MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 167 for aftermath

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  Chapter 167 For the things behind

  In the video, a screenshot of the diary was released again.

  Above, is the No. 2 protagonist's confusion and doubts about the Pneuma (soul) plan.

  Mainly talked about that he didn't quite understand what the project did, but only knew that it was about research on the level of spirit and consciousness.

   But judging from the lines, the No. 2 protagonist, who is a scientist, thinks this kind of research is somewhat unrealistic.

   To put it in harsh words, it is unreliable and a waste of money.

   After seeing the contents of the diary, the players waited for Brother Banana to explain.

   Soon, the familiar voice sounded in the video.

  [This diary of 2443.7.9 let us know for the first time the Pneuma (soul) project and the research direction of this project. ]

  [Through this Pneuma (soul) project, we have identified the Parallel World Control Bureau, whose technological level has reached an unimaginable level. The research on the level of spirit and consciousness is enough to show that this control bureau is stronger than the control bureau of the game itself in 1994. And this plan also laid the groundwork for the massacre of human beings by the control bureau behind. ]

  [After the Pneuma (soul) project was launched, there has been no response. It wasn't until 4 years later that something that shocked the No. 2 protagonist happened—that is, the resurrection of the previous director of FBC. ]

  [It is emphasized here that the time span of the No. 2 protagonist’s diary is very large. From 2443 to 2448, it took a full 5 years to write. The previous analysis of the parallel world view is also what happened in the past five years. Therefore, from the 5-year diary of the protagonist No. 2, we learned about the experimental research of the FBC, the story of the space fleet of the old and new governments, and the three plot lines of the No. 2 protagonist himself. I have to say that when we sorted out these things, we couldn't believe it. Because the amount of information is too great! ]

  [Okay, let's continue. When the Control Bureau revived the previous director, the No. 2 protagonist, who is a scientist, wanted to see this impossible thing with his own eyes, but was rejected. ]

  [From here, we can guess. The so-called Pneuma (soul) plan is probably not as simple as we think. Although this kind of resurrection is a miracle, it has gone against common sense. ]

  [After that, the development of things was unexpected again. Three months later, the resurrected previous director... was executed by the FBC. Then for the next 3 days, the Pneuma (soul) project was also suspended. ]

  [Protagonist No. 2 was shocked, let alone him, we couldn’t believe it when we sorted it out here. ]

  [According to the diary, the Pneuma (soul) project has been researched for more than 4 years, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested in this project. Finally, the impossible miraculous achievement of resurrection from the dead was finally researched. If I were any scientist, I would probably study it in depth. But FBC stopped it, why? Protagonist #2 doesn't get it, and neither do we. ]

  [However, through the following diary content, we guessed an answer based on the existing clues. Let's take a look at these two diaries first. ]

   As soon as the voice fell, a new screenshot of the diary was released in the video.

   Those are the diaries of 2448.3.15 and 16, that is, the sixth and seventh days after the Pneuma (soul) project was stopped.

  There was a suicide incident at the headquarters of the Bureau of Control.

  The dead are all senior members of the FBC!

   And what these people have in common is that they all participated in the research of the Pneuma (soul) project!

  Protagonist No. 2 stated in his diary that one of the deceased was his good friend, and he had contacted each other the day before his suicide, and he didn't look like a person who would commit suicide at all.

   Obviously something is wrong with it.

   And on the 16th.

  The number of suicides began to increase sharply. At the same time, a large number of people left the headquarters, causing panic at all sites.

  When the players in front of the screen saw this, they had some guesses in their hearts.

   But they are not sure, not sure.

  So stare at the picture, waiting for analysis.

  In the video, the voice sounded again.

  [First of all, we need to know why the FBC executed the previous director after the resurrection? Is it because he turned into a monster? Or some other reason? ]

  [Here, let's look at it step by step. ]

  [It can be known from the diary that the time of the former director's resurrection was on 12.29, but the execution time was on 3.6 of the following year. There was a gap of 3 months. ]

  [If the revived ex-chief is a monster, why not execute it on the spot, but leave it for 3 months later? ]

  [And during these 3 months, what exactly happened that made the current director of FBC issue an execution order? ]

  [There are 3 answers here, see which one you think is more correct. First, the former chief turned into a monster within 3 months and was finally executed. Second, the former director was tricked out of his own knowledge of the secret, and then silenced. Third, the ex-director said something that would have allowed the Bureau to execute him straight away. ]

  [Above, which one do you think it is? ]

  The players in front of the screen frowned and thought.

