MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 33 test

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After bringing back the neon clothes from Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Han Xu hadn't gone out for a whole eleven days.

During these eleven days, except for New Year's Eve, Han Xu spent most of his time in his small yard, and even the food was delivered to him in neon clothes.

So, when Nishang heard that Han Xu was going to take her out for dinner, she thought he was going to have a big meal somewhere.

Unexpectedly, Han Xu was wearing plain pajamas like this, and he just pulled her out the door.

It was only after Nishang came out that she realized that what Han Xu said about going out to eat was just the steamed buns at the door.

Han Xu casually pulled out a chair and sat down, and said to the old bun seller, "Two baskets of buns, two bowls of soy milk."

"Okay!" the old man yelled, and quickly brought the hot steamed buns.

"Master, you haven't gone out for several days." The old man said.

"Well, I heard about the flu outbreak outside recently, so I thought it would be safer to stay at home. After all, I don't know how to practice, and my body is weak." Han Xu said casually.

Nishang lowered her head, feeling a little puzzled.

There is no flu outside. It is obvious that Han Xu is in a bad mood and hides at home and doesn't want to go out.

What makes Nishang strange is why Han Xu made a special trip to explain to an old man selling buns, and even made up a completely unreliable reason for this.

Nishang looked at the old man beside him, and got goosebumps all over his body for no reason.

Years of killer training has made Nishang more sensitive to threats than ordinary people.

From this old man, Nishang felt a threat. At first glance, the old man's eyes were cloudy and sloppy, and he belonged to the type that would not be recognized in the crowd. When I tried to test it, I felt a coercion descending.

It was as if her spiritual consciousness was being pricked by a needle, and this feeling didn't disappear until she put away her tempting thoughts.

"Master, this old man is definitely a master." Nishang sighed secretly, "It seems that there are quite a few people who pay attention to Han Xu. He is indeed the son of King Han. Although he can't practice, he still makes people dare not underestimate him."

"What a beautiful girl, you are so lucky!" The old bun seller suddenly looked at Nishang and sighed with a smile.

Nishang's face turned red, and she glanced at Han Xu from the corner of her eye, only to see that he was eating a steamed stuffed bun and a mouthful of soy milk.

Nishang had no choice but to say in a low voice: "Don't get me wrong, old man, I'm just the young master's maid."

The old man didn't speak, but just showed a smile that you understand me, everyone understands, it looks so wretched no matter how you look at it.

"Eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it gets cold." Han Xu pushed a basket of buns in front of Nishang and said.

The old man smiled and walked tremblingly back to the stove, fiddling with pots and pans.

After Han Xu and Xu finished eating and left, he took out his small notebook and recorded the latest situation.

"It is confirmed that Nishang is a maid. It is speculated that Xiaoxiang Pavilion used it as a means to show favor to Han Xu, and also as an eyeliner."

On this one, the time when Lin Feng left the house was written.

"Lin Feng, go out at Chenshi, alone, dressed up, without a carriage."

After Han Xu went back, he sat in the yard, lazily basking in the sun.

Nishang, on the other hand, was burning incense and making tea. It didn't take long for the whole yard to be filled with the fragrance of tea.

"Master, drink tea." Nishang handed over hot tea and said curiously, "There seems to be something wrong with the old man selling steamed buns at the door."

"Oh?" Han Xu said in surprise, "Then tell me, what's wrong."

"This street is full of dignitaries, so the management is very strict. He is the only one who can set up shop on the street, and he is right at your gate."

"Perhaps he has some relatives and friends in the government."

"But the problem is, except for you, young master, no one seems to eat the meals in his breakfast shop. Think carefully, young master, is the business of his steamed stuffed bun shop not very good?"

"What you said is true." Han Xu nodded, with admiration and anticipation in his eyes.

"From my point of view, his income cannot cover basic living expenses, but the meat he uses to make buns is extremely fresh, even carefully selected high-grade meat, which can only be eaten by rich people worthy."

Han Xu listened quietly, agreeing with Nishang's analysis in his heart.

Han Xu took Nishang to this meal today, just to see Nishang's observation ability.

In just one meal, Nishang was able to find so many problems, and Han Xu expressed his satisfaction.

"When I became suspicious, I thought about using my spiritual sense to test it out, but in the end I felt the danger instinctively." Nishang said, "Maybe the young master didn't know that Nishang practiced assassination since she was a child. The realm of the sixth grade."

"Besides, because of my practice, my intuition is more accurate than that of ordinary people, so I will not be mistaken. That old man is a master, and his strength is definitely above mine." Nishang said with certainty.

She thought that Han Xu didn't know her realm, but she didn't know that everything about her was already under Han Xu's control, and even her skills were learned by Han Xu, and she far surpassed her.

"What's your conclusion?" Han Xu asked leisurely after Nishang finished speaking.

"I think his purpose here is to monitor your every move."

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Han Xu clapped his hands and said, "You can get such accurate results in just one meal. It's not bad, not bad."

Seeing Han Xu's expression, Nishang suddenly realized.

"These young masters already knew? Are you testing me?"

"That old man has been selling buns here for six years. If I can't see anything strange, wouldn't I be as stupid as a pig?"

"Does the young master know who sent him?"

"I didn't think about it carefully. After all, he has been quite peaceful all these years, and he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary."

Nishang hesitated to speak, but after some hesitation, he still said: "Master, I don't think this old man was arranged by ordinary forces."

"How do you say this?"

"After all, the young master's previous performance..." Nishang's voice became smaller and smaller, and Han Xu simply added, "It's not worth others to waste six years of my life, pretending to be a street vendor to watch day and night, right?"

Nishang didn't say anything, but also acquiesced.

It can be said that Han Xu's reputation as a waste has been spread all over the royal city. In the first year or two after he came, many people secretly observed But after confirming that he was indeed a waste, they stopped paying special attention.

Even a force like Xiaoxiang Pavilion just kept Nishang paying attention, and didn't take the initiative.

But this old man who sells buns has been in front of Han Xu's house for six years.

To be willing to allow such a master to spend six years monitoring a waste is impossible for ordinary forces to do.

Firstly, it shows that Han Xu is very important to them, and whether he is a waste or not, secondly, it also shows that this force has unimaginable strength.

There are not many forces that can satisfy these two conditions at the same time.

"Then who do you think will send him?"

"I'm just a brothel girl, how could I guess?"

"You can guess, say it boldly, I won't tell others." Han Xu stared into Nishang's eyes, encouraging her to speak out.

In fact, Han Xu already had his own analysis. The reason why he wanted Nishang to speak out was also to test Nishang's attitude towards him.

"Your Majesty!" Nishang hesitated for a while, but said in a low voice.

Han Xu made a silence gesture in satisfaction, and Nishang's ability to say these two words showed that Han Xu had a place in her heart, otherwise Nishang would never say it out of shame.

This is Han Xu's most important test for Nishang.

Next, Han Xu changed the topic, and the atmosphere between the two became much more relaxed.

Not long after, Lin Feng came back with the packed food and drinks.

Han Xu asked casually, "Did you have fun?"

Lin Feng said coolly: "It's not very interesting, it's better to follow the young master."

Nishang didn't know what the master and servant were talking about, but she felt a faint evil spirit in Lin Feng's eyes.