MTL - I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man-Chapter 131 Conquer the Son of the Demon King (5)

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The palace dinner was set in the banquet hall of the castle. After night, the lights of the entire banquet hall were lit, and the white wax collected in the misty forest was ordered. This kind of white wax is the oil of the white wax insect peculiar to the misty forest. When it burns, the smoke is small and the light is bright. The entire banquet hall is full of lights.

It's just that the misty forest is too dangerous and the collection of ash is very difficult. Only the court can use it.

Aisi personally greeted Marcos and invited Yulian for his contribution: "Marcos, this time the white wax burnt was brought by someone when Yulian last went to practice! Yurian said that they were picked to celebrate You win, he has confidence in you! "

Marcos looked at Aisi.

Aisie also looked at Marcos.

Marcos said: "I will personally thank His Highness Yurian."

Isi said, "It's not enough to thank you with your mouth," he hesitated. "Marcos, can you invite Yurian to the first dance?"

Although it was strange for men and men to dance, it was Yurian's wish, and Aisi decided to speak for him.

Yurian is good at everything, just too restrained, what he does, what he wants, he won't say anything.

Yurian is his only younger brother, Marcos is his best playmate, and Aisi does not want to be wronged on either side.

Isi was a little distressed, so he just tentatively asked Marcos.

Marcos could see Atsy's mind at a glance.

He knew how soft-hearted his Majesty was, and it must be because he had hinted at him. Isi may not know the contradiction between him and Yurian, but he and Yurian are too important to him, so when he returns, Isi boasted Yurian many times in his ears.

Marcos took a breath and said, "I will, Your Majesty."

No matter what, he didn't want their Majesty to be in a dilemma.

He could see how many times Yurian had targeted His Majesty from childhood to his Majesty, and it was impossible for them to see it.

However, with the efforts of his Majesty, Julian has changed day by day. Whether it is quietly hiding the malicious intention in his heart, or really no longer malicious, he is their only brother.

Whatever His Majesty wanted him to do, Marcos was willing to do it.

Upon hearing Marcos's answer, Aisie smiled and said, "That's it."

Yurian and Leofil walked into the banquet room and saw the smile that Asi showed to Marcos.

Under the bright lights, the emperor's dress on Aisi's body was shining and luxurious. However, the complicated and expensive dress can not attract the attention of others.

Everyone sees Ace, his eyes will fall on his face.

This is not to say that Aisi is the most beautiful in the empire. In fact, Marcos next to him was once called "the first beauty of the empire", but no one mentioned it when he became famous. It's just that when Aisi and Marcos stand together, everyone's eyes will only be attracted by Aisi. Aisi's smile has a natural affinity, and the beautiful appearance just adds color to his charm.

Leofel followed Jurian into the venue.

This time when seeing Aisy and Marcos talking, Leofil's eyes lit with a fire.

For all these years, Leofil has never had a desire for anyone. He never thought that he would be the "son of God" who hated himself most for the first time.

Leopold tried to summon several Demon beauties to serve himself before attending the dinner, but he sadly found that he still had no idea about them, and could only perform illusions to make them "self-sufficient", pretending to be strong .

Leopold counted this shameful attempt on Ace.

The culprit, Aisie, smiled at Marcos Johnton in front of him.

An unreserved, flawless smile, as if nothing to do, just two people talking is the happiest thing in the world.

Leofel felt he had reason to be annoyed.

He has been hooked by this boy.

This boy is hooking under his nose-attract others!

Leofil's eyes were nailed to Icy indiscriminately.

From the time Leofil stepped into the banquet hall, Aisy noticed the strange but familiar look.

Asi's heart moved, but her face was not revealed.

This banquet is for the victory of Marcos. The people from Marcos are all subordinates trusted by Marcos. There will be no problem. And he and Yulian invited the ladies from the nobles and officials' homes. Maybe they had a close relationship with the men who attended, but they were strictly selected and innocent.

Therefore, there are not many suspicious characters, and the Devil who spied on him secretly should not be difficult to find.

Ashe looked generously at the entrance.

At the first glance, Isi saw the strange man behind Yurian.

Leofil's appearance is obviously modified by illusion, and it looks like Zhang Pu's ordinary face. However, he is tall and imposing, making people completely ignore his looks.

Almost the first moment he saw Leofil, he was certain that this man was not a "human", but a demon lurking in the world.

Compared to the peeping glance in the dark, this man seems to have converged a lot, but the breath exuding all over his body still makes people feel a kind of fear.

Why do such demons lurk into their empire?

Was it because he was awakened as the "son of God"?

