MTL - I Have a Secret-Chapter 19 According to you

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Huang Dan said the first time outside the window, he was nonsense, in order to transfer the attention of men, do not want to get wet and answer.

I didn't expect it to happen.

Some words can't be said indiscriminately.

Huang Shan put his mouth in the man's ear and whispered, "Brother, look at it."

Li Gen saw a bit of weirdness in the voice of the youth. He looked at his face.

There is indeed a dark outline shadow outside the window.

Li Gen put his hand on the lips of Huang Dan and made a sly mouth shape. He walked there lightly and suddenly pushed the window away.

"Cui Ling?"

Wu Cuiling was shocked. "Big brother, have you still slept?"

Li Gen said, "I will sleep."

He frowned. "What are you doing here?"

Wu Cuiling said, "I drink more water at night. When I came back from the huts, I heard the sound of winter. I thought you were quarreling, so come over and see."

Li Gen looked at her, wearing a floral pajama pajama pants, revealing a white arm and legs, the ordinary face is whiter, looks sultry and very weak under the night.

"No noise, he said a dream."

"Oh, I am still wondering, it turns out that winter is talking in my sleep."

Wu Cuiling asked, "Would you like to sleep in that big brother? Minger still has to get up early."

Li Gen said, "Good sleep."

Wu Cuiling did not say more, "I went to sleep, big brother, you will go to bed earlier."

Li Gen closed the window.

Huang Shou sat up on the mat. "Brother, Cui Ling sister will not find out?"

He deliberately went to Li Gen to sleep here tonight, and he also deliberately ran out to see which snake could be brought out, and Wu Cuiling came out.

Li Gen went to get the cigarette and the matchbox. "What did you find?"

Huang Shan said, "We have gotten together."

Li Gen slammed a cigarette and smiled. "A few tricks, have you let your brother do it?"

Huang Shan said, "No."

Li Gen squinted. "That won't."

He rubbed the match, didn't wipe it, and changed a rub. "If we want to do it first, if it is discovered, it will not be embarrassing."

Huang single lay back, "Minger wants to get up early."

Li Gen took a sip of cigarettes and screamed at the firewood. "Nothing, you let the brothers do it, brother can have a night, Minger..."

Huang Shan said, "I will die in a pool of blood."

Li Gen, "..."

He rubbed his neck. "Don't say so terrible, don't just sleep, brother is not going to ||捅||死||你."

Huang Shan said, "It is very important to clear the work, otherwise it will harm others."

Li Gen’s dark eyes smirked and laughed low. “Small, I know quite a lot.”

He put the cigarette in his hand and leaned over to kiss the yellow single. "My mom has a cream, if you don't like it, the kitchen has lard."

Huang single pumped his mouth. "I am going back."

Don't say ya cream and lard, nothing can save him, he will live and die.

Li Gen turned people back, "Go back, you are lying down!"

Huang Shanwen smelled the smoke of the Qixi brand. "Brother, isn't that less smoking?"

Li Gen spit out the smoke circle. "This is the first one today."

Huang Dan felt that he was pressed by a big slate. "Why are you licking my chest?"

Li Gen muttered, "I want to drink||milk."

Huang Shan said, "Then you think slowly, I slept."

Li Gen shoots his ass. "No sleep, your brother, I haven't slept yet."

Huang single buttocks hurt, turned over and turned to the man.

Li Gen quickly smashed the smoke and rubbed his shoulders. "Brother is wrong."

Huang Dan is not reasonable.

Li Gen kissed his ear and kissed his neck. "If you want to fight, you want to play a few times and play a few times."

Huang Shan said, "Hand pain."

Li Gen rolled his eyes. "Zhang winter, Shili Ba Village can't find someone who is more delicate than you."

He sighed, "Who makes brother like it."

Huang Shan said, "I don't think I have to sleep tonight, I want to go to the goose bumps on the mat."

Li Gen’s face is red and red, “It’s a conscience guy!”

He held the man in his arms. "Is the **** still hurting? Brother blows you, and blows doesn't hurt."

Huang Shan sighed, "Brother, please do something."

Li Gen touched his hair. "Awkward, you said."

Huang Shan said, "The night is deep, let Li Dagen of your family sleep."

Li Gen didn't have a skin without a face. "I can't help you, you have to marry you."

He said that he also arrested Li Dagen and put him in the hands of the youth.

Li Dagen was tall and fat, and his weight was not light. Huang single could not hold a hand. He used both hands to hug the other's waist and squatted for a while before he fell asleep.

The day is in the morning, the day just polished, the village people used to get dressed and get up.

