MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 200 Chen Li

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Chen Li came over from the other side of the island, and saw Chen Yan standing on the corridor blankly, and at the end of the corridor, a pure white figure was disappearing into the distance.

Seems to be a tall girl who runs fast! He almost followed a frightened little animal, and disappeared in the middle of the flowers three or two times.

Turning his head to look at the Emperor, his body trembled, his face turned pale, and he looked like he had just been bullied. And this messy scene ...

Chen Li was startled: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Chen Yiqiang braced himself to calm down and shook his head: "Nothing, the banquet is about to begin, go back."


The banquet was about to begin. Qin Nuo followed the high priest and others into the hall.

At this banquet, there were fewer people than Qin Nuo imagined. Only the tops of the Tubi and their Xuelie tribe, and several coalition middle tribes, a few dozen people, seemed to mediate the two ethnic disputes, and Not an empty word.

Outside of these people, the figures of Chen Ye and Chen Li seemed a bit abrupt.

The maid walking in the temple seemed as if she could not help looking at the brothers.

Chen Li glanced over the left side, and stopped on the face of Xuelie's spiritual girl.

I can't see the face, but from the dress, it should be the woman who just conflicted with the emperor in the garden. It is really rare to be able to turn the emperor into that look.

In fact, women who can conflict with his eighth brother are very rare in themselves.

Eyes glanced at the other person's fair and beautiful jaw. Inexplicably, Chen Li always felt that something was wrong.

Being stared at him, Qin Nuo was nervous for a while, knowing that the banquet was also invited today, and he must find an excuse to quit. It's all coming now, and suddenly leaving is suspicious. Fortunately, after a chance encounter on the lake, he immediately changed to a thicker cap. Coupled with the last time I met him, it has been almost a year. The boy has grown fast. In this year, his body has risen a lot and he should not recognize it.

When I saw Qin Nuo again, Chen Ye's face was not good-looking, but there was no seizure, or, the one who really made him look ugly was the man sitting in the center.

The young emperor of Beishuo glanced across from time to time, staying on Chen Yan's face.

That stunning look made Qin Nuo instantly understand why Chen Ye had responded so much to his own bullying.

In fact, in addition to Chen Kun, Mu Kun's eyes swept Qin Nuo from time to time. The spirit girl of the Xuelie tribe is also the most outstanding, but the Xuelie tribe is trying to win the balance of the Turbi nationality's combat power. It is not too presumptuous. And the spirit girl is still young and can slowly plan.

Seeing the fire with this kind of look, only a glass of wine drank, Chen Yan stood up with a cold face and retreated.

Mu Kun regretfully retained two sentences, still unable to stop Chen Yi's figure.

Chen Zheng has a special status. Even in exile, there are still 20,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, as well as a huge naval fleet. There are also bases in the south, so they are only allies with the Turbi people, so you don't have to look too hard.

Chen Li got up and laughed: "Brother Huang is unwell, please forgive me. Your business matters. It's better to discuss the strategy of mobilizing troops earlier, and I can convey it as soon as possible."

Mu Kun's gaze fell on him. This nine prince is more knowledgeable and interesting than that of Nan Chen Yulang, and he is also very good at birth. His eyes are particularly attractive.

Staring at the same sight, Chen Li calmly, unconscious.

Mu Kun smiled arrogantly. "His Royal Highness is justified and the business matters. In this case, I will talk about the mediation plan between the two ethnic groups."

Under the attention of everyone, a literary minister beside Mu Kun stepped forward and expressed the meaning of the emperor.

Qin Nuo listened, his expression gradually dignified.

This plan is very simple, because the Xuelie tribe has occupied a large area of ​​land and five or six cities to the east of the Turbi. The Turbi can recognize the ownership of these lands by these small and medium tribes led by the Xuelie, but as a cost, Xue The coalition headed by the martyrs helped them solve a major problem, which was the Da Zhou soldiers in the south.

At present, the southern Turks are playing in full swing. Da Zhou's famous leader Pei Yi led the northern army 100,000 elites. He went north from Changlongguan all the way and attacked the city slightly. Although he did not have the glorious victory like Han Guguan before, he did it step by step. In the short period of more than half a year, he has also made a lot of land.

It is precisely because the main forces of the Tu Bi nationality are involved in the southern front that their Raiders of the Xuelie tribe could be so smooth before.

