MTL - I Have a System of Orcs-~ Chapter 108

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Wei Changcheng faintly smelled an unusual aura, and didn't ask any more questions. He and Daniel didn't stay long, and went down the mountain and went straight to the eastern tribe.

After half a month or so on the road, Wei Changcheng and Daniel finally rushed back to the eastern tribe. The Subi tribe that has sneaked into the eastern tribe is like a time bomb. Absolutely will not tolerate, this is no longer a matter of himself, or the eastern tribe, but a matter closely related to the entire orc continent.

When Wei Changcheng and Daniel returned to the eastern tribe, the orcs of other tribes who stayed in the tribe to study had already left in sevens and eighties, but after asking Jeffrey, Wei Changcheng and Daniel knew that each tribe There are tribesmen left behind, not many, and there are only one or two orcs per tribe. Now almost all the tribes in the Orc Continent know about the half-orc continent, and then they also know the ambition of the Subi tribe. Any opponent will be underestimated, so each tribe has left a tribe in the eastern tribe, so as to receive other news about the half-orc continent faster.

Wei Changcheng heaved a sigh of relief, it would be much more convenient, otherwise, the notifications all over the mainland would be really unbearable. If the whole mainland knows the news, wouldn't the cucumber dishes be cold? Regarding the fact that people from the Subi tribe had infiltrated into the Orc Continent, Wei Changcheng told all the people present very simply, and everyone looked solemn.

Wei Changcheng pondered for a long while, and then said very simply: "Now that the Orc Continent is in trouble, we can't just wait for death. I propose that a quarter of the males from each tribe meet in the eastern tribe and wait for orders. Do you agree? "

Hearing Wei Changcheng's words, everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. Finally, after someone shouted "I agree", everyone agreed to the matter one after another. After that, the orcs from different tribes began to go to their own tribe. rush.

"Xiao Cheng, what do you want to do?" Daniel asked in a low voice, a quarter of the males in the Orc Continent, such a big group of orcs? What did Xiao Cheng bring these people together for?

"It's just making preparations early." Wei Changcheng replied in a low voice, "I always feel that Xiao Ke has something to say in the future, so it's better to make preparations early." Wei Changcheng vaguely had that guess, but felt it was too crazy. Thoughts were severely suppressed.

"It will take a long time for them to come, and I don't think we need to wait." Wei Changcheng said, "Just take some away first."

"You said you wanted to find the people from the Subi tribe who had sneaked into the mainland?" Daniel frowned, "Where are you going to find them?"

Wei Changcheng pondered for a moment: "Go to the beach where the Taylor tribe came ashore. Maybe they also landed there." Where did he go ashore, and where is he now? Unfortunately, Xiao Ke remained silent as before. In desperation, Wei Changcheng had to figure out a solution by himself.

"We brought a hundred males there." Wei Changcheng said again, "Half-orcs can't transform into beasts, and their combat power is much weaker than ours, and after all, they are coming to the orc continent for the first time. , it is impossible to bring too many people, and it is impossible to correctly estimate our combat power, a hundred males are enough."

"Okay, I'm going to tell my father about it now."

Wei Changcheng nodded: "Okay, I will choose the male who will go this time."

After some rectification, Jeffrey's side informed that the males to be taken were also selected. The next morning, under the leadership of Wei Changcheng and Daniel, a group of people set off in the direction of discovering the Taylor tribe.

Wei Changcheng is not sure that he will be able to find the half-orcs who landed on the Orc Continent again. Even if they also landed from there, it does not mean that they are still there now. It is just that the Orc Continent is so big that he wants to confirm it in a short time. The whereabouts of the half-orcs is unrealistic, Wei Changcheng can only choose a method that should work, if the whereabouts of the half-orcs cannot be found there, Wei Changcheng thought that maybe the surrounding tribes have seen it and said indefinite.

A group of people rushed to the sea in the east of the Beastman Continent at the fastest speed, without saying a word all the way.

It was in the afternoon when we arrived at the seaside. Except for Wei Changcheng, the group of people opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths in surprise. What is it like when there is no concept of the sea, it is indeed like Daniel and others.

"Okay, don't be in a daze." Wei Changcheng patted Daniel who was closest to him, and said loudly to the people around him, "According to the people of the Subi tribe, the sea whales who brought them should still be here. In the sea area, he has already told me the method of summoning the sea whales. I will summon the sea whales according to this method in a while, and I think I can get some news from them."

"Okay, so shall we go with you?" one of the males asked.

Wei Changcheng shook his head: "No, I can go by myself. If we all go, the goal is too big."

"I'll go with you." Daniel said in a low voice.

Wei Changcheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded, so Wei Changcheng and Daniel walked to the beach together, while the rest stayed where they were.

The seaside is very empty, and you can see the situation in the sea area at a glance. Wei Changcheng and Daniel looked around and found no one. Wei Changcheng pondered for a moment, and began to call the Sea Whale Clan according to the method of the Subi Clan. The summoning method of each sea tribe is different, so according to the Subi tribe's method, the ones summoned must be the sea whale tribe, or - no sea tribe appears.

But Wei Changcheng was lucky. Not long after the call, a whale from the sea whale family appeared.

"Who are you? How do you know the summoning method of our sea whale family?" The sea whale approached Wei Changcheng, only to realize that he didn't know this person, and immediately became vigilant. Wei Changcheng explained their identities and the ins and outs to the whale in front of him one by one, and explained the reason why he appeared here now.