Washing clothes at the edge of the pond, pouring vegetables in the vegetable fields, transplanting the fields, all of them are busy.

Chen Jinhua burned the corn paste. "The corn in this year is good, and it will be collected."

Huang Dan screamed, and said in the heart while eating corn paste, "Mr. System, He Wei is dead. I originally thought that the biggest suspect was Wang Yuemei, and Wu Cuiling was excluded. Now I am not sure, not only that, I Also suspected Chen Jinhua and Zhang Hero."

Hero Zhang said that on the day of Li Dagui's death, he saw He Wei and Wu Cuiling climbing the woods on the hill. Who knows if he is doing evidence for who is not present.

It’s not Huang Dan’s thoughts. The current situation is very foggy. He sees who is the murderer.

In addition to Li Gen.

Because the other person only wants to sleep.

System, "I feel that the more doubtful, the more calm, Mr. Huang may wish to investigate again."

"I know."

Huang Shan asked, "Mr. System, will the murderer be my body? Zhang winter?"

The system did not throw an official answer this time, saying directly, "No."

Huang Dan finally ruled out one more, "Thank you."

In the morning, Huang Dan tightened the mouth under the sleeves and went to the Li Genjia field to help.

Wu Cuiling was screaming at the target, and when she saw the winter, she said hello. I couldn’t see anything different. It seemed that I didn’t hear anything last night.

The sole of the foot of Huang Shan was trapped in the mud. He did not go to Li Gen, but separated by a distance.

Wu Cuiling took out the smashing targets in the two bamboo baskets and also went down the field.

The three men retreated, and the vertical green seedlings stood in the mud. When the hot wind blew, they swayed.

Huang single straight up for a while and then straight back, Wu Cuiling did not have a long perspective, should not see Li Gen in his chest behind the back of the strawberry print.

But he is still uncomfortable.

As long as Wu Cuiling turned his head, Huang Dan leaned over.

The atmosphere in the field is a bit strange.

The sun is rising, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, and it is shot on the back of everyone.

At rest, Li Gen saw Huang Mu’s face with a piece of mud and reached out and wanted to get rid of him.

Huang Dan hides behind, and the result is not paying attention. When he sits in the field, he gets mud on his pants.

He looked back, and there was a grasshopper hanging on his buttocks, squirming yellow-black body.

I feel sick through the pants.

Huang Shan twitched his pants and shook it, then patted it before he got the grasshopper into the field.

Li Gen couldn’t smile. "You said you, hiding."

Huang single pressed low voice, "Cui Ling sister is here, we still pay attention to it."

Li Gen raised his eyebrows and turned his head to Wu Cuiling, who was separated by a few rows. "You go back."

Wu Cuiling rubbed her sweat on her forehead. "This field is still early."

"Slow down slowly." Li Gen said, "Mom is at home, I don't trust."


Wu Cuiling went to the pond and washed her feet and put on her shoes and went back.

There are fewer people in the field, and the wind is not so hot.

Li Gen looked around and quickly kissed Huang Dan’s mouth and scraped him down.

"Do you want to go back and change your pants?"

Huang Shan shook his head and said, "Nothing, I will do it in a while."

Li Gen’s eyes smashed in the past, and he still squeezed his hands and touched the mud.

Huang Dan immediately opened his hand, "Don't let people see."

Li Genqi, sighed again, "Yes, brother is you."

Perceived a line of sight, Huang Shan stretched his neck and looked across the field. Zhang hero waved his hand and said hello.

Huang Dan also waved twice and gave a response.

In the next few days, Huang Dan was on the Li Genjia’s field to help, and the villagers were not surprised.

After all, Chen Jinhua often went to Wang Yuemei.

On the 18th day, Chen Jinhua called Huang Dan, and the two went to the mountains in the south. They saw a grave near a piece of land, surrounded by grass.

Anyone who is dead in the village must be buried in a good position, and cannot be robbed of other places.

The one living in this grave bag is the original advocate of his father, Zhang Mazi.

Because the face is full of pockmarks, so the family directly called him Zhang Mazi, remember.

Chen Jinhua bent over and wiped the roots and dropped it.

The orange-red flame slammed in a moment, screaming and plunging into the weeds, and the fire was fierce, and soon the entire face of the tomb was revealed.

Chen Jinhua and Huang Dan killed the fire and did not spread out.

She kneels in front of the grave, and takes out the yellow paper from the bag. "In winter, you go to the root branch."

Huang Dan went to the distance not far.

Chen Jinhua burned yellow paper one by one, and the fire reflected on her face covered with fine lines, rough and vicissitudes. "Pock, it has been seventeen years."