MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 121

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A priest with dark hair and dark eyes was walking on the steps leading to the basement.

This is a very huge basement, and the dungeons of the palace cannot be compared with it. It is airy, dry, and very bright here. The light sources that surround the place are from the ever-burning lamps made by craftsmen of supernatural beings, and one lamp is worth thousands of gold. Under the illumination of this expensive lamp, the entrant can clearly see the exquisite reliefs on the surrounding walls, and the content of the Bible is carved on the pillars, walls and ceilings. Its exquisite beauty is difficult to describe in words.

God's favored Noah walked down the last step, his head was probably less than one-tenth of the position of the pillar. Judging from the comparison between people and buildings, this basement is like an underground cathedral—the "cathedral" here is a proper noun, specifically referring to the cathedral in the holy city of Alingu. Kings and popes are crowned there, and thousands of guests, choirs, guards of honor and more couldn't fill that majestic church. It is undoubtedly a surprising thing to have such a high, no, such a deep church in the ground.

The most surprising thing is that this underground church is not well known.

Noah walked to the depths of the underground church. There were no attendants here, but it was not empty. In the center of the church, where the shrine should have been, ten priests knelt around something. They bowed their heads in a standard prayer posture, muttering scriptures in their mouths.

It is not uncommon for priests to pray. Priests from Alingu like to chant scriptures around the statue. However, the ones kneeling here were not ordinary priests. Those people had black priest robes covered with a white gown, and a bright red shawl was draped over it, and each of them had red square caps on their heads. This red dress means "willing to spare the blood of the main stream", and it is the standard dress of a cardinal.

Commonly known as the cardinal, as a candidate for the pope, there are less than 30 people in Yamenan, who are enough to shake a county.

If Denis, Abbot of Thebes, was here, he could find that the previous owner of the position he took over, the abbot and cardinal who was transferred for some reason, was here. These great men prostrate themselves humbly before "the thing," and the most cunning of men are at this time full of heartfelt devotion. The priest in black was undoubtedly not worth mentioning among these people, but he walked behind the circle of cardinals with a calm expression on his face.

Noah's hands are holding something loosely in front of him, just like the Madonna holding the Son in the statue. His body and the things in his arms were wrapped in a thick layer of felt, which was not surprising, after all, it was surprisingly cold here. The strange thing is that the sound of his unrelenting footsteps echoed in the empty underground church, and he walked all the way to the cardinals, but they still closed their eyes and prayed, not noticing his arrival at all.

The favored ones stopped on their encirclement.

Looking down from above, this circle of cardinals knelt evenly in a circle. There were many complicated lines and characters in the circle, and the dark red characters exuded an old **** smell. At the center of the circle, there is a two-person-high ball of hair, like a huge haystack.

Noah bent down and whispered in a bishop's ear, "Please let me go?"

The bishop blinked blankly, and moved away as if sleepwalking.

The halo, which was hard to see with the naked eye, flickered away, and the living haystack moved slowly. Noah lowered his head, managed to lift off the blanket, and put the things in his arms on the ground. Only then did the baby-sized thing reveal its true colors: seven cages containing seven mice. Every mouse looks extremely ugly, some have tumors on their fur, some have more than half of their body rotten, some are extremely fat, and some have scales growing from their bare parts... It can be said that they can barely be seen They were rats, probably only the person who made them like this would know they came from a litter.

The "haystack" is slowly expanding and shrinking, like a breathing lung. The divinely favored one looked at it, made a sign of the cross on his chest with one hand, and said, "Praise the light."

He drew his dagger.

He walked into the magic circle, put a felt on one hand, walked around it, and stopped at the place where the hair was the thinnest. The dagger plunged into the "haystack" and slashed down hard. Noah used both hands, and his movements were quite jerky. It seemed that he was not a person who was good at using daggers. With a little effort, he gouged out a small piece of **** flesh.

"Haystack" began to bleed.

Noah held the piece of meat and licked off the dagger and the blood on the back of his hand. He walked back to the cage, and the seven mice started banging against the cage, their eyes were red.

"Don't worry." Noah whispered, cut off a small piece of meat, and threw it into the fattened mouse cage.

The big rat swallowed the meat in one gulp, greedily licking the blood on the cage. The favored one patiently watched it run around excitedly, and then slapped it, blowing it into a ball of minced meat.