Suddenly, many questions passed by Ashe's mind.

The demons are obviously very powerful, which is illustrated by the fact that he can watch him silently and silently. If all of a person's course of action is in the hands of others, it is easy to kill that person.

This shows that the purpose of this demons is not to kill him.

Do not want to kill him, and peep at him from time to time, what does this demons want to do?

Isi quickly pressed down on the question in her head, stepped forward and hugged Julian, and said happily, "Jurian, you're here!" He let go of Julian slightly, and looked at Leo behind him. Phil, "Jurian, who are you bringing? Wouldn't you introduce it to me?"

Yurian said helplessly, "Of course I have to introduce."

Yurian glanced at Marcos who came with Aisie and said, "This is Leo, from the town of Grans in the southwest. Just yesterday he suddenly awakened a first-class talent, so I want to recommend him You and Marcos. "He smiled gently." It's too wasteful for such a strong person to stay with me. "

Marcos heard the spirit of "first-class talent" refreshed, looking at the tall and powerful Leofil.

Aisy's heart jumped.

He had a bad hunch.

If this demons can easily disguise a first-class talent, it means that he is definitely not an ordinary demons-this is a higher demons, even the blood of the demon king!

Such demons are absolutely powerful enough to compete with the envoys. A human empire is definitely not its opponent.

Did he come for the "son of God"?

The hatred between the demons and the protoss lasted for tens of thousands of years.

The world was once the battlefield of gods and demons.

The Protoss must control the human world, and the Demons have to undermine the control of the Protoss. The two sides have battled again and again, and the world has ushered in wars and disasters.

Aisie was a little worried, but she was still calm. He said: "The empire has not produced a first-class talented warrior for many years. When Uncle Luo An comes, we must introduce Mr. Leo to him!" Aisi smiled, "Uncle Luo An will definitely Very happy. "

Yurian knew that Aisi was not stupid, and long ago expected that Aisi would not promise to give Leo the legion left by his grandfather.

Uncle Roan in Isai's mouth refers to Roan Smith, the supreme commander of the military. Roan Smith also had first-class talent, but was seriously injured more than a decade ago and never played on the battlefield again.

Roan Smith has a vicious eye for employing people and rarely makes mistakes.

Yurian has seen Leopold's ability firsthand, so he is not worried that Leopold will not pass the test of Roan Smith.

The empire is at the point of employment. Even if Leofil's birth was a bit low, he did not show much special ability before, and Roan Smith would never let a first-class martial artist give up.

Yurian agreed, "OK."

Leopold's eyes flickered through his eyes. I thought that Isi Alexander was a fool, but he didn't expect him to be stupid at home, and knew to find someone to check.

People who know how to use the talents of others will never be stupid.

Leo Felton came alive.

It seems that what his father wants him to do is not boring. The "son of God" is quite interesting right now.

The body of this "son of God" should be his booty.

It is really exciting to be able to play fiercely with the "son of the gods".

Leofel took it seriously, of course no one could resist. Even the old leader Roan Smith, who was extremely firm in his mind, was confused by his illusion after seeing him, and considered him to be a rare young talent in the world.

Meeting Marshal Johnton, Marcus's adopted father, Aisie proposed that Marshal Johnton also get to know Leopold.

All of a sudden Leofil left a good impression in front of the two old commanders, and the two old foxes who didn't often boast about him boasted a few words-not too much, but very rare.

Leofil was satisfied with his performance.

Aisie was also very satisfied with the results of the trial.

It seems that Leo Phil is a higher demons.

He could easily confuse the Empire's two most powerful and stubborn old foxes.

Therefore, the demons came at him, the "son of God".

With this result, Aisi felt relieved. Since the purpose of Leopold was not to destroy the empire and to hurt the empire, he can rest assured for a while. After he figure out what the demons want to do, then see if he can satisfy the demons-even if the demons are going to kill him "son of God", he is willing, as long as Yulian, Ma Kos-there are many others who are not harmed, he is willing to give his life.

But if this demons wants to hurt others, even if there is no chance, he will fight this demons to the end!

Isi made up her mind, and she became more relaxed.

Isi instructed the attendants to prepare the musicians to start dancing.

He looked at the crowd with a smile, and led Marcos to the forefront: "Our victorious general, Marcos Johnton, everyone should not be unfamiliar. Let ’s Marcos start our first dance for us, if others meet When the boy or girl you like is up, come forward bravely and dance! "

Aisy's voice wasn't particularly loud, but it surprised everyone's ears. Everyone laughed happily, cheering in unison: "Long live Your Majesty! The Empire Will Win!"