  No matter how you look at these three options, the first one is the most suitable.

   But the second one seems to be quite right, otherwise why are you resurrected? Resurrecting you when you are full and full to reminisce?

   As for the 3rd one...too weird to judge.

  So, in the video, a full screen of digital barrages traversed across the screen.

   The most number is 2, followed by 1, and the least number is 3.

   It can be seen that the players are still inclined to the idea that there is a conspiracy among the high-level.

  But soon, Brother Banana's voice sounded.

  [No matter whether you choose 1 or 2, you are actually wrong, the correct answer is 3! ]

  The players in front of the screen were stunned for a moment, and they were a little disbelieving.

How can this be?

   After bringing a person back to life, he dies because he said something that would kill him?

  It's too forced! ?

   Players sit in front of their computers, waiting for an explanation.

   Soon, Brother Banana continued to speak.

  [First let's look at the first one. ]

  [According to several previous games, we can know that the Federal Bureau of Control is very strict when dealing with supernatural things. They have D-class personnel dedicated to experimental functions, and any experiments will use them first. ]

  [So, this Pneuma (soul) project, which took more than 4 years, has not been doing research on the former director. Instead, it consumed a large number of D-class personnel and experienced countless failures before achieving success. Therefore, with sufficient confidence, they dared to experiment on the late former director and successfully revived him]

  [So, I think the possibility of the former director becoming a monster after being resurrected is very, very low. On the contrary, the probability of being the same as ordinary people after resurrection is very high. This also explains why the former director survived for 3 months after his resurrection. ]

  Seeing this, the players in front of the screen looked stunned.

   Indeed, according to this, it is impossible for the Control Bureau to start experiments on the former director without certainty.

   After all, there is only one corpse. If it breaks, who will be responsible.

   On the contrary, there are many D-class personnel.

   Not only live a lot, but also die a lot, it's just right for practice!

  In the video, Brother Banana’s voice sounded again.

  [Now look at the second answer. ]

  [If I were the current director of the Control Bureau, I spent a lot of manpower and material resources to revive the former leader and make it known to everyone, and it took another 3 months to pry the secret from him. If I want to kill him, I will choose to assassinate him secretly, and then make up a common reason to convince everyone. Rather than 'execution' this method of treating prisoners. ]

  [Is this too obvious? It seems to be telling everyone that my current bureau chief is such a villain. It's not like the demeanor that an organization leader should have, but like a capital villain and an official villain. ]

  [And the resources in this world are scarce, the old and new governments are fully exploring the universe to find resources. As the supreme leader of the Control Bureau, he is still engaged in conspiracy? Isn't it right? ]

  [So, the second answer is also incorrect. ]

  The players in front of the screen were still a little dissatisfied when they saw this.

  Since the most obvious first and second are wrong, let’s explain the third.

  So, it seems to know what the players are thinking.

  In the video, Brother Banana spoke.

  [As for the third answer, first of all, we need to know the reason why this soul plan was initiated. That's right, the cause was that a certain mining company was secretly researching the matter of 'alien architecture'. From this, we can know that the Control Bureau definitely learned something from the 'alien building', so it decided to conduct this soul project research. ]

  [Then, based on what they learned from the 'alien architecture', they discovered in their research a way to bring people back from the dead. ]

  [Thus, after countless experiments, they finally succeeded in resurrecting the former director. ]

  [Then, they learned the unbelievable facts from the mouth of the resurrected man. ]

  [Remember what the first boss of the main line said? ]

   As soon as the voice fell, a cylindrical device appeared in the video in front of the players.

   This is the place where I met A-FBC-1000 'Bigfoot' for the first time.

  Many players who have played He Yunguo know that the first boss on the main mission is hidden inside this cylinder!

  Now, this is the scene in the video.

   At this time, some edited key lines were played.

  Suddenly, the heavy harsh tone sounded in the cylindrical device.

  At the same time, the subtitles below are also displayed one by one.

