MTL - I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs-v100 Chapter 433 The firm found the Beirong people

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  Chapter 433 The firm discovers the Beirong people

  In view of the fact that Baicaoshi, Zheyu, and Shinichi created too much sensation in Bo Yalou two years ago, after a hasty discussion, they decided to disguise themselves and go to find out.

  Baicaoshi suggested dressing up as the three brothers, looking suave.

   "Don't you think it's not eye-catching enough? You pretend to be the young owner of the Yanjing Medical Center, and Shinichi and I pretend to be guards." Zhe Yu rejected Baicaoshi's suggestion and put forward his own.

   "Why such an arrangement?" Shinichi asked puzzled. He is still a little new to being a brother, and he thinks he can try it.

  Zoru groaned, staring at Shinichi's face, and also had a good appearance. The three of them appeared in a big way, which is bound to attract attention. "Bo Ya Building mainly focuses on herbal medicine auctions, and the young owner of the medical center is convenient to do things, whether it is buying herbs or finding prescriptions. You can smear your face when the time comes."

  Baicaoshi couldn't help laughing, and the two pretty boys were guards, but they were very majestic. "Then get ready to go, I can't wait."

  The three of them left the inn, Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi stood side by side, and he asked in a deep voice: "You are looking for mother-in-law, you must not be looking for caramel, right?"

   "Of course, I have an idea. I don't know if my mother-in-law is willing or not." Thinking of her big plan, Baicaoshi's eyes lit up, shining brightly.

   Zhe Yu thought of the fact that Baicao Poetry had mentioned before that a university of traditional Chinese medicine would be built. "You... want to invite mother-in-law to Yanjing?"

  Baicaoshi hooked her fingers, "Hmm, continue?"

   "Being a teacher?"

  The master is the teacher. Zhe Yu thinks that her mother-in-law recited the "Soup Song Jue" back then, and her medical skills should not be bad.

   "It's okay to be a teacher, or to become a doctor."

  A doctor in ancient times was not the same as the modern one. It was an official position for compiling books, mastering ancient and modern times, imparting knowledge, and cultivating talents. Like the Jiaofang Division, there is a doctor of sound. Baicaoshi just thinks that an outsider like a mother-in-law should be able to play a greater role.

   Soon, the three arrived at Bo Ya Building.

  The buddy blocked the way, "Sorry, the business is closed today, I'm sorry, please go back."

  Businesses like Pei's are rarely closed. But at this time, Yan Song's relationship was tense, and it was possible that he was affected by it. or because...

  Baicaoshi guessed that the business belongs to that kind of situation.

She reported her family background, and still did not forget to check the staff's reaction, "I am the young owner of Yanjing Huichuntang. A nobleman pointed me out earlier, saying that there is a kind of chrysanthemum in Boyang, which is white in color and has large flowers. It can dissipate wind and heat, calm the liver and improve eyesight Excellent..."

  The guy was impatient, but when he heard about this kind of chrysanthemum, he was already respectful and respectful. Because the top of the Pei family has passed down the word a long time ago that they want to find this kind of Bo chrysanthemum unique to Boyang, and reward them with a lot of money.

  The buddy looked distressed, "It's a coincidence that the young master came here. To tell you the truth, this kind of wild chrysanthemum is too hard to find, and we have been looking for it, and there really is none."

Baicaoshi thought about it, and smiled again: "The nobleman also said that your firm has a medicine that looks like insects but not insects, like grass and not grass, and it is very effective in treating kidney deficiency, coughing hemoptysis, chronic cough and shortness of breath. .I want to buy a batch of this medicinal material."

   Dude straightened his eyes.

  Big customer!

  He vaguely knows this kind of herb, it is very valuable.

   But this herb is even more difficult to find than Boju. "Young master, you are a person who knows the goods, but what you said, the firm... really doesn't have any."