Isi looked at Marcos.

Other people's eyes also fell on Marcos, especially the girls, all very much looking forward to Marcos inviting himself to the first dance.

Marcos walked in front of Julian.

Yurian was a little surprised, but his heart jumped involuntarily. He felt it was like dreaming. Although he was the younger brother of Ace and the prince of the Empire, Marcos never liked him. On the contrary, Marcos seemed to be alert at all times that he would murder Isi.

He used to have that kind of thought, and he also tripped Aisi a lot. Their father hated him very much because he was not convinced of Aisi-for a long time, Aisi was just a lucky man born a few dozen seconds before him.

Aisi can get so much love and so much attention, but it is because Aisi was born dozens of seconds early-

He was jealous and even hated Aisi.

However, he really likes Marcos.

Yurian accepted Marcos' invitation to dance, but couldn't help looking at Ace. Isi blinked at him, with obvious joy under his eyes.

Yurian understood that Marcos would invite him because of Ace.

It was Isi who made Marcos do this.

All of Julian's excitement was quenched.

With a face on his face, Yurian slid with Marcos onto the dance floor. Although the atmosphere between the two people is a bit stale, it looks very harmonious to others. Some people were shocked by Marcos' invitation to Prince Yurian, and they were no longer surprised when they saw their graceful and coordinated dance.

It looks really pleasing.

Everyone started looking for their dance partners.

As Her Majesty, Aisi is naturally also very popular, but before all the people who are about to move, Leofil has stepped forward to invite Aisi: "Dear Her Majesty, can I invite you to dance? "

As soon as Leofil spoke, he noticed a lot of hostile eyes around him.

Leofil disdain. Sure enough, the so-called purity and flawlessness are only appearances, and the use of the purity and flawless appearance to envelop the human heart is the true face of the "son of God".

Leofil didn't reveal his thoughts.

His somber eyes were full of admiration and affection, as if today was not the first time they met—or, that is, just the first time they met, he had fallen in love with the boy in front of him.

If Aisie hadn't guessed Leofel's identity, he would have been touched by this kind of gaze, and even a little shy-he never took it for granted that he was loved by others.

He is flattered by someone's love for no reason.

In Aesie's opinion, there is no like in the world for no reason.

If you want others to like yourself, you have to give it first-give kindness, understand each other, and help each other.

Thinking of Leofil's inexplicability, Aisi put his hand into Leofil. Unlike his expectations, Leofil's palms had the same warmth as humans.

Leofel also seemed to practice swords, so he had some thin cocoons on his palms.

Leofil's palms wrapped tightly around his hands.

Hot and outrageous.

For the first time, Aisy made contact with people other than Julian and Marcos, and his face became slightly flushed.

This was a natural reaction that Isi couldn't control, and Isi didn't even think about controlling.

Aisi was able to stabilize the empire quickly after the death of his father, not only by his image of purity and kindness.

More importantly, he knew that sometimes "purity", "kindness"-or "stupidity"-would be more useful than "intelligent."

When the enemy thinks you are stupid, he has already lost half.

Because he doesn't understand you and even despise you.

Those who despise opponents are the most vulnerable.

Aisie never talks to anyone about this.

He knows that some things are the safest only if he knows them.

Aisy and Leofil enter the dance floor.

Everyone's eyes turned to them.

There was a huge question in everyone's mind: Who was that strange man?

Marcos and Yurian also noticed this.

Julian felt Marcos' motion slightly stagnant.

Julian's heart sank slowly.

Sure enough, Marcos loved Isi.

The empire belongs to Isi, and Marcos also belongs to Isi.

This sentence haunted Yuri's mind like a curse. No matter how good Aisie was to him, he couldn't erase it from his heart.

Seeing who was dancing with Isi, Julian raised his fist gently.

Was Leo Phil also attracted to Icy?

Anyone who sees Ace will be attracted to it?

If there really is a god, why does "God" make Aisie look like that when she was born first?

Yurian's movements were a bit stiff.

Julian's change fell in Leofil's eyes, which made Leofil's heart more excited.

Envy is something that can shake even faith.

Leofil gazed affectionately at Ace, as if he had never looked away from Ace.

People around finally couldn't help talking about it: "Too presumptuous!" "Who the **** is this guy?" "He kept staring at His Majesty!"

Aisie did not miss Leopold's glance at Yurian.

The thought of Leo Phil coming here via Julian, Ayie jumped. It took him so many years to get Yulian closer to himself. Will the appearance of Leopold destroy the friendship that was hard to cultivate between the brothers?

