thought Sheng Hongye would use his amazing kung fu to subdue the big golden retriever, but he didn't expect him to say such a sentence.

  Unfortunately, the big golden retriever can't understand at all.

   and took a few steps forward.

   "Wow woof!"

  Looking at his bared fangs, Sheng Hongye immediately took a step back.

  The face became visibly tense.

  Su Ling tilted his head and glanced at him, then opened his mouth in surprise.

No way.

  Sheng Hongye is afraid of dogs?

   Then she saw the hairs standing up on Sheng Hongye's neck.

   It is simply unimaginable that Sheng Hongye, who is not afraid of zombies and villains, is actually afraid of dogs.

   At this time, the big golden retriever bared its teeth and roared again.

  Sheng Hongye took another step back.

  Su Ling was a little speechless, who would believe this.

   Immediately jumped off him.

   bent over and said: "Good dog, we are not bad people, is there your master inside?"

  The golden retriever barked at Su Ling again, but his expression became much more docile.

   But still refused to back away.

  Su Ling glanced inside, then looked at the big golden retriever.

   It was found that its right hind leg seemed to be injured, and it had been hanging on the ground.

   asked: "Are you injured?"

   The golden retriever barked again, and then whimpered.

  Su Ling couldn't help but took a step forward, reaching out to touch the golden retriever's head.

  Sheng Hongye was startled, and immediately opened her hand.

   "Don't touch it, it's injured, maybe it was bitten by a zombie."

  Jin Mao was taken aback by Sheng Hongye's actions, and immediately barked again.

  Su Ling glanced at Sheng Hongye speechlessly: "No, it should be a scratch."

  At this moment, a groan came from inside.

   Sure enough, there were people.

  The golden retriever wailed again, and ran towards the building.

  Su Ling followed immediately.

  Sheng Hongye also bit the bullet and walked in, and closed the iron gate of the building with his hands back.

  The inside is the same as the storage warehouse in Lizhou, it is dark.

  Su Ling adjusted to the light, and finally saw a man lying on the ground.

  The man looked like he was in his forties, his face was blue and gray, his body was covered in blood, and there was a strong smell of blood and a rotten smell.

  Su Ling took a glance, only to find that there was another corpse beside him.

   Judging from the long hair, it is a woman.

  Looking at the limp head, one could tell that her neck had been broken.

  The man was still a little conscious. When he heard the footsteps, he opened his eyes with difficulty.

  The moment he saw Su Ling's Sheng Hongye, his pupils constricted.

   said with difficulty: " never imagined that there are still living people in Los Angeles."

   Los Angeles?

  Sheng Hongye frowned. If he remembered correctly, Los Angeles was forty or fifty kilometers away from Lizhou. How could this gust of wind blow the two of them so far?

  Su Ling thought the same way, and immediately asked after being surprised: "Where did you get hurt? I'm a doctor, so maybe I can heal you."

  The man smiled wryly and shook his head. "It's useless, my legs are gone, life is meaningless, I just can't bear Lao Jin."

  He stretched out his **** hand and touched the big golden retriever, his cloudy eyes instantly turned red.

   "If I wasn't afraid of it being lonely, I would have died long ago, and my wife was strangled to death by my own hands."

  The man looked at the two of them, smiled miserably, and continued: "Lao Jin has been looking for food for me these days. Now that you are here, take it with you."

  It was only then that Su Ling noticed that the man's trousers were deflated, and the blood stains on the trousers had turned a dark brown color.

   I feel anxious for a while.

   "Have you... encountered zombies?"

  The man opened his mouth, and immediately spit out another mouthful of blood.

  Sheng Hongye walked over immediately. "Don't talk, I can save you."

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, Lao Jin jumped up.

  It hugged its master tightly and bared its fangs towards Sheng Hongye.