MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 26 never admit defeat

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Zhou Ziheng got off Xia Xiqing's body and straightened his clothes silently.

"I don't like men," his voice returned to the original calmness, "don't waste your time on me."

Xia Xiqing was still lying on the sofa in the same posture as before. He raised his hand to wipe his lips, wiped the blood from his hand, and laughed again.

"My ears are callused after hearing this sentence." Xia Xiqing glanced at him disdainfully, the corners of his **** mouth curled up, showing a strange beauty.

"They all ended up in my bed."

Unreasonable paranoia.

Without even looking at Xia Xiqing, he slammed the door and left.

Zhou Ziheng finally determined that Xia Xiqing's feelings for him were nothing more than a desire to win, just like a serial murderer looking for the next victim in order to satisfy his paranoid hobby.

He was chosen, that's all.

Thinking of this, the boredom stuck in his chest expanded, unscrupulously squeezing his chest cavity and oppressing his heart. When we first met, he only hated Xia Xiqing, so disgusted that he didn't want to say a word, but now he couldn't tell how this emotion had changed.

Angry, annoyed, unwilling, it seems that each of them can be used to describe, but none of them is enough.

After Zhou Ziheng left, Xia Xiqing lay alone on the sofa for a long time, his mind was very chaotic, and he kept repeating the scene of the kiss just now. He has some remorse, but it is not the remorse and guilt of doing something wrong. This emotion is more like solving a complex math problem.

Obviously there is a simpler and more beautiful algorithm, but I use violence to solve it.

Such a hasty and rough kiss completely broke the delicate and dangerous balance between the two. Xia Xiqing would never do such an extremely stupid approach in the past no matter how dazzled he was. His opponents in the past were not much easier than Zhou Ziheng, but he was always the one who planned his strategies calmly and calmly.

He took a deep breath, got off the sofa drowsily, turned off the TV irritably, and went upstairs.

Every light in the house was on, and Xia Xiqing stayed up all night.

In the morning, I received a message from Jiang Yin.

[Are you there? The ratings of the program have exploded. Now XX magazine invites you to shoot a special feature with Ziheng, double cover and inside page. Do you have time at night? ]

Xia Xiqing was about to go back when he didn't have time, so a call came in. He hesitated for a while but still answered.

"How are you thinking?"

This woman really has a fiery personality, Xia Xiqing laughed, "You say it as if I have time to think about it."

"Among the top five magazines, this is the only one that hasn't been published by Ziheng, and this time they arranged for Lin Mo to shoot, you should know how hard it is for him to hire."

Lin Mo's reputation is indeed not small, and he can be regarded as part of the art circle. Xia Xiqing has also heard of it, but not only in terms of professional ability, but also has a private life style comparable to Xia Xiqing.

"So." Xia Xiqing leaned on the bed, "What does it have to do with me?"

Jiang Yin's attitude towards him was a little unclear. Before, she was obviously willing to cooperate, but she hesitated in her words, "Aren't you unwilling?"

"Yes, I don't want to." Xia Xiqing replied bluntly, "Not only I don't want to, but your big star is even more unwilling."

Is it related to Zhou Ziheng? Jiang Yin was a little surprised, "Have you had a conflict?"

"Are there still few conflicts between us?" Xia Xiqing turned his neck wearily, and lit a cigarette for himself, "Let him go by himself."

"The other party asked you to be with him." Jiang Yin sighed, "You probably don't know how popular your CP is now. The ratings of the first episode yesterday broke 5. Do you know that your names are almost the same? It occupies the top ten of the hot search list. Those girls on the Internet are like crazy. It’s the first time I’ve seen netizens so crazy about CP. They’re reposting clips of you in the show everywhere. .”

Xia Xiqing thought of the scene last night, and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "So what, it's all from the show, why, now I'm still in charge of after-sales with real feelings?"

Jiang Yin was a little surprised. At this moment, Xia Xiqing seemed to be very different from the elegant ruffian in her impression, as if she had been shot, "I don't know what happened between you... When I informed Ziheng just now , he didn't reply me, he is probably still asleep, but this opportunity is really rare, we have been working **** fashion resources..."

"If you really want me to go to bed with him." Xia Xiqing suddenly interrupted, "Just ask him to apologize to me."

Jiang Yin was stunned, "Apologize?"

"Yes, let your big star apologize to me."

It was only then that Jiang Yin realized how difficult it is to be a person caught in the middle.

For some unknown reason, Xia Xiqing felt much calmer. After taking a shower, he came to the studio and sat in front of the blank drawing board. Zhou Ziheng's face was still in his mind, and he couldn't help licking his lower lip.

Hiss, it hurts.

Xia Xiqing frowned, and when he held the pen, he gave up the first choice in his mind. It's been a long time since I promised Shang Sirui the painting. He made a draft with a pencil based on the memory in his mind, and it didn't take too much time to color it, but the effect presented was not bad. The goose-yellow color produced by the watercolor is very expressive on the paper, and there is a sense of youthful innocence in the sunshine.