Today, the Tubi people demand that as the price of the land acquisition by the Xuelie people, the coalition forces of the Xuelie people go south to help them to wipe out the invaders of Dazhou.

Qin Nuo suddenly felt funny. Do n’t need him to speak, the high priest around has already coughed, and said warmly: “Your Majesty ’s plan is excellent, but only after fleeing all the way east, exuberant, and coupled with several drama battles, the Turbi warriors are tough Courageous, my Xuelie tribe and other tribes have suffered great damage. Even if I want to continue the war, I am afraid that I will be powerless in a short time. "

With a cry of poverty, the leaders of several middle tribes next to them cried. Just kidding, it was only when the South Da Zhou played fiercely that they successfully occupied so many cities and land and let them deal with Da Zhou, wouldn't it be "revenge"?

The patriarch of the Tube tribe, Yan Bo, flashed angrily on his face. When this group of beasts hit them, they were more fierce than one, and they wished to devour the most beautiful pastures and water sources in the east.

Several of the small and medium tribes are still their original subordinates of the Tubi tribe, begging for mercy every year, asking for some rewards, but now they are ungrateful, colluding with the white prisoners of the Xuelie tribe and turning into chaos.

Had it not been for the main force being held in the south and his avatars lacked skills, he would have slaughtered all these dog thieves long ago, would they have allowed them to talk about the conditions with themselves.

Compared to these scattered small and medium tribes, Pei Yue in the south is an enemy with more headaches, and the front line has been advancing all the way, so they came up with this trick to drive the wolf away, and the disaster led to it.

"The high priest's words are bad. The southern Zhou soldiers and horses are our common enemy. Once you settle down in the eastern grassland, I am afraid that Zhou Zei's soldiers will soon be killed ..." A courtier of Yan Bo opened Quiet.


Listening to the **** between the two tribes. There was a sneer in the corner of Mu Kun's mouth, and he held up the glass in boring. He had told Yan Bo long ago that the Xuelie tribe was not a fool, and the high priest was cunning like a fox. He couldn't agree to such a plan to make clothes for others. Yan Bo had a whimsical idea and wanted to try it.

Qin Nuo continued to be silent, his eyes glanced at Chen Li next to him.

Just such mediation, which belongs to the internal affairs of the Beishu tribe, why should Nanchen people be present? unless……

Chen Li's eyes dropped, and after a while, it seemed that he could not stand the meaningless argument and simply got up and said, "Why do adults have to argue, Li has a plan. If the Chen Lie warrior is transported by the Southern Chen Shui division, he will enter the city from behind In Zhou Dynasty, even if Pei Ye ’s soldiers were more intensive, they were afraid to return to rescue. At that time, the Turbi siege would be resolved, and the Xuelie warriors would not be damaged too much. Wei Wei rescued Zhao and the two races. It's all profitable. "

For a moment, the hall was silent.

Qin Nuo changed his face, and this was the thing he was most worried about before.

He would rather destroy this sailor than let them fall into the hands of the Beishu forces, thinking about the past life, during the Ming Dynasty, the sea pirates ran rampant and looted the place. It has caused great harm to the livelihood of the people along the coast and national tranquillity. The most hateful kind of looting is killing when it comes, looting after killing, and leaving after looting. It is impossible to pursue or even prepare for it.

If Nan Chen's elite navy teamed up with Bei Shuo's powerful elite soldiers, the damage caused would be ten times that of the pirates with backward equipment.

Mu Kun showed his appreciation, looking at Chen Li's eyes even hotter.

This was originally a plan made by him and courtiers, but it was because Yan Bo's stupid man had long looked at Shu, and wanted to consume more of the Xuelie clan's strength, and then annihilated after using it. Are the Xuelie people really dumb?

His Highness Nine should have guessed his plan, so he put forward it. It is indeed a personal talent.

Do not want to waste time, Mu Kun straightly said: "His Nine Highness made sense. Before the Tu Bi people took a trip to Changlongguan, tens of thousands of properties were obtained, and as far as I know, there are countless things in the east of Dazhou The harbor city is rich and plentiful, but the guards are slack, and it is a good time to start. Is there a lot of smoke in the back, can Pei Yue continue to conquer the north? I am afraid that he will be recalled within the court of the Zhou Dynasty.

The emperor spoke, and the original dispute immediately stopped. Qin Nuo looked coldly, and the leaders of several middle clans around him showed thoughtfulness. This condition is clearly within the scope that can be explored.

