MTL - I Love Farming-Chapter 19 Summer vacation

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With the arrival of June, c university students have begun preparing for the final exam at the end of the month. The intimate cafeteria has also launched new brain tonic recipes, such as walnut soy milk in the morning, tofu fish head soup at dinner, pork liver slices and other dishes, which have been widely Students' welcome ... In fact, they are welcome to any dish now.

Meng Chang went to the cafeteria with his roommates as usual. This semester, almost every meal in their dormitory went to the cafeteria. Unlike in the past, whenever you want to improve your food outside, you have to consider and take care of Meng Chang's economic conditions.

Now, who would be stupid enough to spend more money and eat at restaurants around the area that taste far less than canteens.

c. The cleansing of the big five tigers can be said to have greatly affected the sale of restaurants around.

Internet celebrity restaurants such as Ajinobayashi can also attract other citizens. These restaurants are originally students' business. After sharing recipes from five canteens, they have become much worse. If there weren't other schools in the university town, they wouldn't be too far away, I'm afraid it would be closed.

"Auntie, fish head soup, fish head soup." Meng Chang stared at the window with the fragrant fish soup, eyes were straight.

The aunt gave him a spoonful of smiles, "Give you more soup, eat well and take the exam well."

"Thank Auntie." Meng Chang held the dinner plate.

Over the next few months, the aunts, teachers and students in the cafeteria had a good relationship. Previously, the dishes, the taste, the students complained, the chefs did their best, and even thought that the dishes they developed were novel, but quite nutritious. The aunts complained a lot after complaining.

Now, the students are eating well, all ruddy and fat, and the aunts in the cafeteria are sweeter than one. Staff members have been paid more and their budgets have been increased. It is also pleasing to hear students say nice things.

The whole cafeteria, I am afraid it is the best place in the big atmosphere. Food can make people feel better, and this is not wrong.

The roommate made the meal first, and Meng Chang sat down and saw that everyone had fish soup. After all, it was a recipe recommended by the cafeteria.

The fish head is fried once, and it is fragrant with **** slices, and then the soup is boiled in boiling water, and the onion and tofu are put in it. Because it is fried, the fish soup gradually becomes rich and creamy.

A piece of fish head soup is placed in the square of the dinner plate. The milk-like fish soup contains a piece of fish head meat, two slices of ginger, some green onions, and of course, the same white, only tofu with exposed corners.

The first thing is of course to drink a big mouthful of fish soup. You can smell a little pepper. More fish flavor, rich flavor of hot soup. There is no fishy smell. The right salinity is complemented by the taste of spring onion and **** slices Full of umami.

The soup is hot, the stomach is warm, and there is still fresh fragrance between the tongue. Touch the taste, and then go eat fish. The fish head has been cooked so badly that the meat can be scraped off with a chopstick, and it can be eaten in a few mouthfuls.

Tofu is completely flavored during the cooking process and trembles between chopsticks. It is best to use a spoon, dig a piece of tofu with a spoonful of milky soup, and import it together, full of strong fragrance and tenderness.

"... I think I'm at least eight pounds fat, and she couldn't say‘ Son, you ’ve worked so hard to come back and eat something ’when you video with my mom.”

"So does my mother, saying that my jaw is gone."

When it comes to holidays, everyone is a little bit sloppy, especially eating fish head tofu. It's different from the past, when the gongs and drums were played.

"There aren't many meals to eat, why can't I be so reluctant, and suddenly I understand the senior who said that for a cafeteria, he must have a successful postgraduate entrance examination."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." Meng Chang laughed suddenly, "I will not go home during the summer vacation and still eat here. At that time, the watermelon that Mr. Cui planted was just ripe."

other people:"……"

Yes, Meng Chang basically stays at school to work.

Speaking at this time was really extraordinarily hatred. The roommates furiously beat him up and took the food away.


This summer, the feeling of parting seems to be particularly strong. Students under the senior year are okay. Those graduates who do not want to go to the cafeteria have eaten dark food for so long, and it was difficult to wait until the cafeteria reform, but it was not long before they left.

It ’s so happy to stay here to study, and it ’s so happy to be back after school.

At this time, many graduates have confirmed their work units and have begun to move from school.

Because there are so many things, many students who have found a job in a local unit will charter a car and transport the salute to the urban area.

Meng Chang went to pack his direct seniors. At half the time, the driver of the rental car had arrived and came up to help.

"Is it just you? Don't you have two cars?"

"My brother has to come later. It's okay. You're almost done sorting out," the driver explained.

The senior nodded, they all contacted the driver, and he led the team. I heard that I will be here for a while, then I heard Meng Chang continue the topic just now.

"That's right, I heard that the cafeteria will give graduate gifts." Meng Chang said.

"Really fake, what are you sending?"

