MTL - I Made Beast-taming Widespread Across The Globe-Chapter 14 Royal Beast Illustrated Book, Alien Beast Invasion?

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After a friendly communication with Vice President Yang Wei,

Lin Ye euphemistically stated that he cannot issue invoices in the name of "weapons and equipment" here.

It's a pity for Vice President Yang.

But he didn't say much.

He can still afford hundreds of thousands of credits.

But it is obvious that using one's own money to do things for the public and using the public's money to do things for oneself, the feeling in the heart is very different.

"Boss, why don't you come and see me?!"

Just after the exchange, Lin Ye heard the shouts of the soldiers not far away.

The two walked over.

Looking at the big guy on the screen, Lin Ye froze for a moment.

Can this thing be considered a "beast royal"?

【Name】Type I Fighting Bear

[quality] green

[attribute] soil


【Level】first-order primary

[Skill] Fighting

[Overview] This is a group of bears from a place with strong folk customs. They have a burst temper. If you are too weak, it may bully you.

Glancing at the dark muscular man on the screen, isn't this pure "big muscle bully"?

But looking at the appearance of Hong Zhijun and those big soldiers, they seem to like this kind of thing quite a bit.

"This is a fighting bear, emmm. Although the quality is relatively average, it is very strong, and it really knows fighting skills."

"Okay! That's it!"

Before Lin Ye could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Hong Zhijun.

Seeing his excited expression, Lin Ye was a little puzzled.

This is your subordinate's royal beast, and it's not yours?

"Listen to me first."

"This imperial beast has a bad temper. If the companion is too weak, it may... ahem, beat you."

Lin Ye thought that Hong Zhijun would hesitate after hearing this.


"That would be great!"

"It can also help me train them. It costs a sum of money to do two things. It's a good deal!"

Lin Ye opened his mouth, his words seemed to make sense...

The soldier who got the fighting bear also looked like he had earned it, so Lin Ye simply took out the card.

But this time he didn't go in right away, but was going to wait until they were all done smoking.

As a result, Hong Zhijun and his legion seemed to have been sucked out of luck.

For the remaining four people, they all drew Yusanjia in a row.

And it is a "coincidence" that all of them are "iron-backed pigs".

Originally, Hong Zhijun was not happy about it.

But when he heard that it only cost 1,000 credits, he made a decision immediately, and he wanted all four pigs.

When the credits were transferred to Lin Ye's account, the system in his mind popped up.

[The task is completed, the reward "Beast Master Illustrated Book"]

[The host can order from the system at a price of 1000 credits, the price can be decided by oneself]

[The next phase of the task - the cumulative transaction volume reaches 100 million credits (0/100000000)]

Looking at the task in front of him, the smile on Lin Ye's face suddenly froze.

If he calculated correctly, the transaction volume of 100 million credits, he had to sell 100,000 iron-backed pigs...

Isn't this embarrassing my Yanzu? !

"Boss Lin, what's the matter, is there any problem?"

Hearing Yang Wei's voice, Lin Ye shook his head.

"No, no problem. I'll get Deputy Head Hong and the others out first, and then I'll draw them for you."

This time his delay was going to be longer.

Although the IQ of the imperial beast must be higher than that of ordinary animals, creatures like pigs, even after becoming the imperial beast, belong to the "pig" in the imperial beast.

Fortunately, he could understand the words, so when Lin Ye came out, four iron-backed pigs were coming out of the door in a row.

Behind him was a nearly two-meter-tall brown bear with big muscles, ah no, it was a bear man.

This thing is different from Old Black.

After getting bigger, Lao Hei still has the posture of a bear, with his body and arms slightly bent.

But the Fighting Bear that came out now walks completely upright.

It looks quite mighty and majestic.

And when Yang Wei glanced past the four iron-backed pigs in front, and saw the fighting bear at the back, he was really a day-reader—he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn it, Old Hong."

"This thing is really not your relative or something?"

Hong Zhijun looked at the fighting bear who came out, his face was full of flesh, and he trembled.

It wasn't obvious when I looked on the screen just now, but now that I really came out, it feels... like looking in a mirror?

Seeing Yang Wei smiling so happily, Lin Ye couldn't help asking curiously:

"What's wrong?"

Yang Wei pointed to the Fighting Bear who had "returned to the team", and then pointed to Hong Zhijun, panting for a while before explaining:

"This guy's ability is animalization, and...and it happens to be a bear."

Lin Ye took a look at Hong Zhijun's size, and found that Fighting Bear was indeed about the same height as him, and he was also big.

Imagine Hong Zhijun's hair all over his body... Lin Ye couldn't hold back anymore.


Seeing Hong Zhijun staring at him unkindly, Lin Ye immediately changed the subject and said:

"Come on Vice President Yang's side too, let's finish it early so we can go home early."

Yang Wei nodded.

In case Hong Zhijun gets annoyed, he won't be able to take advantage of the fight.

"You guys go~"

After waving to the subordinates behind, Yang Wei was about to stand aside when he heard a loud noise from the street outside.


A violent vibration came, causing everyone in the store to shake a few times.

Only Hong Zhijun and the fighting bear remained motionless.

At this time, his military qualities were fully displayed.

"Fade Chen, you should immediately contact the headquarters of the legion, UU reading and the other four will go out with me to have a look."

Fade Chen was the lucky one who got the Fighting Bear.

But Lin Ye looked at his physique, it is very likely that he was beaten more by fighting bears.

Although 175 is not short, it is not enough to look at the fighting bear.

Yang Wei also had a serious face at the moment, and after he also ordered someone to contact the Supernatural Union, he took him out with Hong Zhijun.

Oh, and those four "iron-backed pigs" who just found their owners went out together.

Before going out, Yang Wei suddenly turned to look at Lin Ye.

"Boss Lin, if something goes wrong, remember to follow us."

Seeing Yang Wei speak so seriously, Lin Ye couldn't help asking:

"What happened?" (broken, BGM sounded)

Resisting the urge to sing, Lin Ye tried his best to look at Yang Wei with a serious expression.

"Listening to this movement, it is basically certain that it is an invasion of alien beasts, and there may be polluters."

"Okay, just remember what I said."

"I have to go out and have a look, if these things come into the city, many people will die!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei turned into a flash of light and disappeared from the door.

Looking at the blue lightning that still remained in the air, Lin Ye felt that he had to be more polite to this bitch-looking person in the future.

Glancing at Lao Hei who was still holding the bamboo on the recliner, Lin Ye walked over and carried it outside.

"Go, brother will take you to see the world."

Old Hei, who was still holding the bamboo in his two paws, nodded.


He looked quite happy.

PS: Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Please follow up! orz!