The high priest frowned: "The so-called Wei Wei to rescue Zhao was just a concept. If Pei Yi would go his own way and go northward, wouldn't I wait to continue to attack the Northern Army of the Great Zhou?"

The surrounding leaders hesitated again. The retreat is only speculation. In case the family would not retreat, would they not run for nothing. The northern army is elite, they don't want to waste their strength.

Mu Kun looked at everyone, throwing the last bait.

"Looting the eastern city of Dazhou, the wealth obtained is innumerable. If Dazhou retreats, the Turks will have stability, and you can get land and grasslands, and countless gold and silver jewelry. If Dazhou does not retreat, this Nothing can be done, you can hand over the plundered treasure to the Turbis as funds to redeem pastures and land. "

The surrounding tribal leaders suddenly showed their interest.

This group of evil wolves is really hard to change. Qin Nuo sneered, coughed, and said, "Your Majesty's Mingjian, now occupied by the Xuelie clan, it was originally my territorial territory, but it was only to recover the lost land. Moreover, the warriors of the Xuelie clan and your tribe Right away, Kung Fu is pretty intrepid. If it comes to water warfare, I'm afraid ... "

Chen Li laughed aside: "The spirit girl does not need to worry. Nan Chen's huge ship can travel on the water like a flat ground, but she can run without problems."

Qin Nuo stopped talking and looked down. He did not recognize himself. At the same time assured, I was also full of surprise. Chen Li's positive attitude ... It's almost like this kid has such a terrible heart and soul that he can't wait to kill Da Zhou and go fast?

Chen Li stood up and laughed: "I Nan Chen and Da Zhou have no common hatred. As long as they can weaken their power, they will be happy by any means. And you can rest assured that with my understanding of Pei Yi, If the east is hit hard, it will definitely retreat. "

The high priest exchanged sight with the people around him. In the end, the elderly old man said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance and cannot be decided by our few."

The coalition forces of the Sherrie tribe, and several small tribes were not invited. Under this pretext, delay for two days first and go back to discuss slowly.

There was a hint of discomfort in Mu Kun's eyes, but it did not occur, and he calmly ordered: "At this time tomorrow, I am waiting in the palace for the good news of the high priest."

After that it was time to celebrate. The dancing dancers came in, wearing gorgeous dance clothes, gold bells shaking their wrists and ankles, and the maids brought all kinds of food and wine.

A seemingly happy banquet continued in fact, regardless of whether the Xuelie tribe or Turbi tribe had a heavy heart and repeated calculations and deliberation, how can they strive for the greatest benefit for themselves.

The only one who was really relaxed and comfortable at the banquet was probably His Majesty the Emperor.

Halfway through the banquet, Mu Kun came to Chen Li.

Chen Li got a little surprised and greeted him.

Mu Kun asked with a smile: "I am Beishu down in the Ninth Hall, can I get used to it?" For the beautiful woman who can see the eye, he was very able to put down his body since the princely period.

"His Majesty cares, Beishu's local customs have a unique charm, and the people's hospitality makes people feel at home." Chen Li laughed.

"Haha, it was awkward questioning. I heard that His Highness Nine had lived in northern Xinjiang for many years when he was a teenager. I think it should be no stranger to me Beishu."

"Of course, no stranger." Chen Li turned his eyes behind Mu Kun and laughed: "General Kangta, it's been a long time since I saw him."

Mu Kun turned his head to look at a servant general.

The elderly general laughed, "It really impressed. At that time, His Highness Nine was still Pei Ye's guard. It was a young talent to follow General Ji to participate in the peace talks. But just a few years, things have changed and I never thought I would be here meet."

Mu Kun smiled meaningfully: "In this way, His Highness Jiu Jiu's fate with Beishuo has a long history."

The two spoke while walking out of the banquet hall.

Mu Kun whispered to Chen Li.

Chen Li responded with a smile, her tone intimate but not rude. Walked to the door and didn't know what to say, Mukunha laughed and rejoiced.

Qin Nuo looked coldly behind.

How delightful Ren Jinglei is, he knows it. However, Mu Kun's infamous reputation in some respects, and his eyes falling on Chen Li's face ...

Lost Chen Li didn't mind.

In this regard, Chen Yun couldn't let go of his body, but he could let it go!