After signing, Xia Xiqing took a photo and sent it to Shang Sirui. The other party replied almost in seconds. He wondered if this was the traffic idol whose schedule was so full that he could kill people.

[Three Three: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Big trigger accepts me to worship! ]

[Xi Qing: Where is your company? I will drive you there when the other painting is finished. ]

[San San: Hug the big touch! I'll send you the location later. Hey, can I post this picture on Weibo now? ]

[Xi Qing: Of course. ]

Not long after putting down the phone, another message came. Xia Xiqing picked it up and saw that it was Shang Sirui who tweeted him.

[HighFive Shang Sirui: Love you @Tsing_SummerPS: Did you watch yesterday's show? ]

The action was so fast, Xia Xiqing smiled and gave him a like. After thinking about it, after all, they are all guests of the program group, and it seems that they should repost the meaning, so he retweeted this Weibo and attached a love expression .

His forwarding immediately got wild reposts from Shang Sirui's fans, which made Xia Xiqing quite unaccustomed to it. Although he had heard the words "Mrs. Immortal" and "Da Touch" before, he suddenly changed to another group and became Another person's fan.

[San San is the cutest in the world: Ahhh Mrs. Xi Qing! Omg my two favorite people on the show! ]

[Ruibao is also very milky today: I burst into tears, I didn't expect these two people to have such a good relationship! Thank you for the painting ma'am! (I just stand for a second CP)]

[I love Sansan: The painting style is so beautiful, the wife is very gentle to Sansan in the show, thank you wife! ]

It didn't take long for their names to be on the hot search together. Xia Xiqing knew in his heart that Shang Sirui's brokerage company should have bought it, but what he didn't expect was that there were so many people who clicked on the hot search. discuss.

[I'm a cotton candy: When I watched it yesterday, the barrage was all about self-study CP, and I think Qingsi CP is also very cute. I feel that Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing are a bit too rivalry, there is no sense of trust, Qingsi is very harmonious and loving, although they are strangers, but there is a feeling of hitting it off at first sight, and Mrs. Xiqing is really gentle to Si Rui, look at him when talking The eyes just don't poke me too much. ]

It was all faked. Xia Xiqing's fingers slid down.

[Peter Pan Aries: Yes yes yes! This couple is really cute, Xia Xiqing loves Si Rui! Gentle attack x cute, can't you eat it, everyone! ? ]

[Who is not cute: I still prefer self-study, Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing's aura is simply amazing, any look is full of sparks, okay, I don't believe that they have nothing to say! ]

[ABCD Xiao F: I also prefer self-study, the atmosphere of this couple is simply too lustful, I have filled my brain with 100,000 words of **** for just a word, I haven’t met such a fairy CP for a long time! ]

[Xia Da Da World Tournament High: A rotten girl passer-by came to report, the self-study couple is really... Automatically brought into every article of Si Ya Da, it's too **** good, I just want them to get married in place! If West Asia’s novel is to be real, I just want to watch them act. ]

The rhythmic marketing blog put the photos of the three of them together, and the title of the Weibo directly read [The first broadcast of the high-profile reality show "Escape from the Sky", which CP do you stand on? ], this Weibo has close to 10,000 comments, almost gathering rotten women passers-by from all circles, arguing over their respective CPs.

[Rely on milk tea to survive: I think the three members of the dynasty group are very cute, 3P, I have already thought of a name, so I will call it "Xia, Shang and Zhou"! ]

After going on like this, Xia Xiqing turned off Weibo and was about to continue drawing when he suddenly received a WeChat message.

[Moral Model: Come with me to shoot a magazine. ]

Xia Xi is happy, this person is probably out of his mind.

[Terrorist: Did Jiang Yin not tell you, or did you not understand at all? ]

After waiting for a while, Zhou Ziheng didn't reply. Xia Xiqing became more and more annoyed, seeing Zhou Ziheng's portraits all over the room, he was even more panicked, so he walked out of the studio and came to the balcony. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, but the lighter It doesn't work well, and it doesn't fire after pressing it a few times.

He simply crumpled the smoke into a ball.

The interface of the mobile phone was still on the chatting interface with Zhou Ziheng. Leaning on the balcony, he just looked at the top of the interface. It kept showing "the other party is typing...", but he couldn't wait for the message he sent.

Like a lighter that never ignites.

[Terrorist: Are you **** finished? What's the matter with the inkblot? ]

After a few seconds, I finally received the message.

[Moral Model: Sorry. ]

Xia Xiqing breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was about to catch fire.

[Moral pacesetter: I shouldn't bite you. Yesterday I was always afraid that pushing you away would hurt you, so I didn't dare to use force, but you were too... too much, I was in a hurry, and there was no other way. I was wrong. ]

This was not what Xia Xiqing wanted to hear at all.

He has nothing for him to apologize, because Zhou Ziheng did nothing wrong at all, but he just wants Zhou Ziheng to beg him to mend the dignity that Zhou Ziheng trampled on him yesterday.

But Zhou Ziheng really apologized to him, as sincerely as a child who did something wrong.

He suddenly didn't know what to say.

A punch hit the cotton.

After a long time, Xia Xiqing replied with a message.

[Terrorist: Come back for me. ]

Zhou Ziheng's announcement was rushed. He hardly slept all night. He originally took a day off to adjust his status for the next day's commercial, but he still went to shoot the commercial for the whole morning in a state of semi-insomnia. Yin Huan apologized to Xia Xiqing. At first he felt that he was right, but then the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was wrong and he did something bad. He felt more and more guilty, so he couldn't help contacting Xia Xiqing.

I felt relieved at first, and my mood was much more relaxed, and the commercial was successfully filmed. On the way to the company, I suddenly saw Shang Sirui's Weibo.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

It turned out that he painted pictures for others so well.

Click on the forwarded comments, all of them are fans of Shang Sirui, as well as Xia Xiqing and Shang Sirui's CP fans. For some reason, Zhou Ziheng feels like he has entered the enemy's camp.

Especially seeing Xia Xiqing's love, it's eye-catching no matter how you look at it. Accidentally clicked on Xia Xiqing's homepage, and seeing a Weibo he liked, Zhou Ziheng was instantly upset.

[I'm a cotton candy: When I watched it yesterday, the barrage was all about self-study CP, and I think Qingsi CP is also very cute. I feel that Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing are a bit too tit-for-tat, they have no sense of trust, and they are testing each other. Qingsi is very harmonious and loving. Although they are strangers, they feel like friends at first sight, and Mrs. Xiqing is really gentle to Si Rui, speaking When I look at him, I don't want to poke me too much. ]

Tit for tat, no sense of trust, testing each other.

He obviously said a word correctly, but Zhou Ziheng just felt uncomfortable, especially knowing that Xia Xiqing liked this one.

After successfully apologizing, he thought that everything would pass, and felt relaxed and happy about it. The mood fluctuated so much that even Zhou Ziheng couldn't understand it.

The assistant Xiao Luo who was driving in front suddenly said, "Ziheng, are you going back to Huasheng Tianfu now?"

Zhou Ziheng shook his head, "I'm not going back, you send me to the company, and then go to Huasheng Tianfu to pick up Xia Xiqing."

Ronaldinho said oh, but didn't think there was anything wrong, thinking that Zhou Ziheng probably didn't want to get too close to his fans.

Back at the company, Zhou Ziheng didn't know where to go, so he went straight into Jiang Yin's office. She was having a meeting and had no time to bother him, so Zhou Ziheng leaned on the sofa and checked Weibo, watching the quarrel between the two factions of CPs.

[Today I shed tears for other people's beautiful love: self-study is not popular, it's too much for heaven. ]

[Who says it's not: The interaction between Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing is the kind of interaction that is very tense and hidden, don't have too many famous scenes and lines, "I didn't let you trust me, I let you use me." This sentence Simply, with the scene where Xi Qing grabbed Zhou Ziheng! I beg my ladies to write fanfiction! ]

[CindyCandy: In the beginning, they were initialized in the first room, handcuffed and blindfolded! I can't believe I'm the only one who figured it out! Rounding it up is a luxury car! ]

[Xinyue Junxi: But to be honest, I feel that Zhou Ziheng doesn't like Xia Xiqing very much. Xia Xiqing is still a fan of his. Maybe he feels that there is a sense of distance between idols and fans. He hardly talked to Xia Xiqing during the whole process, and he looked very cold. They didn't pay attention to his Weibo. The show premiered yesterday, and Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing didn't interact on Weibo, and Xia Xiqing even liked him and Shang Sirui. Don't hit me I'm just speaking my mind. ]

Seeing this, Zhou Ziheng's fingers froze when he slid the screen, feeling like he couldn't refute but wanted to refute.

[I like to eat rabbits: Wow, after such an analysis, these three people are really Shura field. Xia Xiqing is a fan of Zhou Ziheng, but he likes his and Shang Sirui's CP. I really want to interview Zhou Ziheng how he feels now 233333 ]

I feel very bad. Zhou Ziheng frowned deeply, the more he thought about it, the more he felt annoyed.

The speculation of CP was originally fake, and they knew it very well in their hearts, it was just a combination of interests. No matter which of the three of them it is, the random combination almost always benefits.

But he always felt like he was defeated. It was obvious that he and Xia Xiqing's CP was an overwhelming victory in the whole network. In just one night, their fanarts, fanarts, screenshots and clips were flying everywhere. It blew into the sky. But seeing such one or two microblogs, he was still uncomfortable.

Especially the last two.

So Zhou Ziheng, who was so angry that he didn't go to pick up Xia Xiqing, changed into his own trumpet, and liked a lot of his and Xia Xiqing's CP blogs, and liked one of them to vent his anger.

Just as I was working hard, several dialog boxes popped up in succession on WeChat.

[Terrorist: When apologizing, you don’t even bother to make excuses with your assistant, do you? ]

[Terrorist: How about I release your pigeons at night. ]

[Terrorist: I'm really curious, big star, what are you busy with now? ]