MTL - I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times-Chapter 394 secret

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That sound of ghost hitting the wall made many people feel chilly.

 There are timid people who immediately want to retreat.

Just seeing the fire that was still burning, I couldn't help but worry that the wind would help the fire and affect the neighboring houses. It would be terrible if their own home was burned down as well.

Many people have heard of ghosts hitting the wall, but this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes.

 The wax workshop cannot be entered, and everyone does not know what to do.

Ning Chuyi took a look at the black smoke inside, pursed her lips and strode across the threshold.

Wei Feng opened his mouth and closed it again.

 Just followed closely behind him.

 The Imperial Guards at the back looked at each other and followed quickly.

 I don’t believe that there is such a sinister door that no one can get in.

 Everyone did not believe in evil and walked inside while holding their breath.

It’s a pity that some things are just so evil.

Just for a while.

 Without exception, everyone stood at the beginning.

 Some people had sweat on their foreheads.

This wax workshop is really weird. Not only is Ning Chuyi and the forbidden troops unable to enter.

Those neighbors who came to help, one by one, tried all, but no one could succeed.

 But before the fire, the wax shop was clearly operating normally. Just today, someone went in to buy candles, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Just when he was at a loss, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted in surprise, "Qiu Mao is here."

Ning Chuyi didn’t intend to pay attention to a stranger.

 But I heard others say that he was the young master of the wax workshop.

Ning Chuyi turned around and saw a man of various shapes hurriedly squeezing in from the crowd.

“Is there a secret passage to enter the workshop?”

Qiu Mao frowned. He was annoyed when he saw that his workshop was in ruins. Everyone only gathered outside the door to watch the excitement but did not help put out the fire.

Hearing Ning Chuyi's inexplicable question, he subconsciously wanted to get angry.

But seeing that his momentum was overwhelming, he could only suppress his anger.

Qiu Mao shook his head, "The workshop has only one gate."

Someone in the crowd immediately said, "What should we do, Qiu Mao, the ghosts of your wax shop have broken down the wall and can't get in."

Qiu Mao was originally uneasy about the sudden fire in the wax workshop, but when he heard the words "ghosts beating the wall", he felt a sudden shock in his heart.

“Qiu Mao, none of us can go in. But this is your wax workshop, you should be able to go in, right?”

 Before he came back, Qiu Mao was very anxious. But at this moment, he didn't want to go in at all.

Seeing him standing still, someone urged, "Qiu Mao, are you scared to death? Your father is still inside, why don't you hurry in and take a look?"

I urged him several times, but Qiu Mao felt like there were nails under his feet and couldn't move.

Seeing that his face turned pale and his forehead was sweating, everyone thought he was afraid because he saw the fire was too strong.

Only Qiu Mao knew that what he was afraid of was not fire.

 But he had a premonition that if he went in, he would die inside.

Ning Chuyi’s eyes turned cold, something was wrong with Qiu Mao.

 Aware of his gaze, Qiu Mao suddenly felt like a light on his back.

 Subconsciously, he turned his head and met Ning Chuyi's sharp gaze.

 Qiu Mao shuddered in his heart.

 After hesitating for a while, he bravely walked to the wax workshop.

Everyone present stared at Qiu Mao curiously, wondering if he could go in.

 It’s just that the result is destined to be disappointing.

  Qiu Mao entered the wax workshop, but like everyone else, he walked out again for no apparent reason.

 Qiu Mao stood outside the door, his forehead was covered with big beads of sweat, but he felt a faint sigh of relief in his heart.

 If he can't get in, he won't die.

 When he heard that the wax shop was leaked, he was worried that someone would find out about it.

 But now that no one can enter, his secret will not be exposed.

At this moment, Qiu Mao even secretly hoped that the fire inside would burn as big as possible. It would be best if everything in the wax workshop was burned down.     That way his secret will never be discovered.

 As for the people who rented the wax workshop, as well as his father, don’t blame him if they die.

 It’s not that he didn’t want to save their lives, it was just that he couldn’t get in at all.

He tried his best, and he can only blame God for not opening his eyes.

Qiu Mao was secretly rejoicing when he suddenly noticed eyes falling on him again.

Hurrying to calm down, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat to hide the expression on his face.

Ning Chuyi glanced at Qiu Mao coldly, then looked away from Qiu Mao.

 He saw that there must be something wrong with him, but he didn't understand it at the moment.

 The lives of the Imperial Guards inside are more important.

Wei Feng looked at Ning Chuyi who was looking at the black smoke in the wax workshop, "Sir, please go down and ask Miss Han to come over."

Ning Chuyi's eyes paused, and the bloodless face flashed in his mind.

 After driving for several days, she was finally able to lie down and sleep. He didn't want to trouble her unless he had to.

Ning Chuyi suddenly turned around and walked out of the wax shop.

Wei Feng was wondering why he left.

I saw him walking from the gate to the left side and looked up.

He quickly ordered: "Someone, come and tear down this wall."

The wax shop couldn't be entered, and Ning Chuyi found that something was wrong with the black smoke inside. He just discovered that the black smoke inside was gathering together and not spreading out.

 Can't hear any movement inside.

There are still so many Imperial Guards in the wax workshop. I heard that the owner of the workshop is also there. No matter whether they are alive or dead, we have to go in and take a look.

 Since the gate cannot be entered, then smash the wall.

When Qiu Mao heard that he was about to smash the wall, he subconsciously wanted to stop it.

 But he knew that if he really did this, others would be suspicious.

 Not to mention the candles in the workshop and the people who rented them, even his father was in it.

If he stopped others from smashing the wall to help him put out the fire, wouldn't that mean there was something fishy in the wax workshop?

Qiu Mao had no idea but to pray that the fire inside would burn away his secret. Even if these people went in, they wouldn't be able to find it.

In the absence of the emperor, the imperial troops obeyed Ning Chuyi's orders.

They are all martial arts students. With one palm strike, the wall collapsed.

 Ning Chuyi was the first to walk in.

Wei Feng and other Jin Yiwei also raised their heels.

It’s a pity that it was demolished and no one can get in.

The strange thing is that even after the wall was demolished, the black smoke inside did not spread out.

Although we can't get in, the wall has been demolished and everyone can see more clearly from where they are standing than before.

 But it made everyone even more upset.

What they saw clearly was not the people inside, but the black mist.

 Hideous and twisted, terrifying like a ghost.

What makes everyone feel even more weird is that the ghostly black mist seems to have discovered them and is turning its head to stare at everyone.

 Many of the Imperial Guards subconsciously put their hands on the knives at their waists, ready to fight back at any time.

But after waiting for a while, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the black mist did not attack them.

Although they appear calm on the surface, they are actually unsure in their hearts.

 After all, no one has ever dealt with the black mist, so the devil knows how to destroy it.

The black fog stared at me for a while and then suddenly dispersed.

Although it is still gathered in the same place, it is not the same as before. It looks like a ghost.

Wei Feng suddenly became happy, "Sir, Miss Han is here."

It's not good to call the princess in front of outsiders, so I have to call her Miss Han.

Hearing Wei Feng's words, Ning Chuyi turned around subconsciously.