"It is true that people from the Taylor tribe have come." The whale said, "They came by sea sharks. They landed about a month ago. We found them in advance and hid them. They boarded After Lu, the sea sharks returned to the half-orc continent to pick up more half-orcs."

Wei Changcheng translated Whale's words to Daniel, and Daniel said in a deep voice, "So where are they now?"

This question was exactly what Wei Changcheng wanted to ask.

"They went to the southwest, I don't know where they went." Whale said, "But I don't think they are familiar with this place at all, so they shouldn't go too far. After all, after arriving here, they still They stayed by the sea for a long time, and now it's only a few days since they left."

Wei Changcheng was very happy when he got the news, and told Daniel, and Daniel said directly: "Then let's go after them."

"Okay." Wei Changcheng replied, and after saying goodbye to the sea whale, the two returned to the fresh panda without eye circles. After finding out where the gang members were, and explaining the situation, a group of people immediately set off to chase those who had left from the Taylor tribe.

After the half-orcs of the Taylor tribe arrived in the Orc Continent, they didn't dare to act rashly at first, and stayed by the sea most of the time. After more than half a month, let alone dangerous, the half-orcs of the Taylor tribe were alone on this continent. I haven't seen it before, and slowly my mind became active. After several rounds of quarrels, they still decided to go to the depths of the Beastman Continent, and the Sea Sharks went back to pick up more Taylor tribes. Orcs come here.

However, because they didn't leave for too long, only a few days at most, and the half-orcs' physical strength is not good, even if they are the most powerful half-orcs on the half-orc continent, they still can't change their physical strength. The difference between the male orcs, so in fact the half-orcs didn't leave too far away. It only took two days for Wei Changcheng, Daniel and others to catch up with those half-orcs.

There are more half-orcs than Wei Changcheng imagined, there are more than a hundred people, and the males brought by Wei Changcheng, including him and Daniel, have a total of 102 people, although there are fewer than half-orcs, but Even so, the odds were on Wei Changcheng's side. After all, it would not be a problem for one orc male to defeat ten half-orcs. Because of this, Wei Changcheng chose to confront these orcs head-on.

"Stop!" Wei Changcheng led the people behind him to stop the group of half-orcs in front of him, half-closed his eyes, "Are you from the half-orc continent? Are you from the Subi tribe?"

The people on the other side became vigilant when Wei Changcheng and others appeared, and when Wei Changcheng asked them, their vigilance reached the highest point, and they did not answer Wei Changcheng's words: "Who are you? "

Wei Changcheng didn't answer them either. It's not in Wei Changcheng's character to waste time. If the other party can understand his own words and speak the language of the half-orc continent, that's enough to prove their identities. Wei Changcheng's business should not be delayed , directly issued the order to kill all the orcs in front of him.

In terms of protecting the homeland, the Beastman Continent has always done a good job, even though the person standing opposite him is a doll like himself, but he can't erase the fact that they are the enemy of himself and the entire Beastman Continent, so let's do it Not at all soft-hearted, he changed into a beast shape at the first time, and after a loud roar, he rushed towards the half-orc.

And seeing the person in front of them instantly change into a beast shape, the half-orcs were speechless in astonishment, and thus missed the best time, and the result of not reacting was that they were bitten to death by the orcs at the very beginning As many as half. After panicking, it doesn't help to join the fray again.

The war ended sooner than Wei Changcheng imagined. Even though he knew that the victory must belong to them, Wei Changcheng was a little astonished at the speed. Thinking of what Xiaoke said that if he could not complete the task, the Orc Continent would be defeated and enslaved by the Orc Continent. Chang Cheng couldn't help wondering, with the abilities of these half-orcs in the Orc Continent, he really couldn't see how they could rule the Orc Continent. Well, maybe it was because there were so many Orcs? Wei Changcheng shook his head, expressing that he didn't think about it any more.

[Ding! The fourth ring of the ultimate mission is completed, the mission success reward: open the fifth ring of the ultimate mission. ]

[Ding! The fifth ring of the ultimate mission. Requirements: Gather orcs from the Orc Continent, march to the Orc Continent, conquer the Orc Continent, and unify the Orc Continent and the Orc Continent. Mission Success Reward: The ultimate mission is over. Mission failure penalty: The Orc Continent is ruled by the Orc Continent. ]

[Ding! The Orc Planet was created by the Beast God. The purpose is to absorb the power of the Orcs on the planet, and when the time is right, devour the Orc Planet. ]

Wei Changcheng looked up at the sky, the sun was shining brightly, it seemed that every day was no different from the past, but Wei Changcheng knew that something was indeed different.


The author has something to say: This article is over, let’s sprinkle flowers~ The ending has been delayed for a long time, the ending is a bit rushed, but the ending that was considered before is indeed stopped here, but it is all the chapters of the third volume. Condensed into these few chapters, haha...

Unspoken before:

1. After the shared task is completed, you can make a request to the system. Wei Changcheng’s request is to go back to Earth with Daniel. I wanted to write a side story, but forget it.

2 After everything calms down, the system will release a task, which is to have **** for 5,000 times, and the system will give Wei Changcheng and Daniel a biological little male, hahaha...

Well, that's all for now~ Bye bye~ Welcome to my new article "The Emperor's Heart Is Only Favored"~

Read Kill the Sun
Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground