MTL - I Own a Garden with One Hundred Herbs-Chapter 25 There are beauties in Dongli Mountain Villa

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  Chapter 25 Dongli Villa has a beauty

  Chen Guangliang grinned suddenly, showing his white teeth, "Guess, is it better braised in soy sauce or steamed?"

   The answer is already obvious. Take the wolf cub to meet the master, and the master will want it to be a meal more than him.

  Baicaoshi hugged the little wolf cub tightly. Fu Bao rubbed against her arms, full of attachment.

   "Good boy, little Fubao, go find Uncle Jiang by yourself, and tell dad and grandma that mom is fine, and I'll go home to see you soon." Baicaoshi and Xiaolang bit their ears, chattering.

   "Let's go, girl." Feng Zhenye said.


  Some people gathered in the market, and Jiang Bo hid himself in the crowd. His hands trembled with fear, but what could he do?

  He went back to lead his ox cart, so he had to rush back to the village quickly, tell Zhe Yu the news, and let him think of a way.


  Chen Guangliang briefly explained the tasks and confirmed Baicaoshi's guess.

  Afterwards, Baicaoshi boarded a carriage, which was richly decorated and spacious inside, with patterns of birds embroidered on the curtains. Huge wings, sharp beak, lifelike.

  Dayan Kingdom is a dynasty whose totem is a bird.

  Herbal Poetry can't tell, could it be the legendary Suzaku, regret not reading "Shan Hai Jing" carefully in the new century.

  Chen Guangliang drove the car himself.

  There were also some horsemen following behind, and the shopkeeper Feng sadly trotted all the way.

   A group of people left Changgou Town.

  Baicaoshi opened the curtain to record the road. There are many farmlands in this area, and there are mountains in the distance, which are lush and lush.

  Wait, she saw the little wolf cub at the back of the team and followed her all the way. Neither close nor behind.

   There is a surge of heat in my heart. This little wolf she picked up halfway has been so loyal after only raising it for a few days. Just let it go, take it on a trip, and find a way to let it report when the time comes.

After the carriage had gone for half an hour, Baicaoshi opened the curtain in front, "Commander Chen, everyone is serving the nobles. Your people ride horses, and the treasurer Feng relies on his feet, and he will get tired if he is tired. At that time, I will return to you." It needs the cooperation of Shopkeeper Feng."

  Bringing out a nobleman is a good thing, Chen Guangliang asked Feng Zhenye to share a ride with one of his subordinates.

  Feng Zhenye gratefully crossed his hands at Baicaoshi.

   Another half an hour later, the group arrived at a mountain villa.

  The villa is built on the mountainside. From a distance, the pavilions, terraces and pavilions are exquisitely built, with blue bricks, black tiles and horse head walls, but it is a beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

  In front of the gate of Zhuangzhuang, there is an indigo gold plaque with the word "Dongli" written on it.

  The name is very elegant.

   There are guards outside the village, but they are dressed as domestic servants, and they are different from Chen Guangliang.

  Chen Guangliang and others got off the car and got off the horse, and entered the villa with Baicaoshi.

  Baicaoshi glanced at the little wolf cub hidden in the distance.

   "Your pet is psychic." Chen Guangliang joked with a smile.

"Everything in the world has spirituality, and so do plants, trees, mountains and rocks." Baicaoshi changed the subject, and looked at this unique private property, surrounded by winding water corridors, and scattered mountains and rocks. This is like a holiday villa for modern people, just a roof. Get a community. "It's really nice here! Your nobleman must be a wonderful person with taste."

  In order to make the next customs clearance smoother, Baicaoshi doesn't mind patting Rainbow Fart by the way.

   "The girl is wrong this time, my master is just staying here. Come with me."

  Baicaoshi was even more curious about the owner of the villa.

  The villa is a ternary courtyard, and they stopped at the last small courtyard.

  A woman in her mid-twenties was waiting there. She was wearing a crimson skirt with elegant chrysanthemums embroidered on it, and the flexible cloak was held in her arms, graceful and graceful.

   "Miss Huanyan, I'll leave it to you." Chen Guangliang seemed to value Huanyan very much.

  Baicaoshi nodded, she is beautiful and her name is nice.

   "Chen Huwei don't worry." Huan Yan smiled at Baicaoshi, "Girl, what's your name?"

  Baicaoshi hesitated for a moment, whether she should sue her under her real name. If you use your real name, if you offend the nobleman, you will implicate your family. But if you create a false identity, with the ability of a nobleman, you may be able to find out if you check it, and you will still be punished by then. "I, Baibai, a hundred people with a hundred surnames."

  Huanyan didn't delve too deeply into it, and led her into a room filled with hot air and a huge bathtub.

  This process!

  Baicaoshi embraced her arms, blushing three points, "Miss Huanyan, I'm here to be a cook, not... to serve the bed."

  (end of this chapter)