"Xiaomi pepper, I wish you all the best in the future."


Because Meng Chang often eats the cafeteria and is familiar with the aunt in the cafeteria, he said seriously: "Really, after finishing lunch at noon, the aunt who packed the table told us. But because the number is limited, each student may To one meaning. "

"It's really interesting."

"Hey, what else is there to say, all the peppers in a class are gathered and eaten with hot pot!"

They started talking cheerfully about the one hundred and one cooking methods of chili, that is, when the holiday was approaching, so that the cafeteria could vacate so many chili peppers for graduates, and in ordinary times, it was not enough to make chili oil by themselves.

At this time, the driver's cell phone rang. He looked at the screen and said, "Hey, are you here?"

Looks like a few other drivers.

"You've already been to the university town? Haven't I said everything, just at No. 99 Shimian Road, don't know? Hey, that's the agricultural university!" As soon as the driver finished speaking, he noticed that everyone was staring at him, he Silently hung up the phone, "What?"

"Master, here we are c University! The full name is cx University, which has nothing to do with agriculture! Agricultural University is on the other side of the university town!"

The driver was sweating, "I said that your entrance was written by cx university, but when I entered the school, I heard some students say that this is cx agricultural university, and there are so many vegetable fields. I wonder if it was renamed or this is it full name."

Everyone: "..."

Their college students used to tease themselves, but at this time they were speechless and hurriedly asked the driver to call other drivers, so as not to go wrong and run to the other end.

Who knows that after getting through, the voice over there was very loud, and it came out from the mobile phone, the tone was very firm: "Brother we have entered the South Gate, and we will be here soon. Is there an old man statue here? You can also see dishes inside Ground! "

Really, there is a statue of a scientist at the south gate of c, and you can see the vegetable field when you enter.

Everyone: ......... I really found it?

It ’s the most ridiculous thing to tell the other party that you are a farmer ’s university, but the other party really finds c big! !!


As the students returned home after the final exams, the discussion on a cafeteria reached a new level **.

At first, some students posted, showing photos of each holiday and after school, and finally, I went back this summer. "My mother looked at me for a long time and asked me if I took the money to buy food for takeout. It looks so fat. "

Compared with the attached weight scale, he was 12 pounds fatter than before the start of school.

No way, the cafeteria meals are so good, morning, midnight and late-night supper, without the pride of self-control, can't control every meal.

The body is slightly prone to flesh, and does not love or have time to exercise, but it will become fat. In this semester, a cafeteria does not know how many people have broken their weight loss dreams.

This is too much sympathy. College students from C each expressed their parents' remarks. Some of them insisted on losing weight when they grew fat; others believed that the children didn't study hard at school; and others said that the cafeteria had really improved. I once saw my son come back from the holiday to gain weight, and hope to continue to keep it; there is also a funny type, saying that the school will be accompanied by children to eat.

At the end of the day, the unity is to miss a cafeteria.

I don't know which lucky mouths I have in the cafeteria today.

Which students are still eating in the cafeteria Cui Qichao didn't care, Xiaobai ate anyway.

He made cat rice for Xiaobai. Two pieces of tender green cabbage leaves were simmered and placed on a plate. A chicken leg with a skin on the left was cut open and put back to the original shape. On the right was a piece of fatty dragon fish with an egg. yellow.

As usual, Xiao Bai must complete the action with Cui Qichao, so he can rest assured.

After Xiaobai finished eating, Cui Qichao closed the plate, reached out and hugged Xiaobai, laid it flat on his lap, lifted his hands from his cheeks, and massaged gently. Xiaobai's hair has grown almost the same, especially the tail hair is getting thicker, and the fur is smooth and shiny by Cui Qichao.

Just being pinched, Xiaobai froze, and "meowed" unnaturally.

What is this conspiracy?

Cui Qichao continued to press, from the cat's head to the cat's body.

Xiaobai resisted very much, but he couldn't resist the pleasure of his body, his legs were soft, he completely relaxed, his head was raised, and his chin was exposed.

Cui Qichao basically touches it only when it is rewarded, and hugs it, often with one hand, rather than holding it. It's like now, just like the aunt in the dormitory loves the sheriff cat, no, it's even better than the aunt. Hold it in your arms, knead, massage, and even comb your hair!

"Comfortable?" Cui Qichao approached Xiaobai and asked him softly, holding a catnip lollipop in one hand.

The little white cat's eyes glared open a little, unconsciously approaching catnip. Seeing Cui Qichao's beautiful face so close, his tongue rolled nervously. The more immersed the body, the more nervous it becomes.

So terrible, is this what happened, has Cui Qichao been cast down? But Xiaobai is so comfortable!

Waiting for a big meal like this, rubbing and combing hair, sucking catnip, which cat in the world can have this super luxurious treatment? !! 2k novel reading network