Most importantly, will Leo Phil hurt Julian?

Aisy's hand clasped Leofil's waist slightly closed, and the shy red on his face became more pronounced. He looked up to Leofil: "Why do you keep looking at me?"

In fact he knew exactly why Leo Phil looked at him.

From the time he bathed in that peeping line, he knew that the demons would be attracted to him.

Mozu is the guy who loves and indulges most. No matter what the other person is, as long as he has a body that can attract them, they will be in love with each other.

In order to make the sight stronger and more recognizable, he took off his shirt and bathed under the peer's peep, knowing that the other was watching.

Knowing the other party's weaknesses without exploiting them is definitely not what Icy would do.

It turns out that he did it right.

This demons have been tempted.

Isi looked at Leo Phil shyly.

Leofil felt his body wrapped in flames. He wanted this boy, he wanted this boy madly, especially when he was ignorant of those eyes, he could not wait to let the boy understand why he looked at him like this immediately.

Feeling that Aisy's body was tightly attached to himself, Leofil felt that he was going crazy.

He wanted to run through the boy's body immediately, let the boy shout his name, let the boy cry helplessly, and let the boy be filled with his essence inside and out-let the boy belong to himself .

Leofil knew he couldn't do it yet.

It's not fun to do so.

He should deceive the boy, let the boy fall in love with him deeply, and willingly give everything to him. At that time he will possess him with mercy, until he can have desires for others.

Yes, exactly.

Leofil thought arrogantly.

Leopold pressed his strong desires, and even the dark swells in his eyes were completely hidden. He smiled charmingly: "I will look at Her Majesty, of course because I like Her Majesty."

Isi froze, as if he was scared directly by him. He stuttered, "You, you wanton."

Leofel was pleased with Icy's response. In the past, Aisi's much-loved crown prince, now Aisi is her much-loved emperor. No one should dare to show his love to him like this? Even the **** Marcos beside him dare to hide his admiration quietly in his heart!

Leofil sneered.

He will be the first to possess Aisi's heart and Aisi's body.

This recognition made Leofil a bit happy.

Leopold looked deep into Aisy: "I'm sorry, I did indeed wanton. But please, Your Majesty must forgive me, I just can't help it. As soon as I see Her Majesty, I have been deeply attracted by Her Majesty-I know I do n’t even have the qualifications to pursue Her Majesty, so I will work hard next. ”He promised with the most serious tone,“ I will definitely strive to be a man worthy of His Majesty. ”

For a moment Isi almost believed Leofil's words.

However, as the "son of the gods", Aisi has a natural resistance to the power of the devil.

Aisi's heart soon recovered.

Isi turned around with Leofil's movements and said, "I don't know what to say," Isi's tone was slightly less joyous and kind, "No one ever said anything to me. That said. "

It was a lily that made people want to destroy it.

Leopold said affectionately, "Your Majesty, you don't have to say anything, as long as you are willing to give me a chance."

Isi asked puzzledly, "What opportunity?"

"If one day I defeated General Marcos Johnton, you will allow me to pursue you, will you?"

Isi's alarm bell was a masterpiece.

Leopold still wants to deal with Marcos?

Isi quickly pieced together Leopold's attempts.

Leofel wanted to stir up Julian's relationship with him.

Leofil wanted to beat-even get rid of Marcos.

In that case, the empire will easily fall into the hands of the demons, and his "son of God" has lost all his dependence and can only be left to Leopold's slaughter.

Isi was cold.

The demons are really terrible.

They will never kill someone with their own hands, they will only deceive people in various ways, and then watch humans envy, resent, and kill each other.

Yurian and Marcos are his most important people!

He will never allow Leofil to hurt them!

Aesie did not answer Leofil's question.

Such a performance is flawless in Leo Phil.

No matter how innocent Aisi was, the Emperor, who was raised and held by him, how could he give others the chance to pursue him casually?

"I was too greedy," Leofel said. He interpreted Aisi's silence on his own. "I should defeat him first, and then say that."

Isi apologized: "Sorry, I have no experience in dealing with these things ..."

This sentence made Leofil very happy.

No experience? Will he be his only experience?

Leopold slightly tightened the palms clasped to Isi's waist, and even through the heavy dress, he could vaguely feel how good the body feels in his arms.

Leopold took Aisie a few laps and took Aisie tighter.

This "son of God" will belong to him--

Of course, he will never be as stupid as his father, and will fall in love with this "son of God"!

He will only possess the mind and body of this "son of God" completely--

Never give this "son of God" a little love.