  ‘Ancient human beings are as clean as us, and it is because of ‘it’ that you become dirty and distorted. '

  'In a certain experiment about the spirit and soul, the existence of "it" was discovered, and it was learned that "it" has always existed in your consciousness and never left. And also under the deep sea of ​​the Chicxulub crater, the body of 'it' was discovered. '

  ''It' has given you negative feelings such as pain, anger, jealousy, selfishness, etc. that shouldn't exist. '


  Seeing this, the players in front of the screen became more and more confused.

   Does this have anything to do with the death of the former director?

   The players just felt that their brains were not enough, and they all waited for an explanation.

   And Brother Banana didn't keep it secret, after pondering for a while, he opened his mouth to explain.

  [From the previous analysis, we learned that the so-called 'it' is actually the 'seal of God'. ]

  [The BOSS told us that humans in the parallel world discovered the body of the 'God Seal' in a certain crater. ]

  [This crater, you can search it, it is real in our world, and its location is under the deep sea. There are rumors that the extinction of dinosaurs is caused by this meteorite. ]

  [So, is it possible that the body of the "God Seal" in this crater is the "alien building" I mentioned earlier? ]

  [Think about the content of the previous analysis, because humans discovered "it" from the deep sea, which caused "it" to affect humans again, bringing headaches and hallucinations. ]

  [Then, I also know that this 'God Seal' is like Pandora's Box, which brings all kinds of negative emotions to us humans. ]

  [You say, as an organization that specializes in controlling supernatural anomalies, what will the Federal Bureau of Control do with this 'divine seal' that can bring people headaches and hallucinations? ]

  [For another example, the above shocking truths were learned from a dead person. What would the Federal Bureau of Control do? ]

  [Think about it, the living don't know that there is such a thing in their consciousness. But the dead knew it, and told it. Then, this question is extremely frightening to think about. ]

  [This shows that after the death of a human being, the ‘it’ can be found without a physical body. Think about it again, after death, human beings can still know "it", remember "it", and even describe "it" after resurrection. Does this mean that…]

  [After death, human beings still have perception, memory, and thought. ]

  [In other words, after death, human beings are not 'knowing nothing' in our cognition. It's 'the same as when I was alive', but in another world without a body, a world that belongs to the dead. ]

  [And in that world, human beings with only their spirit and consciousness left are still bound by the 'God Seal'. ]

  [To use a Chinese saying, that is...]

   Brother Banana paused, organizing his words.

   Then, speak slowly.

  [Forever shall not be reincarnated...? ]

   Brother Banana pondered for a while when he said this.

   seems to be waiting for players to digest.

   But not long after, he spoke again.

  [What this world of the dead looks like, I don’t know, and it’s impossible for the living to know. ]

  [The whole world, I am afraid that only the former director who came back from the dead can know what the world of the dead is like. ]

  [However, when we humans are alive, the 'God Seal' can bring us headaches and hallucinations. After death, is it still the same? ]

  [When the No. 2 protagonist is affected by the 'God Seal', he can still rely on painkillers and psychological counseling to relieve it. But in the world of the dead, only human beings with spirit and consciousness left, can they do this? If not, is that right?]

  [Humans after death, in another world, suffer endlessly? ]

  [Also, a reminder to everyone. The thing 'God Seal' has been connected with 'it' since the beginning of human beings, when they were still savages. ]

  [And the earliest humans were Australopithecus 5.5 million years ago. ]

  [So, let’s imagine. From 5.5 million years ago to the era of interstellar civilization, how many people died during this period? ]

  [If these people, as I just guessed, are in the form of spirit and consciousness, they will be tortured endlessly by the "God Seal" in the world of the dead. That]

  [What do you think the Bureau will do? ]

  When the players saw this, they fell silent.

  The shock of the content of the video caused a trace of shock and panic in their hearts.

   It seems that he is trying hard not to believe such absurd things.

  But as a player, there is no way to disbelieve this plot unless there is a better explanation.

  Although the content is exciting enough, but

  At this moment, in the video, a screenshot of a diary appeared in front of them.

   That is the diary of 2448.3.23.

   Above is the unified email sent by the Federal Bureau of Control to all sites around the world.

   But this email is very strange, because the content inside is only 6 words.

  'For the things behind'.

  (end of this chapter)