   As soon as the voice fell, the guard pretending to be Zhe Yu had already rolled up his sleeves, "Neither this nor that, what else is there for your huge business? If you don't want to do business, you should close it as soon as possible, so as not to smash the signboard!"

  The buddy was sure that he had met a nobleman, and repeatedly accused him of crimes, "This, this, this, the villain really can't be the master, so go and invite the shopkeeper."

  Baicaoshi and the other three had a good time, waiting for the buddy to shake people.

   After a while, someone came out from inside, and Baicao Shi's heart tightened, no, it turned out to be someone she knew.

  Who is it?

  Chen Guangliang.

   In the past, the mad king Laojiu was under the command of Qiongqiwei.

  Feng Shui turns, how did he become the treasurer of Pei's firm?

  Chen Guangliang looked familiar with Baicaoshi, but because Baicaoshi was men's clothing, he couldn't remember it for a while. "Since you are a distinguished guest, please sit inside. The two herbs you mentioned are really expensive, but the firm has others. Please."

  The master has invited, Baicaoshi is not welcome, she flicked the corner of her robe, and walked in directly.

   No, it's breaking.

  The first floor is an open counter, where the most popular herbal medicines are placed. She didn't stop and went directly to the second floor.

  Chen Guangliang is still wondering, is this guest familiar?

  There are special counters on the second floor, and there are some unique private rooms, and Baicaoshi can see them one by one.

   "Is the guest looking for medicine or something? I can introduce it for you." Chen Guangliang stretched out his hand to stop him.

   Shinichi separated Chen Guangliang and Baicaoshi, "You guys, you don't know what to ask, it's too annoying, our young master has to look for it by ourselves."

  Chen Guangliang stood on the spot, "I have been in the herbal medicine business for many years. Except for the rare ones, they are all available. It is good for the distinguished customers to report their names."

  Baicaoshi thought about it, there should be no second floor, and it is almost the same.

  She laughed and said: "Shopkeeper, why don't you talk about it in detail upstairs, since we come from Yanjing, ordinary herbs can't afford to come so far from you, Fengdou Dendrobium, do you have any?"

   This is another extremely precious herbal medicine.

   Fortunately, there are.

  Chen Guangliang made a "please" gesture, "Then let's discuss it in detail upstairs."

  The third floor is smaller than the second floor, with only private rooms. In the corridor, Baicaoshi saw the other end, and there were two strong men standing outside the private room. Oriha and Shinichi are not short in height, but it is better to take two people, they look majestic and mighty.

  Zhe Yu narrowed his eyes, tugged at the corner of Baicao Shi's clothes, and said with his lips: "Those two are not from Dayan."

  Baicaoshi sent a questioning look.

  Zheyu replied with lip language again: "It looks like a Beirong person."

  The barbarians of Bei Rong, every autumn and winter, buckle the border and plunder the border between Bei Qi and Dayan. This year, you didn't buckle the side, but came to the inland?

Baicaoshi smiled and said to Chen Guangliang: "No wonder the shopkeeper refused to accept our business before, so there are distinguished guests. I think the distinguished guests... are not like Dayan's. This is just right, and we are thinking about buying a batch of Beirong , Cistanche, Panax notoginseng and Platycodon grandiflorum from Xiliang, would the shopkeeper be willing to tie the knot?"

  Good guy, I prescribed several kinds of medicinal materials in one go. Chen Guangliang knew that Cistanche was quite expensive.

  He sneered, "Unfortunately, they are not here for business, but for medical treatment."

"Seek medical treatment?" Baicaoshi rolled her eyes, pointed at her nose and said, "Coincidentally, as the successor that the family focuses on training, he is only in Yanjing, and he is also known as a 'little genius doctor'. Let me take a look." , I don’t want money if I don’t see it; if I see it, the shopkeeper will give me a sincere discount on my medicine, how about it?”

  It is always easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to give charcoal in the snow.

  The young owner of Yanjing Medical Clinic came at the right time.

  (end of this chapter)