The other six mice frantically ran around in the cage, eating up all the flesh and blood blown into their own cages. Noah thoughtfully lifted the cages of the big rats over their heads, letting the remaining pieces of meat fall down. A mouse fell over while eating, blood gushing from its five sense organs. Noah took out the dead mouse, chopped it up, and repeated what he had just done.

Feed the dead mouse, feed the meat, and then feed the dead mouse... In the end, one mouse survived. Noah had neither joy nor sorrow on his face. He raised the cage, looked at the animal with scales and yellow saliva dripping from its mouth, and nodded with satisfaction.

He stood up and looked back at the living haystack. The bleeding wound had healed, leaving only blood stains glued to its dirty hair. Its undulations became more and more pronounced, like an animal about to wake from hibernation. The matted fur moved, revealing a pair of curved horns hidden within.

"Go back." Noah said to the cardinal.

The cardinal who stayed outside the circle returned to his seat. After a few breaths, the haystack with long horns became undulating again, and finally everything returned to calm. Noah watched it until the underground church was no different from when he came.

Pitiful. he thought mercilessly.

My suffering God, he thought, bear with me a little longer. Soon, the blood of men will overwhelm the earth.

And you too will descend from this wretched throne.


In a remote town in Samelow County, a group of people are huddling in a dilapidated wooden shed.

This group of people is dressed in fine clothes, and even though the armor, robes, and badges on them have become a little dirty, they are still out of place in this dilapidated place. Many people showed disgust for this, and stayed in this musty smelling place like sitting on pins and needles.

"I don't understand!" a bearded knight in armor shouted outburst, "Why can't we just fight out?"

"With our team of hundreds of people?" His companion said coolly.

"It's not just a few hundred of us!" the knight shouted, "That idiot Earl drove out all the nobles! We can unite these nobles to face the unjust and helpless civilian army..."

"An army with tens of thousands of people, with a loss of less than one-tenth, repelled two beast hordes." The companion sneered, "And the number of that team is still increasing, and there is a reserve army. You can go to the battlefield."

"What about the nobles?" the knight asked again, "Lauren, don't the rest of the nobles want to overthrow Anna Sullivan?"

"Most of the nobles have already left the Bungalow defense line." The former knight Laurian said gloomily, "The rest chose to surrender to Earl Anna."

"Damn weak bones!" the knight said angrily. "Is there no other reliable person? What about the Holy See? They promised!"

"If there was, we wouldn't be reduced to hiding in this kind of place." Another person said.

"Which side are you from?" the bearded man turned into anger, "His Royal Highness Ronald will be ashamed of you!"

The room fell into silence, and then endless accusations broke out.

The people here are the remnants of Prince Ronald, the remnants after the failure of the Black Beast Rebellion, the failure of Derek's leadership of the barbarian leaders and the rebellion of the monastery. They were divided, besieged, and experienced all kinds of unfortunate things. The team that has become a mess has changed from one faction to a pawn, and then to a tasteless rib that no one cares about. The accident that brought everything down was not Prince Ronald's failure, but his disappearance.

Prince Ronald did not meet them again, and all the followers who could only be effective with him became a joke.

"Enough," said a female voice.

After the female alpha named Heidi spoke, everyone fell silent. This solemn-looking middle-aged man is the chief knight of Prince Ronald and the deputy head of the Knights of Glory. He is the well-deserved leader of the rest of the group.

"I didn't call you here to hear you quarrel." She said coldly, "There is only one thing I want to say: Starting tomorrow, our final operation against Bungalow will begin. Whether or not, we are all leaving the Bungalow border."

The others looked at each other in dismay at the sudden news, not knowing what to say for a moment. The former knight Laurian said cautiously: "Is it too early? Our preparations may be a little insufficient..."

"Early? How late do you think it is appropriate to delay?" Heidi glanced at him, "Use your brains, Anna. Sullivan has already established a firm foothold. Her border army is impenetrable, and the household registration system is too perfect to install people. The evangelical church is pushing the orthodox church - our nominal ally - out of Bungalow, and God knows how the robed people don't respond to that. Don't say if any of us dare to stand up to the kind of bombardment Cedarwood weapons, in terms of intelligence, if we outperform them, do we need to hide in Samelo?"

Everyone stopped talking.

"This is our last chance in Bangalore." Heidi sighed and stood up. "I'm afraid it is also the last support that the Holy See will give us."

She gestured, and several soldiers brought in a huge cage. It was the corpse of some animal, with what looked like scales growing in the bald spots. Inside the animal's belly, there was something, a large group of things, shaking its emptied corpse.